Author's note: Heyy so this story is mostly loki-centric but every character you see in Infinity War will be there. Spoiler alert, obviously. May be a slightly slow start but stick around, the story's just getting started. :)

oh yeah and words like this are either emphasized by characters when they talk, or their the characters' thoughts.

Chapter 1: Loyalties

"Miss? Miss. Your child." Valkyrie hurried over, gently pulling a small child, who ran over to his mother. They uttered their thanks gratefully and Valkyrie could only put up a smile for them. But when she turned her brows were furrowed in frustration.

"Korg how much supplies do we have?"

"Oh, erm, enough to last us a few days." Valkyrie sighed as she sat on a chair at the front of the ship of survivors. She was frustrated, flustered and tired. She'd spent the past few hours attending to all their needs. There were so few of them left. Now she closed her eyes and rested.

There was no one to help them, no one to help her guide the handful of Asgardians that had escaped the attack. Heimdall was gone, Thor and Loki probably dead, most of the warriors left behind. They were a defenseless ship, drifting aimlessly around space, running low on supplies, and she only had Korg and Miek to help her, and a few Asgardians. She sighed and sat there resting and thinking. Finally, when she had just come to the decision of going to Midgard to seek refuge as Thor had said before, her thoughts were interrupted by the shouts of an Asgardian.

"A small ship's approaching us!" Valkyrie opened her eyes and shot out of the seat, rushing to look out the ship. Headed directly for them was a ship slightly smaller than theirs. A small blip appeared on the dashboard of the ship. They stared at it. Korg peered over.

"That's an SOS signal." Valkyrie frowned.

We can't take any chances.

"Permit the ship to board. However, raise the alarms. Arm yourselves with whatever you can and protect those that cannot. Remain here, stay alert, do not approach the ship, I will go check the ship." Valkyrie declared, and the Asgardian bowed before running off, shouting.

"Korg, Miek, with me." She stared as she strode past then towards the minuscule docking bay they had aboard the ship: just a door and extendable shaft that would connect to the other ship to enable boarding. Encouraging, commanding and helping the Asgardians she passed, she took a swig of the alcohol she'd taken before leaving the room earlier as the trio finally arrived at the docking bay.

"Alright, be ready." She said, drawing her sword and already in a defensive stance. The ship jolted slightly as the unknown ship connected with theirs. Valkyrie shifted her blade, ready, when behind the door through the small window there was a faint green shimmer, and suddenly the ship was a tiny pod. Valkyrie lowered her sword. No. It can't be. It...Valkyrie raises her sword again.

"Don't let your guard down." She said firmly, and both Korg and Miek held their weapons ready. The door of the small pod opened and the shaft was clouded with white smoke. Erratic footsteps were heard before finally, with a whoosh, the door of the ship opened and a cloud of smoke flowed out. And from within the white mist, the shadowed person stumbled out to reveal the familiar black-haired figure dressed in green and black. Valkyrie gasped. He was covered in dirt and dust, clothes torn and dirty, wounded and bleeding at several places, and there were large bruisings on his neck. His hand clutched his stomach tightly, covered in blood, as the emerald eyes darted from the ground to the trio before him. Loki took a shaky step forward.

"Val.." his voice was soft and rough, nearly too soft to catch, as Loki took another step forward, but his knees buckled and he fell forward with a groan.

"Loki!" Valkyrie threw down her sword running forward and catching him as he fell. As Loki collapsed in her arms and she kneeled on the ground, holding him tightly, she turned to Korg and shouted,

"Get a healer, someone with medical background, quick! Get help...Eir! Yes, bring Eir. Go now! Hurry!" Korg and Miek disappeared, and Valkyrie was left alone in the corridor with Loki. She lay his head down on her thighs, gently taking his hand. Loki winced and tried to talk but ended up coughing. She stroked away a lock of black hair.

"Shhh...It's okay, Loki, it's okay, you're safe. You're okay, you're okay." Valkyrie soothes gently as Loki slowly stopped coughing and panted for breath. She was surprised when Loki nodded his head and leaned into her body, his other hand slowly slipping off his stomach-revealing the wound-and wrapping itself around her waist tightly, as if afraid she would disappear. Valkyrie could feel her heart beating as she stroked his hair and hugged him, gently whispering comforts in his ear. Loki sighed and black eyes gazed into bright green ones. Finally, hurried footsteps were heard and Valkyrie flinched, looking up (and abruptly ending their intimate moment) as Korg, Miek, Eir and several other Asgardians rounded the corner. They gasped.

