I found myself walking into the bathroom and I'm… worried? What happened? Then I see the pastel blue wig on the dirty floor.

"Anya?!" I look into the mirror as panic hits seeing Tilly's face.

Popping awake I try to keep from panicking as I get my bearings, trying to remember what happened. Breathing through my mouth since I'm gagged, I look around the room dimly lit room to the best of my ability.

Clearly I'm in some damp bunker or basement from the chill in the air and cement walls. Seeing a large and slightly rusted iron door with a viewing slot that confirms it, yup bunker.

Then I turn my attention to me. I'm gagged with some fabric, tied tightly. My legs tied together with my shoes nowhere to be seen. Then my hands are tied to the chairs handles causing rope burns. There's a compliment in all this effort right?

Pondering that it all came back to me. The pale amber and red rimmed girl grabbing me. The struggle in the bathroom until I passed out from some knock out drug on that rag. And images from when I had brief bouts of consciousness; a silver car with tinted windows, an Asian woman on a cell as miss blond prims cuffed me, and bits of the calls. I couldn't make out much but they clearly know I'm a Dhampir.

'So am I a hostage? Or a feast for their boss?' With such pretty woman as underlings I was guessing guy.

Trying to keep from going catatonic from the thought of fangs biting me, I tried to keep on task. Clearly THEY weren't going to hurt me. Bound and gagged, I'm not dinner. But this could also mean someone could possibly hear me outside. Or they didn't want to listen to me talk. Personally I'm hoping for the later.

If the plan is a trap they need me alive. I'll most likely be ungagged so they can make me scream when the time is right. Well they'd be in for disappointment, because I'm not screaming. Then again if the plan is for me to be a treat for the boss…

I had to shake my head. There was time. Time to get away. It at least had to be daybreak outside if no one was keeping watch. Looked like they made sure I didn't have any clips on me. But if I can break the chair I'll have a fair shut. Sharp broken bits to hit them with and glass. Then maybe find something on the floor to pick the door lock with.

Though it was be easier to get this plan done if I didn't have to fight to stay in my body. Tilly was worried and frightened, those emotions are strong. And I'm still shaking off the beer and chloroform.

Losing the inner battle, I found myself in Tilly's mind again. She's in between the guys with the wig clenched in her shaking hands. Mama at the end of a lecture I'm sure is waiting for me when I'm found. Funny, I'm looking forward to it. Maybe to keep me from losing hope of being found.

"I'm sorry." Tilly starts with her eyes misting. "I… I should have g-gone with her. M-maybe then… then…" the tears start with an endless ache in her heart.

Andre pulls her into a hug stroking her hair comforting her. How I wished those arms were wrapped around me. But I'll take the second hand for now.

"No. It's not your fault." Mama calms down with a gentle and sad tone. "We knew you were plotting something and let you go." She looks at the nice carpet.

'Oh mama.' I had only ever seen that look on her face twice before, I had never wanted to see or be the reason for that look again.

"I contacted some allies. They will be here in a few hours to help us search." Papa comes back in, his hands almost trembling.

I had never seen him like that. I've never seen him like that. He's never faulted in his demeanor. Never been scared. At least not in front of me that I can remember.

Mama then turned to Tilly. She gently took her shoulders and did something that I don't think any of us were expecting.

"Anastia, if you're there. If you're listening hang on. Please hang on, we're coming for you." Mama stared into Tilly's eyes as if she can see mine.

Waking up again I feel tears drip down. I could feel her hands shake as she held Tilly's shoulders and saw the mist in her eyes. I've hurt her again. I've frightened them again.

'Stay on track. Stay focused.' I shook my head swallowing down the lump in my throat.

I tried a few different ways to topple over the chair. It took a lot of energy since my feet were bound and had to put so much wait on it. Huffing and sweaty I steal myself to try again.

Toppling backwards the chair split. My head hurt from hitting the chair and the hard floor but there was no time. I had to get free. I had to get out.

I slipped my hands out of the ropes and then untied my feet. Taking off the gag I take deep breaths finally able to take in the stale air.

"N-no ventilation then." I whisper shakingly standing.

My head spun as I looked for something to pick the lock. I wasn't sure how much time I had but I had to get away. I had to it out.

Finding a rusty nail I start working on it. Thumbing a few times I manage to get the door open. Not sure how long I walked for but soon I was blinded by the late afternoon sunlight. Unable to enjoy I started my trek through the woods.

"Th-this will have to do." I manage to find a small cave crawling in.

'J-just need to find a cell.' I lost consciousness too dizzy and tired.

As the sun sets I wake up to the chilling air. It was hard to stand, everything felt stiff. Man I had to of walked for a long while. Yet I'm not done. Those bimbos will be after me as soon as the sun is gone.

Fighting the fire in my legs I head off. It was difficult to move at all. But I kept moving until I stumbled on to the beach.

"You are a pain in the ass!" China doll shoves half my face into the sand. "Just come back now you bitch." She hisses standing us both up.

