Captain's Log. Star Date: 2267.8

After a long wait on Yorktown, I have finally been able to get clearance for myself and my crew to board at last. The Enterprise. With or without the 'A' on the hull, she's still home. Our home. Speaking of which, I have also just received word about the last member of our family; Jaylah. In spite of breaking more Academy rules than I did during my time, she's passed and has been officially assigned to engineering aboard ship per mine and Mr. Scott's recommendation.

I wouldn't have it any other way. Finally, we're home. We are all home.

Off the record, I am extremely proud of Jaylah's accomplishment in breaking my record. I've already got her a new speaker system and a good selection of classical Earth music as congratulations. I'm sure Scotty won't mind. -

226 Days out [Standard Shipboard Time]...

The Enterprise had been steadily combing through the thick field of rock surrounding Altamid to further map it for future voyages by others into the frontier. So far all had been a steady hum to ship and her Captain but all that was about to change.


Kirk turned back and got up from the command chair as Lieutenant Uhura concentrated more on her scanner board.

"What is it Miss Uhura?"

She turned back to him as she amplified the trace of what sounded to be a fragmented ... signal?

"I'm detecting a weak anomaly from within the nebula Sir."

Kirk's eyes tightened as his curiosity and caution perked up.

"Another survivor from Krall?"

He looked to his communications officer as she tried to further increase the feed from the oddity.

"Hard to say, but if I had to guess, this is something...much, much older."

Kirk turned and headed back to his chair.

"Lieutenant get a fixed set of coordinates on the signal, Mister Sulu take us out. Spock, notify Bones we may have to get someone in to Medical and have a survey crew at the ready."

Spock nodded once as he went to do so.

"Understood Captain."

He uttered smoothly as Sulu soon began navigating the Enterprise out into the rim of the nebula.

2 hours later...

Sulu eased back on the power as the Enterprise came face to face with what could only be described as an alien vessel. It appeared to be smaller than the Enterprise, most likely intended for scouting operations.

Kirk turned to his first officer, eyes glued to the visual of the strange craft.


His best friend could only turn slightly to him and barely speak above a whisper.

"I haven't the faintest idea Jim."

They both turned as someone let out a hiss, and just caught Uhura as she yanked her earpiece out.


Spock was just a step ahead of Kirk as they both reached out for her but halted midstride as she held up her hand and waved them off that she was fine.

"Something just flooded my station."

Kirk immediately bristled and almost ordered for the Enterprise to open up her full battery from standby on the anomaly. Past experience had ingrained this instinct into him but he stopped and waited. If they were an enemy, they'd have struck by now, but nothing happened.

He turned to Dr. Wallace as she stepped up to the console and did a scan of it.

"It appears to be some type of Macro virus sir, but all its after is our linguistic database."

Kirk's brow furrowed.


As if answering his question a feminine voice suddenly boomed across the bridge.

"To all sentient beings in the Universe, I send this message. I am Sub-Commander Aurora from the planet Cybertron and this is a warning of the highest urgency."

Kirk waved down Dr. Wallace as she readied her counter program.

"Let it play, I want to hear this out."

The message continued on, unaware of the bridge's reaction.

"My planet was created through the miraculous force known simply to us as the Allspark. With the Allspark there was no strife, no inequity, no need for war. In my lifetime and that of the countless generations before we knew only peace. A peace which flourished under the reign of Optimus Prime, and Lord High Protector Megatron.

At first Prime and Megatron ruled as equals; the one fair, the other firm. But Megatron, betrayed us.

What happened next none of us saw coming. He struck at us from within, with his loyal followers he christened as Decepticons, his goal was to possess the Allspark for his own twisted purposes.

Those of us loyal to Optimus Prime swore to defend the Allspark at all costs and took up the name Autobots."

There was a brief pause and before anyone could voice any of their own thoughts a new masculine voice spoke over the speakers.

"Sub-Commander Aurora, may I have a word please?"

The original narrator spoke, obviously flustered.

"Optimus Prime, Sir! Of course Sir!"

Jim had to bite back a small twitch in his lip, it seemed no matter where you went there would always be those larger than life characters you grew up hearing about but never thought you'd meet.

"Walk with me please."

There were several beats of silence and what sounded like a door opening and closing behind them.

"I understand that before the war you were an expert in deep space exploration."

There was a pause as though they had stopped.

"Yes sir I was. But what does that have to do with now if I may ask?"

There was a beat of silence before Optimus's voice spoke.

"I have a great burden that I must ask of you young Aurora."

There was a sound as though Aurora had just had her feet yanked out from under her.

"But Sir, wouldn't Jazz be more suited-"

Optimus cut in quickly.

"No, he does not have the experience I require for this task."

Silence was his reply so Optimus continued.

"You may decline this task if you so desire. I want you to take lead of preparations to send the Allspark into deep space."

There was another pause before Aurora's voice was heard.

"If the Allspark leaves though...Cybertron...All of us...We'd..."

There was the sound of foot steps, and then Optimus's voice came through again.

"None of our lives matter, the Allspark is all. With the Allspark new life can arise, whether here or elsewhere. Our tragic war has ravaged Cybertron, our defeat could mean the end of everything. That is why we must send the Allspark out into the great vast gulfs of space. Better that than to allow Lord Megatron to possess it, to corrupt it. What is your decision regarding what I have asked of you Sub-Commander?"

This time the pause seemed to stretch for even longer before Aurora spoke up again.

"I will have a list of all the needed materials and trusted personnel sent to you in one solar cycle Sir."

Her voice was calm but Jim could still feel a gleaming of Aurora's inner strength and spirit.

"Remember as long as there is hope, there is life. Perhaps the new life that will spring forth will be better than us."

There was some more footsteps and the sound of a door opening and closing. That was the last they heard Optimus Prime's voice as the message continued.

"When the time came, I had to do what was necessary to protect the Allspark from Megatron, I completed its randomized trajectory into frontier space and launched it while simultaneously deleting the data from the launch computers. At such a cost this was all achieved. I lost several friends that day, and a Scout was lucky to have survived at all. His arms and leg were all reattached but even with the Allspark and its power I'm not sure we could have saved his voice.

It is then decided that we too must venture out past Cybertronian space and secure the Allspark before Megatron finds it. I share my brother's doubts; Did I do enough? Perhaps as Megatron told him, all we'd done was delay the inevitable and perhaps help spread our war to other worlds."

The message seemed to be scouring through Uhura's terminal again for verbiage before continuing.

"I have recently arrived in an unknown charter of the universe and intercepted communications from intelligent beings. I feel the Allspark is close."

Kirk realized the message was playing out in the way similar to a Captain's log on board ship. It seemed appropriate given what they had found. Maybe they'd even find a clue to what happened or so he hoped as the message continued.

"I found it at last. The Allspark is found, and as Optimus said; new life did arise. They are a strange species yet even though we are worlds apart, like us there's more to them than meets the eye. They are capable of great compassion as well as great violence. They call their planet Earth."

The message seemed to be generating words again, but Kirk had fallen back in shock. Earth. Humanity's cradle. It appeared he wasn't the only one to be stunned by this revelation. Even Spock was seated.

"Transmissions from deep space validate my worst fears. The Decipticons are not far behind. I must do what is necessary to protect this planet. I cannot allow Humanity to pay for my kind's mistakes. I only wish I could be there as they took their first steps out into space. I have sent word to Optimus. If you are with us and the Human race, protect Earth. If you are against us and Humanity prepare yourself for the fight of your life. Autobot Sub-Commander Aurora, over and out."