"I..My prince! You're..Oh my we thought...By the Norns, What has happened to you?" Eir exclaimed with a hand on her mouth as she hurried forward and kneeled next to them, waving the others over. Loki had tried to sit up, but both Eir and Valkyrie stopped him.

"Rest, my prince, rest. I assure you you are safe, we will take care of you." Eir said, taking his hand and rubbing it warmly. Loki nodded and closed his eyes, and no one there ever mentioned how a single tear had escaped his eye.

Word spread quickly of the seemingly impossible survival of the prince. The pod he had arrived in was damaged, low on fuel and quite frankly barely functional, with no supplies. How the critically injured prince had managed to travel across the expanse of space piloting that tiny, damaged pod without any supplies while using his magic to disguise the pod was unknown to anyone. Currently, the prince resided on a makeshift mattress on the ground at the corner of the main hangar of the ship, usually asleep. Everyone asked the same few questions. What exactly had happened? What about the other Asgardians? And his brother, Thor, the newly crowned king of Asgard? How did he escape? How did he get the prominent bruisings on his neck? They were supposed to be fatal but the prince had miraculously beaten the odds again. Speculations were everywhere. Rumors surrounded the prince, and those who had yet to forget the crimes he had committed against Asgard and the nine realms wondered if he had left the rest behind and saved himself. Others were convinced the prince had changed, especially after witnessing him battle to protect them back on Sakaar, and attending to their needs during the hours that had followed before the attack, at which he helped evacuate them. Valkyrie herself had felt relieved that Loki had managed to escape, but she wanted to know exactly what happened. She still didn't quite trust him, but she did need his help in caring for the remaining survivors. Sighing, Valkyrie downed the rest of one of her last few bottles of alcohol, before heading to the corner where Loki rested. It wasn't exactly fit for the wounded, furthermore royalty, but it was the best they managed to put together. Several layers of thick blankets laid out on the ground formed the "mattress" while Eir constantly tended to the prince, making do with the little supplies they had. Fresh clothes had somehow been put together for him, and that was what he was in as he sat up, slowly drinking water, when Valkyrie arrived. She sat down next to him.

"Hey." She greeted awkwardly, and Loki held his glass with both hands, smiling slightly at her.

"How are you doing?" She asked, observing the white bandages that peeked out from underneath his shirt. He gestured at his body, and Valkyrie took it to mean he was recovering. They sat in silence for a few minutes, Loki slowly sipping water from his injured throat, until she finally gathered up her courage and took in a deep breath.

"Look, Loki, I..I know it may be a little too soon, but I..we need to know what happened. You just suddenly turned up, alone and injured in a disguised, banged up pod...I don't know what to make of this. And where's Thor? And the other Asgardians? Heimdall? Hulk?" Valkyrie asked, putting a hand on his and slowly removing the glass of water and placing it on a makeshift table next to him. Emotions flitted behind the green eyes. Pain? Sadness? Wait, was that guilt?

"I agree with her, my prince, I'm afraid I'll need to know a little more about your injuries than what has already been presented to me for me to properly treat them. What exactly happened? Who did this to you, Loki?" Eir seemed to have materialized, breaking formality at the end, her tone anxious and worried. Loki looked up at them, gaze somber and seemingly apologetic. He raised his hand and gingerly touched his throat, wincing slightly.

"O..Oh. Of course, you can't speak. I...It's okay then, Loki, just rest and-..." Valkyrie stopped as Loki shook his head and gestures for them to come closer. They did, and Loki held up his hands. Eir glances nervously at Valkyrie.

"My prince, I don't think you sho-..." but she didn't get any further as green magic swirled in his palms and he touched their foreheads.

They were aboard the large ship that they had previously been on...except now it was on fire. Valkyrie stares in horror at the bloody bodies that covered the ground, debris burning in the background. A few people armed with spears had walked around, silencing the cries of those that had been wounded but not killed. And she watched, horrified, as four armed figures surrounded Loki, armed with weapons, and a tall purple figure towered in front of him, introduced as Thanos. There was a sharp jab in her heart as she watched the big purple brute take hold of Thor in his head and threatened Loki, who remained unfazed. The hairs on her body rose and the screams of Thor would forever be etched in her mind as Thanos pressed his gauntlet against Thor's head, and the purple gem within it glowed menacingly. And she watched as finally Loki snapped and shouted for him to stop.

