
It was early morning when Glynda found herself taking the elevator to Ozpin's office. Last night... was eye-opening to her. She got dressed as soon as her eyes opened and headed to see Ozpin talk about Jaune's condition and what happened last night. A serious case since Huntsmen having PTSD spells doom to said huntsmen. The only fortunate thing she can count as a blessing is that Jaune manifested such symptoms early and they can try and get the young knight much-needed therapy.

Jaune was left alone, fast asleep as she fixed his blanket that fell off when he was obviously having a nightmare by the way his body kept twisting in discomfort. She only hoped that they can get him help soon. It wasn't easy seeing such an aspiring student in so much pain. It wasn't anything new to her, but witnessing them fall to depression wasn't something she can get used to. It made her sometimes think of Qrow and he is a full can of worms that she would rather not think about at the moment.

Jaune took priority as he is young and under the guiding hand of their prestigious academy. Experiencing emotional trauma builds character... but being close to taking their own life may not even be close to character building in his case as he falls into depressing moods when he thinks of his former friends.

Glynda had a calming facade masking her storming emotions as her heartbeat against her chest. She took a breath as the elevator stopped and opened its doors. She stepped out and found the Headmaster doing some paperwork and drinking his morning coffee; she stepped closer to his desk to address him.

"Glynda? What a surprise to see you this early. I can only presume there is something of grave importance that acquires my attention if you personally come to my office without even fixing your hair properly." Glynda hid her blush well, or so she hoped, as she answered Ozpin.

"Ozpin, it is Jaune. Last night, he had an episode. He was hyperventilating and crying terribly when I found him."

Ozpin was silent as he looked at his mug. He put down his papers and took a long swig of his coffee as he addressed Glynda once again.

"That is something I was hoping not to come to pass... I assume that this somehow involves team RWBY in some way? Or was it NPR?"

"RWBY and I suspect that it involves Ruby specifically," With that, Glynda explained what transpired last night. Nothing was hidden and she brought out possible reasons why Jaune's symptoms were triggered that day. Glynda remained professional in her stance... but it was clear to both of them that she was in distress. Glynda was just as emotionally invested as her students as she was logically invested in them. They are mostly under her care, after all.

Ozpin had to stop her as he handed her a box of tissues so that she can wipe away the tears that betrayed her calm facade in front of their Headmaster.

"That is troubling... PTSD, at such a young age? And people say we are living at a time of peace,"

"Yes, he showed symptoms of someone affected by PTSD. He tried to hide it from time to time with our training, but sometimes he would get lost in his thoughts and is replaced with a dull hue in his eyes. He would sometimes wince on odd occasions while sparring with Velvet and this caused him to lose the spars more often. It really isn't fair Ozpin, that someone so kindhearted and innocent is dealing with such terrible pain so early in his life..."

Ozpin gave one intense look of contemplation with what he just heard. He stood up and looked out the window towards the direction of the city of Vale. His gaze was hardened but melancholic as what felt like an eternity passed and the man before Glynda aged rapidly before turning back to face her. She was met with a gaze burning with unbridled determination.

"I believe it is time that we take action, Glynda."

Glynda nodded, they had a protocol for when a student fell under the PTSD category. "I shall prepare Professor Oobleck to receive therapy and-"


Glynda blinked in confusion.

"What do you mean by that?" Glynda said with a look of confusion.

"It means that I may have to take even further measures to make sure that he gets properly trained. Glynda, there are still the extra rooms correct?"


Glynda's eyes widened at what Ozpin just suggested and she badly wanted to rebuke him. She stopped, however, as she realized that this might force Jaune to leave Beacon if he is found unfit for active Huntsmen duty. Also, if he managed to still remain here then he will inevitably cross paths with his greatest fear making things worse for Jaune. Considering his fragile state of mind, it will only take one push for him to try and commit suicide once again, something they are trying to avoid as much as possible. He still needed to train under her for another two months and a half as his next teacher will come and be tasked with teaching him by then.

