Back again! This chapter and the next one are the chapters I've been anxious to get to since the start of this story and now I've gotten there!

Chapter notes: In planning this chapter, I did some research on sleeping cars (I've never had the money to reserve one) and felt that what i saw on the usual Amtrak website wasn't even close to what i needed to make this chapter and the next happen, so I created Prism Railways for this universe. That's right, this is my own creation and now that I've finished this chapter, I really wish this thing was real!

When I envision the train, I see part of the train from The Hunger Games and part of the train from Zootopia welded together and then brought up to a business class grandeur. I have no idea if that makes sense to anyone but that's how I see the train.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

Read on!

Prism Railways Lounge

Portland OR


The double doors slid open as the Miscreants and their mentors walked in. The Silver Guardians had left earlier because with the pig dead, there was no need for their services anymore; not to mention that they really, really missed their kids.

Just before getting into the Prism Railways Van the keys to the wheelchair van had been handed off to Wes so it could be returned to the rental company.

They were ready to put Portland behind them and head towards the next part of their journey.

"Welcome to Prism Railways!" Said a cheerful voice. "Are you the Oliver Party?" They all looked up to see a woman with blonde hair and a bright smile waving at them. She looked to be in her forties and wore an attendant's uniform and her blonde hair was French braided away from her face.

Kim instantly liked her and waved back. "That's us, we didn't expect there to be a welcome wagon waiting for us."

The woman smiled at them. "I'm not really the welcome wagon. My name is Daniella and I'm gong to be the personal attendant for your trip to San Diego. Your personal sleeping car is being shunted into the place and hooked up as we speak. Once the supplies are loaded up and the conductor gives the all clear, we can get you all onboard the train."

Tommy looked at Kim in question and then looked up at the cheerful blonde. "Sorry, this is our first train ride ever and we didn't know what to expect."

Daniella waved off her concern. "That's not a problem; part of my job is to help make this train ride as comfortable and easy going as possible. If you guys would take a seat, then I can go over any more questions and concerns you guys have before we board."

Tommy and Kim looked at each other and shrugged as they made their way over to a corner of the room and settled down.

When everyone was comfortable, Daniella spoke again.

"Your train reservation includes the larger sleeper car and a conference room with a view. It's got a lot of tech involved which is another part of my job. I'll also be in charge of coordinating your food orders and provide snacks, blankets. and when it's time for bed, I'll be coming in to turn down your bunk beds and regular beds. In the morning, while you guys have breakfast, I'll be putting the beds away and returning the room back to it's normal configuration."

Kyle looked at his Aunt and Uncle. "Why do we need a conference room?"

"That is the one thing we did discuss when we were planning this trip." Tommy answered. "When you guys get home, you'll be returning to your studies and will officially be on duty. While we've been on this trip, the people back home have been setting up headquarters for you to work from as well as working on your gear. There's a lot to discuss that we can't go into while were in public; but from what I've heard about from Ethan and Billy, it's exciting."

"For now, we should focus on our orientation, I'm sure Daniella has more to say." Kimberly added to bring them all back to the present.

"Thank you, Mrs. Oliver." She paused and opened up her glossy folder and then looked at Elisa. "I noticed your wheelchair when you entered the doorway. As classy as this train is, there isn't a whole lot of room for a wheelchair user. I need to know if you are able to travel between the cars or if you'll need assistance."

"I've got crutches with me, so I'll be checking my chair in with the luggage. Not to mention, my crew's got me if I need any other help getting around."

Daniella nodded, checking that item off her list. When she looked up at them, she continued. "Okay, next item is to put in orders for breakfast," she paused and handed them two glossy menus to look at. "I also need to know if there are any special dietary needs that I need to be aware of."

Tommy grinned. "Everyone shook their heads, and Elisa did the same. "I can eat pretty much anything on here."

"Great, now while you have those out, I can at least take down your breakfast meal. Once we're on our way, I'll send it to the kitchen and get it started."

