On April 29th, Hermione paid particular attention in History of Magic class. She observed the way Professor Binns droned on and on in a monotone, and she took note each time he said something that sounded like revisionist history on behalf of the wizards regarding the goblins. She was positive Binns had some of the facts wrong. No matter what the level of possible cruelty of goblins was, Hermione knew without a shadow of a doubt that a goblin would never break another's sword.

Their spine or neck, perhaps, but not their sword.

Swords were works of art.

As they filed out of class, Hermione lingered behind, allowing herself to feel nostalgic for a moment, taking the time to remember all her positive memories of her History of Magic class.

"Are you seriously having second thoughts?" Blaise's incredulous voice cut into her self-reflection. "You've got to be kidding me."

"I'm not," Hermione objected hotly. "I'm just… remembering the good times. You know. Before."

"Of course you are." Blaise rolled his eyes and smirked. His eyes glittered at her. "And what good times do you remember?"

"Honestly? Not many," she confessed. "Mostly I remember you sending me a note inviting me to practice chess with you. But that hardly has anything to do with the class itself, really."

A slow smile spread across Blaise's face at that.

"That was in History of Magic, wasn't it?" he said. "It seems like a lifetime ago, now."

"It really does." It was unthinkable to remember a time at Hogwarts where she hadn't been close to Blaise, but there had been; before her Slytherin friends, all she'd really had were Harry and Neville.

Blaise smirked.

"No good memories of the class itself, though? No good witch burning discussions? No riveting goblin rebellion lectures?" he prompted.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Alright, alright. You've made your point."

Blaise was laughing as they left class, heading outside with her for Herbology. They caught up to Tracey and Millie, who were talking about the rumor that the mandrakes were almost mature – apparently, they'd started flirting with each other, and who knew that was even a thing that a plant could do?

Hermione took the time to cycle and settle her magic through the earth as they walked, which was easier said than done. She'd been practicing, but it was still a struggle not to stumble as she did. It felt slightly surreal to realize she might not need to do this anymore soon; her core instability had become such a part of her life that she wondered what it'd be like to not have to consciously seek out treatment for it anymore.

After Herbology was Charms, which was easy. The Engorgement Charm was simple enough, and Hermione was hoping they were able to get to the Shrinking Charm before exams – that one would be much more useful for everyone, though she'd mastered that one a while ago herself. She let her mind wander during the class, performing on command when Flitwick came by, trying to do it wordlessly or daydreaming when he wasn't.

After dinner, her coven met in an empty classroom not far from the Great Hall to discuss their ritual preparations.

"I'll finish finding the components," Blaise said strongly. "I want to be the one to get all the things together."

Harry made a face. "That's what I wanted to do."

"I claim the attire!" Susan sang out. "I've been working on the ritual robes for us, and I should be able to finish them all this evening!"

"…wait, what?" Hermione stared. "You've been making ritual robes?"

"Well, you said we'd all need them a while ago," Susan pointed out. "And – no offense, Hermione – I figured having custom-made robes for all of us would be way more awesome than me just ordering us five sets of some mass-made robe from Madame Malkin's, or worse, just wearing our school robes."

"What do they look like?" Blaise wanted to know.

Susan stuck her tongue out at him, playful. "It's a secret. You'll see tomorrow."

Hermione turned to Luna. "Luna, do you want to—"

"I want to work on the symmetry of the circle," Luna interrupted.

Hermione blinked.

"…um. We don't really need to do that," she said. "We're not going to be able to achieve perfect symmetry, given our group."

"I want to work on the circle's symmetry," Luna insisted, her eyes fierce, and Hermione backed off.

"Okay, okay, you can work on the circle's symmetry." She dug around in her bag, finding a sheaf of parchment. "Here are my notes on the circle and ritual design. You can use these."

"Thank you." Luna looked satisfied, and Hermione wondered what that was all about.

"What's left to do?" Harry asked.

"Well, I'm going to figure out the 'where'," Hermione said. "Blaise is handling the 'how', Luna is doing the 'what', and Susan is—err, also working on the 'how', I suppose—"

"Don't give me that surprised look," Susan complained. "You're just jealous you didn't think of custom coven robes first."

"Why would I be jealous, if I'm still getting one anyway?" Hermione laughed, and Susan rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue.

"So then what's left?" Harry asked, and Hermione considered.

"Why don't you try and focus on the 'who' for the second ritual?" she suggested. "You could read old articles or try and find personal details, or maybe even snoop around the classroom for a personal item? Just in case we need something more to use to call."

"Research. Right." Harry blew out his breath. "I'll do my best, Hermione."

"Okay. Break!" Blaise said. His eyes were alight with excitement. "We all have our assignments. Let's go."

The group scattered. Hermione watched Harry head for the library, Blaise and Luna going off to who-knows-where. Hermione followed Susan down a flight of stairs before they split; Susan going to the Hufflepuff common room, Hermione to the kitchens. Remembering her previous errors, she was careful to tickle the pear, and she pulled on the appearing door handle with a smile.

The House Elves were all around the kitchen, cleaning dishes and utensils from dinner. There was a jubilant undertone to the room, several of the House Elves skipping about and humming to themselves as they did their work. Hermione watched for a few moments until a House Elf approached her.

"Missy Hermione!" the elf beamed. "How is I helping you?"

Hermione paused. "Err—I'm sorry, have I met you?"

"I is Natty," the elf told her, sweeping her a bow. "And no, you has not. But I is knowing you from Wassailing."

Natty grinned at her, and Hermione hesitantly gave a smile back. A widely-grinning House Elf was an odd sight to see.

"I was hoping for some help with something somewhat traditional," Hermione said. "Is Tolly around?"

"I gets her." Natty skipped off, humming, and Tolly came over to join Hermione at a small table a few moments later, Natty skipping alongside.

