Disclaimer: All Twilight characters belong to Stephanie Meyer. Any real life instance, situation, persons, or patented product, etc. that holds similarities to this story is purely coincidental. No copyright infringement intended.


2018: At 17 years old, Isabella suffered from a rare sickness. Seeing no signs of a cure for this lifetime, her father Charlie decides to enlist a Cryonics Scientist— Theodore Cullen. She wakes up from being frozen 150 years into the future to find everyone she's ever known to be long dead and gone. Can Bella adapt to the new world before her? What role does Edward play into this? Set in the future!

Disclaimer 2.0: I just let the words flow so please excuse any errors. READ AUTHOR'S NOTE AT THE BOTTOM.


The moment Charles Swan held his daughter in his arms, he knew she would be his whole world.

He never realized how much being a father would change his views in life. He always thought he'd have some sort of resentment towards the child— his wife, Renee, died after giving birth to Isabella after all.

But all he felt was true love, far more than anything he's ever experienced before in the 30-years of existing on this planet.

Charles watched Isabella grow, doing his best to involve himself in her life while running his business. He ran a successful real estate empire which he solely inherited from his father; and his father inherited from generations of Swan men. The Company has stood the test of time and has been in operations since the early 1900's.

Having a successful career provided them with a more than comfortable life, something he always promised to give for his daughter. If only Renee could be with us now…

His role in young Bella's life was described to be full of pure love and dedication. He changed her diapers more often than the nannies he hired, and sang her to sleep almost every time she woke up. He was there for every milestone in her life: first steps, first words, first day of school… and her first heartbreak.

That boy better be grateful that his father was my best friend. I would've had that Jacob tortured and dumped in the sewers.

Isabella locked herself in her room for one whole day before the maids called on Charles. He was in the middle of a board meeting but rushed home as soon as he received the phone call. He ordered his driver to head to the Swan Mansion faster than the speed limit.

Saber, his driver was not used to seeing his boss so worked up.

As he bolted up the stairs, passing the worried maids who stood by the door, Charles had thought of a million ways to kill the boy. He reached her bedroom and found it to be locked.

"Bells? Its daddy... May I come in?" He called as he knocked once again. She would've at least answered by now….

After knocking a couple of times, Charles grew increasingly agitated and sensed that something was definitely wrong beyond that of a sulking teenager. His knocking became more insistent and felt the blood drain from his face at the thought of what lied behind the doors.

"Mrs. Andrews! I need the key of Bella's room! Now!" He all but screamed in panic to their head-maid, his voice vibrating across the whole mansion. In less than a moment's notice, a woman with white hair who looked to be in her mid-60's ran to his side. They quickly entered the room as they opened the door…. Charles would never imagine seeing this scene in front of him…

He never would've known how painful it was to see his precious little girl unconscious on the floor in a pool of blood and vomit…

Oh, God…. Not my daughter too..



Charles Swan felt so small and so alone as he sat listening to the news from who the world believed to be the best Neurologist in North America. Bella has been in the hospital for months now. He's taken a sabbatical from work and never left her child's side as she was prodded and put through painful tests.

He felt her pain during those moments. Charles watched as his daughter slowly deteriorated— He couldn't stand the suffering this disease has brought on to her daughter and himself. It seemed all hope was lost as the doctor broke the news to him.

"Mr. Swan, all our tests came back and have confirmed the diagnosis. We also ran it across the hospitals who specialize on cases like this as you've instructed— there's no known cure. I'm sorry, Mr. Swan. She doesn't have much time left…." Charles couldn't hear the rest of Dr. Mathew any longer, his ears stopped functioning as soon as he heard the words I'm sorry

Time slowed…. and Charles' heart would've too if not for the fact that his daughter was in her hospital room, waiting for him.

He didn't let the doctor finish his usual sentiments, fully aware that no science of this time can fix what was wrong with her only daughter. I need to spend all the time I can with her.

Charles numbly walked out of the doctor's office. He recalled the doctor's words as he took the elevator to the executive floor of the hospital.

"Cases like Isabella's are so rare that no research has been conducted for a cure. With your funding, we'll be the first to launch this, but It can take decades till we see real progress." Charles' didn't care for the cost, he'll sell his soul to the devil to ensure this can be done.

