The sun was shining, the birds were out, tweeting sweet songs in the air, and I had a headache. The frown on my face couldn't do justice to the pounding in my head, and the dry feeling in my throat. Misery must really need company if it decided to ruin the last day of the summer semester.

Two weeks without school until the fall semester begins and it just had to start like this.

"Friend Raven!" Kori's voice called from our shared living room, making me retreat further into my blanket. I'm not ready for the day to begin, not ready to steel myself against Koriand'r's strong emotions lest i be swept up into the tide. "The most glorious news has arrived!" Kori's voice called once again and I groaned before pushing past the gut wrenching feeling that this 'glorious news' was not something I wanted to hear.

I made my way to the living room wrapped in my blanket, reminiscent of my first few days on Earth. Back when i was always wrapped in a cloak, also very apprehensive of Kori and her so called 'glorious news'.

"What could be so great you have to wake up the entire apartment building?" I grumbled once I fell onto our worn couch, my tired eyes barely registering the time on our digital clock (7:35 AM) or Kori's perfect outfit with complimenting makeup.

Pink and purple glitter with fierce eyeliner to match.

Too much for so early after an almost all-nighter studying for my last exam which begins in two hours.

"We have been invited to the block party to end all block parties!"

"Over at that frat house down the road?" I raised an eyebrow, momentarily wondering how that could have happened until my eyes really registered what Kori was wearing; low rise bell bottom jeans made out of some purple fabric with black zebra stripes and a crop top the color of bubble gum to really make her tan skin stand out, and so much glitter on her eyes i could almost see my reflection.

Waves and waves of joy and excitement rolled my way as Kori momentarially forgot herself and sprang into the air, hovering above the ground as she exclaimed her excitement as if I couldn't already feel it.

"Yes! It is at ten this evening and the invitation states i may bring one guest! Oh joyous of friends, would you do me the honors of accompanying me to the festivities?" I frowned at her unseeing eyes as she spun in the air, too excited to really bother focusing on anything.

"I don't know, Kori," I grumbled, pushing myself further back into the couch. Kori thrived at parties, alcohol barely bothered her fast metabolism, while I get stuck feeling everyone's emotions. Large clusters of drunken, horny, college kids trying to get each other naked makes it hard to enjoy spending time with her. Plus it requires hours to get ready for, in Kori's opinion.

I'm just not sure if i have that kind of patience right now.

"Oh, please friend Raven! It has been so long since we have done the partying together!"

"Will you be able to behave yourself," I sent Kori the side eye as I rose from my position on the couch and dropped my blanket, revealing my baggy sweats and oversized grey T-shirt, to make myself a cup of tea in the kitchen. Since I've already been woken up i might as well start my daily routine.

"Why whatever do you mean," Kori sent me a sly look with a wink and I almost gagged.

"Just whatever you do, don't bring them home. I hate having to kick out the strays once you're done with them."

"I shall do my best," Kori cheered before flying off to her room, mindful of her strength so she didn't simply plow through the door… again.

Once my paper was turned in and I shouldered my messenger bag my final task of the short semester was over. Kori, with her infinite good looks and short skirts had charmed her teachers into giving her tests to her the previous week so she could enjoy three weeks of freedom instead of two.

I shook my head at the thought and moved forward.

Kori was smart, like genius level smart, and didn't even need her good looks to get her anywhere in life, whereas i, with my infinite people charming skills *snort* and ability to have an almost break down everytime test week rolled around (mostly due to other people's anxieties, not just my own) would probably continue to suffer until I could get my degree in ancient languages and literature to do something I could really enjoy.

There's just something about being surrounded by old books that makes me feel at home.

I would really rather not psycho-analize it right now as I still have to mentally prepare myself for 'the girl time', before the party tonight.

I sighed, blowing a lock of violet hair out of my face.

Amethyst eyes scanned the quad outside my classroom before deciding that spending some time at the local college cafe and working on my dissertaition for my major wasn't such a bad idea.

Writing about how different region's pronunciation of the same word in recent times could correlet with pronunciation of ancient words, and how that could affect the linguistic studies of ancient languages was always a good thing to focus on when I needed to ground myself.

Or bludgeon myself. It all depends on the day.

Unfortunately between college and part time shifts at the local club as a cocktail waitress, as well as daylighting as a barista at the coffee shop just off campus, time for meditation is difficult to come by. I have, however, learned how to use writing papers, and studying, as a sort of substitute for meditation. I still manage to meditate once a day, but not for nearly as long as I could before Kori and I decided we didn't want to just fight crime. We wanted to pursue an education.

While neither of us are natural citizens from Earth, we were able to fake our way through getting enrolled in school through a combination of mind control magic and Kori's good looks.

There may not be a spell for everything, but what I can't manage, Kori usually can.

I smiled at the thought as I entered the small cafe and chose my favorite seat in the back corner.

Since that fateful day Kori and I stumbled upon each other in New York we've been almost inseparable.

There was a time when the Justice league had decided I was a danger to the world and attempted to imprison me, but like always Kori came to the rescue. As long as Kori remains by my side I am able to walk free, but should anything happen to her…

I frowned at the thought before pulling out my laptop, forcing myself to focus on something not so depressing.

I began reading the last line of my paper before my frown intensified. How could I continue on from here?

"How's it hanging hot stuff?" Jinx, slid into the seat across from me, her shit eating grin spread wide across her face.

"From the look on your face you have more going on than I do," I sighed before closing my laptop, deciding that maybe writing wasn't in the cards for me today.

"He called me," Jinx's face was all smiles and for a moment I was surprised at what I saw. She was fidgeting, twisting the justice league issued holo-ring around her finger. It was a nervous habit when she couldn't sit still but had to.