"Not happening!" I fight trying to get free.

Really it was futile. But I had to do something. Had to just stall for time. Anything to give me a chance to get out of this. My parents and others are looking for me. Just have to give them time.

Having fun with me she hits the side of my face forcing me into the sand. That was her mistake. Taking a handful I throw it in her face and as she screams I make a mad dash for the life guard cottage. It won't do much but it'll keep her out.

Sadly it doesn't take her long to grab and toss me into the water. Before I can gasp for air she shoves me back down with what I'm guessing is very little of her strength. Yet felt like all of it at the time. I struggle, flashes of that day coming to mind as I start to black out. Her water blurred, yet still clear, blood lost smile being the last thing I saw before blacking out.

Opening my eyes I'm in what I would call the forest of death. All around me is mist and trees that seem to have faces and one ire looking path. Rubbing my arms I walk the echoing footstep trail. The cold air growing the further down I travel, by the time I stop I can see my breath clearly.

'Now what?' I rub my arms as I come to a cross roads..

Looking at one of the paths I can see someone walking to me. If it hadn't already my heart stopped seeing who it is.

"M-mama?" I choke seeing the pale figure in front of me.

Her eyes are glossed and is nearly see through. But that orange hair and tender smile is the same as the last time I saw her. Before my mind could really proses this I was sprinting to her but then I hit a wall. It was like a water ripple giving the strength of thick ice.

"Mama help. Help me break this." I banged on it tears in my eyes.

She shook her head. That smile still on her face but sadness in it along with love. She pointed to the other path that was now a light.

I shook my head staring at her with tears in my eyes. I lived twice. Couldn't I join her now? My eyes pleaded but she just pointed.

"Anya!" hollers papa over a sound.

It took me a minute but then it clicked. That was my heart beat. My heart was still beating. Mama pointed again with that expression again. It was the same from the tape, her love for me showing along with the sadness of knowing we wouldn't be together.

I know I had things to do. But I just… I couldn't pull away from this field. From her. She seemed to see that and placed her hands against it so they were in line with mine. Mouthing something before motioning to the flickering path again.

Turning over I coughed up the water. Papa over me once more before I could speak he drapes his large coat over me motioning for me to lay still, him then placing my head on his lap. He strokes my wet hair leaning down to kiss my forehead from time to time.

After making sure it's safe to move me I was brought back to the hotel for a doctor to look over me. Mama looking ready to break as they treat my rope burns on my wrists and ankles.

"Now stay in bed for a couple of day. Though someone will be by tomorrow to debrief you." The female Dhampir instructs.

I just nod. Truth is mama isn't the only one ready to break. I felt horrible about what I almost chose and wasn't sure I wanted to tell.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I wept with my face in my hands.

"Hey. Hey, you couldn't have known they were there." Mama calls gently sitting on the edge of my bed smoothing out my hair.

"N-not that." I choked on the words. "I… I saw mama. My birthmother and I… I tried to…" I couldn't say, I didn't want to break her heart more.

But she just wrapped me up in a hug kissing the top of my head as she stroked my hair. Couldn't tell you how long it was but I passed out from exhaustion in her arms, something I hadn't done in years.

The next morning was a pain. I was stuck in bed and had to repeat the story of what happened over and over again. At least they looked a bit impressed at my escape. Or just wondering how I fought off a concoction black out for so long. Yeah, my parents aren't going to let me move an inch. I had a bet going that I'd have an escort to the rest room until the doctor declared my bed arrest is over.

I was also still waiting for the lecture about crowed places at night and underground in general being on safe. So what we did was mere stupidity. Yet it never came.

Sneaking out of my room I went looking for a snack late at night. Coming out I see mama playing with a cup of tea.

"Mama?" I looked over at her never seeing that far off look before.

"Hey there. What are you doing up?" She gave a smile but that look was still in her eyes.

"Mama, what were you thinking about?" I sat next to her with longing eyes.

Mama opened her mouth then closed it. She was hesitating to tell me something again.

"Abby, your mother is the one that led us to you." Mama looks over at me.

I didn't get. Dead is dead, isn't it?

"W-what do you mean? How could she do that?" My voice trembled at that, wanting and not wanting an answer.

"I told you there was a price for every life taken. I… I can see spirits and Abby lead us to you. She pointed the way letting us or me know where you were." She explained staring into her cold cup. "Then… then she went into you as Dimitri worked on you. When your heart almost stopped I thought…" her voice cracks as she covers her mouth with her hand trying to settle her emotions

"Mama…" I started, but bit my under lip unable to think of anything.

"I wouldn't have blamed you if you went with her. She is your mother after all." Mama had tears in her eyes pulling those words out.

"You are too." I hugged her. "You saved me, raised me, and shown me a better world then I ever would have before." Mama hugged me back lightly.

Really we have our off days with each other but in the end she's my mother. I don't regret choosing life. I don't regret to continue this journey. But I also don't regret being by the wall. I got to really say goodbye to mama Abby. And hear or see her call me her 'little star' one last time.