Fate treads x hearts chapter 13 endings and new beginnings

this chapter will formally end the story and get started on the next story [ Shirou muyo hearts] this will also set up for others side chapters as well

I will finish the battle that start as well as end Ragyo using content from episodes 23-24

Ryuko pov

I then watched as my fiancé stood before his much darker skinned double, Mako then asked Shirou "If this man is an alternate version of you why is his skin so dark?" he replied "if I had to guess this man overused his already make shift magic circuits to crazy level and that burned his skin like the sun. In laymen's terms he stuck himself in the magical form of a tanning bed. I might have become like him if I didn't have good teachers." The dark-skinned man then replied "I can't don't know my own past, but I can clearly tell the man before has a similar form, but he seems like a version that went down a different path. But even if I stand in the path of my goal, I will destroy him."

Ritsuko pov

I then watched as the two clashed blades until our daughter asked, "Since your outfit looks like Billy the kid, can you change into other servant forms?" Then a floating chibi floated to me over to her and said "Shirou had access to one servant of each class but shielder, alter ego, moon cancer and foreigner." I didn't really know about alter ego, moon cancer or foreigner but I did know the others and within the singularities followed the strengths and weaknesses of the Chaldea system. I then asked the purple haired chibi what each servant was and then I called out my own servants to help him. First, I used merlin shield him from a hit. The I said, "change to berserker, to increase your strength, then switch to ruler to increase your perception, and finally use your lancer to hit him."

My father then did as I said and struck his darker side with a power a thousand spears from the ground. The strike of spears hurt the servant, but he still stood and said "I don't have time to play with you hear and now. So, I will just wait and get my target when the time is right." The archer servant then left with the path to the power open waiting for us to enter. After the once the fight was done, the chibi changed into a young girl and then my father returned to normal cloths.

I then had to ask "So, do you know anything about a magic circuit on my forehead and an ex rank one at that?" he replied "I never knew about it. But I also never checked own forehead." The young girl then said "hello my name is Al Azif and I am your father's partner. That is in timelines we meet up. I will do a scan now." She then put her hand over each of our foreheads and said "this is strange, the father doesn't it active, but the daughter does. Young girl, did you meet anybody strange during your journeys to various timelines? From my scan this type of circuit is divine in origin and would need a divine spirit or a god to activate." I thought and said "I met a strange woman with sky blue hair during a few singularities in japan. Then a strange young girl with the same hair color showed up in the Prisma causeway. Both said "I need to set the world down the right path before he can come back. That girl even kissed my forehead then in the strange space. Then I even heard their voices when Mashu died, that voice gave me the inner strength to bring down Goetia." Al then said "From what I can guess, your father met your mother as either a member of nudist beach or a mercenary working for them and left after that battle to complete another task. But in completion of that task he died. For this blue haired woman and girl, they are two versions of the same person that wanted you to recover human history and unlocked your power to do it in the place of your father. For the turning servants into real beings that are free from the connection to your system that is a side effect from being kind of a demi-god." She then moved her hand down lower by mistake and said "also you are pregnant. But we have to live through this for you to figure who the father is." My father was shockingly calm and said, "As long as you have somebody that can help support you, I am okay with whatever choice you make."

Once we got inside the tower, my servants and the team consisting of my parents, my aunt and their friends ripped through the monsters and shadow servants on the lower floors until we made it up to the penthouse to meet Moriarty and my grandmother. The middle age women then spotted my aunt and my mother and said, "Well if it isn't my daughters and grandchild coming to meet me in battle." But since I don't want to fight servants come with me to my special stage daughters." She then burst through the roof and used long cloth tentacle arms to bring my mother and aunt with her.

Ryuko pov

Once we were on the roof, I asked my mother "Why did you drag all of us to this place?" she replied "my god Shub-Niggurath told me to bring all of you here while she spreads her young and use the life fibers to devour humanity." The two of us soon used our flight modes to escape her hold as and I soon used both scissor blades to try and make the killing blow. But after cutting through my mother she reformed and said, "my goddess made it, so you need to kill me at least three more times now." Then she knocked me in the water and went after Satsuki and grabbed her face with an oversized hand and body with the other hand. But I then heard my sister shout "XX extend mode activate." Then her kamui added armor and new double spear weapon. I then came up to slash my mother's back as Satsuki hit her in the front as I said, "that is one life from me and one life from your other daughter."

In desperation, my mother then devoured Nue and changed again into a massive glowing monster. It wasn't much long that the Mako and the elite four joined us to try and battle my mother but with her new power she rejected us with ease. But then Satsuki said "Justice from the Ends of the World unlock. Double X Dynamic Sapphire Galaxy Id Est Cosmos." Then she fired a blast at the monster to hurt the woman that was my mother but not kill. But then my mother flew into space saying, "prepare the asteroid is coming." I then said to everybody gather around me "I need all of your help to end her." With that, I gathered all the fibers from Junketsu as the elite four and Mako cast all their support spells on me. Senketsu then said, "we need to take her out in one shot, and I won't last it." We then clashed with her until Shirou flew up in magus mode with chibi Al above his shoulder and said, "let's take her out together." Al then said "Shub-Niggurath left her before we entered. You just need to use your scissor blade to end her." Shirou then said "I will give you the as much power as I can give. Now use it to end her and we can see if our daughter has the power to get us out of here. Now use the that attack your older sister did one more time." I then said "Justice from the Ends of the World unlock. Double X Dynamic Sapphire Galaxy Id Est Cosmos." Then unleashed all the power I had left. After that I passed out in Shirou's arms as he said, "now lets both live on to give our daughter the best life she can have."

