''so uncle Sirius how long are you planning on staying in Germany''. Thomas asks his pseudo uncle, they have just arrived on the black mansion of Germany a couple of hours ago and was currently in the dining room of the mansion. The place it selves was something that he could be sure was made form an imagination of a horror author. With its ominous feeling and gothic architecture not to mention it was built inside one of the most famous places in Europe both magical and the mundane, the black forest of Germany. The forest it selves was the place where most of Germany magical creatures live and not all of them good, with there being vampire, werewolves, and other dark creatures living in the forest.

''well, that would depend on my wife''. Sirius said while pointing toward his wife. The reason why he and his family was currently in Germany was that both he and his wife needed a vacation form their job in Britain and spending a couple of day in the peace and quiet of the black forest was something that he and his wife needed.

''probably a couple more days Thomas''. Amelia's bones said

''where is Susan, aunt amelia''. Hadrian asks since he notices that his aunt's niece isn't with them dinning room with them.

''why don't you ask your little brother Hadrian after all he should know where his girlfriend is''. Amelia said while giving a glare to Thomas who would shrink under her glare. It wasn't a huge secret that Amelia Bones is very protective of her niece.

''Thomas potter why don't you tell us that you already have a girlfriend''. Lily potter shriek toward her youngest son who seems to shrink more toward the chair.

''well, it's because….''. Thomas said before stopping to think what his next word should be since he knows that his next word has to be perfect and make sense since having his mother angry at him was something that he didn't want, not to mention there also the matter of his girlfriend aunt and pseudo mother being also in the room with him.

''you should show your parent a picture of your girlfriend, Thomas''. Hadrian said helping his brother to distract his brother's parent since he figures that his brother didn't know what to say to his parent, the distraction would work since Lily would ask to see a picture of his brother's girlfriend.

''Well, here she is''. Thomas said glad that his brother was able to distract his parent, he would show his parent, a picture of him and Susan together form his mirror phone.

''she looks pretty Thomas''. James said after looking at his youngest son's girlfriend.

''Thanks, dad''. Thomas said with a proud smile that he was able to take Susan to be his girlfriend since not only she is pretty, she is also quite smart.

''When can we meet her Thomas''. Lily ask since she wanted to meet her youngest son's girlfriend, she didn't get to meet and know her eldest son betrothed so she wouldn't let knowing about her youngest son's girlfriend slip by her finger.

'' maybe went we go to Rome since she is currently staying there''. Thomas said remembering how Susan tells him, that she would be staying in Rome to attend the Roman dueling school. The roman dueling school was one of the most prestigious dueling school in the magical world. with many of its former students becoming world dueling champion or being a renowned dueller.

''what is she doing in Rome, Thomas''. Lily ask with curiosity

''she is studying in the Roman dueling school''. Thomas said with proudness in his voice since his girlfriend was able to be accepted for the summer program of the roman dueling school.

''impressive''. Lily said, she knows of course how hard it is to be able to enter the Roman dueling school, this means that her youngest son girlfriend was smart something that she approves off since she didn't want her future daughter in law to be someone who only attracted to her son because of his title as the boy who lives. After they finish eating their dinner some of the more older members of the group would go to the living room to drink or watch tv in the case of the children. While the younger member of the group like rose and Sirius children would go to Hadrian's room to spend time with their older brother in the case of rose or godfather in the case of Sirius children.

''aren't you afraid staying here uncle Sirius''. Thomas asks his uncle, who is currently drinking a firewhiskey.

''not really, why are you afraid Thomas''. Sirius asks

''yeah, I mean this place is really creepy not to mention that it's in the middle of nowhere''. Thomas said

''well I kind of understand how you could be afraid of this place, hell I was bloody afraid went I stay here for the first time''. Sirius said


''Yeah I mean there's lot of story about this place and everyone isn't pleasant, you probably heard some of the stories about this place right''.

''what story''.

''you know how my family kill five hundred muggle and then using both their body and spirit as a foundation of the mansion to make the place almost indestructible, not to mention this place where my family conducted some of their darker rituals and also how can I forget this, this place was where some of the more insane members of my family conducted their experiment''. Sirius said to Thomas who like some of the younger members of the Weasley family would turn to white except the bushy-haired girl who seems to be appalled.

''How can you family kill that many people just to make sure that your mansion being indestructible and how could killing that many people make your mansion indestructible''. Hermione said with clear anger in her voice.

