Chapter 11 - Flora's POV

Musa, Stella and I continued to keep our distance while the boys were at the beach. We called the others and told them where they were, we decided that they would go home and we would just keep an eye out for anything suspicious which has been going great.

"What do you think they're talking about?" I asked as I watched the guys lounging around on the beach, Musa laughed.

"If you really want to know I'll tell you," Musa commented, I looked to her and realised that she probably could hear everything that they were saying which is really an invasion of privacy, so I shook my head.

"No-" I responded bluntly as I looked back at the guys, they deserve to have some privacy especially after how we bombarded them with the truth. We didn't intend on telling them like this, but then again how were we going to tell them?

"Do you think they'll even want to go back to Magix?" I asked, thinking about it now they do have the choice of staying here but it's not very smart due to the hits they have on their back, "I mean, would you girls want to go to some place that you don't even know actually exists if six random people showed up to take you?"

"Of course! I was always meant to be royalty," Stella replied, both Musa and I shook our heads.

"No Stel think about it," I said, getting somewhat heart to heart with her so that she would understand their situation, "imagine you had no idea about Solaria, you never knew you were a fairy and lived an entirely normal life where you thought of those things as just fairytale ideas. How could you be pulled out of reality and into that in a matter of seconds?"

Stella's face immediately went blank, she's finally understanding what it's like for these guys.

"I may not like them that much, but that sounds awful," she said looking over towards the guys, "I couldn't imagine not being able to see my family or not live in Solaria."

"Exactly, so let's just give them the time they need and be there for them," I responded as the three of us continued to sit around waiting for the boys to leave the beach.

I couldn't help but think about what these boys were going through and just as I was really starting to think about that, there was a burst of energy but it wasn't from the Trix, it couldn't have been. That's when a small portal opened above the water, instantly the three of us ran towards the guys just in case this was another type of attack. They looked at us confused and we were honestly just as confused, that's when through the portal came a Red Fountain Aircraft. Stella, Musa and I all looked at each other. I had a feeling I knew who was on that aircraft and honestly it just made me pissed. The aircraft landed on the large patch of sand besides us, the guys walked up next to us.

"What the hell is that?" Riven asked in astonishment.

"It's an aircraft from Red Fountain, the school for wizards and bravery, but I don't understand why they would be here," Musa replied to him, I looked at the girls.

"I have an idea, but you're not going to like it," I told them, they thought about what I said for a moment and then they got pissed. That's when the doors from the aircraft opened.

"Who do you think it is?" asked Helia, I looked to the guys but before I could answer, Stella butted in.

"The most despicable group of guys we know, honestly I don't know how they are seen as heroes," Stella crossed her arms, I shook my head.

"Or royalty," Musa added.

"Need I remind you two that people say the same about us?" I responded, they both rolled their eyes, "so just try and be nice."

"Whatever," Stella snared and crossed her arms, Musa did the same but I tried to see the best in the situation considering those guys who were about to come off that ship were in fact our exes. I know that the girls hate them, I'm not so fond of them myself, but we are princesses and princes in the magical dimension if word got out that we completely hated each other I don't know what would happen! Just then the ship opened and a group of six guys walked out, we were right it was exactly who we thought it was.

"Well, well, well. I thought it would be a dark day in Solaria before I'd see any of you fools again," Stella rolled her eyes as they approached us, I knew I was going to have to use everything in my power to stop these girls from going crazy on these guys. The aircraft left as Stella began an argument with the group.

"It's nice to see you again too, Stella," Bryan, Stella's ex-boyfriend, remarked as he stood side by side with the other boys. It honestly disgusted me seeing them because of how things ended, and by ended I meant they cheated.

"Wish I could say the same thing but, we all know why I can't," Musa remarked, of course the guys rolled their eyes at her comment. But you know what they needed to hear that.

"Hold on, how do you know these guys?" asked Brandon

"Oh, these are just a lovely bunch of cheaters is what they are," Stella remarked, and somehow I don't think this conversation was going anywhere positive.

"Alright Stella- with all do respect, what are you doing here?" I asked stopping Stella from saying something she might regret even though we were probably way past that.

"We were sent to aid you in your mission-"

"I'm going to be the first to say we don't need help and sure as hell don't need it from you," Musa chuckled, "so get back on your little ship and go look for some dragons that need taming."

"Dragons?" Timmy whispered to the guys, I watched as they all just shrugged their shoulders then my attention turned back to the other guys.

"Who sent you?" I asked, with some attitude I might add because I couldn't see why someone would think we needed help!

"Faragonda," they all said in unison, I immediately looked at the girls and they were just as confused as I was.

"Why would she do that?" Musa asked, she sounded defeated? The two looked to me for answers, being the sane one in the group.

"Specifically- what were your orders?" I inquired.

"To live on Earth and aid you in your mission in any way possible," Harry responded, just hearing his voice invokes this rage inside me. He cheated on me. Cheated. Never have I felt so much negative feelings towards someone, not even the villains we've fought over the years make me as mad as these guys do.

"Then that is what you do," I ordered, "unless we say otherwise, we will not need your assistance but will keep you updated."

"But that's-"

"That is exactly what you're going to do," Stella and Musa stepped forward with their arms crossed. They knew they weren't going to win this argument, that's the only reason they backed off. Without saying another word, they got back onto their ship to leave. We all watched as the ship rose into the air, then disappeared. Honestly seeing them again made me sick to my stomach, I just wanted to get out of here.

