Disclaimer - I in no way own any of the characters mentioned. They all belong to their rightful owners.

Comments - Constructive criticism is absolutely welcome and even much appreciated. Please do not flame at me or in anyway say things that could in some way harm me. I am and will try update as soon as possible.

Chapter Five

Harry p.o.v

I grumbled as I sat down in the potions classroom. I had to share a room with Draco bloody Malfoy, Hermione practically dragged me to breakfast even knowing that I don't have to eat, and now I have double potions with good old Snape. My day is going wonderfully.

"As today is the first day, you are not to even think about touching your coldrens, if you do, you will have detention with myself and points taken from your house," Snape says and we all nod. The lesson was really just an introduction to this years potions curriculum. When we were finally free Hermione and myself found ourselves watching the other schools arrive.

Walking back into the castle we were stopped by Ron who stood there glaring at us. I roll my eyes as he decides to snarl at us.

"You are both traitors, how can you be with the enemy? I trusted you and you betray me, Dumbledore and the order?" Ron says and I just send him a glare that has him stumbling back by the sheer force of it.

"You think we wanted to? Well think again, it wasn't our decision to make and we have no control over this situation, so piss off if you are only wanting to insult us," I say pushing past him not even noticing the crowd that had formed as I walked away.

Lunch came quickly and McGonagall pulled Hermione and myself aside after we had eaten our fair share of lunch. She had this serious look on her face and I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at her.

"You needed to talk to us Professor?" Hermione asks obviously curious as to the reason behind this, I couldn't blame he either.

"Yes, I wish to award 20 points to Slytherin for how you dealt with Ronald earlier, not even pulling out your wand, you handled that situation quite well," McGonagall says.

"Thank you professor," we say before walking off. Draco stops us this time with Pansy next to him.

"Already losing us house points Potter?" Draco snarls. I raise an eye brow while Hermione sighs.

"Quite the opposite, I was just awarded 20 points," I say crossing my arms over my chest as he gives me a surprised look.

"For as many times as I do lose points I can easily gain more later, so need to worry about me losing house points," I say an irritated look on my face. I walk away from Draco Hermione started talking about some book, I was only really half listening to her as we walked.

"I have to go Harry, I have Arithmancy to get to and have my free period when you have Transfiguration, so I shall see you at dinner." Hermione says and I sigh as now is my free period. I end up in the library reading a book on endangered magical creatures. Draco soon walks up and I sigh.

"If you are here to mock me kindly leave, I am trying to read," I say and Draco stops. I spare him a glance to see his scowl.

"As much as I love to fight with you, we are no longer in different houses and I rather get along then fight," I continue not looking at him again.

"I will not get along with you especially when your drunk of all the power Dumbledore gives you in this school," Draco says and I scowl slamming my book shut and getting up leaving but he follows.

"Aww is the lights precious golden boy angwy?" Draco says sounding like a baby.

"What makes you think I side with Dumbledore? He sent me to live with abusive muggles, he illegally stole money from my vaults, and blocked my magical core, plus cursed me, why would I side with that manipulative bastard?" I say glaring at Draco. The glamour over my eyes breaking to show my vibrant blue eyes. He stared at me in shock.

"Did... he also put glamours on you?" He asks and I realise my mistake. I mutter a swear word and rushed off from Draco who was left shell shocked standing in a deserted corridor. I make it to the seventh floor males bathroom and curse myself as I see the glamour over my eyes had fallen. I would have to take all my glamours off to re do it and I don't want anyone to see that happen.

"Fuck, how did this even happen?" I grumble as I undo my glamours one-by-one, having to take my shirt off to properly get the glamours off my stitches. Just as I finish the door to the bathroom and curse myself as I see the glamour over my eyes had fallen. I would have to take all my glamours off to re do it and I don't want anyone to see that happen.

"You're... a voodoo doll...?" Draco asks and I keep my mouth tightly shut. I look away from him and pull out my sewing needle that I had magically made. I carefully pull my stitches out before making more string. I feel Draco move next to me as I try to fix one of the stitches that I can't really see. He took the string and needle out of my hand.

"Let me do it," he says and helps to stitch me up. He even helped to fix up the stitching around my neck.

"Why are you helping me?" I ask cautiously as he finishes off sewing my head back onto my body. He huffs and I grumble as he cuts the string.

"Because you obviously needed a hand with this and plus its not every day that you find a voodoo doll, let me guess you went through an early inheritance," Draco says and I nod.

"And you found out that Dumbledore was manipulating you?" He continued and I nodded again.

"Amoung other things," I say and he nods. I sigh as he finishes and I pull my shirt and robes back on. I turn to him and notice his sad expression.

"Whats wrong?" I ask and took a step towards him and he steps back. I can't really bear to see him sad, he is my dominant, even if he doesn't know it yet.

Someone asked, "why doesn't Harry tell Fred and George?" Well you see the twins are almost of age for their own inheritance and Harry knows that once they come into their inheritance (it should happen during this school year) they will believe that he doesn't know and wants to prank them... Basically its for the plot...