Task 6

"The Long Journey Home"

With the end of the ordeal and the end of the week approaching, it is time to declare this vacation over. After sealing away several monsters that have caused them trouble, it is time to head back home.

That doesn't mean that their troubles are over. On the way back, they've gotten reports that their enemies are attempting to summon an ancient creature that threatens to give them more trouble. They tried to change their course and intervene, but it was too late.

Just who is this creature, and what significance does it hold to them in the future?

[Beginning of Episode]

Somewhere in Sun City, Dr. Eggman and Dr. Caballeron are plotting out their next plan of attack. During the night, they arranged a secret meeting to discuss their plans, when Dr. Caballeron pulls out a sheet of paper with a drawing on it. It looks like it was created in a hurry.

"So you're saying that this creature will give them the most trouble?" Eggman asked, pondering over the usefulness of having this creature on his side. "This...dog...creature?"

Dr. Caballeron firmly plants his hand on the paper. "He might look like another Mythical Creature," he began, "but according to the legends I read about, this thing will make for a great addition to your team."

"And how?" Eggman asked. "I'm pretty sure that most Mythical Creatures don't act like that."

Dr. Caballeron puts on a stern look. "You're not getting it," he said. "This guy is a commander! Sure, he spends most of his time waiting for some unsuspecting person to walk up to the lake its resting at, but when he commands, he does it with skill. There are tales about a war between him and the humans a long time ago. He lost and was sealed away as punishment, but I bet that he'll lend a good hand to your cause."

Eggman suddenly got more interested over this creature now that Dr. Caballeron has convinced him that this is a good choice for him to make. He nodded in agreement to this. "If this means gaining another ally, then I'm in!" he said proudly. Then he started to laugh manically.

"Perfect," Dr. Caballeron replied, nodding and smiling. "The week is almost over, which means that our enemies will be returning to their homes. In fact, tomorrow will be their last day of their vacation! Then, they'll head right back to home, where you and your new ally will be waiting."

Eggman couldn't believe that it's been six days since he went after the leaders. "Oh really?" he asked, still laughing. "I was so caught up in trying to foil their plans that I've forgot to track the time."

Dr. Caballeron covers his face, hiding the shame. His posture didn't help, however, as he slumped down while sitting down. "You've forgot to bring a calendar, did you?" he asked.

As they laughed, a spy working for the SGS eavesdrop on them, gathering information on their next plan off attack. She remains silent throughout the entire exchange, careful not to reveal her location. Once enough information is gathered, she leaves.

As night falls on them, the rangers dealt with one more Mythical Creature that they have yet to address: Genesis. They encounter him and his army just outside of Origin, which is currently in ruins with pillars of fire and smoke shooting into the night sky. They are right next to the plane, so they are being careful not to destroy it.

The rangers fight against the army in an effort to reach Genesis, who is standing on a rock.

"Hahaha!" Genesis laughed. "You may have defeated my once, but I won't be defeated again!"

Sonic jumped over the heads of the army and landed right in front of Genesis. "I doubt it," he said, pulling out the Sealing Gun.

Genesis felt a wave of shivering as the Sealing Sun gleams in his eyes. "W-what is that?" he asked.

Sonic smirked as he rubs the bulge. "It's something to seal you away," he answered.

"Impossible!" Genesis shrieked. "I can never be sealed away! Those who have sealed me away before are now long gone! Gone I say!"

Sonic rolled his eyes. "Well, the data says that you are a Mythical Creature, so you are vulnerable to sealing methods."

Genesis was baffled when he heard this. "Sealing methods?" he asked. "Those are from a long time ago. What are the chances that there's at least one method that is still functioning to this day?"

Sonic continued to rub the budge, rocking about and looking off into the distance. "How about a guaranteed chance?" he asked as he pointed the Sealing Gun at Genesis. He pulled the trigger and fire off an arching orb that turns into a hand that grabs Genesis.

Genesis found himself grabbed by the hand. He struggled his way out. "What the-?" he asked, flabbergasted over this. "How? How are you doing this?"

"Not so invincible now, are you?" Sonic asked, taunting the beast.

