A/N: Hey! Hi! Hello! Look, guys. I'm not a hundred percent sure yet, but this may be the last chapter. I'll say this. It's been a hell of a ride. It's been fun. If it is, we'll get mushy at the end. If it's not, then we'll need to have some words. But it's been a long ass day and if we don't get through my outline today, then we'll talk. I'm going to shut up now. Because Hanji's gone a little off the deep end and we need to see how this is going to work itself out. K? Ok!

Oh, Levi...This really wasn't the way I wanted this to go down. I was hoping you would've stayed here willingly. But you just had to run your fucking mouth. Threaten to use your underground friends in the inner wall. They wouldn't be able to cure you. Only I can do that. You just had to get a toe out of line. You should've known better. You really should.

Twitch, twitch.

Oh, shit. Not good. I got up and ran for more liquid nighty night. I mean, it's not like I was stupid about it, though. Handcuffs work like a charm. Don't ask why I have handcuffs. It's classified. They're typically used to restrain someone that gets a LOT bigger than Levi. And a lot stronger when he's angry. But those handcuffs are only temporary. Hopefully, I won't have to resort to using a cage with him.

"What the hell..." Shit. No. As long as I kept him all drugged up, he wouldn't go anywhere. Levi sat up while I prepared another syringe, "Hanji, what have you done?"

"Shh..." I jabbed the needle in his neck, cradling him gently back to his bed, "It's ok, Levi. I can handle this. Everything will be just fine."

"What did you do?" Levi rattled his cuffs. He's going to end up hurting himself and we can't have that. If the serum doesn't work, then I'll have a test subject for a little while longer. While he's been sleeping, I ran a few more tests on some of the rats he didn't catch. Things were looking rather promising.

"Don't worry about it," I brushed him off, "Just go back to sleep, Levi."

"No," he snapped, "I'm not going back to sleep. God only knows what else you'll do to me. Now, what the fuck did you do to me this time?"

"It's only a matter of time," I sighed out, "You won't be able to fight it anymore. I gave you some pretty powerful shit. Although, this last dose wasn't as strong as the initial one. I wouldn't want to give you an accidental overdose. That wouldn't be fun. Nor do I want to explain that to the higher ups. I'm sure they would court martial me for something like that and I'll have to pass."

"Why are you doing this?" Levi's voice softened, "At least tell me that much."

"Because I'm not ready to let go!" I choked out, "Because you deserve better, Levi. You're more than just the titan killer everyone else sees. We've known each other for quite some time now. Not many people can say they've seen you at rock bottom. And only one person in the entire world can say they've seen you lower than that. Who do you think that is?"

Levi went dead silent. I knew his ass wasn't sleeping yet. And even more so, I knew he knew exactly what I was talking about. One of our first scouting missions...and one of our first major losses. Levi and I were lucky to get out of it alive. Some of our friends? They weren't quite so lucky. Nothing cuts deeper than survivor's guilt, "That was low, Hanji."

"You're more than just a killer, Levi," I shook, sitting on his bed, "You're more than what our circumstances have made you. And you know it. Deep down, there's nothing you want more than for the titans to be done and over with and to retire somewhere you've never seen before. Or maybe deep down, you don't want this to be over."

"How could you...?!"

"Maybe there's something deeply satisfying about plunging your sword in a titan," I grumbled, "I'm not pretending that there isn't titan blood on my hands, but no one has more of it than you. And maybe that's the way you like it. One day, you'll forget your name and people will just call you by your body count. Because that's what this war has made you. I won't apologize for my feeble attempt to bring you back down to earth. To remember somewhat of who you are. Of why we're fighting in the first place. But I am sorry for the way this happened. Chalk it up to being a victim of happenstance."

"Hanji..." Levi's eyelids grew heavier, "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," I allowed, "What?"

"Are you keeping me a cat on purpose?" he wondered, "Just so I don't have to go out and fight anymore?"

"No," I shook my head, "I was playing with the rats earlier and tested the serum. Because they have a smaller circulatory system, it ran through them faster and it works. We just needed some time and I can't have you running loose. If you would've went to your buddies in the underground, God only knows what they would've done and what kind of reaction that'd cause. But I could tell your patience and trust in me were both running thin, so I ran out of options. The time off isn't going to kill you, Levi."

"But how many are dying without me?"

"We haven't had any casualties in a week," I smiled, "So I guess we can call that good news, right?"

"Yeah," Levi laid his head on my shoulder, "I can take more time off when there aren't any more titans walking around."

"Just let me take care of you," I begged, "Please?"

"My god, Hanji," he rolled his eyes, "We really need to get you a hobby that doesn't involve genetic splicing. Or get you laid. One of the two."

"Well..." I thought, biting my lip, "We're here now, aren't we? It's kind of late. I still have the candles from the other night..."

"Not on your fucking life." Ok. Tough crowd. I mean, Levi's not the worst looking guy in the world, but he's not my first choice either.

But then, a moment of hope shined down on me. Levi knows people. Levi's kind of a higher man on the totem pole, "Do you think you could…Maybe get me Erwin for a night? And possibly breakfast?"

"I could talk to him," Levi shrugged. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a piece of his cat ear start to evaporate.

"Shut up, Levi," I watched intently, "How are you feeling right now?"