"Missy Hermione," Tolly said. "How is you being?"

"I'm doing well," she said. "I'm sorry I haven't visited much lately."

"You has been being busy," Tolly dismissed. "You is being busy slicing off giant snake heads."

"Well, yes," Hermione laughed. "But still."

"You is also catching a culprit!" Natty said proudly. "You catching the culprit is keeping Headmaster Dumbledore very occupied at your Ministry."

"Ah—I guess so?" Hermine ventured. "I didn't really think of that. Is that why he hasn't been reinstated?"

"Probably. We are not really caring why," Natty admitted. "We is just caring he is not reinstated until Monday."

Hermione smiled.

"Because Beltane?" she guessed.

"Because it will be being Beltane!" Natty announced. The elf did a flip of joy, before bouncing in place on the balls of thin feet. "It has been being many, many years since us elves could be celebrating so freely!"

Natty bounced off, flipping and calling something out Hermione didn't understand, but there was a cheer and many other flipping House Elves a moment later, and she couldn't help but laugh.

"You must have your hands full," she said to Tolly.

"They still gets their work done," Tolly said, looking out over the kitchen with an indulgent smile. "But Natty is being right; it has been being a long time since we has been celebrating Beltane openly."

"I wanted to talk to you about that," Hermione said. "About Beltane."

Tolly immediately sat up with wide eyes.

"I is so sorry, Missy Hermione, but you is not to join us for Beltane," Tolly begged. "It is being a ritual and celebration for House Elfs only."

"Oh, no! I would never impose!" Hermione quickly assured her. "I only had some questions for you about my own ritual that I was hoping you could help me with."

"Oh!" Tolly looked surprised. "You is celebrating Beltane too?" She gave Hermione a searching look, large eyes scanning her. "You is still a little young."

"No, no. I'm using Beltane for a ritual, not doing a Beltane ritual," Hermione clarified, flushing. "My coven wants to bond tomorrow at midnight, at the start of Beltane. I'm looking for a place we could do our ritual undisturbed, and then another place inside where we could do the second ritual to channel our new power."

Tolly looked awed.

"You is doing witchcraft on Beltane." Tolly looked so happy her wide eyes were swimming with tears. "You is doing witchcraft on Beltane."

"It's really not that big of a deal," Hermione said uncomfortably.

Tolly glared at her, eyes still shining and wet.

"It is being a big deal," she snapped. "You is doing witchcraft, moving the magics of the world like in times of old. And on Beltane. It is being a big deal."

She glared and Hermione, and Hermione paused.

"Um," she said. "Well. As it's a big deal… will you help me?"

Immediately, Tolly brightened. She stood up and whistled an odd melody, and several elves came scurrying over.

"These are being some of the elves who are being the most well-traveled around Hogwarts," Tolly said proudly. "We will all listen. You is telling us just what you want to do."

Hermione explained what she had intended for a coven binding ritual to the elves, as well as the plan for the subsequent ritual. The elves listened attentively, some of them stroking their pointy chins deep in thought.

"Should she be using the grove?" one elf suggested.

"No, the grove is being off school grounds," another said. "It is being too far for them."

"I is thinking the circle in the forest is best for binding," one elf said thoughtfully. "It is being heavy with magic still."

There was a murmur of consensus among the elves, several nodding their heads with wide eyes.

"The forest?" Hermione bit her lip. "Is that really a good idea? It's forbidden for a reason. And there are all kinds of dangerous creatures in there."

"There is being unicorns and centaurs," the elf dismissed. "And they is being protective of you if you are telling them what you are doing. If you is not straying too far, you is not running into any of the too-big spiders or nasty things."

Hermione was cautious. "Are you sure? I know centaurs are very territorial."

"I is sure with you." The elf smiled at her. "Missy Hermione is always very polite and respectful. The centaurs will be being glad."

"But what is we to be doing about the second?" Tolly said, bringing them back on track. "What is being the best place for that?"

"The wardstone," several elves suggested immediately, and Hermione's eyes widened.

"Hogwarts has a wardstone?" she breathed. "How do I not know of this?"

Tolly looked at her funny.

"Hogwarts is being covered in protective wards," she said, "both the school and the grounds. How is you thinking the wards are working if there is not being a wardstone?"

"I… I guess I never really thought about it all that deeply." Hermione's mind was still a bit boggled. "Is this a Hogwarts secret? I've never seen the wardstone."

"Well, of course you is not seeing it," Tolly told her, sniffing. "It is hidden in a secret room."

"Ah, of course," Hermione said. "And the elves have found the secret room?"

"Elves is the only ones who is getting in and out," one elf said smugly. "The Founders were being smart and were hiding their stone in a stone chamber very very deep underground where no ones could get to it, before they is bleeding on it and casting their wards."

"If elves are the only ones who can get in," Hermione said patiently, "how could I possibly get in myself?"

"Oh!" The elf looked surprised. "We will have to teach you popping. If you is brimming with magic from you making your coven, you will be able to be popping through."

"Will I be able to pop out?" Hermione wanted to know, but Tolly was waving her hand.

"If you is not, we is coming to get you later," she said. "But it is being important that you is the one popping yourselves in."

The elves quickly formed a circle, speaking so rapidly over each other that Hermione couldn't make out what they were saying at all. Just as she realized they were talking about her, the circle broke apart, and one wrinkly elf stepped forward, chin held high.

"I is Bidum," the elf said. "I is old and has much wisdom about human magic. I is to be teaching you popping."

Hermione gave a bow to the elf.

"Ah—thank you, Bidum," she said. "I am honored. But… do you really think a human can learn House Elf magic in one night?"

"No," Bidum said immediately, then he grinned, revealing stained and mangled teeth. "But I is teaching you a shortcut."