Genesis then found himself being dragged into the Sealing Gun to be sent to the Sealed World. "No!" he screamed. "This shouldn't be happening! Curse youuuuu!"

Sonic sealed Genesis away and waited for the three wiggles to pass. Once all of them have been passed without too much trouble, Sonic knows that Genesis is gone for good. "Hope you like your new home, Genesis," he said.

With the disappearance of Genesis, the entire army vanishes as well, leaving behind the rangers to stand on the runway.

"Phew!" Miss Yearling said, wiping the sweat off of her head. "The only one that we've left behind to continue is now gone." She then glanced at Origin and frowned. "Though...we didn't save that city..."

"Well, that's what we get for abandoning him," Chuck remarked.

Rainbow stared into the sky, wondering how much time has passed since they left. "What day is today again?" she asked. "I lost track."

"Today is day seven of our vacation," Miss Yearling answered as she walked by. "Our home is one day behind, so by the time we go back home, it'll be day seven. In fact, we're leaving right about now."

Rainbow turned her eyes on Miss Yearling, her mouth opened from shock. "What? We're leaving now?" she gasped.

"The date checks out," Cliff responded.

Rainbow collapsed to her knees. "Aww man," she complained. "I thought that it would be longer."

"Did you forget how many sunrises we saw?" Sonic asked, also shocked from hearing this. It seemed that he was so focused on doing missions against the clock that his sense of time slipped from him.

Rainbow was on her knees, covering her face and shaking her head. "I had so much fun traveling around with your guys," she cried. "Especially our teachers. I can't believe that it's going to be over soon..."

Firefly and Bow kneeled down and comforted their daughter. "Oh, don't fret," Firefly reminded. "At least you were taken on an experience of a lifetime, even if it means experiencing the very thing that we're trying to escape." Then he mind turned to what happened over the last couple of hours. "Or nearly perishing."

"Hey! Hop on board!" Chuck called. Everyone soon got on board the plane, which was surprisingly unscathed. With how close they were fighting it, they expect it to have a scratch from one of the enemies. With everyone accounted for on board, Chuck and Firefly gripped on the controls and activated the plane. "Next stop, home!"

The plane then made its night flight all the way back home.

In the first moments of their flight, the group decided to have a farewell chat before going to bed to sleep the flight away.

"You know," Sonic began, leaning back on his seat. "It was great working with you guys for an entire week."

Cliff nodded, agreeing with Sonic. "I understand," he said. "We are your teachers at one point, and you were always a favorite of ours."

"Thank you for joining us on this vacation," Miss Yearling congratulated. "Sure, it might've not gone the way we wanted, but at least we experienced something different."

Rainbow had a deadpan look, and her tone is deadpan as well. "If you count experiencing harsher things than the usual, then I take that as a yes," she remarked.

Cliff couldn't help but chuckle at the potential headlines he might come across when he stumbles across any news media. "Imagine the headlines we would see when we come back and watch the news," he said. "It'll be like, 'Tourist Took Vacation, Experiences Troubles Instead'. Imagine how agonizing our interviews will be."

Everyone then burst into laughter.

Sonic found it hard to get his breath. "Sure. Let's have a laugh at it because we are seriously lacking in that department," he said. Then he continued to laugh.

After a brief talk, the group slept. The plane went into autopilot, following a set of directions to keep them safe.

Hours later in the morning, the first sights of land was visible from the cockpit. Everyone on board still slept away, waiting for the alarms to go off. They did anyways, just not their actual alarm clocks. What they heard instead were sirens blaring across the plane, which startled everyone awake.

"Huh? What?" everyone gasped as they catapult from their beds with panicked looks.

"What triggered the alarms?" Chuck asked. "Another threat?"

"Oh come on!" Rainbow complained. "If this is another threat coming towards us, then I don't want any business in being a ranger!"

Chuck and Firefly entered the cockpit and disengaged the autopilot. Chuck checks the screen on the control panel and it, there are two words that are blinking in and out: Incoming Message. "It seems to be an incoming message," Chuck observed. "It is tagged with a high importance. It must've triggered the alarm. I'm opening up the message. Hold on." Putting on his headset, he opened up the message.

