Despite having the vast, alien world as her playground, there was no where Hat Kid liked better than her spaceship. It was tailor made by her after all, why wouldn't she enjoy it? And her absolute favorite part of her ship was her bed.

She was currently all tucked into bed. She knew she had to get up soon, but her bed was so comfy. Just a few more minutes.

Something poked her.

Hat Kid huffed, shifting slightly. One of her toys must have gotten into her bed. Settling back in, she wistfully sighed.

Something poked her again, this time it was followed by a whisper. "Hey, Kid. Wake up. You have a guest."

She shot up, sitting upright in her bed. How, when and why did Snatcher come here?! Snatcher leered, grinning devilishly at her. "Nice place, Kid. It certainly fits you."

"WHY ARE YOU ON MY SHIP?!" she shrieked, stumbling out of bed. "HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN HERE?"

"Relax kid!" Snatcher assured, flopping onto the massive pile of pillows. "You always come and bother me, I thought I'd reverse the roles! Are you saying you don't want to spend time with your BFF? I'm heartbroken!" he said, slightly mocking in tone.

Hat Kid quickly donned her signature top hat and marched over to him. "You better be on your best behavior! I'll turn you blue!"

He scoffed, tossing several pillows around. "Do you always talk to your guests like that? C'mon kid! Let's have some fun!"

She was knocked to her feet as several pillows hit her. "Hey!" she said, rather indignantly. The ghost cackled as he vanished into the floor. He could be anywhere!

She sprinted into the main area. Who knows where he could be, and what he could be doing. Hat Kid could hear the rattling of pots and pans, the kitchen!

She burst through the doors. "Snatcher?!" she called out.

He was looking through her cupboards and fridge. "Kid, how the HECK do you live here? There's dishes everywhere, there's spilled jars in the cupboard," he pulls out a plate. "Kid, does this have eyes in it?"

"Hey! That's a delicacy where I'm from!" she squeaked, her face growing red. "If I wanted to get lectured on my food I'd call Cooking Cat!"

"Kid you're starting to look like a tomato! Wait, do you even know what a tomato is?" he asked as she took the plate from him, putting it away.

"Why are you even in my kitchen!?"

He smiled, snatching her hat from her head, and placing it on his own. "Because I like teasing you."

Hat Kid huffed. "Give it back!" she grabbed his tail, trying to pull him closer. This backfired, as she just ended up getting dragged by the mischievous spirit as he left the kitchen.

"Rumbi! Help me!" she called out to her trusty vacuum. Rumbi beeped and zipped over, furiously vacuuming underneath Snatcher.

He frowned, picking up Rumbi and placing him upside down. "Some helper you got there, kid."

"Hey! Only I can do that to Rumbi!" she ran over, flipping her little robot right side up. "Snatcher! Stop it!"

"Make me!" he taunted, vanishing into the floor again. He left her hat, which she grabbed and shoved on her head.

"I'm gonna make you so blue, you'll look can't think of anything catchy right now!" she shouted, hoping he heard. She stomped to a drawer, opening it to see cans of paint. Opening another, she grabbed a bag of water balloons.

In the kitchen, she tediously filled each balloon with a generous helping of paint. Her fingers coated in blue, and holding 3 balloons in each hand, (with one in her hat), Hat Kid had some ghost hunting to do.

Hat Kid followed the maniacal laughing throughout the rooms. He was making messes in every room he went in. Whenever she saw him, or thought she saw him, she would throw a paint balloon at him. She missed every time.

After running around her ship for hours, and using all of the balloons in her hands, she had to stop and rest. In the main room, she leaned against a wall, huffing and puffing.

"Hey Kid? Giving up so easily?" Snatcher taunted from outside her vision.

And that's when it clicked.

This is what he wanted!

He wanted her to run around, and get mad at him. He was toying with her, like a cat with a mouse.

Well she was putting an end to that.

She walked over to her TV, turned on her console, sat down, and began to play video games. She hoped her hypothesis was correct.

And it was.

A few moments after she started playing, she could hear Snatcher get closer. "Kid? Did you give up?"

Snatcher saw her play video games, and floated closer. "Hey! C'mon I'm right here!" he growled, waving a hand in front of her face. "Hello!?"

Floating upside down, he hovered in front of her. "Hey! Kid! I'm right here!"

Hat Kid only responded by pausing her game, and turning away from him.

He made an offended noise. "Are you, giving me the silent treatment?!" he snarled, trying to float back in front of her. But she kept turning away. "Don't ignore me! Kid!"

Snatcher tried a variety of stunts to get her attention. Including flipping Rumbi upside down again, picking her up by her cape, and taking the pillows from her room and dumping them on her. She continued to ignore him.

He loudly sighed, laying on the pillows next to her. "You're boring now."

Seeing a moment of weakness, she pulled the paint balloon out of her hat, and hit him in the face. He hissed, trying to get the paint off his eyes. "You brat!"

She pulled out her umbrella and started to hit him with it. "This is for flipping Rumbi! And dumping pillows on me! And drawing mustaches on my drawings!"

"Kid! Kid stop it!" he picked her up. Wiping some of the blue off his face, he glared at her. "Fine. Truce?"

She nodded. "Truce. You wanna watch a movie?"

He thought for a moment. "I suppose."