Hey guys! This is new for me. My first ever fifty shades. I love the movies, the books, even Grey, her fourth book told in his point of view which inspired me to write this. I hope you like! Please review! As always I have to disclaimer that most of these characters belong to lovely E. L. James. Definitely not me haha.

Hope you enjoy! Mwah!

Chapter 1: 3:40 A.M.


Disarmingly I am shocked awake by a pair of all too familiar silk hands across my chest.


When my eyes peer slowly open I can see the look of pain across her reddened face as a tear, strained against her soft cheeks, drips down and onto me.

Immediately I am up, staring at her in emergency. "Baby what's wrong?"

She continues sobbing. "Water. Broke. Christian." Her face scrunched up as a loud grunt leaves her lips.


I grab my phone off my nightstand, never once taking a hand off from her face. Taylor. "Her water broke. Prepare the R8. Yes. Mhm. Thank you."

I hang up quickly. Luckily enough for us we have everything prepared. Four bags to go. One filled with my clothes, one with hers, the other with the babies, and the fourth with her favorite chocolates and pillows and blankets.

"Christian." She scrunches her face up again, in pure pain.

Blood is rushing through my veins. "Let's get you up baby."

I cautiously head to her side of the bed and help her up with my hand, one on hers and the other around her backside, holding her in place.

"How long have you been up?" I check the time 3:43 am.

Tears trickle down her red cheeks. "I think since 3ish... I really don't know. I woke up to go to the bathroom and when I got done I tried climbing in bed and then it just broke. I'm sorry."

I laugh. "Why? Why are you sorry? Gail will clean it up baby. Or me if I come back here."

She gasps loudly. "Don't leave me!"

I am thrown back. "I meant as in later this week, tomorrow if the doctor lets us leave. I figured my shy Ana wouldn't want Gail cleaning that up."

She sighs and leans into my chest. "You're right."

Kissing her forehead, I help her put on some cropped white and grey leggings we picked up specifically for this day from Victoria secret. I help her into her favorite bra; a green sports bra which she had come to love, and help her into her favorite pair of fuzzy socks I gave her months ago, along with a black tank top and a thin sweater. She looks comfortable and innocent, but at the same time in pain and discomfort. My poor wife.

Three knocks on our bedroom door shake me out of it. "Mrs. Grey?"

I respond. "Yes Taylor. Is the R8 ready?"

"Yes sir. May I come in and help?"

What would we do without him?

Anastasia answers this time. "That would be lovely."

Taylor slowly paces into our room and looks at us in joy. "I'm not one for bringing my opinion in but may I say a few words?" Both her and I smile and nod. "I've watched you two from day one, and the love between you two is undeniable. This child will be the luckiest baby in the world and I can't wait to help out."

We both grin huge, ear to ear. "Thank you Taylo- OUCH!" Ana doubled over as the contractions start kicking in harder.

His eyes widened. "Okay what do you need me to get?"

I point over to her side of the bed. "The blue backpack is mine, the pink one is hers, and the other two are the babies and other things. We need it all."

He nods quickly and picks them up swiftly before helping us out of our room and into the elevator.

Once we reach the garage I quickly set her down in the passenger seat, locking her in place, and making sure she is as comfortable as ever.

Taylor quickly hands me her bag and the bag full of snacks, pillows, and blankets, and throws mine and the babies bag in his car.

When I close the door she is clenching onto the seat, breathing heavily, scaring the shit out of me to be honest.

Attempting to calm her down I smile at her. "What music do you want?"

She breathes loudly. "Red room."



She laughs a little, a lovely sound to hear in such a moment. "Red room play list. The lovey one."

I am completely thrown back. "Why?"

Ana smiles a little. "I was going through my sex log on my phone, and by simple math I have figured out the weekend she was made. And that weekend was a lovely weekend spent in your arms making love in the play room."

"God I love you." I lean over the console and kiss her sweaty forehead. "Lets go meet our baby girl."

She smiles innocently and leans against the cold window. I nod at Taylor next to our car and off we go speeding down I-5.

