Name: Rayen Sassa Harjo-Maxwell

Nicknames: Ray by her friends, Sassy by her family on both sides, and Belle by the Salvatore's

Height: 5'1

Body type: Hourglass

Hair Color: Black

Style: curls with side fringe

Length: hip length

Eye Color: one is green while the other is light blue

Face Claim: Selena Gomez

Skin color: olive skin, but lighter than Elena

Scars: a jagged thick white line under her right collar bone and some small cuts on her arms and legs

Tattoos: One on her right thigh, her left forearm, and her right shoulder blade all of them having to do with Disney movies

Distinguishing Features: her eyes, cheekbones and her smile when she truly smiles

Quirks: She bites her lower lip when she concentrates really hard on something, when she gets nervous her fingers twitch slightly, when she gets angry her body tenses like a snake, when she gets sad she closes her shell, and when she's extremely happy she bounces on her toes.

Likes: being near little kids, flirting, working out, swimming, sketching, Native American dancing, and singing Dislikes: having to follow orders, being serious, Fire, vegetables, slutty outfits, being lied to, rude teachers, and Taylor swift

Personality: Very flirty, but if she gets a compliment then she gets all shy and she denies it although she can easily be portrayed as the bitch. Her resting Bitch face happens when she decides to withdraw from the world and if you piss her off then she is a storm with sharp nails and wit.

Species: official name is nature manipulator, but her native heritage is that she's descended from Mother Earth

Nationality: Native American and Nordic

Hobbies: Singing, sketching, working out, and swimming

Dressing style: She likes to dress comfortable all the time. Then when she has to dress formally she dresses sexy, but not scantily clad.

Occupation: Student, but also a part time photographer

Place of Work: Anywhere it's needed and her studio

Magical Strengths: She can easily draw strength from the earth and whenever it's the full moon she gets stronger cause some of the earth gets empowered by the moon rays. Magical Weaknesses: If the earth is being poisoned or it's being burnt or witches are trying to use it without the earth's permission then she gets very weak. Her doctor's gave her iron supplements to try and help her lethargy.

Magic notes: When she uses it her eyes give off a light gold glow and she doesn't know about it. She can bring life back to dead plants and use different herbs' properties and use them to her advantage.