''well for your first question is that my family was mostly made up from insane people and they are quite prejudiced toward muggle, while for your second question is that it was very known fact that using people remain could make a structure last much longer, but we didn't do it anymore if that what you fear ''. Sirius said to Hermione who look like she wanted to say something but seems to be holding it after being a send a look by her parent.

''what kind of experiment did you family did here, Sirius''. Ron Weasley asks

''well you know, human experiment, creature experiment, cross-species experiment, stuff like that''. Sirius said

'' the creature that your family experimented on they didn't exist anymore right, Sirius''. Thomas asks since meeting one of the creatures was something he didn't want to experience.

''I'm not really sure if they still exist or not but if you wanted to explore the forest, you should take one of the hellhounds with you''. Sirius said frightening the younger member of the group with the prospect of meeting the creature that his family created.

''I'm going to sleep, now''. Thomas said before running into the room that he was sleeping in, to hide in there.

''well, I think you kid all should sleep to''. Sirius said to the kids in the room, who all nodded before leaving the room and then going to their room.

'' do you really need to tell Thomas about the story of this manor, Sirius''. James asks, with the kid now already asleep only the adult of the group was inside the living room.

''well, he did ask about it''. Sirius said with a shrug of his shoulder.

''This is a really good whiskey, Sirius''. Arthur granger said while taking a sip of the whiskey that one of the house-elf has poured for him.

''of course, it is it Ogden firewhiskey after all''. Sirius said while taking a sip of the firewhiskey in his glass.

''firewhiskey''. Arthur asks with confusion in his voice since he never hears that kind of whiskey.

''yeah sorry I forgot that you are a muggle, firewhiskey is a whiskey brand that was made by wizard''. Sirius said

''well if it made by wizard than it wouldn't be sold in the muggle world then''. Arthur said knowing how no magical product was sold in the muggle world and curse it since he quite like the taste of the firewhiskey.

''well, I can give you some bottle of it''. Sirius said knowing what Arthur was thinking since some of his muggle friends were thinking almost in the same line of thinking of Arthur after having a taste of firewhiskey.

''oh no I wouldn't like to trouble you''. Arthur said

''no, it's fine after all my wife wanted me to stop drinking that much''. Sirius said

''well, I don't know what to say except thank you''. Arthur said

'' don't mention it just remind me to give you a crate of it before you leave''. Sirius said

''I wouldn't forget it''. Arthur said

The adult would continue talking for about another hour before they would retire into their room to sleep. The next day after having their breakfast some of the kids of the group wanted to explore the forest and knowing how dangerous the forest is, the parent would also join them.

''why do you guys wanted to explore this forest again''. Thomas asks the Weasley twin since they were the most vocal of the group of children who wanted to explore the forest

''it simply really Thomas we already explored the forbidden forest so we wanted to explore this forest as this forest is even more famous than the forbidden forest and was said to be more dangerous''. George and Fred Weasley said together.

''you guys explored the forbidden forest''. Thomas ask

''well not explore, I mean we just walk inside of it for a bit before we left after one of the animals in the forest scared us''. George and Fred said while grinning.

''oh come on Thomas don't you have a sense adventure''. The twin said again

''I do have a sense for adventure but I'm not really interested in exploring a forest, that was well known for housing some of the more dangerous creatures in the world and could attack us at any time''. Thomas said

''you don't have to worry about any creature coming to us little brother, after all, we have five hell hound with us and not to mention we have Hanz and a couple of his family members with us''. Hadrian said to his brother while pointing to the couple of hellhounds that was walking either in front of them with Hanz or behind them with some of Hanz pack member. Hanz and his many family members is a pack of werewolf community that was in the employment of the Black family for a century. Their job was to provide the muscle every time the Black family was in a quarrel with other families. The payment for the allegiance to the Black family was that they were allowed to live in some of the less populated lands that the Black own, like this one.

''I believed we should stop here, and return to the manor''. Hanz said to the group

''why''. The Weasley twin ask

''because of we already near one of the hunting grounds of one the creature that lives in this forest''. Hanz said

''which of the creature''. Thomas asks with curiosity since even if he was still afraid of being here, it didn't mean that he wasn't interested in the creature living here. Not to mention he was interested to know what kind of creature that could make a werewolf-like Hanz being a little nervous.