"Really tired," he continued to fight sleep, "Why?"

"Because you're turning back to normal," I reported, "Your ear's going away."

"Really?" Levi chirped, coming to again, "Give me a mirror."

"Sure," I jumped up from his bed and got the mirror out of one of the desk drawers, "Go ahead. Watch. This is fascinating…"

He's turning back…This was the goal, right? Then, why is it bumming me out so much? I guess I really wasn't ready to let this go. But it had to happen sometime. Levi noticed my sudden loss of energy, "Hanji? What is it?"

"Before you completely turn back…" I requested, "Do you think…Just this once…Can I pet you?"

"If it keeps you from ever asking that again," he decided, "And if you promise to never unwillingly use me as a test subject again, yes. You can pet me."

"I promise," I beamed. Dammit…I'm out a test subject. I always have the cadets to play with if I really wanted to.

"You know," Levi thought as I ran my hand from the top of his head, down his back, doing all I could to not hug him and squeeze him and snuggle him. Keep it together, Hanji, "If you tell anyone this, I may have to kill you, but this feels kind of nice."

"Really?" I never really thought about it. Color me curious.

"Yeah," he curled up in my thigh. Don't squeal, Hanji. I know you want to, but keep it together, "Eren found a spot last night that felt particularly nice. Just above the base of my tail. A sentence I never thought I'd say."

"You mean…" I ran my fingers across the top of his tail, making him purr a little, "Right here?"

"Oh, yeah…" Levi moaned, but then, he caught himself, "I mean…Yeah. That's where…You're wrong, you know."

"What am I wrong about?" I gave him a look. It's not often I'm wrong.

"I really can't wait for the day I can retire," he shut his eyes as his tail began to fade, "When I can put all of the bullshit we've been through behind me."

"If you ever need to do this again," I offered, "Without you being a cat again, my door's always open. Come by anytime."

"Thank you, Hanji," Levi let out a tiny yawn, "But chances are, that's not going to happen for a while."

"You know," I thought it over, "I bet I could tweak what I had originally planned for a super steroid and use it more for agility. Would you be willing to take part in another clinical trial for a…?

"No fucking way."

"Fine," I let it go, fully understanding. And the last bit of Levi's tail had gone away, "Well, Captain, looks like you're one hundred percent human again. Thanks for playing."

"I had a horrible time," Levi joked darkly, "Does this mean I can go now?"

"Yeah," I pouted, unlocking his handcuffs, "I'm going to miss having you around here, Levi."

"We don't live far from each other, Hanji," he pointed out, "I can almost spit from your room to mine. And we're still going to be fighting the good fight together."

"Be sure to get some rest," I ordered, "As your friend, makeshift doctor, and therapist…"

"You're not my therapist, Hanji."

"You're probably going to sleep like a rock tonight," I figured, "And you're still healing. Once everything's out of your system, you should be right as rain again!"

"Wonderful," he got up from the bed and stumbled a few steps.

"Easy, tiger," I held him up, "You feeling ok?"

"Yeah," Levi nudged me off, "I'm fine."

But then, he fell into one of the tables. Luckily, I caught him before he fell to the floor, "Levi, I know you don't want to, but maybe you should stay here tonight. You're in no shape to be out there. I promise I'll leave you alone."


"And I won't watch you sleep."


"And I won't try to take your temperature."


"And I won't make out with you while you're sleeping."


"Or spoon you."

"Alright," Levi curled up in bed, "Good night, Hanji."

"Good night, Levi," I pulled the blanket over him and left him alone. It's going to be a downer not to have him around anymore, but at least we were still buddies after everything. The next morning, I sent Levi off with a note pinned to his jacket. Before we did anything, I had to check my pantry. Flour…Brown sugar…White sugar…Eggs…Butter…Chocolate. Yeah. We should be good.

"Hanji?" my favorite little cadet chimed at the front door, "Levi told me you were looking for me! I'm not doing any experiments for you. And I'm not getting anyone else to do them. Fool me once."

"Hi, Eren!" I squealed, "Kitchen!"

"What are you doing?" Eren came over to me while I finished setting things up.

"I owe you cookies, don't I?" I smiled, "And you said you wanted to watch?"

"Because I don't trust your baking anymore."

"Alright then," I got a bowl from the cabinet next to the stove, "Shall we get started?"

A/N: Well, looks like we won't have to have the talk. I was going to say we were going on NaNoWriMo hiatus, but this is it. This is the end. And I thought, what better way to end it than with Hanji coming through on a promise she made to Eren? This poor baby just wants cookies.

So, I wasn't looking to write god tier fic here. This was just a casual idea that poured out of my brain. But I will say this. I loved how it turned out. I wanted to try writing for a new fandom and I did it. Albeit kind of short, I still liked it. Parts made me laugh, parts made me cry, and parts made me very confused, but in the best way. To any and all of you that took this weird ass journey with me, thank you. I love you. No, this won't be getting a sequel, but I might write another random secret of a different member of humanity's finest. If not, then feel free to leave any requests for any fandom in any of the review sections. And if you're reading this in the future, that goes for you, too. Don't be shy. I'm still here. So, I'm going to go finish up my preparations for NaNoWriMo. Wish me luck and I'll see you later. xx