"Hello?" someone asked from the other side. "Is this Amy Keating Yearling that I'm talking to?"

Chuck took off his headset, realizing what they had just received. "This isn't a message," he said. "It's a call." He then turns behind him. "Hey, Miss Yearling! It's for you!"

Miss Yearling and Cliff entered the cockpit, with Miss Yearling putting on the headset and speaking to it. "Anyone there?" she asked.

"Yearling, is that you?" the person asked back.

Miss Yearling nodded. "Yes, this is me," she replied. "Who are you?"

"Remember me?" the mystery person replied. "I'm a member of the SGS, just like you. I'm reporting in to warn you that something is going on near the pyramids. People caught someone going there without permission."

"What pyramids?" Miss Yearling asked, unsure about what this person is referring to.

"The ones on the very continent you're living in," the person said, being cryptic.

Miss Yearling took off the headset for a moment, looking at the others. "Have you guys figured it out?" she asked. Everyone gave a shrug in response. She puts on the headset again. "What location you're reporting from?" she asked, demanding answers. "Tell me! I need to know now!"

Rather than send a voice response, the person sent instead numbers.

"20, -100," the screen displayed.

"Aww man," Miss Yearling groaned. "They're sending their location by sending numbers instead of location names? Talk about cryptic."

Firefly inspected the numbers, noticing how they are arranged. It seems that there is something there after all. "Hang on...these aren't arbitrary numbers that is meant to be cryptic." she realized.

"What?" Cliff asked.

"They're coordinates," Firefly replied. Deciphering the numbers, she figures out where they should head to next. "Twenty degrees latitude, negative one-hundred degrees longitude. We should head there next."

"That's near Sun City, isn't it?" Chuck asked. "That place has lots of pyramids."

"Yeah, but there's stairs going up the sides of them," Firefly explained. "They have shrines at the top of them. They are highly sacred among the people and are a protected historical site. There might be a seal there, just waiting for someone to break it."

Cliff looked at the two pilots and realized what's about to happen. He covers his face, hiding his displeased look. "Not again..." he groaned. "Are you saying-"

"Yes," Firefly confirmed. "We're changing course. Now!"

Chuck picked up the microphone and spoke through the intercom. "Heads up, my friends," he alerted. "We're going off to another place."

Upon hearing this, the children groaned.

"Aw, man!" Sonic complained. "I though we had enough following the World Rings incident! What gives?"

Miss Yearling and Cliff walked by them, looking displeased.

"I'd never thought we would visit that place anyway," Miss Yearling grumbled.

Rainbow had her eyes on Miss Yearling, stunned by what she said. "Wait, so are you implying-"

"Going to Sun City is part of the draft version of the itinerary," Miss Yearling explained. "I planned to take you guys there as part of the vacation, until I was informed of a nearly forgotten local artifact by a coworker. He suggested that maybe you guys should address it first." She then held her eyes on Cliff.

Cliff noticed that Miss Yearling is giving him a disapproving look. "Don't give me that face!" he shrieked.

Miss Yearling sighed. "Anyway, it seemed that there is something going on near Sun City," she said. "I bet its the work of our enemies again."

"Our enemies are behind this again?" Rainbow shouted in frustration. "It's like they are getting fond of giving us trouble wherever we go. What are they going to do? Run around the world breaking seals and unleashing ancient Mythical Creatures for us to fight? Is that their game plan?"

"Let's not discuss this any longer," Miss Yearling grumbled. "For now, let's focus on getting to Sun City and stopping them before they could cause any more trouble."

After a few hours of flying, they find themselves right above Sun City, the capital of an ancient empire that grew into a country in a fusion of both native and foreign influence. As an ancient city, there is plenty of ancient ruins to be found here.

While waiting for an opportunity to land, Sonic and Rainbow tuned the radio to see if the radio stations are getting the memo on the current events. They stumbled across a radio station that seems to be spewing out propaganda...at least it sounds like it. It played in a foreign language, so they couldn't understand what they are saying.

"I'm not understanding this," Sonic said. "Does any know what they are saying?"