"Ozpin, I'm not sure this is a good idea. Jaune is under a delicate state of mind. Worse comes to worst, Beacon will become the headline of Vale News to a suicide of a young Huntsmen-in-training and we both know we don't need more bad press on us.

"I understand, but, I only wish to go forward with this. By the end of his first month, we can give him time to prepare and adjust. He has been training for two weeks now, yes? Then in two more weeks, we can have him move to a more secluded section of the school where he can continue to train in peace."

She ran their options in her head and gazed away in worry and obvious fear. It wasn't the best course of action they can take but Jaune wanted to stay in Beacon and getting therapy mandated that he goes to evaluation for clearance if he is of sound mind and body right after.

"Very well, Headmaster, I will do this. But, I wish to still have him receive some therapy for his troubles that we could not fight on our own. And for your sake, I hope you are right about his because if he gets worse... then I'll toss you from out of this tower to the Emerald Forest with my Semblance with full force." Glynda threatened as he aura glowed and everything within sixty feet of her glowed and lifted up a few feet before returning to their rightful place. "I'll go tell Jaune now."

She moved to leave but Ozpin stopped her.

"Glynda, there is something else that I must tell you. I am afraid it cannot wait. This may also involve our young Arc seeing as the situation "down there" may correlate with his."

"There? You mean her right? What does she have to do with our situation? There haven't been any changes to her state as of yet."

"Well, it may very well be related and that is the reason I wish to discuss this with you right now. It may affect Jaune greatly in the future as well." He reasoned as he went to the point. "Remember when he told us that as he began to cut himself, his aura would heal him?"

"Yes... he did say that,"

"Remember that he told us that after some time, his aura began to work less and less as time passes and soon it wouldn't heal his cuts anymore? Well, I've done some digging and a bit of research and I believe that the repercussions of what he did are far graver then we could have anticipated. Come, take a look at this graph."

Glynda looked at the graph and she paled. What Ozpin showed on his scroll was Jaune's aura meter. Nothing seemed wrong at first glance until she began to look further and found that Jaune's aura wasn't recovering from the loses it made last night. Even more shocking was the fact that his aura meter was getting slightly weaker.

"What...? What is this!? Why is his aura getting weaker!? It shouldn't even be doing this!"

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there is more I am afraid. I told you that this is connected to Amber, yes? Well, as you can recall Amber's aura seemed to stop working and was unable to heal her despite weeks of being inside that pod and the technology that James provided to keep her alive. Well, before that we noticed that her aura was decreasing at an alarming rate, even more so was the fact that it wasn't working overtime to heal her closed wounds after it closed."

He explained and it didn't take long for Glynda to come to her own conclusions.

"You think Jaune may die."

Velvet (Afternoon)

If her feelings could be described with one word at this very moment then it would be "horrified". What she was staring at right now was a cowering and terrified Jaune who was crying and screaming uncontrollably as his arms curled into himself as if trying to protect himself from an unknown assailant.

"Pl-please d-do-don't hurt me!"

His voice sounded small and fragile, like a five-year-old child cowering in fear of something that caused them to act like that. She placed both trays on the counter and immediately closed the door behind her. She didn't want anyone seeing him like this.

"J-Jaune...?" She tried to call but it seemed he didn't hear her. "It's me, Velvet, your friendly rabbit Faunus friend. I am not going to hurt you..."

She tried getting close to him but it only made him move further into the corner he was in and tensed up.

Jaune... what happened to you? It was only yesterday you were all bright smiles and full of joy. Who did this to you? No, no. That doesn't matter right now. What matters is to get him out of that dark corner of fear he is stuck in and the pain he is causing himself. I need to find a way to get close to him without causing any more pain. Wait! He told me once about a song his grandfather sang for him to help him cope with the pain when he was a child. He didn't give me the lyrics but he was kind enough to send me an instrumental version to my scroll!