"...We don't have the tessseract, it was destroyed along with Asgard." Thor muttered out between breaths, but it was then she noticed Loki refusing to meet his gaze. And it was then a horrible sort of dread settled within her as Loki, staring at the ground, raised his hand and seemingly plucked the glowing cube from the air. No.

"You...You really are the worst brother." Thor muttered, and Valkyrie couldn't help but agree, yet her gut squirmed at the slightly hurt expression on Loki's face. As he held up the tesseract, he spoke with a confidence, looking right into Thor's eyes.

"I assure you brother. The sun will shine on us again." Thanos seemed to smirk.

"Your confidence is misplaced, Asgardian." Loki looked undaunted into Thanos' eyes, holding up the tesseract.

"Well, for one, I'm not Asgardian. And for another...we have a hulk." Right on cue, hulk came crashing through, attacking Thanos as Loki tossed the tesseract away without a second thought and dived towards Thor, tackling him to the ground safely. She could hear what they said as they lay panting on the ground. Loki did a quick check of his brother's head, gently touching it before green magic flowed through him and Thor sighed as the pain eased.

"We're safe now, brother, let's go." Loki urged, getting up and offering his hand to Thor. Thor accepted it and got to his feet, shaking his head before wincing.

"We have to help Banner and we can't leave our people here."

"We have to! We'll come back for them later b-..."

"There'll be no place to come back to. Get out of here while you can, brother. Protect the remaining survivors of Asgard, lead them, I am confident you will fare well." Loki stared at Thor, lips trembling.


"Go! I must avenge our people and help hulk! Go now!" Valkyrie has watched in despair as Thanos easily defeated Hulk, and Thor turned away from his brother, attacking Thanos. And Valkyrie watched as Thor was defeated and restrained. She cried out when Heimdall took hold of the sword and summoned the Bifrost, transporting hulk away. She screamed when Heimdall was mercilessly killed before Thor's eyes, and Thor had been silenced with a metal gag. And she listened in horror to their plans, that they were heading to Midgard. We can't go there anymore it's not safe. And suddenly, Loki's voice rang out, offering to be their guide on Midgard. She could feel the anger and resentment growing in her as Loki bargained with them, pledging his loyalty, until...

"Almighty Thanos, I, Loki, Prince of Asgard…" Loki's proud voice faltered.

"Odinson…" Loki looked at Thor directly in the eye, before inhaling and walking forward.

"The rightful king of Jotunheim, God of Mischief…" and suddenly, in the hand facing Thor, a dagger materialized. And Loki was looking at the ground, slightly towards Thor.

"Do hereby pledge to you, my undying fidelity." And suddenly Loki's hand jerked forward, before freezing in place an inch away from Thanos' neck, trapped in a purple force as the gauntlet's gem flowed bright.

""Undying"? You should choose your words more carefully." And to Valkyrie's utter, complete horror, Thanos wrapped his fingers around Loki's neck, lifting him into the air. And Loki begins to choke and wheeze, kicking desperately while pulling at the thick fingers around his small neck. His eyes begin to water and his face pales as he stares directly into Thanos' smirking face.

"You… will never be…. a god." And with a gruesome snap, Loki becomes still. Thanos drops him on the ground, turning.

"No resurrections this time." And he clenched his fists, purple fire suddenly bursting out everywhere. Then he and his 4 "children" disappeared into a portal. And as the fires leapt closer, Valkyrie stared disbelievingly at the pale, unmoving body of Loki, eyes unblinking, as Thor's restraints fall away and he pulls himself to Loki, settling over him as the area bursts into light before fading into darkness.