"I don't know," Miss Yearling answered. "I didn't bring along an interpreter. Based on the tone, it looks like they are trying to convince others to join their cause."

"Cause?" Rainbow asked. "What cause?"

Bow took a peek outside and below, seeing what's going on. "One look below our plane and you'll find out," he said.

They peeked out of the window and saw that they are flying over an ancient, protected site. It appears that there is a battle going on.

"Whoa!" Sonic gasped, pressing against the window. "What is happening down there?"

Rainbow took a peek at the battle down below. "It looks like they're fighting," she answered.

"Between who?" Aleena asked.

Upon closer inspection, Sonic noticed something about one of the sides. "I see robots near the pyramids and humans facing against them," he observed. "Could they be...Eggman's robots?"

"What?" Rainbow shouted. "Has Eggman brought them along for the ride?"

Sonic pondered for a moment. He hasn't encountered any one of Eggman's robots during the entire vacation up until this point. He wondered how they could get there. "Maybe," he answered. "But if they're there, that means that Eggman is close. We've got to stop him as fast as we can!"

"As fast as we can?" Aleena questioned. "We need to find an runway to land on and then travel to those pyramids. There's no time to do that!"

Sonic pondered once again, eyeing on the back door. "We can, if we skydive off this plane," he said.

"Skydive?" Bow asked. "We didn't even pack emergency parachutes into this plane! The outside doors are locked, so how can we even go skydiving?"

"We can just lower the platform where their bikes are stored," Miss Yearling said. "We can use that as a place to skydive off of."

"Great!" Bow responded. "Now we have an easy way to get to the battle-"

"Uh, just one catch," Cliff interrupted. "Since we didn't bring parachutes, the only ones we can send out are your children."

Bow paused for a moment as he collects his realization. "Oh, right," he said.

Miss Yearling took a stop towards the cockpit. "I'm going to request the pilots to lower the platform," she said, looking at the children. "You'll head into the back awaiting to skydive."

"No problem, A.K.," Rainbow replied.

"We'll be waiting," Sonic added.

The two children then head off towards the back of the plane.

Miss Yearling entered the cockpit, about to request to lower the platform. Instead, she got this.

"So, you wanted to lower the platform so the children can get to the action faster," Chuck said. "That's fine. I'm lowing the platform right now." He then reaches for a button.

Standing on the platform next to their bikes, Sonic and Rainbow waited until the platform completely lowers. Below their feet, they can see a fight going on.

"Here we go!" Sonic announced. "It's just like old times, isn't it?"

"I remember our first mission for the Gem Morphers like it was yesterday," Rainbow replied.

Clutching each other's hands, Sonic and Rainbow jumped off the platform and dived down towards the battle, transforming in the process. The platform then gets raised up, sealing the bottom.

Ancient, historical sites are always regulated as protected sites, disallowing usage that may damage these ancient, irreplaceable treasures from the past. When these instances are violated, civilians don't usually take this lightly. This is the case for citizens of Sun City, when someone caught intruders trespassing onto the ancient grounds without permission, going past areas tourists can walk on. They are joined by the military in an effort to stop the intruders. However, they run into some difficulties. Blocking their path is an army of robots, which they have to defeat in order to go further. They stand on an open field containing the pyramids, with the robots standing in the field and the humans fighting behind a stone wall that was once part of an ancient building.

They exchange laser blast many times, yet it seemed like each army is barely losing anyone. Neither have lost a significant amount, so they continued to press on.

"Fight the robots!" a civilian shouted, continuing to fire his laser gun. "We can win this! Come on, just a little more! We can survive! War of attrition!"

A nearby soldier stops firing and stared at the shouting civilian. "War of attrition?" he asked, feeling like the term is misused. "Don't you mean the battle to preserve that seal?"

"Set aside your terminology dictionary, please!" the civilian shouted back.

The soldier rolled his eyes. "Whatever!" he responded. "I'm just checking your term usage."

As they continued to exchange fire, the shouting civilian grumbled nearly silently. "I swear I'm using that word right."