Ritsuko pov

After they left the area, the roof resealed and the archer in front of me said "good that insufferable woman left. I only put up with her and her stupid blond bitchy follower." I then asked, "why did you even make her a member of your group then?" he replied, "I just needed to make sure serves her part." Then Mashu spoke to me over our channel "he must have been using her to do something. She did help get rid of some of the power players." Sherlock then said, "if that woman has enough power, she could even bring the asteroid down herself." After he said that "the rest of my mother's friends left just me and the servants in the room." My father said before leaving "while we deal with our target you can deal with yours." I should have some mana due to Reinforce but I am pretty sure the others won't in fighting shape by the time this ends."

Then the evil genius said, "now all the interlopers are done we can talk." Then the two halves and the detective exchanged banters until he attacked me, and I was forced to use the servant I had to battle him. But before we could make the final attack, we noticed the sky going red and then returned to its normal dark sky and Moriarty said, "they did what I needed them to do and destroy the vessel." Mashu then said over our communication channel. "something is coming from the sky." Da Vinci then spoke in and said, "this can't be, we should have killed all of the demon gods after the temple fell." But then someone came from the sky and said "Thanks to woman and her hatred due to the betrayal of her daughters I would come back to kill you. The person that stopped everything was you and those curses wings of light." Then Artoria alter and Jeanne alter attacked and made the killing blows on evil side of Moriarty. But then the so-called good side devoured Sherlock and said "I didn't split my two sides good and evil. I split my sides to defeat Holmes and gain more power."

With that I then battled the servant and god pillar with the help of my berserkers and lancers to the end. Them or so I thought but when the god pillar died it seemed to have left its power to Moriarty and said, "even if you defeated me, I will still have my revenge." Then my father came in the room and said "he stopped Ragyo but like I said, I am the only one left standing that can fight. The other issue was the bullet and Ragyo did help set the meteor's path." Then the evil genius said, "I set everything but perfectly, this was all part of our plan for revenge. The thing I didn't account your power, but you have yet to reveal it." Then Emiya alter came in and my father tried to shield me, but his darker side said "I never wanted to kill you or the master. My only goal was to kill that man. I knew both were my targets, but you defended him. But now I will aid you in his defeat."

Then out of the shadows came the real Edmonds Dantes and said, "I will help you stop him as well." Then from my body shown a light then came Hans Christian Anderson and a now free Shakespeare saying, "we will use this light to help." the two writers then merged their noble phantasms to summon more phantom spirits to help us. The two had to summon at least two hundred phantom spirits. When I looked on the spirits, they almost looked like barely formed famous detectives to help us stop the mastermind. The spirits then said, "use your light and our insight to stop him and the meteor once and for all." Then the purple haired girl said, "If they can give power Shirou and I can give some as well." My father then said, "Win and my team will try and slow it down using around battle ship." Then we began to battle Moriarty and his final phantom spirit.

After we defeated the two, Moriarty lamented his actions and then Emiya alter and Artoria alter used they noble phantasms to destroy the meteor. After that Moriarty and Emiya Alter vanished and then offered to join me with their other companions and the before she vanished, I had one last dance with Jeanne alter. I then wished her goodbye and returned to the base hoping to see my father again and learn get whatever he could learn from his real family. As well as prepare to find them myself and start my own family. Then I was shocked that who waited me at the base was Sherlock but he said "After being absorbed, I will need to say here a little while to recover and offer advice."

Shirou pov

After the singularity feel apart, the naked soul was back in the waters around Honnouji Academy and watched as it sank into the sea. It turns out no time passed since we left but lots of people were left naked with the Covers dead. But I also knew of other issues that remained the main one being Rei Hououmaru most likely escaped and Shub-Niggurath was likely with her, I knew they would come back for revenge when they could gather more power. It wasn't long after that, that Satsuki had a formal graduation ceremony for the third years and a wedding for Ryuko and I. Then she had Ryuko formally added to the Kiryuin with me possibly being added after Houka's DNA check came back. But until then Satsuki, the elite Four and I began to help restructure Revocs Corporation into that of a private security company that would provide guards and uniforms free of life fibers. The other thing we found out later was Ryuko was indeed pregnant but instead of just one baby it was twins.

When it did come back, they found one match for my father and his name was Nobuyuki Masaki. I then called him and revealed I was his son. That made the man happy and I set up a meeting at my old house in Fuyuki to try and find a strange painting of woman Kiritsugu had to show it to my birth father. When we first met face to face, I asked the man "what is my birth name?" His reply was "your name is Tenchi Misaki my son." Then I showed him the painting and with tear filled eyes he said, "that is your mother." And then he hugged me.

Story end

This is the end of this story but not the end of Ryuko and Shiro's stories

They will continue in Shirou muyo hearts

The story will the same cast I used last time and more with even more twists and more dealing with other epics of remnant I will take at the rest of the month off from these characters and get back at the beginning of May

For updates

week of 4/14/19 Fox daughter academia

week of 4/21/19 killing bleach

week of 4/28/19 Shirou muyo hearts

week of 5/5/19 Fox daughter academia

week of 5/12/19 Shirou muyo hearts

dates subject to change

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