But he knew, having his wealth and power was futile. That even with all the money and research, his daughter didn't stand a chance against one thing…. Time.

He could imagine the look of pity on Dr. Mathew's face as he said

"But it might be too late for Isabella by then…"

"Dad, is Jacob going to visit me anytime soon?" Charles was startled by the sweet voice of his daughter. He turned his head to look at her, sitting up from her bed at their house. Her once porcelain white skin is now paler and translucent; dark circles and sunken eyes accompanied the obvious signs of her sickness.

He gave her a small smile and a nod. He watched as her daughter's grin grew wide and at that moment he didn't care if the boy was a criminal— I just want her to enjoy the last days of her young life… Charles swallowed back the sob that threatened to come out of him.

It was now November of 2018, 2 months after they have left the hospital and retreated to their home. Bella spent her days reading and getting visits from her school friends. Charles no longer conducted training for his daughter, a routine they did before to ensure she'll be ready to take over the family business in the future. She had no use for that anymore…

Their days were a series of completing Bella's bucket-list, nights of Bella screaming in pain caused by her disease, and praying that Bella's body would be less immune to the medicine. His one wish during those moments was for a higher being to have mercy on his daughter. Just take her! Don't make her suffer anymore!

All hope seemed to be lost, and Charles resigned himself to his Daughter's fate. He would follow her once he's arranged her funeral. There's no point in living. He thought. All arrangements for her funeral were made and so were for his. His estate would be turned over to the loyal staff that have stayed with the family for generations— he had no other heirs.

But everything changed when he received a call from a certain Dr. Cullen. He at first couldn't believe what he was hearing. He flew to Russia the very next day, against his better judgment. "I'll be back soon, Bels. Mrs. Andrews will be here to take care of you" He promised her a souvenir as he left her to the capable hands of the person who raised him as her own.



Charles was in a car waiting outside the gate of a large estate in the outskirts of Moscow. Taking a huge breath to calm his nerves, he motioned for the driver to proceed inside. "Tell them its Charles Swan from America" he instructed.

Soon the car ascended, Charles noting the heavy snowfall as he looked outside from where he sat at the back. Trees were covered in ice and beautiful statues adorned the long driveway. For a second he let himself appreciate the beauty of the estate. Isabella would've loved it here.

Before Charles realized it, he was ushered by staff who greeted him inside, mentioning in a thick Russian tongue that the Doctor will be out to meet him in a minute.

Charles looked at his surroundings, appraising the old world décor of the mansion. His eyes settled to a large painting of a family, he wondered if Theodore Cullen was one of the three men in it. They all have similar hair and eyes.

"I'm the one in the middle, the child the young lady is carrying. This portrait was done in the 1940's" A voice startled him out of his thoughts. American definitely.

Charles turned towards the owner of the voice and came face to face with a man who looked to be in his 70's. He extended his hand in greeting and the man, who Charles now assumes to be Theodore Cullen, firmly shook it.

"I'm Theodore Cullen….Well, Mr. Swan. I know you've travelled a long way to get here. Shall we proceed with the purpose in which you came here for? My staff will bring some lunch to us in my office." Charles felt appreciation for this man, he couldn't waste anymore time spent away from his daughter. There was something about the old man that made Charles feel at ease, and for that he was sure he made a good decision in coming to Russia.

They soon settled into a large office, where a dining set with their lunch was set up. As they ate, Theodore handed Charles a folio. "These are my research on what my team and I have been working on for decades. I would appreciate it if you can review them before giving me a decision." The older man explained taking the last bite of his lunch. They soon finished their meal and had coffee as they discussed the procedure further.

"I moved here to hide my research from… imitators/thieves if I may say. Being in Russia ensured that I'll be away from corporations who would stop at nothing to steal my life's work. As you may have just realized, this is not a procedure for any random person who would like to live to see the future. I extend the invitation to participate to those I know have no other hope in surviving with this time's medical advances." Theodore said with deepness to his words, hinting that he has been through a lot to get to where he was.

Charles continued to assess the man, still finding what they have discussed a little out of his level of understanding. He pondered on the words Theodore mentioned

Preserved... Protected…

Frozen… Until a cure is found…

Could I really do this to Bella? Charles thought as he listened to the scientist explaining how they'll swoop in when Isabella is at her weakest state and start the preservation process.