The playlist is humming through the car and I can catch her smiling, in what only I can guess is memories from that wonderful weekend.

It was truly a wonderful weekend. I woke her up with breakfast in bed, massaged her all over, and before you knew it we were spending hours in the red room. Not anything kinky though. I was just showing her toys and letting her tell me what to throw out.

Very quickly it came down to two large boxes full of things neither her nor I wanted to see again. I didn't mind, at all. It was a huge relief letting her tell me what she wanted gone.

One box was full of ropes and cuffs and butt plugs. The other was full of pure pain devices, and things I used on other submissive that I completely forgot about.

We then re- decorated the red room. We changed the sheets into a softer red, we moved the couch, and then organized the drawers by what she called 'now to later.'

The top drawers were things she already knew how to use, the bottom were harsher. As in her 'butt drawer' and the dildo drawer that somehow she was still too shy to look at.

Once everything was done to her wants we fell into the soft red bed, tickling each-other and laughing carefree until one thing led into another and our clothes were off.

I really hope she was right and that, that wonderful night was the night our baby girl was conceived.

My phone rang, disturbing the music. "Hello?" I answered in annoyance. Who the hell would call me at 4 am?

"Christian." Grace's voice shocked the hell out of me.

I looked over at Ana in shock.

"Yes mother?"

She squeled on the phone. "Ana texted me. What time should I be at the hospital? Is she okay? Is the baby okay? Where are you? Do you want me to stop and pick up some coffee or tea?"

I could see Ana nodding from the corner of my eye. "Er... I'm almost to the hospital. Ana would like some Twining's english breakfast tea. Pick me up whatever coffee you get yourself. Come whenever you can."

She squealed again on the phone. "Okay. Love you. Grandmas on the way!"

Ana and I both laughed in joy.

"Okay one family member down. Who next?"

She sighed and bit her lip. "My mom. Tell her to tell dad. And thennnn... you can take care of the rest."

I chucked and shook my head. "Will do."

Of course her mom was as excited as mine, she kept calling her self grandma over and over again. She agreed to call Ray and to fly down as soon as possible.

By the time the convention was over Ana was having another contraction, squeezing into my arm harder than ever.

I sped up faster.

"Anastasia Grey." I looked at the nurse in panic. Why was I so nervous?

The slow receptionist yawned. "Okay dear. I'll have her wheeled back."

She handed me a huge packet of questions to fill out as some male nurses helped Ana sit down in the wheel chair.

I am an anxious mess.

At first the thought of having a child not only pissed me off, stressed me beyond all limits, but it terrified me.

But then everything started falling into place. By the time Ana and I painted the nursery, a beautiful rose gold and mint color, I became excited.

Not only excited to share this experience with someone I love and care for so deeply, but excited to give a child a life, a better life than her and I were given at least.

I could hear Ana's breathing, and it stung my heart into a million pieces.

"Okay," the lovely elder nurse cooed, "breathe with me. In. Out. In. Out." She continued strolling her down the hall.

I had both of her Nike sting backpacks over my shoulder, both my hands clenched tightly in fear for what my poor Anastasia must be feeling.

We were guided to the delivery side of the hospital which was quiet and smelt of coffee. She was placed in room 3, which to my lovely surprise was a room decorated with red roses. Red rose paintings, red sparky tile under us, and red throw pillows over the red chairs and red couch; a sign that our baby was indeed conceived in our red room.

They laid her back in the bed and took her vitals.

"I'm going to ring up Dr. Emmett. That's the doctor you asked for, correct Mr. Grey?" A new, younger, blonde nurse smiled.

Instantly pissed off at her wondering eyes all over me I replied with a cold yes and hissed at her.

Why do woman still ogle me? Clearly I have a wife and clearly I'm having a child with her, which CLEARLY means I love her!

Anastasia's blue eyes locked in with mine as the nurse left.


My heart melted into a puddle of tears at the sound of her pained voice. "Yes, Love?"

She held out her hand, her smile huge. "You're going to be a dad." Her eyes never leftmine, and for the second time in my adult life my eyes got teary at the truth in her words.

I'm going to be a dad.