The thing was while Jaune was growing up and because of all the ridicule he faced outside of his home, he would spent most of his time learning and playing musical instruments and messing around with music editing programs. It was a way for him to cope with the pain and for him to stop cutting himself and from the years of playing he became proficient with almost every instrument known to man. From the humble harmonica to the traditional zither.

Velvet looked through her scroll and found it in one of her personal files. As she maxed out the volume on her scroll and pressed play on the video a sound could be heard coming from it. The sound that played was the most beautiful violin piece she has ever heard. It was immersive and the notes plucked at her heartstrings as it played. Every time she heard it play, she felt so at peace that she listened to it almost every day. She was so happy that Jaune made it just for her even though the music played the same melodious tones it didn't change the fact that it was amazing.

Velvet soon noticed that Jaune stopped thrashing and screaming. His trembling lessened and his hoarse voice became short murmurs as his tears dried up. His arms lowered themselves to his sides and he started to look around confused as he mumbled to himself.

She couldn't hear him since the song was playing so all she could see was that his lips seemed to be moving along with the song.

As the video came to an end, Jaune had stopped trembling and was slowly moving out of his position and started speaking.

"Velvet? What are you doing here?" Even though Jaune seemed better he still looked frail like one loud noise would make him shatter if startled again.

"Jaune... what happened to you? Why were you on the ground trembling and saying for me not to hit you?" She asked calmly and trying not to agitate him.

"Oh...?" He asked confused before he became silent. "Is that why I was on the ground?"

Velvet looked at him with disbelief.

"Yes Jaune and stop avoiding the question! Please... please just tell me why you ended up like that... so that I can help..." She looked at him sadly as she trembled with obvious frustration. It scared her, seeing Jaune so vulnerable and scared. And Jaune acting like nothing happened only made her frustrated. Jaune saw this and he felt himself doubt whether he should tell him or not. In the end, he walked over to her bed and motioned for her to sit next to him.

Velvet did and as soon as he got comfortable she told her everything. Of his encounter with Ruby and his subsequent breakdown in front of Glynda... and his troubled past.

"I... I think I have post-traumatic stress... or so Miss Glynda told me," The memory of the bullying and the subsequent abandonment was still fresh in their minds. It led to him cutting himself and then his failed suicide... his tipping point...

During his entire explanation, Velvet's eyes turned from anger to pain, and then to fear. At the end of it, she looked down towards the ground as her hands, which were placed on her lap, trembled. Whether if it was fury or fear, he wasn't sure and he didn't point it out. It was after he finished that the door slowly opened and revealed an unexpected guest to their private moment together which caused Velvet to jump up in surprise.



When she first passed by Velvet and spoke to her in the hall, she was planning to leave her be... but a feeling at the depths of her get kept bugging her to go and follow her Faunus teammate. When she did, imagine her surprise that her best friend enters Miss Goodwitch's room. At first, scandalous thoughts pervaded her mind but something else happened that made her stop such thoughts.

It was the sound of a child crying in agony.

When she was about to move closer to see what was going on, Velvet closed the door behind her. Regardless of what was obviously a private affair, she got closer and stuck her ear at that door. What surprised her was that the door opened slightly and she could now see what is going on inside. What she saw caused her to muffle her mouth in surprise.

J-Jaune Arc!

She watched as Jaune made those childish wails inside of the room. As time passed, she saw how Velvet calmed him down with some music from her scroll. When he finally returned to normal... or what she perceived as normal, Velvet demanded to know what was going on and Jaune obliged. He told her everything and Coco felt dirty hearing such an intimate secret being shared with Velvet and was meant only for her to hear.

He leads a really hard life of ridicule and despair... the fact that he is alive right now and not dead from his suicide attempt was nothing short of a miracle.

She could sympathize. She had dealt with relatives who committed suicide. It was always the quiet ones who acted nice that really get to her. The memory of her own dead relatives caused her to tear up slightly. As he finished his explanation, she came to a decision. She got up, wiped her eyes clean beneath her sunglasses and slowly, yet confidently, open the door and walk inside.