While that was being done, another man in uniform came up to them with luggage tags and began to tag everything that would be going on in the luggage cart.

Soon after, Daniella got a message from the conductor that their car was ready for them. After Elisa traded her chair for crutches, they all followed her into the atrium where their tickets were scanned and they were led onboard to their accommodations.

This whole time, Gabriella had sat quietly taking everything in and had quietly given her breakfast order when it was time, but now she stood in her own stateroom, eyeing the room, or rather the bed with surprise.

On the bed was a white robe that she just knew would feel luxuriously soft against her skin and next to them were slippers that she just couldn't wait to slip her feet into. Next to that was a box of chocolates that she'd only ever seen in the stores, but never felt justified in buying. In addition to all that, there was an ornate looking wooden box on the bed with a note sitting on top of it.

Crossing over the to the bed, she put her overnight bag on the bed and picked up the card. On the expensive looking stationary with the Prism Logo embellished on the top was a note written in fancy calligraphy:

Even a gifted warrior such as yourself needs to enjoy some pampering. I hope this set meets with your satisfaction. I'll see you in San Diego.


Gabriella's heart skipped another beat before she put the note down and picked up the box and examined it closer. It was definitely an ornate box with the logo for Prism Railways stamped on it. Inside was everything she would need for a night of pampering…at least while onboard a train.

Inside were a few packets of facial scrub, a small tube of moisturizer, some lotion, a pair of really soft socks and a sleep mask.

She knew she'd be indulging in all of them all tonight. There was a small bathroom area in the corner of her room and she knew it would it would be one of the most relaxing nights she'd had in a while.

The next question in her head was what all this meant for her and Trent. Did this mean he was actually interested in her? Suddenly, her mind's eye was flooding with possibilities. She exhaled softly and put those thoughts away.

Breakfast would soon be served and there would be a meeting in the conference room soon. But tonight, she'd be taking full advantage of her spa kit.

Up in the conference room

The conference room seemed to have come to life from the pages of a travel magazine…a very luxurious one. While the room was done in ivory colored panels and the seats were plush, the ceiling was clear as crystal and through a pair of polished double doors was a small outside area where one could just sit and enjoy the open air.

Breakfast was laid out on the table and it was delicious. Kyle looked around at his crew feeling content to have his crew around him again. Katsume was feasting on his new favorite dish; chicken and waffles…smothered in syrup. A new waffle iron was going to be in his newest friends Christmas stocking. Next to him was Elisa, the next person to join their crew when they got back to Angel Grove; apparently, she also liked waffles.

His eyes slid over to Leif and Sapphire who were oozing love as they ate their breakfast of eggs and sausage.

Lastly, he looked over at Rook who was really digging into his big plate of biscuits and gravy with a plate of sausage on the side.

Then he looked at his mate…his beautiful mate who was contentedly munching on her loaded breakfast croissant wih a side of hash browns. When she looked up at him, he leaned in and stole a kiss…

"Alright, break it up you guys." Uncle Tommy said with a grin as he set up a strange looking communication device. "We do have a lot to talk about."

Autumn kissed her mate one last time then whispered in his ear. "We'll continue this later."

When Kyle chuckled softly, someone cleared their throat.

They both looked across the table and saw Uncle Tommy with his arms crossed over his chest and look on his face that meant business.

"Whenever you lovebirds are ready, we do have some Miscreant Business to discuss."

"Sorry, Uncle Tommy, we're paying attention now."

Tommy shook his head in amusement and looked at Kimberly. "Were we really that bad as teenagers?"

"Well, there was that time in the zord bay…" Kimberly said biting her lip.

At the teens shocked faces, Kimberly burst out laughing. Tommy chuckled. "Very funny, Beautiful." He paused and exhaled softly. "Ok, back to business."

Tommy stood up to his full height and began again. Kayla called us this morning before everyone had to get on the road, but she did send us a picture of our newest furry rescue.

He leaned over the table and typed in a code that activated the communication device.

Instantly, a holographic image popped up. Kayla was holding up a tiny black kitten for the camera.