Suddenly, from the sky, Sonic and Rainbow arrived on the battlefield. They crushed two of the robots as they land, stopping the fight for a moment.

"Whoa!" the civilian gasped as he lowered his weapon. "Who'd just arrived?"

Sonic and Rainbow stood up and turned around, facing the civilians. "We're the defenders of your world," Sonic answered.

"And we're going to assist you," Rainbow added.

The civilian couldn't believe his eyes for a moment. "Hey, aren't you two the ones from the news?" he asked, pointing at them. "The ones who are mentioned so many times?"

Sonic and Rainbow were about to confirm that it's really them, but the soldier nudges the man, grabbing his attention. "Comrades, the robots are paying attention to them," he said.

Sonic and Rainbow looked around them, and sure enough, the robots are staring at them, with their arm cannons pointing right at them. As soon as fire is exchanged, Sonic and Rainbow speed through the air, slamming and slicing at every robot they encounter, exciting and entertaining the people watching them. Everything was in a frenzy. They were moving so fast that its hard to keep up with them. Laser blasts flew everywhere, with some accidentally hitting ally robots.

During the fight, Sonic receives a call from his Adventurer's Scanner. He picks it up to answer it. "What?" he spoke.

"Sonic, we've gotten reports that robots are invading the city!" Cliff alerted.

"They're doing what?" Sonic gasped.

"We're going to fight them off as soon as we touch down," Cliff assured them. "If there are any civilians nearby, get them into fighting against them."

Sonic nodded in response. "Got it," he said as he set aside his Adventurer's Scanner. He turned to face the civilians. "Citizens, you've got intruders trashing the streets. You've got to eliminate them for us."

"Roger!" several of them replied at once. They then step out of the preserved site and move on to face the real dangers.

The man isn't so convinced. "What are they? Our commanders?" he asked.

The soldier stopped and looked at the man. "Doesn't matter," he said. "They're rangers. And besides, we've got our homes to protect. Let's go!" The remaining two soldiers then exited the site.

Rainbow finished off the last of the robots. She wiped her hands clean. "That's all of them for now," she said. She then turned to the pyramid, where she can hear some suspicious sounds coming from the temple at the top. "Something's going on up there," she said. She then dashed off towards the pyramid, followed by Sonic.

The two climbed the stone stairs as they get to the pyramid at the top. They suspect that someone was sealed there long ago. When they arrived, they are greeted with the two enemy doctors, standing in front of a hole bordered by stairs. There is a bomb planted in the middle of the hole. One of the doctors is holding a remote.

"Ah! Look who has arrived," Dr. Eggman said, expecting them to come here.

Sonic growled at the sight of his enemy. "Dr. Eggman!"

Dr. Caballeron stared at Rainbow with an uncomfortable look. "We meet again, eh, Miss Crash?" he asked.

Rainbow growled upon seeing the antagonist of her favorite book series. "Dr. Caballeron!" she growled.

"I see that you came here to witness the main event," Eggman observed as he hovers his thumb over a button on his remote.

"Enough of this, Dr. Eggman!" Sonic shouted. "Stop this right now, or else we'll-"

"Apprehend me?" Eggman finished. Then, he laughed at it. "You're silly. It's hard to apprehend me. After I got arrested, I made sure that it won't happen again."

"Oh yeah?" Rainbow questioned. "Well you're streak of evading capture is over! Take this!" She sprinted up to attack Eggman, but not before he pressed the button.

The explosion threw Rainbow off guard and she crashes down onto the floor. Sonic is knocked off his feet, nearly tumbling down the stairs. After the explosion happened, there was an earthquake that shook the temple.

"Hahaha! Success!" Eggman celebrated at the sight of the fractured floor. Gases seep out of the cracks, collecting into a form. "Another seal has been broken! Now, time to make our escape!" He then makes a run for it down the stairs.

Dr. Caballeron also made his escape, but not before stopping to bid the children farewell. "Enjoy our little gifts, children," he said, waving at them. He then jumped out of the temple.

Rainbow reached out to Dr. Caballeron. "Wait! Come back!" she shouted.

"That's the least of our problems!" Sonic reminded. "We're dealing with something even more terrible!"