The scene changed and suddenly Valkyrie found herself floating in the middle of space. Twisted pieces of metal and debris, some still alit with purple fire, drifted all around her. The area was littered with bodies-Asgardian bodies. Valkyrie could feel the pain of loss all over again, just like the day they'd lost to Hela...she looked up when she saw movement. In front of her was a bloodied pale blue figure, blood red eyes flitting open. A Jotun? But... The pieces all began to fall into place and she couldn't suppress a short gasp. She watched as Loki slowly tried to turn his head, wincing in pain and freezing. Again, he tried, this time turning his body instead and spotting a small damaged pod. Three times he tried to summon his magic, finally succeeding on the third time and slowly propelling himself to the figure. It seemed like hours, but Loki finally made it to the pod, climbing in, before collapsing on the ground, panting for air. Loki lay there on the ground, panting and resting for several minutes, before finally shakily getting to his feet and falling to his knees again. She heard the soft Norse curses he muttered as he settled on the ground and closed his eyes, resting for several more minutes, before finally he pulled himself along the ground to the pod's controls and dashboard. He hauled himself onto the seat, groaning in pain, before finally settling in it. With that Loki closed his eyes and the scene faded into darkness again. When Loki awoke, he slowly checked his body before studying the controls. After a few attempts, he successfully starts the pod, yet he seemed flustered at the low fuel and supplies. Finally, he seemed to have come to some sort of decision as he took control and guided the pod around the debris and bodies. Valkyrie could actually see the grief and loss in Loki's face as he flew past them. He seemed to be studying each one, looking for someone, when finally his eyes stopped on one, orange eyes still wide open and Hofund floating nearby. Loki took in a deep breath and summoned his magic, which swirled around his body, and Loki gingerly got to his feet. He fell over but grabbed onto the control panel, stopping himself. Carefully, he made his way to the door of the pod, before reverting to his Jotun form and opening the door. Holding on to the pod, he used his magic and slowly pulled Heimdall and his sword into the pod, before closing the door and collapsing. After resting for a little while, Loki magicked a blanket over. Kneeling next to Heimdall, he gently used his fingers and closed his eyes, placing the sword in his hands and wrapping his fingers around the hilt, before positioning it on his chest. Gently, he draped the cloth over him, covering him. And Valkyrie could feel the tears behind her eyes as Loki bowed his head, muttering, a somewhat proper send-off for the loyal Gatekeeper and Guardian of Asgard that had watched over them for centuries.

"Heimdall, The All-seer, loyal Gatekeeper of Asgard...a close friend..." Loki's hoarse voice trembled.

"I bid you take your place among the honored and loyal warriors in the halls of Valhalla...Where our enemies have been vanquished... Where the brave shall live Forever. Nor shall we mourn but rejoice...for those that have died the glorious death." The last word was muttered out in barely above a whisper. And finally, Loki shakily got to his feet, using his magic to conceal Heimdall, before settling into the seat of the pod and starting it, using his magic again to disguise the pod, before flying off.

Valkyrie and Eir jerked up as the memories came to an end, and Loki sat panting, eyes closed, trying to push the horrible memories to the back of his mind. The two ladies sat stunned, as Loki looked down at his trembling hands. A tense silence seemed to make the air heavy as Loki continued panting for breath. He expected what was coming and held his breath when Valkyrie got up. Suddenly, she raised her hand and slapped Loki across the face. Loki didn't make a sound, barely fazed by the act, on the outside at least.

"You! You stole the Tesseract! That's why he boarded the ship! You caused the near extinction of all Asgardians! You endangered all of us! And you left them behind! How could you leave them behind?!" Valkyrie screamed, drawing some attention from Asgardians on the ship, as Eir continued to stare stunned, hands on her mouth. Loki didn't look up. He just stared at his hands guiltily and regretfully. Valkyrie glared at him.

"We trusted you. I trusted you. How could you? Why did you take the Tesseract from Asgard?" Valkyrie asked in a loud voice, restraining herself from shouting, although she had already drawn the attention of the Asgardians. They had heard her words and began muttering, slowly coming closer to them.

"I told you he betrayed us."

"I'm sure there's some reason..."

"The Tesseract? He stole it?"

Valkyrie could hear all their words, and she was sure Loki could but he didn't react. She wanted to shout, to scream, anything...but she couldn't. With a final disappointed, furious glare, Valkyrie turned around to leave. Loki's eyes widened, obviously not expecting her to just leave. He sat up, throwing the covers off and turning.

"W-Wait. Please." His voice was raspy and rough, nearly pained as he forced himself to speak firmly and as loudly as he could. Something in his voice caused Valkyrie to freeze. Maybe it was the way he pleaded, maybe it was the regret and guilt, or maybe it was the sorrow and brokenness in his voice that struck something in her, and she stopped, before slowly turning around, a few feet away from him.