The two were shocked to see her.


The two stared at her stunned. No one said a word as the two contemplated who should speak first. Coco decided to grab a spare chair in the kitchen as she waits for them to make up their minds. It took a while, but Velvet decided to be the first one to talk.

"Coco, what are you doing here?" She asked as she had a pretty good idea as to why Coco was here with them but asked to make sure. Jaune, however, was both confused and worried. She knew who Coco was, hard not to when she carries a machine gun handbag, but he never did meet her during his time as an outcast.

There was a tense silence as Coco remained silent. Velvet got impatient and asked again, this time she did so assertively.

"Coco, what are you doing here? How did you find out where I was? Did you follow me all the way here?" Still, Coco did not respond and by this point, Velvet was getting nervous because she feared that Coco might take her away from Jaune because she wouldn't approve of her being with him. "Coco if the reason you're not talking is that you're angry at me then please leave Jaune out of this and just be mad at me. Just please don't make me leave him alone." Velvet was beginning to tear up as she was truly fearful of what might happen now. That was until she heard Coco finally say something.

"I'm so sorry"

That confused her but that changed when she looked at Coco and saw her remove her sunglasses. She was looking at Jaune with sympathy.

"I'm so, so sorry" Jaune was stunned for this was the first time someone apologized to him. "I heard your... talk. I followed Velvet here and I followed her because I became worried. I... I heard everything... I am so sorry, that you had to live through all of this here... please forgive me."

"Coco! How could you follow me and eavesdrop on our talk!? You weren't supposed to! Now you listened to somebody else's life story without their consent. That's a grievous violation of privacy! How could you do this?" Velvet asked seething with anger. Not only did her best friend stalked her, but she also listened in on Jaune's story as he told her of her problems and then his childhood.

Coco, for her part, looked at them with wide fearful eyes and slowly they morphed into shame as she hanged her head. Velvet was about to give her partner a piece of her mind but Jaune stopped her.

"Velvet, it is fine. She just wanted to make sure you were alright. Yes, she did go behind your back and followed you but she did it for the right reasons. Besides, no one was hurt."

Velvet wanted to yell at Coco but bit her tongue, she then tried to at least punish her leader.

"But she also eavesdropped in on our conversation and-"

"I know she did. But, from the looks of it, she appears to genuinely be sorry about it and if that's true then there's no reason to remain angry at her for a small thing like this. Besides it's the least painful thing anyone has done to me as of the late." Jaune gave a somber smile as he at least thinks this wasn't too bad a crime against him. Velvet looked back at him a bit guilty but her gaze turned to glare at Coco. Her gaze told the beret-wearing huntress that this wasn't over.

"Okay, now that that's been dealt with, I want to ask why you're here?" Jaune asked as everything that had just happened diverted from the one thing he wanted to know. "I followed Velvet here because something in my gut was telling me that I should. Now I don't know if that was a good idea seeing as how I know your entire post without your approval.

"That's fine but now that you know what Velvet's been doing are you going to stop her?" with concern evident in his voice. This also scared Velvet because she was still afraid of that still being a possibility and the last thing, she wanted was to fight her partner to help Jaune. What was next was even more surprising though.

"On the contrary, I was hoping that you would let me join you guys with helping you train." The stunned faces were something that Coco had immediately expected which is why she gave her reasoning directly afterward. "I know that to everyone in Beacon I seem like nothing more than a heartbreaker and a cold diva but as Velvet knows I care very deeply about things like my team and family and your situation is something I can't simply ignore so that's why I want to help you."

He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Coco wanted to help him train to become a better huntsman and wasn't even angry that Velvet was lying and going behind her back initially to help him. "I-I don't know what to say. I'm not against it but we would have to talk with Miss Goodwitch and Professor Ozpin before we c-" "Wait for a second! Professor Ozpin is also in on this, I mean I kind of expected that seeing as how you're living with Miss Goodwitch but still."