''ghoul''. Hanz said with a little nervousness in his voice, while tightening his hold on the shotgun on his hand. Ghoul was one of many magical creatures that inhabited the world, they were known as flesh-eating a creature that roams cemeteries and other uninhabited places in the middle east. They were known in some cases to be able to shapeshift themselves to become either a human or an animal.

''are we talking about a true ghoul or vampire ghoul''. Hermione asks for clarification since they were currently known to be two groups of ghoul, which is a vampire ghoul that was created by a vampire or the true ghoul as some call the ghoul that inhabited the dessert and plain of the middle east.

'' middle east''. Hanz said

''How the hell a ghoul from the middle east come to Germany''. Thomas asks since it didn't really make sense how a ghoul was able to travel this far except if someone brought it here which opens another batch of question.

''Cassiopianiea black brought a couple of ghoul with her after returning from Persia''. Hanz said

''Why would she even wanted to bring those creatures here''. Thomas ask

'' my guess is that so can she experiment with it''. Hanz said with a shrug. Not really caring for the reason of her bringing a ghoul here.

''I think we should do what Hanz suggested''. Sirius said while taking out his wand. The other parent of the group would agree and would start to lead the children back to the manor. After they arrive in the manor most the younger would play with the other children of Hanz family in the garden.

''So tell me, Hanz did you and your family able to control the creature that lives in this forest''. Hadrian asks he was currently inside the manor study drinking firewhiskey.

''We did lord potter but still, some of the creatures would still attack the muggle''. Hanz said it has been his and his pack member job to make sure the creature attack on the muggle was made to the bare minimum since if the muggle that travels to the forest started to die than it could make the order send some of their members into the forest and that would mean every magical creature that inhabited the place would be killed even if they were the good kind.

''What a shame, well just make sure that the remainder of the people those creature attacks be disposed of thought''. Hadrian said to Hanz.

''yes, lord potter''. hanz said

They would stay in the black manor for a couple more days before they would continue their journey to Italy before sailing into America. They would leave the manor during the day and would drive toward Rome where they would stay in the grand hotel plaza in his insistence since he didn't want to stay in the Rv went they were in Italy. Of course, his parent didn't like the idea at first since they didn't want the weasel family to spend that much money just to stay at the hotel. But after he told them that grandfather owns a couple of rooms in the hotel. They would reluctantly agree to his idea even though they still think staying in the Rv is better. There ride form Germany it selves was spent either playing a game or teaching some of the kid like his brother, the weasel that always following his brother and the weasel twin how to drive.

''yeah, that is Thomas''. Hadrian said while teaching his brother to drive, they were currently on the highway that would bring them to Italy and was making good time even with some of the kids learning how to drive.

''it seems that you got the hang thing already Thomas''. James potter said with proudness in his voice that his son was able to handle driving a car quite fast.

''yeah''. Thomas said still with nervousness in his voice.

''by the way, you should relax Thomas, you don't need to be so tense while driving''. Hadrian said went he noticed how tense his brother is driving something that he can attribute to this with him just learning how to drive.

''so Hadrian who taught you how to drive''. James asks since he has been wondering about this for sometimes.


''really''. James asks with curiosity in his voice since he couldn't imagine his father would do something like that since he barely ever spend his time with him while he was growing up.

''Yeah, grandma was the one who orders him to it''. Hadrian said knowing how much his grandmother who even though is already die still was able to order his grandfather around.

''wait isn't grandma already die''. Thomas asks since as far as he knows his grandmother already die.

''yeah technically she already death but there is a painting of her in grandfather office''. Hadrian said to the shock of Thomas who seems to didn't know about it.

''really''. Thomas asks with a hopeful tone since he always wanted to meet the woman who sacrifices herself for him.

''yeah, wait you didn't know about it''. Hadrian said

''no''. Thomas said dejectedly

''well, maybe someday you could visit the potter mansion in Russia to meet here''. Hadrian said making his brother look hopeful about meeting their grandmother.

''Yeah, that sounds great''. Thomas said

''what car do you first learn to drive Hadrian''. James asks trying to change the mood form the sober mood that currently dominated them after talking about his deceased mother.

''an f40''. Hadrian said

''you're kidding right''. James said he, of course, know what an f40 is, but he couldn't just believe that his son learns how to drive using that kind of car.

