Hey everyone, I am awfully sorry for disappearing on you all but I've been having a rough time lately. I hope you like this story, I am sorry if there are mistakes!

- Calypso xoxo

It was cold, the mid winter frost just beginning to settle into a cool white blanket on the paths outside. With the fire a roaring inferno beside her, the little brunette had curled into a woolen ball. Cradling a mug of steaming cocoa between ice kissed fingertips as she gently hummed a soft lullaby in the daunting silence that coated every inch of the cabin.

The gentle buzz that filled the room drew the woman from her daze as she was forced to stand, sweeping the covers into a cocoon around her petite form as she hurried for the phone.

"Hello?" She murmured softly, all too aware of the alert hearing of her companion.

"Hey Rose" The bouncy reply came springing to her ears moments later as she let out a soft breath, sinking back into the towering cushions as she tucked her knees into her hollow chest.

"How are you?" She willed her voice to remain steady, hoping to conceal the tears that had been streaming down her face moments before. Lissa often worried after her health, she was her best friend and Rose found it endearing that she cared so much but there were certain things she'd rather not be pushed on.

"All packed and ready to go…" The chirpy tone to the blonde's voice sent ice trickling down the brunettes spine as she cocked her head to the side.

"Oh?" The question hung between them as she opened her mind to the woman on the other end of the line. Prodding tentatively at that thin coil of rope that hung between them, but she was gently meet with a steel wall. Built between them in a way that kept the shadow-kissed dhampir from prying that bit further into her bond mates head.

"Listen Rose, I know that we have been talking about this for months and that you were really looking forwards to it. And don't get me wrong I really want to come it's just…" The woman trailed off a sigh emitting from the other end of the phone as she almost seemed to be struggling to spit the words out.

"But?" The stern tone in which Rose snipped the word out, would have sent the skin crawling on anyone else. But Lissa had grown used to her friends cold and distant temperature, these days she was lucky to even talk to her for this long without the woman hanging up on her.

"They will only let me leave court if D- if he accompanies me."

Silence. Earsplitting silence, filled the room as Rose mulled over the words that had just been announced to her. Casting a wary glance around the room she coughed, clearing her throat in an attempt to dispel the lump now stuck there.

"Let him come." She muttered at last, the hollow tone back as her eyes glazed over fixed on some far off point that held no importance whatsoever.

"Rose-" The blonde started but she was swiftly cut off as her friend murmured

"Goodbye Lissa, see you in two weeks."

Before letting her thumb graze the 'end call' button, sitting in the deafening silence for all of a second before she let out a blood curdling scream of frustration. A snarl sounding from in the distance as the little chocolate retriever yapped back into consciousness from the kitchen. The barking caused her to pause, turning a soft gaze on the puppy as she sighed.

"I'm sorry Azor, I didn't mean to startle you…" She whispered softly as the girl in question came bounding round the corner, skidding to a stop across the linen floor in a scramble of claws and tiles. Her tongue was sticking out, tail wagging ferociously as the little creature tilted it's head to the side. So she was hungry now.

The brunette let out an empty chuckle, letting the phone fall from her hands as she used the arms of the couch to hoist herself up. The navy material grazing her fingers gently as all of her weight was focused on those two points of connection.

"That's getting harder every time" She noted aloud, speaking to no one in particular as the ex-guardian slipped from the little window seat. Creeping across the echoey floorboards as she traipsed towards the kitchen. Stopping to pat her canine friend on the head gently as she scooped the little dotty bowl up off the floor.

She took her time collecting the biscuits from the cupboard, aware that her fluffy socks held no grip on these floors. The once reckless Rose had long since levelled out, her careful nature increasing with each hour she spent away from him. It was the price she'd paid for with a broken heart, one that had shattered into a million sharp pieces.

The room had begun swaying again, her knuckles going white against the countertop as she clutched it in an iron fist. Breathing out slowly she allowed the world to stop rotating, humming a gentle tune again as she set the bowl down by the excited pup. Shuffling back the way she came, as her frail fingers grasped at the blankets. Pulling them tightly around her shaking form, it wasn't due to the cold anymore. She'd long since grown used to the weather, the harsh winter winds that howled beyond the confines of her tiny cabin. But the cold that lurked within her soul, pulling at her very essence as if she were but fuel to a car. That was harder to grow used to.

She follows the belief in life that everyone has someone they will never again speak of, because they meant so much and hurt them so bad. Someone that even hearing their name makes you soul tremble with memories and pain that carved the paths in your soul that are impossible to forget. Someone who makes your heart break a little more each time you accidentally think of the colour of their eyes or the way they once smiled when you called their name.

Settling down into the soft cushions, the brunette gently pulled the blankets up to her shoulders again. Encasing herself in the soft material that shielded her from the outside world as she gently rested her head on the pillows. Casting a broken look out the window at the little pattering of snowfall on the gravel, sighing a broken sigh as she let the tears roll freely down her face. Tracing patterns that might as well be etched into her skin by now, the cool kiss of the salty drops now a regular occurance.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine… please don't take my sunshine away…"

The words flowed from her lips as she absentmindedly traced idele patterns across the swell of her abdomen. A gentle pat the reply she gained as her eyes began to droop shut, fatigue taking control as Rose Hathaway sunk into the deep abyss. The darkness filling her mind in an instant as she repeated the harrowing nightmares that stalked her from her sleep. Carefully pulling them apart as she slept, unable to face the world again as she finally realised that in less that a fortnight Dimitri Belikov, her ex-mentor and once supposed soulmate would arrive at her house.

And despite all that she'd promised herself when she left all those months ago, she knew that no matter how much she wished for it. He would walk out just as he'd arrive, and she would be left a shell of the empty casket she was now. And he wouldn't even care.

How was it? Do you guys want me to update or scrap this?