A/N: So before we start this second part, I just want to thank you guys. This story has gotten the absolute fastest positive response out of any of my stories! It hasn't even been up for half a day yet and it's already gotten 10 followers! That's insane!

I'm really glad you guys liked the first part so much. I'll try my best to create a fitting ending for the story.

Enough rambling from me, you guys came here for the story!

The Next Morning

Weiss was the first to wake up, slowly opening her eyes and shifting her arms.

Well, she would have moved her arms, if one hadn't been held down by something.

Weiss looked down at whatever was holding her arm down, expecting to find some large stuffed animal. Instead she saw the most peaceful looking Ruby Rose she'd ever seen.

Ruby had a small smile on her face as she snuggled into Weiss's arm. The sight caused Weiss's heart to melt.

The heiress was just about to wake her friend gently, when she remembered that she had slept completely naked.

Weiss's cheeks ignited with a dark crimson blush, heat rapidly pooling in her face. She tried to roll over and grab her shirt from the floor, but Ruby kept her arm firmly in place.

The small amount of motion caused Ruby to stir. Still asleep, the younger girl nestled herself into Weiss's still naked breasts, causing the older girl to freeze in shock and embarrassment. Ruby let out a sigh of contentment in her sleep.

Weiss was saved when she heard a phone going off somewhere in the room. Ruby started to stir once more, this time waking up from the disturbance. Weiss used the opportunity to slip her arm out from under Ruby and quickly threw on her shirt.

Ruby groaned as she opened her eyes, not yet wanting to get up. "Who's calling?" Ruby asked, her voice quiet and tired.

Weiss picked her phone off of the nightstand, looking at the caller ID.

"Seems your sister finally noticed we weren't there." Weiss quipped with a smirk. She pressed the 'Accept' button and brought the phone up to her ear.

Only for it to be shouted off.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU TWO?" Weiss pulled the phone away from her poor ear, still able to hear Yang screaming at her.

After a moment, Weiss put the phone back to her ear and spoke.

"Yang, I understand how worried you must be, but Ruby and I are fine. We found a hotel last night and I have everything under control." The heiress said to the blonde, confidence evident in her tone.

"If she comes back with even a single SCRATCH, you are DEAD! Do you understand me?!" Yang continued, anger seeping through her voice.

"I promise you she's fine, Yang. We'll get back to the hotel as soon as we find some breakfast." Weiss replied to the angry older sister.

Weiss hung up the phone and turned to Ruby, who was rubbing sleep out of her eyes and yawning.

"Good morning, Ruby," Weiss said gently, smiling at her best friend.

"Morning Weiss," Ruby responded. After one more stretch, Ruby threw the blanket off of herself, causing a wind to pass Weiss's nether regions. Weiss shivered at the sensation, suddenly realizing just how cold the room was.

"Everything ok?" Ruby asked, noticing the shiver.

"Y-yeah, it's just…" Weiss began.

"Just…?" Ruby egged her on, quirking an eyebrow.

"I'm still half-naked…" Weiss muttered with a blush, too softly for Ruby to understand.

"What?" Ruby asked, leaning in a little.

"I'm still naked!" the heiress said, a bit louder than she expected. The crimson color in her cheeks returned full force.

Ruby's cheeks started getting a bit pink in response.

After an awkward moment, Ruby turned around and walked away. "I'm just gonna use the bathroom while you get some clothes on…" She told her friend, who nodded while looking at the suddenly interesting wall.

As Ruby did her business, Weiss got out from under her blanket in search of her underwear. She knew she had bundled it with the spare blanket last night, but when she searched the comforter it was nowhere to be seen.

"Uhh, we have a bit of a problem…" Weiss informed Ruby.

"Yeah?" Ruby yelled back from the open bathroom door as she flushed..

"They're gone." Weiss responded.

"What's gone?"

"My… my underwear, Ruby," Weiss clarified.

"O-oh." Ruby responded. "Do- do you want me to come help look for it?" she offered.

"NO!" Weiss yelled, startling both Ruby and herself. "I-I mean, you really don't have to, and I'd rather you not see me like this…" She corrected.

"Ok. I'll just let you keep looking then," Ruby said back.

Weiss continued to look, lifting up the skirt of the bed to look under it, finding nothing. Weiss began to panic a little. How would she get to the train without any panties? Her jeans were far too uncomfortable without them, and she couldn't just wear nothing.

"Hey, Weiss?" Ruby called out.

"Yeah?" Weiss responded, a little shaky.