''no, why would I joke about it''. Hadrian said not really knowing why would he joked about something like that, since learning how to drive using a Ferrari may seem to be an odd thing to do for some people but most of his friend learn to drive using the more expansive car like his fiancée Daphne that learn to drive using a Rolls Royce silver wraith.

''are you saying that the first car you drive is a Ferrari''. James asks still not believing about it but then again with how rich his family is he shouldn't really be surprised about it.

''yes''. Hadrian said

''how could grandfather allow you to drive a Ferrari''. Thomas ask since this was something that has been bugging him since it didn't really make sense for him that someone would allow anyone to learn how to drive using a Ferrari.

''because that was my car''. Hadrian said

''wait you're saying that someone gives you a Ferrari for a birthday party''. Thomas ask


''Wow, I can believe someone gives you a Ferrari for your birthday present''. Thomas said since this wasn't something he expected since in his mind it didn't make sense how a teenager like his brother be given a Ferrari for a birthday present.


''How old were you went this person give you that car''. Thomas ask


''so someone gives you a Ferrari for your thirteen birthday''. Thomas said trying subtlely tell his dad that he wanted to get a Ferrari for his next birthday present.

'' don't think about it Thomas I and your mother wouldn't let you drive that kind of car''. James said to Thomas knowing what his son was thinking.

''well, maybe the person that give Hadrian his Ferrari would be able to give one for me''. Thomas said with a hopeful tone while imagining someone gives him a Ferrari for his birthday present.

''who did give you a Ferrari Hadrian''. James ask

''katya''. Hadrian said

''wait you're saying our cousin give you a Ferrari''. Thomas asks sure he knows about her being a princess of a magical empire and that should make her really rich, but he didn't expect her to just give a Ferrari for a birthday present.


''how generous of her to give you a Ferrari Hadrian''. James said

''her family is really generous''. Hadrian knowing how generous the Romanov family is to their family.

''really''. James said

''I mean don't you noticed the many pieces of jewelry that rose had on her went she went home after staying with me during the last holiday''. Hadrian said remembering how both Katya and his grand-aunt spoil his sister by giving her jewelry mostly Katya old jewelry that she out grew.

''wait it was given to her by our cousin, I thought it was grandfather that gives it to her''. Thomas said

''well yeah but it wasn't just her and grandfather that give those jewelry to rose since our grand aunt also gives some to Rose''. Hadrian said to Thomas.

''not to sound rude but how rich are they, Hadrian''. Thomas asks with curiosity in his voice since even though he knows that as royal family that they would be rich, he didn't expect them to be so rich that they can give a Ferrari and jewelry with no charge.

''they really rich''. Hadrian said

''I know they're rich since they are a monarch of magical empire and use to be a monarch of both the muggle and the magical world but I mean just how much they are worth''. Thomas said

''I don't know actually since counting their net worth is something that almost impossible''. Hadrian said knowing that as his own family fortune, the Romanov family fortune couldn't be counted.

''wow, that rich huh''. Thomas said


After a couple more minute of Thomas driving, it would finally be the turn of the weasel family to teach their children how to drive and unlike Thomas who was able to grasp the concept of driving quite fast, Some of the members of the Weasley wouldn't be able to quite do it. finally, after a couple more of driving, they would arrive in the outskirt of Rome and then would drive toward the grand plaza where they would be staying. They would after arriving give the key to the Rv to the valet while talking out there baggage. There were, of course, some eyebrows raised by some of the people in the lobby at seeing an Rv being in the plaza. But he didn't really care much about it and it seems that most of the people in his group didn't seem to care about it too since they were quite distracted at seeing both the hotel and Rome at night.

''come on then''. Hadrian said after waiting for a couple of seconds with Rose went he noticed that some of the members of the group were still mesmerized at seeing the hotel and Rome. The group would then walk into the hotel lobby.

''I'm here for my room under the name of Charles potter''. Hadrian said to the male receptionist.

''are you one of those people that come here using that Rv''. The receptionist asks with a bit rudeness in his voice.

''yes''. Hadrian said

''Are you sure you're not in the wrong place sir''. The receptionist asks

''what do you mean about that''. Hadrian said he, of course, know what the receptionist means but he just wanted to confirm to what he said was right.

