Steve woke up and looked at Lynn sleeping next to him.

Steve got up, took a shower, and got ready to go to work.

Lynn! I'm leaving. Steve said, waking her up.

All right, Steve. I'll leave soon.

Lynn wasn't living in Steve's house, but spent a few nights with him.

Steve went to Five-0 headquarters, arrived before the rest of the team, and headed straight to his office. He opened the drawer of his desk and took the picture of Catherine. He stroked her face in the photo with his thumb.

I've never loved anyone like I loved you. That's why I can not forget you. Steve said, looking at her photo.

Danny came to headquarters and went to Steve's office. Through the glass, he saw Steve with the photo in his hand. Danny knew it was a picture of Catherine. Danny was sorry to see Steve so unhappy; he knew Steve never forgot Catherine.

Danny walked into the office.

Good morning, Steve!

Good morning, Danny. Steve said, putting Catherine's picture in the drawer, again.

Thinking about Catherine again?

I do not want to talk about it, Danny.

That's your problem, Steve! You missed Catherine because both are bad at talking!

Steve's phone rang.


Yes, we are on our way. Steve said.

Danny, we got a case. Come on, we can not wait for the others to arrive.

Danny and Steve made their way to the house where a couple were making a woman hostage.

Steve took over the negotiation and after two hours the couple decided to surrender and release the hostage, but they demanded the presence of Steve.

Steve entered the house and asked the man to let the hostage go. He released her, then regretted it and pointed the gun at her.

If you take another step I'll shoot! He shouted.

Steve saw that he was about to pull the trigger and threw himself on the man and they both fought. The gun fired, hitting the hijacker's wife.

You fucking killed my wife! He told Steve. He then took the gun and shot Steve, hurting his arm.

Danny heard the shots, entered the house and shoot the man, who also died in the place.

Steve, are you okay? Danny asked.

Yes, Danny. This is just a scratch. But it hurts!

Steve got up and heard a child cry coming from the bedroom. He came into the bedroom and saw a baby about a year old, lying in cloths on the floor, in the middle of a lot of dirt and garbage.

Steve despaired.

Danny, what did I do? I killed this child's mother.

Steve, it was an accident. But you ended up saving his life. Look around you. He was very mistreated.

But Steve could not help but feel guilty. That child lost his family.

Steve took him in his lap and calmed him down. He was very light and looked malnourished.

Forgive me, forgive me. Steve whispered to the child.

Danny, call an ambulance, we need to

know how his health is. We need to look for his relatives too.


After a few minutes the ambulance arrived and took the child to the hospital.

After all was settled, Steve asked Tani to find family of the child.

Steve went to the hospital to find out how the boy was. Guilt was consuming him.

The doctor came to see Steve.

Commander, we can't give information about patients to non-family members. But since no one in the family came here, I'll tell you. He is malnourished and dehydrated. We think he has some neurological problem, we are doing some more tests and he also has a bad formation in the spine. He'll can never walk.

What? Steve asked, appalled.

I'm so sorry. It's sad news for us too. The Doctor said.

Steve asked the doctor to see him.

Steve saw him sleeping, all huddled in the crib of the hospital. Steve didn't hold back the tears.

What have I done, my God?

Steve left the hospital and Tani phoned him.

Did you find his family, Tani?

No, boss. Looks like he doesn't have anyone else.