"I've perfected the method for the past few decades. Its fool-proof, Charles. All the other cryonic companies never stood a chance. Heck, even the US government offered to buy this from me once they found out…" Theodore finished. The two men stood up and Charles bid his good bye to the man, heading to the entrance in which he assumed his hired car was waiting.

After settling in his hotel suite that night, Charles wondered why he was even prolonging the inevitable. He wanted this for Bella, even if it was absurd. She was going to pass soon; he at least owed her a chance at a cure. He knew, if this worked, he might not even be alive by the time she's resurrected..

He made a promise to himself and his wife in heaven that night.

He'll dedicate his life to ensuring Isabella gets the cure she needs.



Charles Swan stood by her side as Isabella's whole body succumbed to her disease. He said a tearful goodbye, and his daughter murmured a silent farewell...

"Thank you, dad. I love you.." He barely heard the words leave her mouth before the heart monitor's resounding long beep… Isabella was gone.

Before he could even lay a hand on her daughter, a team from Crydo swooped in. "We're so sorry for your loss, Mr. Swan. We have to proceed with the preservation process now before its too late." He looked to the woman wearing scrubs and motioned for them to continue, willing himself to stay strong.

He silently watched from the side as the skilled team worked under the supervision of Dr. Theodore Cullen. They used a defibrillator to jumpstart her heart, and the shock of her jolting body increased the worries of Charles.

Dr. Theodore then instructed one of the scientists to prepare the body to be placed inside a specialized pod they brought in to start the preservation. They were currently in a medical building Charles acquired to ensure that no interruptions were made during this delicate process. The government and private cryonics firms wouldn't hesitate to swoop in if they were in a known location in the US, and so he decided to purchase an establishment in Moscow, for the sole purpose of being Bella's new home.

The team swiftly placed the young girl's body inside the Pod, Dr. Theodore operating the computer connected to it. The pod lit up a bright blue light as soon as Isabella's body was placed inside, and Charles felt his heart racing; mix that with the grief from seeing his daughter die not even five minutes before and he would just about pass out.

Before closing the pod, the scientists connected the tubes that protrude from the machine and injected it to the young girl's body; one on each side of her torso, legs, and head. A clear liquid the ran thru the transparent pipes while the pod simultaneously closed. White air slowly filled the pod, cooling the body to the right temperature for the final step: placing the body in a specially designed vessel where the young girl will await her time.

"The preservation was a success, Charles." Dr. Theodore informed him once they have closed the vessel. Charles could now breathe, even with the grief he knew he had made a good choice for his daughter. He had spent millions and will tirelessly be spending more towards ensuring his daughter will be protected and kept hidden in the medical facility where she's frozen.

He went on to creating a research institute for the disease his daughter had, something that did not even have a name yet. This disease consumes the host's body in pain tantamount to being burned alive but left no marks or scars.

Charles dedicated every second of his life creating what he can for Isabella, for his resources to extend centuries towards being hers once she wakes up. He was given multiple awards throughout his life for his funding of medical breakthroughs and his philanthropic work; no one knew his real motivation of seeking the cure for Isabella- who the world believed was dead.

After living a full life, Charles Swan died in the year 2068, on a December morning. He was found by his maids in the Swan Mansion, sitting on the rocking chair he had spent so much time with Isabella when she was a baby, clutching the picture frame that contained the image of his beloved daughter.

His company mourned the loss of their leader but stood firm as Charles' trained successor took over. This man also knew of Charles' most valued treasure… the one he put in an endless slumber.

He had made a promise to Mr. Swan, and he intends to keep it. He would see to it that Charles' daughter would awaken with a cure waiting for her and transition her into the more advanced world. He travels to Moscow more often than necessary to check on her. He always found himself staring at the beautiful face of Isabella Swan; Her porcelain skin, beautiful brown tresses, He wondered how her eyes would look like…

Her beauty and youth is suspended in time,



and so is mine…



Author's note: Hey! Starting a new story about something i've always been interested about. Posting the Prologue to check if there's any interest in a story like this. So please let me know if i should continue! Review!

xoxo, boo