Integra had been awake for quite some time now but the only people who were allowed into the room were the doctors and nurses who treated her. Once, Walter went in to bring her something to eat when she was strong enough, but that was it.

A week. A whole week had passed and yet neither of them had any news of her. Walter couldn't stop dropping plates and breaking pottery, acting as if it was his first day working as a butler and he still was a young teen; Seras was desperate, Pip had tried to console her in numerous occasions but it was futile. The young Draculina was devastated. Alucard was the worst of them though. At first, he had played off as disinterested and bored, but soon he started to show the obvious. He stopped scaring the soldiers (Of which they were thankful), His insistence with Seras because of her lack of drinking blood was all but gone and eventually, he limited his roaming through the house to only two locations: the basement and the door of the room in which Sir Integra was currently recovering. At the end of the week, he could not be seen anywhere but the lowest level of the building.

The young girl opened her eyes for what it seemed the thousand time that day, or at least she thought it was the same day. She had been falling in and out of consciousness constantly, making her lose the sense of time. For all that she knew, she could have been in that hospital room for quite some time now. She yawned and tried to stretch her sore limbs; being in a bed for a long period of time tended to make oneself stiff. Seeing as she could move freely without it hurting, she put her arms above her head in a much cat like manner and sighed heavily, relieved to be able to do such a simple thing. She rolled her shoulders, rubbed her blurry eyes and reached to her side in order to grab the glass of water that somehow she knew was there. Drinking slowly, she looked around the room over the rim of the very hospital like paper cup. What was she doing here again? She blinked. Obviously, she had been ill; her eyes landed on some bandages that adorned her forearm. Or an accident, she decided the last option was more plausible. Finishing the water and already feeling better, the woman tried her luck with standing. She made her way towards the bathroom to wash the still remaining sleepiness from her face and ended up taking quite a bit longer in the room just watching at her reflection. She touched her face, her hair; she traced her fingers over her nose and lips. It was her face, she was sure. But at the same time, there was something there that didn´t fit, like she was looking at her reflection for the first time. Maybe she had hit her head in that "accident". Running a hand through the blond tresses the woman confirmed her suspicions: there was a sore spot in her head, just a bit over her ear. She also confirmed that she needed a bath or a quick shower, anything. Just how long had she been here?

Sighting and deciding to leave that mystery for another moment, the blonde came slowly out the room, ready to go back to bed; she couldn't walk around in a hospital gown so she was going to wait for a doctor or a nurse. However, her eyes met a new face: an old man with a butler outfit and a surprised expression. They stood like that for a long moment, just staring at each other. Her first impulse was to scream, a strange mas was in her room while she was half naked and defenseless, but she quickly remembered to stay calm and asses de situation before acting in a rush. She had done this before, when? Did she work as a police officer or something, she couldn't remember right now.

"The doctor said you should be awakening shortly so I brought you some clothes, ma'am" The shaking voice of the man brought her back from her musings and made her look at the bundle in his arms. A suit. This just served as proof of her thoughts, she was some kind of security agent, and she surely felt like one. The expecting butler coughed and gave her the clothes. She nodded and took them.

"Thank you" She inwardly cringed at her own voice. It was deep and commanding; she didn't mean it like that. She looked up from the suit into the man's eyes in hopes of not offending him but she only found a warm smile and an encouraging nod.

"I´ll be waiting at your office ma´am, take your time" and with that he left the room, leaving a confused Integra behind.

"I have an office?"

Surprise faces and…dare she say scared ones too. Everybody stepped away from her and nobody looked at her in the eye. Why? What kind of person was she? Didn´t she have friends or even coworkers? How odd. Her confidence dimmed with every step she took and every look she received, plus she was lost in the maze of turns and stairs that was this mansion. Integra ended up asking what she supposed was a passing soldier who promptly screamed and proceeded to apologize fervently. With a sigh, the woman squared her shoulders and asked again. Somehow, she knew she wasn´t the kind of person to give up after just one try. She had to wander for a bit more before she encountered another person. Really, these hallways were way to big. Integra tapped the shoulder of the employee, although she had to reach for it since he was taller than her.

"Excuse me, may I have some assistance? I'm looking for my office but I seem to be lost at the moment". She emphasized that word to see if he was able to recognize her because, if she was important enough to have her own place here, surely someone had to know her. In fact, everyone seemed to know her, They were just running away from her. Was she a bad person? Maybe cruel even? While she had her internal monologue, the man before had fully turned to face her. Realizing this, some colour tinted her cheeks in embarrassment as she opened her mouth to apologize. However, no words came out when she took in the face of the person. The black haired man remained serious and stoic but Integra could clearly see the emotions playing in his eyes: surprise, worry, happiness? If she wanted answers she had a feeling she had just found them for no simple coworker would look at someone with those eyes. Maybe they were really good friends, lovers even…


Well, THAT is not what she was expecting. AT ALL.