"You're right Arnold. I should just get it over with," she said opening the door.

To her and Arnold's surprise, Arnie stood in on the top step behind the door. They had been discussing how to handle Arnie, and he had just heard every word.

Helga stared at the wide-eyed country bumpkin. For the time since she had seen him, Arnie's eyes were actually wide-eyed in shock instead of dull in monotone. There was a long awkward silence. Arnold, himself, stood there in shock...trying to think of what to say. Suddenly, Helga watched as Arnie's eyes filled with tears! Actual tears! They began filling with water. Swiftly, Arnie shoved the heart-shaped box he had been holding into Helga's hands. Then, he took off and darted down the stairs.

"Arnie wait!" Helga called out after him. But, the little guy showed no signs of listening to her. Looking for help, she turned around to face Arnold once again.

The two shared a sad look at one another. He had heard the things he had been saying about him, and so of them weren't so nice. Arnie had just heard that Helga had no feelings for him whatsoever. And Arnold knew from experience that that had to hurt. Helga looked down at the box in her hand. Carefully, she lifted the top off...

Inside were an assortment of nuts. Arnie was right. He told me the day he arrived that it contained nuts. All this time, I thought he was joking. But I guess that's Arnie for you, Arnold thought. Arnie was the type of guy to collect an array of various items. He called it a "hobby." Helga then dug around and took out a rose from the box. It was a beautiful fresh rose that encircled its petals perfectly around the stem. She took a quick sniff of it...and it smelled even better than it looked. Now, they both felt even more terrible.

"You should go talk to him Helga," Arnold said with encouragement.

"Why don't you do it football head? You're so much better at comforting people than me?" She said trying to find an excuse out of the situation.

"Helga," Arnold said putting emphasis on her name.

"Oh fine! I hate it when you're right!" She replied heading out the door.

So, down the stairs she went, looking around the boarding house for even a trace of Arnie. She called out his name several times until she ran into Grandpa Phil. After listening to Arnie's grandpa drone on and on about a similar situation that he had been in when he was a "lad," Phil finally told Helga that Arnie had headed for the rooftop. Figures. He has his head in the clouds just like another guy I know, she thought. Once she reached the rooftop and opened the door, she saw Arnie. He was standing very still and day-dreamingly looking at the sunset. Helga began to get very nervous. What the Helen-Of-Troy was she supposed to say to the little freak?

"How's it going," Helga said rubbing her arm nervously.

No response.

"Look Arnie...I'm sorry."

No response.

"Didn't you hear me?" She said getting angry. "I said I was-" She then stopped herself and exhaled. Me yelling at him is not what he needs right now," she thought.

"Arnie..." She said in true remorse.

The tone in her voice actually got Arnie to face her.

"I know you love me, but the truth is-"

"You love someone else," Arnie interrupted finishing the sentence for her.

"That's not the point. The point are a special and unique person. You deserve someone that is as special and unique as you. Everyone does."

Arnie wiped his eyes.

"You really think so?"

"Yeah...and I believe unique people gotta stick together. So...I don't like you right. But that doesn't mean you should give up what you truly deserve."

"What do I deserve?"

"Love. Arnie. You deserve love...just like everybody else," Arnold said coming to the two of them. He had actually been listening to the two for a while and had climbed out of his skylight window from his bedroom.

Helga and Arnold then simultaneously wrapped Arnie in a group hug.

"I know this feeling will hurt you for a while, but trust'll find that someone," Arnold said.

"I know. I just hope that one day I will have a strong bond with someone just like you two," Arnie said.

"I believe you will," Arnold said to him with encouragement.

Suddenly, an air glider flew over their heads. From a closer glance, Arnold could tell that it was the same one his parents had been working on all day. The three of them walked over to the edge of the roof and looked downward. Miles and Stella were in front of the boarding house; Stella had the controller in her hand.

"What are you guys doing up there?" Stella called looking upward.

"Yeah...come down here and help us fly this baby!" Miles said with excitement.

The three young ones looked at one another and began their walk back to the rooftop door.

"Hey Helga," Arnie said stopping her.



Helga smiled at him with a truthful "you're welcome" glow.

They then made their way to the front of the boarding house to join in on the fun with his parents.



A special thank you to my reviewers:

starfiction123 (the one who requested this story!) :)

Call Me Nettie

The J.A.M. aka Numbuh i


Em Pataki


I got a new fanfic request to work on for EnvytheSkunk! :)