"I-I have a spare in my backpack, if you can't find yours…" the brunette offered.

Weiss immediately went crimson. The very thought of wearing Ruby's underwear was enough to shut down Weiss's logical thoughts. After spending a few moments to think, Weiss came to a decision.

"Wh-which pocket?" the heiress stuttered.

"The farthest back. It should be in a small red bag." Ruby directed.

Weiss opened the back pocket of Ruby's black and red floral print backpack and pulled out the small red bag Ruby had mentioned. Opening the bag, Weiss found the pair that Ruby had mentioned. She wasn't expecting for it to be so… lacy.

"R-Ruby…" Weiss started, "i-is this… lingerie?"

Ruby said nothing. She was too busy dying from lack of blood flow as her face started glowing a deep red.

"S-sorry, that was a bit too personal…" Weiss said, attempting to take back what she had just said.

Ruby closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Y-yeah, it's lingerie…" Ruby answered. "I wanted to wear it for… someone…" she continued.

Weiss felt her heart drop a bit. Ruby was interested in someone romantically, which meant that Weiss had once again let something she wanted slip between her fingers.

"Wh-who did you get this for?" Weiss dared to ask, feeling her heart pounding in her chest.

Ruby didn't answer for a minute. Then two.

"Ruby?" Weiss asked gently.

"I WANTED TO WEAR IT FOR YOU!" Ruby blurted loudly, slapping her mouth in shock and embarrassment.

Weiss's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Her entire face turned a glowing cherry red.

"You- I- you wanted- for- what?!" Weiss sputtered, unable to form a coherent thought.

"Just forget I said anything!" Ruby moaned, sliding down a wall to the floor with her hands over her face. She wished that she could disappear at that moment, but instead she had trapped herself in this situation.

Weiss's brain was going critical, with red flags and alarms going off everywhere. Her mind told her to go lie down in bed and bury herself under her covers, but her heart told her to sprint around the corner and glomp Ruby to oblivion.

The heiress did neither of those things, and instead said nothing as she pulled on the red lacy underwear.

'It's really soft…' Weiss thought to herself as she stood up to put on her pants.

Weiss walked around the corner to see Ruby, head buried between her knees. Weiss could hear sniffles coming from the little ball on the floor.

Weiss lowered herself down to Ruby, pulling the girl in for a firm, yet reassuring hug. Ruby wasted no time in latching onto her best friend, and the floodgates burst open.

Ruby wept into Weiss's shoulder, who simply sat there in disbelief.

Weiss's mind still hadn't entirely processed the fact that Ruby liked her romantically. And then, in that moment, with Ruby crying into her shoulder, it all clicked.

Ruby had done all of this on purpose.

Weiss started to chuckle, which developed into giggling, and then into full blown hysterics.

Ruby pulled back at the sudden change in emotion. Her first thought was that she had finally made Weiss snap, and that her best friend was about to kill her in that bathroom.

Weiss let go of Ruby and started rolling on the floor.

"W-Weiss?" Ruby asked carefully.

"Ruby, I love you!" Weiss yelled at Ruby, still laughing.

"Y-you do?" Ruby said, a bit more hope in her voice.

Weiss kept laughing for a minute, and then calmed down enough to talk.

"Ruby, you didn't have to go through all of this just to show me you liked me!" Weiss said back.

"Wh-what do you mean?" Ruby asked.

"This!" Weiss gestured to the hotel room.

"What?" Ruby asked again, extremely confused.

"You had us miss that train on purpose so you could get me alone! You wanted a bit of privacy from Yang and Blake to show me the underwear!" Weiss explained her conclusion.

It was Ruby's turn to giggle.

"What's so funny? That was it, wasn't it?" Weiss asked, just as confused as Ruby was.

"No, silly!" Ruby responded, hugging Weiss.

"Whaaaaaaaaaa?" Weiss droned softly, her brain melting in confusion.

"My plan was waaaaaay simpler! I was just going to tell you tomorrow! You weren't supposed to see that until a few MONTHS from now!" Ruby laughed, tightening her hold on Weiss.

After a few minutes, Weiss had managed to reign in control of herself.

"So, you mean to tell me that this wasn't all a big scheme to get me as your girlfriend?" Weiss asked for clarity.

"Nope! I was actually going to take you to a park tomorrow, while Yang and Blake found us some lunch. We had it all planned out and everything!" Ruby stated, smiling at her best friend.

"Huh." Weiss said. "Well, sorry for ruining your plans, I guess…" Weiss continued, looking down and frowning.

Ruby lifted Weiss's face by the chin.