Looking back at the mass of dust, they witness something forming. It has the head of a dog, the forearms of an ape, the hind limbs of a dog, and a tail of a monkey with a hand at the end. The fur is a deep blue color while the hands, underbelly, and lower jaw take on a more cerulean color. Red and yellow patterns accent the upper arms, while a gold necklace covers the upper chest.

The creature opened his eyes upon being fully formed. "Ah!" the creature roared. "After thousands of years of being imprisoned, I'm free! Time to enact my revenge!"

For some reason, that line echoes a sense of familiarity in Rainbow's head. "Is it just me or is that line sound familiar?" she asked.

Meanwhile, Sonic felt like he was the one to blame for this, even though he didn't do it. "I feel like we're naïve, curious astronauts who didn't know better," he remarked.

Rainbow gets up and confronts the creature. "Okay, just who are you?" she asked.

"I am Ahuizotl!" the creature claimed. "Fear me as I drag you into the depths of the lakes!"

Rainbow stared at Ahuizotl with a deadpan look. "That sure sounds threatening," she remarked with a hint of snark. "Isn't it, Sonic?" No response. She turns around to see what's wrong, and she noticed that Sonic is standing there, frozen in place. "Sonic? You okay?" Still no response. Rainbow has no choice but to for him to respond. She grabs him by the shoulder and shakes him. "Sonic! Snap out of it!"

Sonic snapped and shakes his head free of his fears. "Curse these fears of drowning," he grumbled. Then he took out his Monster Analyzer and inspected Ahuizotl, getting back an indicator. "Just as I suspect, you're a Mythical Creature!" He then grabs the Sealing Gun. "Hey, Ahuizotl! Enjoy the few moments on the surface, because you're going right back to the-" Ahuizotl swings his tail hand and slaps the Sealing Gun off of Sonic. "Okay, so you're not going down without a fight, are you? Well then, we'll give you a fight!"

Sonic starts off by taking out his sword and slashing it at Ahuizotl. Ahuizotl responded by swiping his hand at Sonic, only for him to avoid the attack.

"Stop dodging my attacks!" Ahuizotl roared. He then went for another sweep, this time targeting both Sonic and Rainbow.

Rainbow leaps over a sweeping arm, performing a backflip before she lands. "That's what you get for fighting against speedsters!" she said.

Sonic and Rainbow jumped around, going at Ahuizotl from all angles. Try as he might, he couldn't land a single attack on them, instead experiencing damage from the sword slashes and their rams. The closest he ever got to getting one of them is when Sonic hopped on the back of Ahuizotl to shove his sword up his back. Ahuizotl went for a grab with his tail hand, but Sonic stopped and noticed in time, so he jumped off just before he could get grabbed. Ahuizotl ended up pinching himself in the back.

"Ahh!" Ahuizotl screamed as he pinched himself. "I almost had it!"

Taking out their Adventurer's Scanners, Sonic and Rainbow pressed on the transformation button and then their respective number on the key pad. "Let's switch things up!" Sonic announced.

"It's time to start up!" Rainbow added.

Sliding down the Adventurer's Scanners down their arm, they transform into their Adventure Ranger forms, getting ready to fight Ahuizotl that way instead.

Sonic reeled his arm back as he gets himself ready to fling his arm. "Now, stay still!" he shouted. Flinging his arm, Sonic sent out a tether beam that wraps around Ahuizotl's body.

"What?" Ahuizotl gasped. "Let go!"

Rainbow then revved up her Mixer Minigun, firing off a barrage of pellets at Ahuizotl. Ahuizotl yelped as he gets bombarded.

"Ah! Make it stop!" Ahuizotl begged.

"Not going to work on me!" Rainbow replied.

Sonic grabbed the Sealing Gun and pointed it at Ahuizotl. "Now, time for you to say hello to the Sealed World," he announced. "Farewell!"

From behind them, a ball of energy wizzes through the air, headed straight for the temple. Before anyone can react, the ball exploded, catching Sonic and Rainbow off guard.

"Ah!" they screamed.