"Yeah I can still hardly believe they have so much faith in me but we still have one person before them." With that Jaune turned and looked at Velvet as Coco also turned her face towards her as Velvet remained silent with a downcast look. "Velvet please let me help. I'm sorry for following you but please let me do this so I can show you I'm sorry." pleaded Coco. Still, no response until Jaune placed one hand on her thigh which caused her to look up at him. "Velvet it sounds like she wants to help so why not let her." A small smile came to his face as she looked at him which caused her to smile as well. She then turned towards Coco losing the smile but then closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. When she reopens her eyes, she looks at Coco with a small smile.

"I would love it if my partner would join us." With that Coco jumps up from her seat towards Velvet causing them both to land on their backs on the bed. As that happened laughter could be heard while Jaune smiled looking at them. After a couple of seconds, they both rose up with smiles on their faces. "Ok well now that I'm you're both good with me joining you guys, I have a suggestion."

"What's that?" Jaune asked while kind of surprised that she wanted to do something for him even though she just agreed to help him. "I know that this might be a bit forward and regarding your past Jaune but what I'm a thing is that we get you a firearm." "WAIT for WHAT?!" Velvet shouted.

"Look hear me out, I'm not going be able to help much since I primarily focus on firearms since my weapon is a minigun. So, without a firearm, I won't be able to help and teach much. Besides, I know that you only use a sword and shield and could use more variety in your arsenal." Coco explained. Her logic was sound but there was still a lot of hesitation for that since Jaune should stay away from such things with his current mindset.

While Jaune had a contemplative look since he saw the value in the points Coco was making Velvet looked towards him with a surprised look. "You-You're not actually considering this Jaune!? You nearly killed yourself with your sword and not even more than half an hour has passed since you were on the ground in a broken state!"

"Velvet I understand what you're saying but there is truth in what she says. Besides, if I want to become stronger, I'm going to have to push myself and with the trauma, I'm dealing with right now I'm going to have to push myself even harder to get past it. This is just another thing that I'm going to have to get past just like I did with Crocea Mors." That was true. When Jaune first started his training, he had to get past his fear of wielding it again after everything he used it for. It was a slow process in the beginning but he was slowly able to get past it and was even able to full-on wield it once again.

Still, Velvet had the fear clear in her eyes as she listened to what he said. She was about to remark about how it was still a bad idea until Coco once again spoke. "Wait, what if we only give him a basic gun to start with and start him off with blanks before moving onto actual bullets that way, he can slowly get comfortable with it. Plus, I can hold onto it unless were training that way he has no access to it when he's by himself. Besides Fox and Yatsu won't bat an eye at me having another gun." As the others listened, they couldn't help but be surprised at her thinking of something like that on the fly.

Velvet remained stubborn with her decision but then Jaune spoke again. "Velvet, please." She couldn't say deny him no matter how much she wanted to when he made that desperate look on his face so she finally relented. "Fine but we stick with what you said to the letter. We aren't changing it at all until Jaune is finally past his trauma." "YES! Thank you, Velvet! Don't worry I won't let him near it unless we let him or else, I'll kick him in the balls!"

Wait for What! Jaune mentally screamed. "Ok good but let's leave kicking him umm down there as a last resort. Well, what do we do now?" Velvet said with worry in her voice. "Now? Now we go out and get it!" Coco said with a smirk on her face. "Besides I don't know about you Velvet but Jaune seriously needs an outfit change from his traditional hoodie with a smiling bunny on it. No offense but it would be a sin for me to not take the chance at making you look better."

"Wait you want to go right now?" Jaune asked stunned she was so quick to start training him even though the part about his hoodie could have sounded a bit less offensive. Besides, it's not like it mattered no since Ruby tore it off with her scythe. That was hard to get since I had to go through fifty boxes of that cereal. Plus, I had so many great memories while wearing it.

"Yeah, besides this will be great for you to get some fresh air from this place. And even better you can also get some food different than the food from here because let's be real for a minute the food here is ok but not as good as the food in Vale."

