This fandom needs more fandom. Despite the fact that it's possibly dead by now... oh well.

Anyway, I've always been interested by superheroes with a soulmate. So here's my take on it staring my favourite RC9GN OTP.

When she touched his hand that day, she was overwhelmed by the many feelings in his head.

He was surprised, nervous, possibly in shock, but most importantly, actually afraid of the night before them. He had covered it up with the feeling of courage and a hint of smugness, but she couldn't help but smile at the realization that Howard's accusation was right.

She bet that the sudden fearlessness was due to their newfound connection.

Later that day though, when the zombies attacked, that bravery of his was no lie.

Since then, her soulmate would find the time to make contact with her, whether it was a small touch by the fingers or a full blown hug.

There was a time when his touch felt different. When their hands met, he was confused. Like this was the first time he's ever felt her feelings. Like he had no idea what was going on.

He scared her that day, yet she decided to stick by him for a while. Maybe whatever was going on with him would pass by soon. She did refrain from holding his hand or touching him, it was strange to feel such an alien emotion from him.

It was consoling when he seemed fine the next day.

So the moment she touched the ninja, Theresa had to stifle her laugh. Out of everyone in their school, it had to be him hadn't it?

Then again it made sense when she thought about it.

He was never around when a monster struck the school, he'd mysteriously disappear when a robot attacked and claimed he was in the toilet or something right after the battle.

The baton twirler had to admit, he was really good at hiding this secret from her. He would always talk about the ninja, mentally and physically, and how he's so bruce. She didn't think much of it though, he and Howard did claim to be the ninja's biggest fans.

It would also explain why he was so tense the day they were in the club. When she grabbed for his hand, his thoughts were so muddled and panicked she worried he didn't want her. He quickly reassured her, but he was still desperate to let go.

She also noticed his jealousy and anger towards his friend for being the hero. So though she didn't understand the reason for him to suddenly tell her that Howard was the better hero then, despite his breaking its pride, she reluctantly agreed to let go.

It felt different to hold Howard's hand. It was… quiet. There was no sound. No incohesive nervousness, no spikes of bravery, no childish thoughts, nothing.

It wasn't the first time. Whenever she's with Debbie, she would long for the sound of his random spontaneous emotions.

The reporter would often question if the world actually choose the right people to be together. A hopelessly romantic girl and an immature naive boy.

She shouldn't argue since she has Howard.

To say Theresa was relieved when they saw him again after the Sorceress' defeat was an understatement.

She told him everything with a hug and showed him her fear of the event. To her surprise, he felt just as frightened as she was. Maybe even more.

And now she understood why.

"You're telling me everything when you get back." She whispered to him as she was let go on the rooftop of the school.

"But of course." He replied in his best ninja voice he could muster before taking a bow and swinging away to the robot.

She didn't need to read his mind to tell that he was over the moon right about now.

But he had to tell her who the juice was the guy that posed as him that day.