"Is that our newest rescue?" Katsume asked.

Tommy nodded. "Yeah, this is Twilight and he's a special needs cat."

"What's wrong with him? Autumn asked.

"On the outside, it's nothing more than a physical mutation; our little feline has two sets of ears, though we don't know if they are all functioning. He's also got a stubby tail. Rocky will be taking him to the vet for a thorough examination."

So, where does Kayla come into this?"

Before they went to breakfast, they told Kim and I all about it." Tommy answered. "Long story short, this group of evil witches were trying to intimidate the caretaker into giving this kitten over, most likely for some kind of ritual sacrifice. It may also be apparent that they slaughtered a rescued mare as some kind of scare tactic. Either way, a young foal was orphaned, and the mother's ghost showed up last night and the only for the equine's spirit could be at peace was for Connor to swear that her foal would be looked after."

"So, now what?" Kyle asked.

"Well, I promised Kayla that we would call her and let her know the fate of the kitten. She was worried that Bella's feelings would be hurt if she brought another pet home. Kim and I both agree that two animals would be a lot for her to care for. She's struggling as it is to keeping up with Bella."

Everyone was quiet for a second and then Katsume piped up. "Well, it's an obvious fix then."

When everyone looked up at him, he continued. "I propose that we take responsibility for Twilight. What better mascot could we have then a mutated kitten with two sets of ears and a stubby tail?"

Everyone took a moment to think on it and then Kyle answered him. "I second this, but everyone needs to agree." He paused and looked at Elisa. Even though you're not an official member yet, you also get a vote."

Katsume smiled softly at his girlfriend and squeezed her hand as they waited for everyone to decide.

"I'm for it." Autumn said. "We've got plenty of dogs at the mansion; maybe it's time to include a cat."

"Let's do it." Leif answered. "If ever there was an animal that needed protection, it's this little guy."

Everyone nodded their agreement and Rook smirked. "Let's do it. I think we should have a special harness for him and in the center should be our official crest."

Kyle looked at the two girls. "Sapphire? Elisa?"

"Aye, I'm excited to meet this little guy." Sapphire answered.

"Yes, let's do it!" Elisa answered. This is going to be awesome!"

Kyle looked around him and nodded. Turning to Tommy he added. "All for it and none opposed. Twilight is officially a Miscreant."

Tommy nodded and texted something on his phone. When he looked back up, he continued.

"As I told everyone earlier, while we've been on vacation, the rest of the parents and a few of the sisters from the convent have been very busy. When we all get back to Angel Grove, the miscreant's headquarters will be ready for you guys to get to work immediately."

"We have headquarters?" Kyle asked in surprise. He looked at Sapphire and Leif, "Did you guys know about this?"

They both shook their heads. "My parents are particularly good about keeping things quiet." Sapphire answered. "They are a deeply passionate couple and they like to sneak off a lot and I guess I just assumed they were off taking private time."

"Grandma has been very busy in the dress shop and I doubt she had time to be involved in anything else. I have no idea if she had any part of this."

"Well, now the secret's out of the bag. The Angel Grove Special Victims Unit had a small part in this too. They've purchased an older model Tuscan home from the bank and given it to us in hopes that it can be restored to it's former glory."

Tommy paused in his narrative and cued up another holographic image. "This house was built in the late eighties to be a dream house for an older retiring couple. It was almost done and then the Lewis pyramid scandal happened, and the couple lost everything. They were forced to sell this house to the bank and buy a smaller house just to break even."

"It sucked for them, but on the positive side, we were able to buy it from the bank for much cheaper than we thought and all it needed was some fresh paint. A few of the firemen and policemen came in to help bring the house up to code…and to make everything ADA compliant."

At that, Elisa eyes went wide. "For real?"

Kimberly broke into a grin and nodded. "Yeah, I talked to the guys about your current living situation and then we discussed arrangements with both your brothers. This new place will be better for you to live in then what you have at your old house."

