Prologue: A fallen maiden

"RETREAT!" The captain's order came out as a strangled cry in the middle of the hellish battle they were in. Dust and smoke from the different weapons clouded the already darkened sky as well as their sight, and blood from both humans and vampires covered the once green lawn with a thick layer of crimson. The cries of battle were only overpowered by the cries of pain. They were outnumbered and clearly losing the fight and they knew it. Bullets from both sides flew through the field as countless bodies fell liveless, eyes blank and expressions of horror and dismay on the faces of both sides.

"They are too many!" Some anonymous voice rose from the chaos to state the one thing everybody had been dreading to say.

In the middle of this carnage stood a fair haired maiden. She was small and quite thin but the determination shining in her piercing blue eyes and the proud way she carried herself made her look stronger than she probably was. She participated in the combat for she was not only part of the army, but the leader herself. Some may say a battlefield is no place for a maiden, but this was no usual one, this was the Iron Maiden, Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing and she always commanded her troops into victory to defend queen and country.

Now, she didn´t do this great task alone, no. She had her loyal servants who were there to protect and help her. However, in this occasion, none of the latter were anywhere in sight. She was alone with her army, and for the first time in a long time, she was losing.

"Damn…" Integra cursed as her sword sliced through another ghoul, her pistol having run out of bullets quite some time ago. Where the hell were Alucard and Seras? She sent them on a mission eons ago and they haven´t returned yet. "I swear, if something happens to my men or my home because he was playing around, I'm locking him up for good in that dungeon I found him in"

She was quick, strong and intelligent, but unfortunately, she was not a vampire. The first line had fallen and after that it was only mere seconds before the rest of the soldiers followed them. The commander was fighting at the back of the group, something that displeased her given that leaders should always be in front, leading. This situation, however, served her to survive just long enough to see all of her men die at the hands of the terrorist. Her hand quivered and her whole body shivered with the cold weather and, dare she admit it, fear. She was only human after all, and she felt the toll of the long fight. It was a matter of time before she slipped.

She did.

Väl Apple here!

So this is my second fanfic ever. This is just a crazy idea I had one night and I don't really know where I am going with it, but if you like it, maybe I'll continue it.
