( Citrus shorts lol)

Mei finds yuzu's letter

What would happened if the roles were reversed? Instead of mei writing the letter, what if it was yuzu? Let's find out

Mei finds yuzu's letter on their bed and she opens it and starts reading it

Yuzu's voice

"Mei, things between us haven't been the same. I have decided to return to my hometown and go back to my old last name.

I cant live with the last name aihara. It's too strict and full of twisted emotions, I am sorry I didn't stay around to witness your arranged marriage.

I hope you find happiness wherever you are. Be who you are. My intentions weren't to change you. I love you for who you are not what you have.

In the two years we have known each other, I don't know if I was coming or going with you. You can have the whole room to yourself.

I will be fine on my own and away from the academy. I have decided for myself and my sanity it's best I leave and not return to that house.

I just can't face the fact that you will be taken away from me and you will be married to another person. We have to do what we have to do.

It makes sense right? You have to inherit the academy and marry anyone who gramps sets you up with.

I am sorry for being the idiot big sister you didn't want. I am sorry for being the inconsiderate lover you didn't ask for.

You may or may not read this letter, I just hope for the best for you. I hope your marriage is a happy and healthy one.

I love you mei. This is where I part ways from you. Nobody knows I left, it's time I decided things for myself.

I am sorry for everything. I used think it would be better if I just hated you but the love grew more then the hate.

It was my time to leave. I won't chase after you anymore.


Yuzu okogi

Mei was completely in shock and quiet from reading yuzu's letter

She had tears in her eyes and was holding the ring that yuzu gave to her