This is a request from Starfiction123!

Hey guys! Sorry, it's taken me so long to write this fanfic. I lost inspiration, but now I'm back and hope to write yet another Hey Arnold! fanfiction!

NOTE: This takes place after TJM!

It was a quiet day at the Sunset Arms Boarding House. Arnold was busy working on something for school upstairs in his room. He was trying to make a glider for his science project. It involved aerodynamics to see what glider would fly farther using certain papers and substances. Earlier, he had asked his parents for their help on it, but they got so excited that they began conducting their own experiments. As or right now, Stella and Miles were on the rooftop sending their paper gliders out into the city. Still, Arnold was a bit glad they had gotten distracted. He wanted to be able to construct his own glider on his own. While he was deep in thought, he heard a knock on the door.

"Probably an angry neighbor that got hit in the head with dad's glider," Arnold thought to himself. Suddenly, he heard his grandpa's voice welcoming someone into the boarding house.

"Oh hello Arnie! I had forgotten that you were coming. Come on in!" Phil's voice called out.

Arnold sighed loudly. Truthfully, he had forgotten that his strange country cousin was spending the weekend here as well. Now, he would never get his project off the ground...literally. Not wanting to be rude, Arnold began walking downstairs to greet his strange visitor. Once he got to the bottom of the stairs, Grandpa Phil gave Arnold a weird look. A look that read, "Sorry Shortman, looks like he's returned."

"Hey Arnie," Arnold said to his cousin.

"Hey," Arnie replied along with his signature snort.

Strangely, Arnold noticed that he was carrying a strange box in his hands. When he inquired about it, Arnie just said, "it contains my nuts."

Arnold then heard his Grandpa Phil give a stifling laugh from the kitchen.

"Oh," Arnold said ignoring his Grandpa. "Do you eat them?"

"No," Arnie said. "I collect them. It's a hobby." *SNORT

Ignoring the weirdness in the room, Arnold directed Arnie to the kitchen. He then informed him the whole story about finding his parents in San Lorenzo. Being a good storyteller, Arnold went on about how he had helped save mountain people called the Green Eyes, how the country looked, and all the details in between. However, Arnie didn't seem the least bit interested. At least, Arnold couldn't tell if he was interested or not. After all, he made the same face 24/7.

Miles and Stella entered the kitchen. Miles had one eye covered with his hand.

"Don't worry I'll get you some ice," Stella said comforting Miles. "Your father had a glider hit him in the eye," she told Arnold.

Suddenly, she looked at the strange little visitor that sat at the table and noticed something familiar about him.

"Arnie?" She asked.

Arnie looked at her with an added snort.

"It's me. Your aunt Stella."

Other note: Also, my other HA! fanfic (Yahoo Soda Love) was published in the "Pataki Press," an online Hey Arnold! fan online magazine that you guys should check out! I'll put the link at the bottom of this chapter!

Pataki Press Link: site/thepatakipress/