"The best part of this house is that it's located on the outskirts of the city, which makes it a much safer place to hide the animals affected by domestic violence at home. This place will be a fortress, which means that the animals you house here will be safer than anywhere else, not including the manor.

"So, what kind of tech can we expect at Miscreant's HQ?"

"Glad you asked." Tommy answered. "Besides the updates given to us by Andros and Zhane, you guys have a virtual assistant to assist you…at least until Billy can provide her with a physical body. Ethan and Billy are taking a break to be with their family for a while; after all the tech work they've been doing, they deserve a break."

So, I'm guessing that this device here is also new tech?" Rook asked gesturing to the device on the table.

Tommy nodded and typed in another command.

After a beep, he spoke again. "Sadie, please come online."

Sadie is online, please state voice code for validation." The AI's voice sounded a little raspy and yet feminine

"This is Doctor Oliver, please recognize."

"You are recognized, how may I serve you?"

"Sadie, the Miscreants are with me, we need to put their voice codes in the system."

"Understood. Miscreants please state your names one by one."








When everyone looked at her in surprise. She shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not sure I want to go by Olaynus anymore. The name doesn't feel right anymore, and I wanted time to come up with something that sounds more miscreant like…I have time, don't I?"

Kyle nodded. "Yes, you have until the cleansing ceremony to choose your new Miscreant name to go by." He paused and looked thoughtful. "Part of the cleansing ritual involves writing down on paper what you most dislike about yourself that you would want to burn away. This part is insanely private as no one other than you will know what is on that paper. I know we all want to go off with our significant others, so when you're not busy cuddling up to Paladin, I'd suggest doing some meditation to figure things out."

Rook rolled his eyes at that and Kyle gave him an apologetic look which he waved away.

"Hey, it's cool. I have my iPod and there's some sodas in the café car. I'll be fine on my own."

Katsume looked at Elisa's blushing face and put an arm around her. "Personally, I love the idea of cuddling up to my beautiful girlfriend."

When she blushed deeper, Autumn came to her rescue. "Ok, I think that's enough for now. Personally, I feel a food coma coming on. I could use a short nap myself."

Tommy saw the look Autumn was giving her mate and smirked to himself. There were so many times that Kim had given him that same look and he nodded. "Sounds good. I know we could all use some time to digest this amazing breakfast. So why not go off and we'll meet back up here for lunch in a couple more hours. By then, hopefully you'll be a little more…ready and more present to discuss the more serious topics."

"I'll all for that." Kimberly added. "Mav needs to go down for this nap anyway. It's been a very busy morning."

Tommy nodded and pushed a button on the console. "Sadie, did you get the voice recognition?"

"Affirmative Dr. O."

"Good, we'll bring you back online when we're ready to go further with the set up."

Everyone slowly filed out as the crew came into clean the table up. Katsume and Elisa were the first to walk out to give Elisa time to maneuver out with her crutches. However, they hung back for a moment as Rook walked past them.

"Hey, you really okay?"

Rook shrugged nonchalantly. "What? Being alone? I'm good with that…besides, I've been monitoring the MySpace activity online. You guys go ahead and be lovey-dovey. If there's anything big that comes up, I'll find you."

Katsume frowned. "Is it that bad on our page?"

Rook shook his head. "No, for the most part the commotion has blown over. Other than a few people leaving comments and asking questions about what we're up to, things are quiet. Though I expect that to change once we get back home, and start maintaining an online presence. For now, take some as much downtime as you need."

Katsume grinned and looked at Elisa. "I like the sound of that."

Rook shooed them away. "Yeah, you guys go do that, I'll see you guys in a little while."

Elisa leaned into her boyfriend. "So, what should we do with all this downtime?"

"I think just being with you is enough, though I did buy a portable DVD Player back when we were at the mall. I've downloaded some movies for us to watch."

Elisa repositioned her crutches and looked up at him. "Lead the way, Lord Paladin."

So, what did you guys think about this chapter? What do you guys hope to see in the next one? Please me your thoughts down below!