Warning: This work contains swearing, violence, child abuse, and minor gore. You will only be warned once.

Disclaimer: I do not own nor claim any rights to the characters, concepts or other content of the amazing works by J.K. Rowling or Akira Amano. I merely put into words ideas I had if those two shared a universe.


The man only known as Verde woke up with a start, threw on his coat and rushed out of the room so fast he nearly left an afterimage. One of his warning systems was blaring loudly enough to wake the dead, let alone him. There were only few alarms to alert the whole base like this – first among them the intruder alert. So, he was understandably in a hurry to get to his monitoring room to find out what was going on.

Mentally cursing his short legs Verde rushed past the labs where his men were frantically packing up lab equipment and the most important experiments. He only spared a short glance and nod for them to make sure there was no panicking – they WERE professionals after all for goodness sake. He didn't bother breaking his stride or otherwise giving instructions. They knew what to do, there had been drills and it certainly wasn't the first time this year the alarms went off with good cause.

As he rounded the last corner the monitor room came into view. It was still closed and there was no change from the standard alarm since he woke up, meaning his guards had not found reason to activate evacuation protocols. This did not alleviate his worry however, rather it just meant the potential intruders could be good enough to evade further detection. Having finally reached the monitor room he quickly took out his access card, swiped it across the access panel, punched in the 24-digit code on the finger print sensitive keyboard and let the iris sensor do its job. The security might seem excessive but it's not paranoia if they really are out to get you after all.

As the foremost expert in flame tech as well as robotics and considering his various successes in weapon development in addition to other accomplishments Verde had to be very careful with the security of his lab if he didn't want to be robbed, kidnapped or otherwise taken advantage of like many had tried in the past. His current size and appearance definitely did not serve as a deterrent, nor could he use his status as one of the Arcobaleno as such. He wasn't an adequate fighter before the curse so being perpetually stuck in the body of a 1-year-old toddler did not make his lacking physique any less of a hindrance.

He pushed past the doors as soon as they slid open and headed straight for the central access panel only he could use. The 3 guards in the room briefly glanced at him as he made his way inside to ascertain who had joined them before quickly turning back to their separate monitors to continue their work. Verde nodded in approval. "Report", he demanded shortly without breaking stride.

Without looking up from the screen in front of him Ben, his head of security answered. "We don't know what caused the alarm. No intruders, none of our guys sounded it. All emergency sensors are still green. There shouldn't be a way for the intruder alert to go off without triggering a sensor so I didn't send the evacuation order yet. Emergency exits have been secured and 2 teams are sweeping the corridors in irregular intervals. They each have one Tech with them to check if any sensor is broken. It could also just be a system malfunction but I doubt it, sir. We check and maintain it too often for that. Do you want us to clear out just in case? I've sent the signal to our guys over in Sicily to start preparations as a precaution."

Verde frowned. As Ben gave his report he checked into his own access panel and had the system call up the alarm log only accessible through this particular console. He had the sensors checked every day so the chance of hardware failure was very low. Which meant the cause was one of the few sensors his security team didn't have clearance to monitor. His eyes flew over the data log and finally stilled over one line and his heart leaped into his throat.

He stared at the screen in shocked disbelief, not daring to trust the words displayed on it. Unblinkingly he read the results again and again, completely ignoring his surroundings until finally the voice of Ben snapped him out of his stupor.

"Sir?", Ben asked in confusion of his employers' uncharacteristic behaviour, "Are you feeling alright?"

Verde swallowed, closed his eyes briefly and took a deep breath. He struggled briefly to reign is his rampaging thoughts and put his professional mask back into place.

"Yes", he finally answered before turning back to the screen to ascertain the results one last time. "I'm fine."

"Ben. Turn off the alarms. All green. There is no intruder. Have the base packed up anyways. We are relocating to Sicily tomorrow, we had planned to leave in a month anyways. This way the others won't have to unpack again. Leave your deputy to coordinate the move. The both of us are going to take a trip to Britain. There are some people I need to have a word with."

As he was talking the earlier disbelief had quietly changed into cold fury. How dare they. He should never have trusted him regardless of what his mother had wanted. This just proved it all over again. His brother owed him an explanation. It had better be a really good one.

He doubted it would be good enough. After all what could be a good enough reason to lie to his face about his own grandson's death?

Author's Note:

Hello and welcome to my story. This is the first work i post on so if you feel there are things I should keep in mind please let me know. I'm not an experienced author, not is english my first language, so please keep that in mind as you read. I appreciate any feedback I get and am happy I can improve my writing with your help.

The Rage of an Evans will be the first of three in 'The Umigakure Founding Chronicles' series. As you might be able to tell from the name this means in addition to the Harry Potter and Katekyo Hitman Reborn universes this will eventually include the Naruto universe as well. That will not happy for quite some time however, I just wanted to let you know in advance.

I will post the chapters as I finish them. This means there is no particular release schedule. I will however try to post once every two weeks. As I'm currently in an apprenticeship this may not be possible due to studies or my work schedule.

Lasty and most importantly, I would like to thank my best friend Karuto for providing all the artwork for this work, which you will soon get to enjoy, seeing as she is kind enoughh to allow me to include her work. She is also currently acting as my sounding board and Beta. Without her I never would have posted this anywhere. Ever. Thank you Karu 3

I hope you enjoyed reading this rather short prologue and look forward to the first chapter!

See you soon!

Love, Liola