They get knocked back into the stairs, tumbling down every step as they get knocked back into their civilian form. They soon landed on the ground, the rock solid ground, as the Sealing Gun bounced right next to Sonic.

At first, Ahuizotl was puzzled for a moment, until someone approached him.

"Ohohohoho!" Eggman laughed. "At long last, the Ahuizotl has been awakened! The ancient commander has been released, ready to add to my alliance!"

Sonic got up and saw Eggman and Dr. Caballeron standing in front of the temple entrance. "Ow..." he groaned from the pain. "You're not going to get away unscathed."

"Who are you?" Ahuizotl asked. "What do you want?"

"We're the ones who freed you from your prison," Dr. Caballeron responded.

"And now, I'm going to make you an ally," Eggman added. "Here's the deal. You do your services, if you help us with eliminating them and their team." He offered his hand for a shake.

Ahuizotl has no idea how to respond to this. "Does that mean I get to enact revenge against those who sealed me?" he wondered.

"Not exactly," Eggman replied, "but it provides a great outlet for your hatred. So, do you want to join?"

Ahuizotl took one final consideration before doing this. "Sounds like a good deal to me," he replied. He reached over to shake Eggman's hand.

"STOP!" they heard someone scream out. Upon looking back, they found Rainbow, injured and standing on the stairs. "Don't! Don't trust him! He'll use you to get what he wanted. You're going to find yourself trapped! You're going to-"

"Shut up!" Ahuizotl shouted. "It sounds like a good deal! I'm not going to listen to you. As commander of an ancient army, I will provide good service to him."

"Also, why can't you give up?" Eggman asked as he reached for a laser gun. He shots at Rainbow, sending her tumbling down the stairs again.

A helicopter soon arrives near the pyramid.

"Now, hop on in," Eggman said. "We've got a place for you to stay."

Ahuizotl joins Eggman and Dr. Caballeron as they make their way back to one of Eggman's bases.

Sonic and Rainbow stared from the ground, watching their enemies escape once again. "Not this again," Sonic groaned. "He gained another ally?"

"We'll never get a break from these for very long," Rainbow complained. "How insane is this going to get?"

"Sonic! Rainbow!" they heard their parents yell.

The adults catch up to Sonic and Rainbow. Cliff and Miss Yearling walk up to them and help them get back to their feet.

"Are you okay?" Miss Yearling asked. "What's that helicopter that just left?"

"It's our enemies', A.K.," Rainbow answered.

Firefly watched as the helicopter goes away. "Aww man," she moaned. "If only our powers could last a little bit longer. I've pushed them to their limits, it seems."

Meanwhile, Chuck stared at the pyramid, wondering what happened to it. It seems a bit damaged. "What did you witness over there?" he asked. "We heard an explosion...at least I think it came from over there. I'm not sure. Could be something going off."

Sonic and Rainbow had shocked expressions as they remembered something they themselves witnessed.

Miss Yearling noticed their shocked looks on their faced. "What? What's with the faces?" she asked. "It looks like you saw something shocking."

"It was!" Rainbow cried. "We witnessed the liberation of Ahuizotl from his seal!"

"What?" Miss Yearling shouted.

"And now, he's joined alongside Eggman in his goal of defeating us!" Sonic added.

"What?!" Miss Yearling shouted again.

"We must go back home as soon as we can," Sonic said, "otherwise we might find our home flattened."

"Wha-?" Miss Yearling said, only to be cut off by Cliff.

"Let's not be urgent," Cliff said. "It's time to chase after them, back to home!"

The adults then run off to their plane, except for Aleena who noticed that their clothing has taken a beating.

"Aww, look at you two," Aleena said. "Your clothes are so tattered. You're going to need to change back to your regular clothes after this. I'll prepare a change of clothing for you when we get back to our plane, got it?" She then escorted the children back to the plane.

After a quick wash and a change of clothing, Sonic and Rainbow are back to their normal attire. Sonic bears a cobalt blue jacket and blue horizontally striped pants. Rainbow bears a similar attire, sporting a sky blue jacket and pink vertically striped pants. Now back in their normal attire, they look outside in anticipation for their return.

