
Up into the far north of Middle Earth is Forodwaith. It is a cold hostile place. Definitely not for the faint of heart. Of course dwarves are anything but. What are dwarves you say? Well dwarves are what many call the stone people as they were originally created from stone. They are very easy to pick out, what with their impressive beards with intricate braids, short but stout stature, and legendary ferocity in battle. That is where we must begin our tale.

There were a few dwarves who lived in the frozen wasteland of Forodwaith, especially after the fall of Erebor. One such dwarf was the local tanner for the small settlement he lived in. He was known as Virfur, a dwarf of Erebor. His work was in high demand and so it is no surprise that a young lady came into his shop. It was not love at first sight, but there was an immediate attraction at the very least. Her name was Anika, a fisherman's daughter. She was fair of skin and had dark hair and hazel eyes. Her stature was on the shorter side but she had a fairly athletic build due to working all her life.

It wasn't long until the two were seen everywhere together. They were inseparable. Before long they were married and moving into a house of their own. A couple of years after their wedding they had their firstborn, a son named Vestri. He was fair and had his mother's hair, but it was clear he had inherited his father's gray blue eyes. A few years later they had their second born, a daughter named Katja after Anika's mother. She was slightly darker skinned than her brother and had her mother's hazel and dark hair. The last child was a daughter named Inari after Anika's deceased sister. She took mostly from her father with her auburn hair and gray blue eyes with her fair skin the only thing that resembled her mother.

Unfortunately Anika contracted an illness after giving birth to Inari. For days she fought to stay alive, but her strength soon left her and she passed on into Mandos Halls. Virfur was heartbroken, but he was determined to raise his children. The last thing he had of his wife was her silver wolf pendant that he gave her as a courting gift.

His children all grew up to be strong and capable fighters. He especially wanted his girls to now how to fight since they were obviously a gift from Mahal. Of course all his children were a blessing in his eyes. Each took up a main weapon. Vestri took to the art of swordsmanship. Katja decided to master the spear. Lastly, Inari took up archery, to which her father agreed albeit reluctantly.

For years they trained and they all became masters of their weapons. Of course even with their training they still had to choose a craft. Vestri became his father's apprentice in the art of a tanner. Katja was apprenticed to a seamstress since she had an eye for beautiful embroidery. Inari, however, did not choose a craft when she reached her maturity. She instead decided to leave her little village and go travel Middle Earth like her father had done in his younger days.

As it was when she turned 30 her father allowed her to go gifting her with strong pony named Timber and her mother's pendant. She promised to write as much as she could and then she left with a tearful goodbye. Little did she know it would be many before she saw her family again. For two years she traveled and finally decided to stay in the town called Bree for a month or two to relax after journeying for so long. However one night in the Prancing Pony would change her life forever.

Author's Note

Hey I know I've been pretty inactive for a while, but now I'm back and Im bringing a new story. I got the idea from another fanfiction called "Curse of Durin's Line" by TheHardcoreHobbit. They are amazing and you should definitely go and check them out. Let me know what you think in the reviews. Until next time, bye!