That is true- Wait am I seriously thinking about doing this? "Hold on Coco, I won't deny that that sounds nice but we can't just leave especially without telling Miss Goodwitch. And besides, don't the people of Vale know about what I did and know what I look like?"

"Actually no because of the fact that Ozpin and the Council don't necessarily like the idea of Beacon's personal network being open to the public since even by a small margin that someone could possibly hack it. That's why the CCT Tower is so important and is on Beacon's territory because it is a direct way to access everything towards Beacon's network." Coco explained surprising Jaune. Looks like there's still a lot I don't know.

"But then what about the students? Wouldn't they talk about to the public whenever they leave the campus? Doesn't that mean I would still be in danger of people giving me the same treatment."

"Again no because of the fact that no pictures of your face have been put up since Ozpin strictly forbid it since it would be against the law of disclosing anybody else's information or appearance without consent of the said person. The only thing the public could possibly have on you is your name which we can just lie about."

"But then what about Miss Goodwitch, won't she be mad if we just left without telling her?"

"We can just leave her a message saying that we were taking you out for some fresh air."

Man, she's pretty much thought of everything. I wonder if this is how my sisters felt whenever I made a comeback against them when I wanted something. But wait how does Velvet feel about this?

"What do you think about Velvet?" Jaune questioned. "I can't believe I'm saying this but I think this could be a good idea for you since you haven't had any outside interactions with anyone and maybe this could also help you get rid of some stress." Velvet replied.

"Well that settles that now hurry up and get dressed so we can go, we're burning daylight!" Coco exclaimed.

"Alright just give me a second to put on some of my spares clothe," Jaune said. They then exited the room so he could have privacy but didn't notice the turmoil going on inside of him he changed. Okay-Okay just stays calm. Were just going to the city to hang out. Besides they did say that I wouldn't be noticed. Plus Velvet did say that this would be a good way to push myself even though I'm still questioning whether or not this is a good idea.

After Jaune got done changing into a plain black shirt with blue jeans and his sneakers he sent a message to Glynda telling her that he was alright from last night and was going out to the city with Coco and Velvet while leaving an explanation as to Coco wanting to join. After stepping out he saw Coco and Velvet standing in the hallway.

"Good now let's hurry and leave while everyone should be in class so we shouldn't be seen," Coco said.


After a short bullhead ride with a bit of comforting from Velvet towards Jaune to help him with his motion sickness, they were in Vale headed towards a weapons shop Coco knew and liked since that's where she goes to get everything for her weapon. From the looks of it, Coco was right about what she said. No one has even batted an eye towards me. At least I've been feeling good so far.

After a short walk, they finally made it to the shop where they looked over the multiple different guns for different uses. Coco explained that since Jaune was going to be using it as a starter firearm before anything more complicated like Ruby's Crescent Rose. She reasoned that it would be a good idea to go for a thicker firearm since he was used to holding a sword that had a thick grip on it so the transition should be quite easy. The second thing was for the number of rounds in the firearm and since he was going to be using it for combat that he should get something with a double stack.

So far Jaune was trying his best to keep up but with so much, he didn't know and even more being thrown at him he was starting to get really confused. After a lot of time and a lot of experimenting, they finally found what seemed to be the perfect starter gun for him which was the M&P 2.0. So, they decided to take to the targets that the building had so they could make their final decision.

He started out slow since it was his first time so she started with the grip and then led to how to reload and aim. She explained that this was important since this determined how they would start training him in how to slowly teaching him how to use it in combat. After all the basics they got some blanks and tried to get him to fire it but Jaune was still tense about trying so Coco placed her hands over his to try and get him to loosen up which helped and then he fired. He was immediately surprised and was about to freak out before Coco surprised him by covering his eyes.