"We're almost there back home," Rainbow remarked. "It felt like a long time since we left it, haven't we?"

Sonic has words clouding his mind, thinking about what he should tell his friends. "What are we going to tell our friends?" he asked. "That we've gained another enemy on top of the several that we've already have?"

"Not sure if this is okay for us to tell them," Rainbow said. Then she thought about it for a moment and realized otherwise. "You know...maybe we should tell them. that we've gained another enemy. This is something that affects all of us."

Sonic took out the Monster Analyzer and the Sealing Gun, thinking about how his friends have never seen them before. "Man, we have a lot of explaining to do when we get back."

Rainbow stared at her Gem Morpher for a moment. "It's been a while since we last used our morpher's communication function," she remarked. "You'd think we should communicate with them again?"

"Nah," Sonic replied. "They might be in the middle of something. Best if we wave the chat for when there's a break going on."

The plane continued on its way back to Columbia.

They were about to get to their final approach, when something caught their attention. Sonic was lounging around waiting for the plane ride to end, when something caught his eye from outside.

"Wait, what is going on over there?" he asked.

Everyone suddenly glanced outside.

"It looks like...a fight!" Rainbow observed.

Upon closer inspection, Sonic realized something. "Wait, is that the Grand Six?" he asked.

"If the Grand Six is there, that must mean that your friends are there as well," Miss Yearling concluded.

Sonic and Rainbow gasped at this. "Oh dear!" Rainbow cried. "They're in trouble! We've got to help them out!"

Looking at the door, Cliff gets an idea. "Go ahead," he told the children. "Make an entrance. Tell your parents to drop you off here. We'll get your stuff to your base later. Good luck."

Sonic and Rainbow ran to the back of the plane while Miss Yearling entered the cockpit.

"Firefly, Chuck," Miss Yearling began. "The children would like to get out. There is something going on below us that they wanted to join in. They think their friends are in trouble."

"What?" Firefly gasped. "But we haven't even touched down."

"This is urgent," Miss Yearling told them. "Who knows what would happen to them if they didn't jump in to help them out. Understand?"

Firefly glanced outside and noticed a fight going on. She went back to looking at Chuck. "Do you think we should do it?"

After a brief consideration, Chuck made his decision. "So long, children," he said. "May we see you again someday." Then, he pressed a button to lower the platform.

Riding on their bikes, Sonic and Rainbow put on their helmets as the platform lowered so they can exit. On their sight, they saw the Grand Six there, fighting against another giant. Turning on the engines, they roll off the platform and let themselves drop for a moment before activating their bikes' flight mode. They zoomed across the sky, approaching the Grand Six. Behind them, the platform raises up.

With the vacation now over, it's time to reunite with the rest of the team after a week of adventuring and facing stakes they've never experienced before. They have a lot to say about their trip, however, as something significant has happened that will make their job harder from here on out.

[End of Story Arc]

From the Author:

I planned for this mini-series to last one episode longer, but I couldn't bother with having an entire episode dedicated to them capturing the Mythical Creatures that they left behind, since there was only one major threat that was left to be dealt with. This is now the final episode of the mini-arc detailing the vacation of Sonic, Rainbow Dash, their family, and their favorite teachers. This transitions right into the moment when they reunite with the rest of the team.

Getting this done took way too long. I did not work on it for several days at times, often making little progress on my stories. Now, with me picking up the pace, hopefully episodes will be published sooner than before.

Oh, and hey there, Ahuizotl, the famous villain of Darling Do in the canonical universe. In this alternate universe, Ahuizotl has not made his debut, so A.K. Yearling's early books about her adventures will not feature him. With his liberation, however, A.K.'s next book will introduce him as a villain, as her books are really just fictionalized versions of her actual adventures.

With the introduction of a new villain, the ranger's lives gets a lot harder from this point onwards.

Written by TheAPPstore

Sonic the Hedgehog characters, property of Sega

My Little Pony characters, property of Hasbro

Series inspired by Super Sentai/Power Rangers, property of Toei Company/Saban Brands

Inspired by Super Sentai Season 30: Boukenger