"And," i pressed, voice as excited as I could make it. Her excitement bubbled out of her, almost knocking me over.

"He's coming tonight. Flash and Batman are finally letting their little proteges out of the nest! A bunch of new superheroes are being sent here to help out with our villain issue!"

Jinx did her best to whisper, her long braided hair falling over her tan shoulder as the indian girl leaned forward, a different look on her face. I frowned at her, knowing where she was going to turn the conversation before she even opened her mouth.

"Maybe we'll get lucky and one of those studly heroes will catch your eye."

"Doubtful," i huffed before leaning back in my seat.

"You forgot your ring again, by the way," Jinx smiled sweetly at me before rising to her feet and making her way over to the barista, who had been looking at us with mild amusement. I sighed before placing my forehead firmly against my laptop.

With the lack of large crowds at Jump University during the summer it was easy to forget the small silver piece of futuristic technology on my bedside table.

Not that any of the zombie like students had even noticed me the last couple of days.

Hopefully no one who did notice had seen where I lived or Kori and I were going to have to move again.

"So, you're coming tonight, yeah?" Jinx said as she returned with two large teas and a napkin with a phone number scribbled on it.

"As long as we don't get any calls tonight," I sighed as I graciously took my cup, openly frowning at the napkin.

"Oh come on, you can't live with Star you're whole life," Jinx gave me a small smile. I kept my mouth shut, deciding the bushes outside where much more interesting than the conversation.

"Kori will get rid of me when she's ready," i said dryly, not liking the feeling of loneliness when I think about no longer have Kori as a somewhat buffer between myself and dealing with the real world.

Really of just being completely alone.

"We both know Kori would keep you for the rest of her life, constantly kicking potential boyfriends to the side simply so that you don't have to deal with the messy emotions of them falling in love all up in your radar."

"Do we really need to talk about this right now?" I swirled my tea around before taking another sip.

"Look, just try tonight, okay?"

"Kay," I grumbled.

Suddenly i was dreading the party for a whole new list of reasons.

Jinx invited herself to my place.

She was only slightly surprised when we walked into a disaster of clothes strewn across the living room and small dining table in various shades of purple and pink, with some hints of greens and blues for a well-rounded wardrobe.

"She takes this party stuff seriously," Jinx grinned before wading through the mess to find Kori standing in front of the mirror comparing two baby-tees.

"I say wear the purple dress," Jinx grinned from Kori's doorway as I slid into the room quietly, making my way to the overplush bed, crossing my legs as I took a seat to watch the alien girl think over her options. Her holoring was placed on her vanity, allowing her beautifully tanned skin and fiery red hair be displayed in full magnificence.

My stomach churned at the thought of Kori finding someone who would really appreciate all of her exotic beauty and being pushed from her life, but then shook my head. Kori wouldn't push me away.

Maybe I really should give her some space to finally find love without being hindered by her thoughtfulness and special regard to my feelings. While Kori can't tone down her impressive ability to simply exude emotion, she has done a stellar job of keeping herself from falling in and out of love, simply so she wouldn't have to drag me through the rollercoaster with her.

"Wouldn't this be easier to do with the holoring on?" I questioned, trying to be helpful. "Maybe you can't decide because none of these clothes match your natural skin."

Kori stared at me for a long moment before nodding her head and slipping the ring onto her finger.

All at once her colors were muted, vibrant glowing tan became slightly bronzed skin, fiery red hair became a subdued copper, and glowing green eyes, from iris to sclera, was suddenly a pale jade green set in white sclera.

Jinx passed Kori the purple dress, very similar to the slave clothes Kori escaped to Earth in, and stepped back as Kori admired herself in the mirror.

"This is acceptable," Kori proclaimed, a triumphant smile on her face. The dress came to barely mid thigh and hugged her slight curves tightly.

"What's Raven gonna wear?" Jinx leaned against one of Kori's bed posts, wicked eyes trained on me. I frowned at her, suddenly defensive. "I mean, Kori is basically wearing the same thing she wore on the first day I met you guys."

"I'm not going to the party in a leotard and cloak. I think that would throw a little suspicion my way, don't you think. At least Kori's outfit is party friendly, that would scream 'freak'," i petulantly crossed my arms, suddenly missing my old cloak. It was so much easier to hide my emotions back then, back when I believed that having them in the first place was dangerous.

"This is very true," Kori agreed, turning to Jinx. The Indian witch simply shrugged her shoulders and placed her hands behind her head.

"We'll you're dressed like royalty from your planet, yeah?"

"I can," Kori thought for a moment, before donning a shear wrapping skirt she procured from the drawer in her bedside table, where she kept mementoes. Next her wrists were piled high with thick, silver bracelets reminiscent of her bracers.

"What do royalty on Azarath wear?" Jinx turned to me, looking thoughtful.

"I'm not from Azarath. My mother was human." I reminded her, she shrugged it off and looked expectant.

"You're the daughter of a high demon, you can't dress like regular Earth royalty, it would ruin the theme."

"What theme?"

"Our theme!" Jinx said it like it was expected that we would simply fall in line with her idea, which we kind of did.

I pulled on one of my black mini dresses for work and allowed Kori to pull my hair up into intricate braids, doing my best to describe them to her from old memories. Once my Holo ring was slipped on and Kori painstakingly applied makeup and a few tweaks to my outfit i looked more like a gothic princess than an Azarathian, but I blame the faux black hair color and pallid skin the holoring projected.

Not that my grey skin was much better.

Azar was the closest thing to royalty Azarath had, and she was golden perfection draped in dark silks during important rituals.

As I zoned out Jinx and Kori talked animatedly about the traditional robes Jinx had managed to get her hands on back when she was still a member of the H.I.V.E.

So much has changed since I first arrived here on earth, and something in my gut was telling me it was all about to change again.