"Calm down, it's ok that was a good try but before you try again, I want you to try and take a deep breath before you fire." With that, she removed her hands from his eyes and he did what she said and fired again. He was still surprised but fared better this time than before. After a little while longer they decided that this would be a good starter. Buying the firearm along with some blanks and holster. They saw that two hours had passed since they left so they decided to get something to eat before they went to go buy Jaune new clothes.

After having eaten, something which Jaune was grateful for since the food was great compared to the cafeteria food. Coco then led them towards her favorite clothing store. It felt like an eternity since she was thinking about all the different clothes for him but kept on changing it that way until she finally pushed some clothes towards him that she thought would look good on him. Going through all of them with no's from both of them until Coco went back towards looking for some more clothes to try on.

Jaune feeling a bit tired decided to try his luck at finding something until he bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry about that I wasn't looking." The person he bumped into was a girl with short black hair with pale green eyes and red makeup around her eyes. She was wearing a strapless red dress with long red boots with high heels. She turned towards him "Can you please watch where you're going-" she said until her eyes went wide when she saw him. This confused Jaune so he decided to ask why she was staring at him. "Umm, is there something wrong because I'm sorry about bumping into you." She continued to stare at him until she slowly opened her mouth and spoke.

"Jaune is that you?"

"Umm, I'm sorry but do I know you?" This caused her to blink a bit.

"Wait you don't remember me?"

"No, I'm sorry but could you tell me your name because maybe that will help me remember who you are."

"Y-You seriously don't remember me?" "Umm, no."

This caused her to clench her fist then it started to shake. This caused Jaune to take a step back since he knew the signs of when someone was probably about to hit him.

"You-You-YOU BLONDE IDIOT! IT'S ME MILITIA!" she shouted in front of him while raising her fist towards him catching the attention of Coco and Velvet who rushed towards his side. "Hey! What's going on here?! Coco said.

"How about you get out of my way and mind your own business instead so I can hit this idiot!"

"Yeah well that idiot you're about to hit is my friend!" As there was a continued shouting match between the two Velvet pulled Jaune away so she could check up on him and make sure he was alright. "Hey, are you alright? Who was that and why did she want to hit you? There was no response from him. "Jaune are you listening?" She was about to ask him again but heard him say something.

"Militia, Militia. Darn it where have I heard that name?" As Jaune's mind boggled for answers the shouting started to get worse that people outside were starting to notice. So, Velvet left to try and defuse the situation since she wasn't getting anywhere with Jaune. Left on his own Jaune continued to wrangle through his mind until he heard something that made him pause.

"Melanie get over here and help me with getting rid of these two!" Just then another girl who looked exactly like Militia except that she was in a white dress and long hair compared. Wait for Militia and Melanie, I know I've heard those names before. Twins that wear red and white and are named Militia and Melanie … COME ON why can't I remember ... WAIT I REMEMBER! With that Jaune sprinted to where the girls were in a standoff about to fight until Jaune rushed in and their faces turned towards him.

"Wait for Jaune?!" Melanie yelled.

"Militia and Melanie your last name is Malachite, right?!"

"Wait what do you mean right? Did you forget us?!"

"Wait to hold on time out! Jaune how do you know these two?" Coco asked.

"I know them because they are my old friends from when I was a kid."

"Wait for friends? Then why was she about to hit you?" Velvet said pointing towards Militia.

"Because this jerk promised that he would remember us when we see each other again." said with tears coming from her eyes. Jaune saw this and felt horrible for breaking his promise so he did the one thing he could to try and help her. Slowly he began approaching her even though she took a step back. "Stay away from me!" Still, Jaune moved closer towards her until he was standing directly in front of her and then surprised her by wrapping his arms around her. "Let go of me." Still, he held strong against her as she struggled against him until she slowly stopped fighting and then wrapped her arms around him while crying.

"I'm sorry for forgetting you. I know I can't change that but please know that I'm so sorry." Jaune said to her. He then turned towards Melanie and held an arm out seeing as how she was in a similar emotional state. She joined him instantly and he embraced them both as they cried into his shoulders.