"I'll meet you girls back at the apartment, Winx Sirenix" I replied, without even thinking twice I transformed and the guys watched in awe, they still weren't exactly used to this yet. But immediately I flew into the air, not really sure of where I was going to go. Part of me wanted to abandon the mission and go back to Linphea, but I don't want to let the girls down, so I'll just have to settle for somewhere here on Earth.


"Can someone explain to us what the hell just happened?" Sky asked, the guys all shook their heads in agreement, they wanted to know what just happened.

"And where did Flora go?" Helia added, luckily this time in the heat of the moment he didn't get stares from the guys or the girls.

Musa sighed, "those were our terrible exes, if you think yours are bad well you are so wrong," she explained, "a few months before we got sent here, we were continuously being sent on mission after mission. We haven't seen our families in almost a year, we haven't seen our people in almost a year."

"We also hadn't seen them for many months, and well- long story short they started to 'see' people while we were all still dating," Stella rolled her eyes, "Flora took it harder than all of us because she was engaged, I mean we were pretty much all promised by our parents, but they were the only ones actually engaged."

"That actually sucks," Riven responded, somewhat sympathetic for the girls, which was unusual. Then again, it seemed as if all the guys felt bad for the girls, as if they all had somewhat of a soft spot for them.

"No what sucks is even after all of this, we're still going to have to marry them- unless our parents change their minds, but that won't happen unless they find better suitors, which isn't really in the cards considering they're all princes," Musa sighed, Stella rubbed her shoulder and smiled because they knew they were going to get through this, they're the winx!

"Let's just hope the others take this news- better?" Stella added as they all headed back towards the apartments.

Back at the Apartments - Musa's POV

The five of us were sitting outside in the center of the apartments around the tree, Flora was still taking some time for herself to get this through her head but we knew we had to tell the others about our ordeal.

"What!" Bloom, Layla and Tecna all shouted in unison after Stella and I told the girls about who showed up while we were out.

"First we have to protect these guys who don't even want to go back to Magix and now we have to deal with 'them' being here! It's absurd!" Tecna crossed her arms and sighed, but she was right, these guys are going to make this mission so much harder than we anticipated.

"Why does the Headmistress think that we need help? She's the one who chose us, why all of a sudden is she changing her decision?" wondered Bloom, the girls and I stood around, lost in our thoughts. The guys were now back in their apartment, we haven't talked to them since we got back. The girls and I need to work out this whole situation before we even remotely talk to them about going back to Magix, which is just another issue.

"How did Flora take the news?" Layla asked worriedly, Stella and I both shook our heads.

"She didn't say much, she transformed and that was the last we saw of her," I responded with a shoulder shrug, Bloom shook her head.

"Poor Flora, she's always there for all of us when we need support and we aren't even there for her," Bloom replied, there was an awkward silence between us.

"I wonder what they're doing," I gestured to the guys' apartment breaking the quiet, I knew they were still in there because I could hear faint voices. The perks of being the fairy of music, you have excellent hearing and can pretty much spy on anyone, but right now that's not what I wanted to do. I just wanted to make sure that they were in there and that they were alright. That is our mission after all.

"Probably making a list of reasons why they shouldn't listen to us and why it's crazy to believe that a bunch of fairies came here to bring you back to a magical dimension because you're a prince," Stella commented sarcastically, "but then again, I could be wrong."

"Come on Stella," there was a voice behind us and we all immediately turned around to see Flora, she had a very faint smile on her face. We all jumped onto our feet and gave her a big hug, "we all need to be positive."

"Positive?" Stella chuckled, "we just found out all of our exes have been sent to 'aid' us in our mission, can't we just sulk in our anger for a moment?"

"No- Flora's right," Bloom replied, she wrapped her arm around Stella's shoulder with a smile on her face.

"I know that smile- what brilliant plan do you have up your sleeve?" I asked, the girls realized the same thing. Bloom is quite the plan maker, more often than not her plans are full proof, not 100% of the time but she has a good track record.

"Well from what you girls told us I have a feeling that those guys are going to be around a lot more than we'd like. At school, the Frutti Music Bar, everywhere and I mean everywhere," Bloom began to explain, "they're going to be another issue if we don't get rid of them quickly. I say we give Headmistress Faragonda the impression that we don't need them!"

"In reality we don't need them," Tecna interfered, she started doing some calculations on her watch, "before we had a 86.2% chance of completing this mission, now that they're here it's down to a 52% chance!"

"Lucky for us they're not enrolled in school so we don't have to worry about them there," I informed the girls, "they're only going to be around outside of school and that's if we happen to run into them."

"Which is very likely," Tecna added.

"Let's just make them not want to be here!" Stella grunted, quite annoyed.

"And how do you propose that we do that?" inquired Layla, while Stella sounds like she has the right idea, I just don't see how we can make them not want to be here.

"I don't know!" Stella threw herself onto the couch and rested her chin in the palms of her hands.

"Look- just ignore them. Tecna, talk to the Headmistress and try to convince her to take back her decision. Flora and Layla, start working on a spell to wipe the memories of the students and what they saw earlier. As for Musa, Stella and I we can start working on a plan for the boys. This isn't the end of our mission, it's just merely a roadblock," Bloom took charge in getting the girls and I back on track, which is what we really needed.

"Bloom's right, let's not get side tracked, the boys are our focus," I added, my eyes wandered the room and watched as all the girls shook their heads in agreement.

"I'm glad we're all in agreement," Bloom smiled, "now it's been a long day we all need some rest after the battle we had.

A/N: HI GUYSS! Long freaking time, no see! A short chapter but it's something!