''I mean perhaps you make the wrong turn went arriving here since I believe that you wanted to go to the other hotel that was another block for here''. The receptionist said

''can I talk to your manager''. Hadrian said knowing that if the manager hears this the receptionist would be fire immediately.

''sorry but my manager already asleep''. the receptionist lied since he can guess that his manager wouldn't want to be interrupted by something like this.

''well can you call him''. Hadrian said

''he already sleeping and I wouldn't want to wake him up just because of this''. The receptionist said not really caring about this person in front of him that he can presume wouldn't eve afford to sleep in the cheapest room the hotel offer.

''hmmm''. Hadrian muses not really like the receptionist rudeness and his assumption that he couldn't offer a room in this place.

''perhaps you can leave sir since you're holding a line''. The receptionist said to Hadrian who would away for the receptionist so that he can call the manager.

''Hadrian what wrong''. Lily ask went Hadrian walk toward the group

''give me a second''. Hadrian said before taking out his phone and calling the manager of the hotel by himself, he would talk to the manager for a couple of second telling him that he already arrive but he couldn't check in to his room because of the receptionist, the manager would then told him to wait for a couple of seconds so that he can go down.

''Hadrian''. A fat man with black hair and blue eyes said gaining the attention of most of the hotel staff that was in the lobby since this was their boss and was walking toward the person who was rejected by the receptionist.

''uncle''. Hadrian said while shacking the man hand, this man is Leonardo Zabini, the uncle to his friend Elanor Zabini and one of his grandfather's close friends. Not to mention he is one of the most powerful crime boss in both the magical and mundane world. this hotel it selves and most other hotels under his company was only a front for his control of much of the criminal underworld. Both him and his uncle would walk toward the receptionist who was shock at seeing his boss and the boy that he orders to leave walking toward him.

''sir'. The receptionist said with nervousness in his voice

''It comes to my attention that the guest that I specifically told you that would be coming here tonight, wasn't allowed to check in to his room by you ''.

''But sir…..''. the receptionist said trying to explain his reason but before he could continue his uncle would interrupt him

''I'm not here to hear your excuse since it seems that you didn't follow order very good then I would assume that you don't need your job anymore''.

''sir''. The receptionist said

''you may leave the premised now before I call the security''.

''I'm truly sorry about that Hadrian and to compensate you for that incompetence by sending a bottle of fire whiskey to your room''. Leonardo said while ordering one of the receptionist to check in Hadrian to his room.

''I'm still underage you know''. Hadrian said with a smile knowing how his uncle always send him liquor for his birthday since his uncle know how much he likes to drink.

''yes and I'm twenty years old''. Leonardo said with a laugh at hearing what Hadrian said since it was funny to hear him said that he was underage to drink while he already drinking since he was ten.

After unpacking their baggage into their room and resting for a bit, they would then began wandering through Rome and would have dinner in one of the cafés that were in the city. After dinner, they would then return to the hotel and would finally sleep. The next day after waking up they would have breakfast in the hotel before wandering around Rome until the afternoon since it would be then that lily and James would meet Susan. They agreed after Thomas calls her to have lunch in one of the cafés in the part of magical Rome.

''Mr. Potter, ms Potter''. Susan said went she enters the café and greeted her boyfriend parent

'' ms Bones''. James and Lily said.

''Hadrian''. Susan said went she noticed Hadrian being there something she didn't believe at first went Thomas told her that he would be there since it was well known that Hadrian isn't close to his biological parent.

''Susy''. Hadrian said

''hello rosy''. Susan said before hugging the younger sister of her boyfriend

''hello susy''. Rose said

''have you eaten anything ms Bones''. Lily asked her youngest son's girlfriend.

''please call me Susan, ms potter and I haven't anything yet''. Susan said

''then please just call me lily''. Lily said

''so you are amelia niece right''. James asks trying to make a small conversation with his youngest son's girlfriend.


''you must be quite smart to be able to enter the Roman dueling academy''. Lily said to Susan who is currently ordering her food.

''I'm not really that smart''. Susan said

'' don't be so modest Susan you hold the second-highest grade in our Hogwarts for our years''. Thomas said

''But still, I'm not really that smart''. Susan said while blushing.

''really the second-highest grade in your years is quite a remarkable thing to achieved''. Lily said they would continue making small conversations during the duration of their lunch.

An; sorry for the long update and if the chapter isn't that good, I'm still looking for either a beta or a co-writer to help write this story.