"Talk. Before I change my mind and have you thrust out the damn ship." Valkyrie demanded. Loki swallowed, before gripping the crate-his makeshift table. Eir reached out her hand to him worriedly, speaking for the first time since they were shown his memories.

"My prince, please I-..." she stopped as Loki raised a hand and politely declined her help, hauling himself to his feet on his own with heavy support of the crate. Eir must have decided not to listen as she gently took hold of his other arm and supported him even as he stood.

"I..." Loki burst into a fit of coughing and Eir supported him worriedly as he tried again, voice even rougher.

"I took the Tesseract. But not for the reason you think." Loki whispered firmly, although the silence in the whole ship made it easy to hear.

"What? That you stole the Tesseract from Allfather's vault for yourself? Of course you did, why else would a lying, backstabbing bas***d like you do that?" Valkyrie said venomously, and Loki flinched at the words. He looked up, hurt.

"No I didn't. It..(cough) never even crossed my mind."

"Then why? Why did you take it?" Loki looked at her, bright green eyes dulled with hurt and regret.

"When I was sent to revive Surtur, I entered Odin's vault. I passed the... (cough)...the Tesseract and..." Loki stopped, coughing again as he sipped the water Eir passed him.

"You decided to make a quick detour on your way? You decided there was time for you to steal one of your father's powerful relics and keep it to remember such an 'iconic' occasion? And you expect me to believe you weren't trying to stir up mischief again, that you weren't thinking of betraying us and stabbing us in the back? Bullsh**." Valkyrie sneered, and Loki suddenly sighed. He rubbed his eyes with his thumb and index finger, suddenly seeming so weary and broken.

Finally, he looked up and with a flick of his wrist, green magic appeared in his hand.

"I am Loki, Prince of Asgard... Odinson, brother of Thor..I am using magic to project my thoughts into spoken words. It is important all of you understand what has transpired." Loki's smooth voice echoed out throughout the whole ship, so starkly different from the raspy one.

"I took the Tesseract not for my own gain, but because I feared that leaving it there would be dangerous. If Surtur managed to destroy it, it might have produced a bigger explosion that might have prevented our escape. If Surtur fails to destroy it and it was left on Asgard, Thanos or anyone else could obtain the Tesseract from Asgard's remains, and we would have been slaughtered nonetheless. I...I thought I would be able to use my magic to conceal it. Not that I didn't, it was the destruction of Asgard that drew Thanos to us. He knew of Asgard's might and that Odin kept one in his vault, and he tracked it to our ship. I..didn't expect him to come so fast." Loki said. Valkyrie stares at him skeptically. His voice rang out again, this time sounding slightly more hurt.

"I assure you, I did not take it to use as my own weapon or to gain power. I had posed as Odin for 4 years, and for this I am eternally sorry." Loki sounded sad, but he quickly continued on.

"Yet, within these 4 years, I could have accessed the vault at any time and nothing or no one would have stopped me. I assure you I didn't. Why would I want the very object that had been the root of all my troubles ever since I fell into..." Loki stopped abruptly as painful memories flooded his mind. He forced himself on, taking a step towards Valkyrie and relinquishing the support of the crate.

"I..I truly am sorry for everything that has happened. It is my fault, this I will not deny. But I'm a changed person. I'm not the same person I was years ago, and I...I beg you, all of you, to at least trust me. Just trust me enough such that you'll work with me to help Asgard and stop Thanos. Then you are free to hate me and forget about me for the rest of your life." Loki had stumbled closer to Valkyrie, emerald eyes sincere and pleading. Loki begging? No one would have believed if they were told that years ago. Valkyrie's anger died, but she pressed on.

"And what about Thor. Your own brother, you left him behind. And the other Asgardians." Loki sighed, closing his eyes at the painful memories.

"I..I wanted to go back. Truly I did. How could I bear to leave the bodies of all the most brave warriors of Asgard drifting, alone and unwanted, in the infinite expanse of space after their most selfless sacrifices? saw what I was. I was weak. A fool. (Weak laugh) I myself am unsure as to how I had managed to get onto the pod that I arrived in, I hadn't the strength to even stand, furthermore walk. No matter how much I wanted I could not take them all with me." Loki paused.