"Who says we can't just go on a date instead?" Ruby asked, a blushing smile on her face.

Weiss's face went pink, a similar smile gracing her features.

"I-I'd like that." Weiss responded gently.

The two girls suddenly realized their situation, and both began blushing furiously. But neither backed away.

Instead, Ruby started to slowly lean in, eyes beginning to close. Weiss, seeing this, took initiative.

With a quick pull, Weiss connected their lips.

Fireworks went off in Weiss's head, and everything suddenly felt a bit fuzzy.

The kiss lasted for what seemed like an eternity to them. Neither wanted this moment to end. But just 15 seconds later, both needed to breathe.

They broke apart, panting lightly. Weiss's cheeks were a bright red now, and so were Ruby's. They both looked at each other and smiled.

"Wow…" Ruby broke the silence. Weiss simply nodded her head in agreement.

"We… should probably get up…" Weiss suggested after a moment.

"Yeah…" Ruby nodded, slowly standing up from the floor and offering a hand to her… friend? Lover? It didn't matter what Weiss was. All that mattered was that the last 10 minutes had actually happened.

After helping Weiss up, Ruby pulled her in for another hug, which was quickly returned. Weiss could smell that familiar wildflower-lavender scent vividly.

A few moments passed like that until Weiss spoke.

"Ruby?" Weiss said gently.

"Mhm?" Ruby responded, nuzzling into Weiss a little.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" Weiss asked happily, a big smile on her face.

Ruby simply nodded into Weiss's shoulder, squeezing her a bit.

"I'd love to." Ruby said.

"RUBY!" Yang yelled, seeing her sister walking off the train. The blonde rushed over to the younger girl, crushing her in a bear hug. Blake watched on with a smile.

"H-hey Y-yang…"Ruby choked out, turning a concerning shade of purple.

"Yang, cut it out! She needs to breathe!" Weiss ran over, tapping Yang on the shoulder.

Yang looked at her sister, still purple.

"Oh, sorry Rubes." Yang apologized. She then turned to Weiss and pulled the heiress into a hug.

"I'm really glad you two made it back ok." Yang said, an almost motherly tone in her voice.

"Thanks, Yang." Weiss responded with a smile, hugging the taller girl back.

After breaking, Weiss turned to Ruby.

"Are you ok?" she asked, concerned for her girlfriend's health.

Ruby gave a thumbs up as she leaned down, head between her knees.

After a normal color had returned to Ruby's face, she stood back up.

The walk back to the hotel was a bit quiet. Ruby and Weiss kept looking at each other and blushing, an occurrence that wasn't unnoticed by Yang.

"So, what happened?" Yang questioned, turning around to walk backwards.

"Wh-what do you mean?" Ruby stuttered, blushing.

"Well, you two spent a night alone in a hotel, right? What'd you guys do?" Yang asked.

"W-we… watched some movies!" Ruby said, nervous. It wasn't exactly a lie, but to her it felt like it.

"Is that all that happened?" Yang asked knowingly, a smirk on her face.

It didn't take long for Weiss to put 2 and 2 together.

"Wait." Weiss said, holding up her had.

"Yes?" Yang asked, a certain tone of smugness in her voice.

"It was your idea?!" Weiss screamed.

"Wha?" Ruby asked, confused once again.

"Not telling!" Yang said, turning around and running.

"YANG GET BACK HERE!" Weiss screamed, chasing after the now cackling blonde.

Ruby turned to Blake, who simply shrugged.

"I know about as much as you do." Blake said, returning to her book.

Ruby and Blake arrived at the hotel to see an out of breath Yang and an even more out of breath Weiss. Ruby jogged over to Weiss to help her into the hotel, and Yang gave Blake a knowing wink.

As Ruby and Weiss walked into the hotel, Blake turned to Yang.

"I take it Weiss believed you?" Blake asked.

"Every word! Hook, line, and sinker!" Yang said, offering a high five.

Blake smirked as she slapped the offered hand. Everything had gone according to plan.

A/N: Done! That was really fun to write! I hope you all enjoyed it, because I sure did!

Also, as usual, my head surprises even me. I was originally going to make Ruby really mischievous and cunning, planning the whole thing out, but then I had the though of Blake. Nobody really writes Blake as the real mastermind behind a matchup.

Anyway, just want to say thank you again for all the support this story has gotten already! This is by far the fastest any of my stories have gotten reviews and follows. I'll probably be doing some more quick stories like these, because they're quick and fun to write.

I hope to see you guys again!