"Although there was one I really could not bear to leave behind. (Soft smile) It did take some time, quite a bit of fuel, and left me rather exhausted of strength and magic, but I would not leave Heimdall behind. The Guardian of Asgard and the pair of eyes that had watched over us for centuries deserves nothing less than a proper Asgardian funeral." Loki's voice was soft, his green eyes on the ground and a soft smile on his face.

"Heimdall? All-Seer? He is-..." one Asgardian exclaimed.

"He is aboard the pod I came in, cloaked in magic to conceal and protect him should the pod have been ambushed by anyone. I...I have already sent him take his place in the halls of Valhalla. May he be remembered forever for his sacrifice and commitment to Asgard." Loki said, head bowed, as with a wave of his hand, the concealment charm was removed and Loki used his magic to bring him into the hangar. Drifting gracefully in the air, covered by a black cloth, Heimdall's body floated past Asgardians, who bowed their heads in respect, and was laid in front of them. There was silence in the room as everyone grieved the loss of the All-Seer.

"And the sword? The Bifrost sword? Hofund? Did you take it?" Valkyrie asked, slightly accusatory. Loki didn't look up, head bowed.

"It is with him. As it should be." Loki said. Slowly, Loki knelt down next to him, brushing his fingers atop the cloth.

"As you saw, Banner was sent away by Heimdall as his last act of service, presumingly to Midgard. And Thor..." Loki pulled his hand back, gaze falling. His hands fell limp at his sides, and his black hair covered his face from view.

"I know not where my brother is, if he is still..." Loki cut off, one hand on his head, voice suddenly soft and raspy as he clenched his hand and the magic disappeared.

"No, brother is strong. He is alive, and will find his way back to us. After all, I could not find his...him among the remains of our ship. Brother must have survived... escaped." Loki muttered more to himself than to anyone else, as if trying to reassure himself. He looked up with newfound determination. His clenched hand glowed with magic again.

"We must get to work now. I trust Thor should be busy now, we must get busy too." Loki pushes himself to his feet, voice smooth and loud through magic, swaying just slightly and glad his legs did not fail him. Eir continued to stay by his side, watching him carefully.

"I assume we are currently on course to Midgard. We must set course for somewhere else. Thanos is headed for Earth, he is collecting infinity stones like the Tesseract. He must be stopped. He aims to decimate half the universe once he retrieves all 6. We must turn this ship elsewhere, or we risk facing Thanos again, and this time he may not be so merciful as to spare any of us." Loki said, steadying his steps as he walked past Valkyrie. She grabbed his arm.

"Wait, hold on, stop...but..." Valkyrie stares skeptically at Loki. Loki sighed, beginning to lose his patience. He'd been very, very tolerant so far, but there's just so much he could take. He didn't care if his throat hurt, he had to speak now. He pulled his arm away, gaze hardening.

"Look, this mad Titan is on his way to destroy half the universe. He, his children, and his army will stop at nothing to get all six infinity stones. He already has the power stone and space stone. I believe the mind stone and time stone is on earth, the reality stone is with The Collector on Knowhere, and nobody knows the location of the soul stone. Thanos has already sent his children to Earth, and he's now probable headed to find the reality stone and soul stone. He might already have found them, and that leaves our only hope on Midgard. Earth. Thor's friends are formidable warriors, having already defeated his army once before...when I was foolish enough to lead it. I believe the only chance anyone has in defeating him will be on Earth. But enough of that. We have no more time, once Thanos reaches Earth it will become very problematic. The fate of the whole universe depends on this. Please." Loki said, turning away, fists clenched and head bowed.

"I swear on all of Asgard, on the Allfather...on Odin; I swear on my brother, Thor...I swear on my mother Frigga that my intentions are purely in favor of Asgard, that I have no desire to join our enemies anytime soon." And now Loki's voice was filled with desperation and earnest, and deep down Valkyrie wanted to trust him, she wanted to so much, yet she found she could not bring herself to do it.

"...I'm sorry, I just can't trust you." And at that Loki looked up, eyes alit with a fire that she could not see as, without turning, Loki answered.

"Don't trust me, trust my rage."

Author's note: Things are just getting started...thanks for reading this chapter. Please review, fav and/or follow because this really motivates me to keep up the story! :D 3 Love ya'll.

-Crystal Fwooper