AN: Okiedokie, this is my new story. I am still working on Family and Friends, don't worry. I just felt like doing this. In all honestly, I should be doing homework right now, but I haven't written in a few weeks, and I wanna. So there.

This is the first chapter, just to give a taste of what is coming. I make absolutely no promises on how often this will be updated, just whenever I feel like it or inspiration hits. I just kinda want to see how interested you guys are in the concept. It may not seem super original from the first chapter, but I got some surprises up my sleeve for this story, so hang on for the ride. ;)

I don't own Danny Phantom (sigh) or Young Justice (longer sigh).

Danny looked around uncertainly. He had no idea where he was. As far as he could tell, he was in the middle of nowhere. Which was a bad sign for his chances of survival.

Sudden pain caused him to hunch over. He breathed heavily through his nose, trying to get a grip on the nausea running through him. His hand clutched at his chest, as if it thought it could hold the gaping wound there together. Danny grimaced. Maybe he should have allowed the injury to heal more before running, but he hadn't exactly been in the best frame of mind during his great escape.

Ah well, he thought grimly. At least if I die, it will out in the open.

Before Danny could continue that admittedly dark train of thought, he was distracted by a distant sound. Danny straightened up, his brow furrowing as he stared in the direction of the sound. If he didn't know better, he would have thought it was an explosion.

Danny hesitated, uncertain if he should investigate or not. His mind was made up for him when a teenage boy suddenly crashed into the ground in front of him.

Danny yelped, backing away from the downed teen. Panic clouded his senses. He was sure that the boy was dead. No normal person could have survived such an impact. His landing had left a freaking crater in the ground!

Danny was shocked when the teen moved, shaking his head as if shake off the effects of the collision. Danny wasn't sure if he was relieved or more terrified that the boy was alive. He continued backing away, desperately hoping the strange teen wouldn't notice him.

His hopes were dashed when the teen suddenly tensed, and turned to stare right at him. Blue eyes met blue, and for a second neither of them moved.

The moment was shattered when another, louder, explosion rocked the air. The mysterious teen broke eye contact, looking back the way he had come.

"Get out of here!" he yelled, climbing to his feet. Danny watched as the teen lept into the air, covering far more ground in a single jump than he should have been able to.

Within seconds, Danny was alone again. He fully intended to follow the teen's advice. He had no interest in getting involved in someone else's problem and besides. He wasn't exactly in the best shape to be getting into a fight.

But as Danny turned to go, he paused. Something was telling him to follow the strange boy. There was a strange feeling in his core, one he hadn't felt in a long time. It seemed to encourage him. He could almost hear a voice whispering.

Yes. This is what you were meant to do.

Danny groaned, reaching up to tug on his hair. This was so stupid. He should just go. But even as he thought it, he was turning and running in the same direction the teen had gone. Frequent explosions made sure he was on the right track, and before he knew it he had reached the crest of a hill. He looked carefully over the top.

It was absolute chaos. Fire was everywhere, its flickering light adding a hellish aspect to the scene. Multiple figures were engaged in combat. It was difficult to tell who was who, but there seemed to be two opposing groups. In the center of all the madness was a strange a machine. Danny had no clue what it was, but he had spent enough time in the company of mad scientists to recognize a doomsday device when he saw one.

As Danny grew used to the strange lighting, he began to recognize certain figures. There was the strange teen from before, being pummeled by blasts of fire. They seemed to have about as much impact on him as being tossed half a mile had, but they kept him from reaching the person throwing the fire so the two were at a stalemate.

There were other teenagers fighting. Danny suddenly recognized Aqualad, sidekick to Aquaman. The Atlantian was not doing well. The heat from the flames was clearly draining his energy. He was standing above a girl with green skin who was struggling to stay upright. Danny could only assume she was a Martian. He had learned everything he could about the Martians during his astronaut phase (a phase he never truly grew out of), and he remembered that fire was extremely dangerous to the aliens. The pair was in severe danger, only barely managing to keep the flames back.

Two other teens were trying to reach the distressed duo, but they weren't doing much better. Danny recognized Kid Flash, but not the Green Arrow impersonator. The pair kept being blocked walls of fire that sprang up without warning. Kid Flash could barely keep them both out of the way of the flames while arrow girl fired arrow after arrow at the person presumably controlling the flames. The arrows were all incinerated by blasts of fire before they could reach their target.

Danny chewed his lip, unsure what to do. He could safely assume that the teen heros were the good guys in this situation, but that didn't mean that he could be of any assistance. Danny's powers were nowhere near full strength at the moment. Even if they were, he hadn't fought in… well he wasn't exactly sure, but he knew it had been a long time.

A yell interrupted Danny's thoughts. He focused back on the fight and realized he had missed a person. Robin, the Boy Wonder himself, was fighting against a third flame person. The yell had come from him as he stumbled, losing the innate grace his was known for for just a split second. That was enough for his opponent to gain the upper hand, and Danny watched in horror as the man pushed his advantage. Clarity struck Danny as he realised that none of Robin's teammates would be able to reach him in time. Time seemed to slow down as a deadly blast of flames sped toward the Boy Wonder. Danny was moving before he could even think.

Today, Robin decided, had been a terrible day.

School had been a mess. He hadn't failed a test or anything like that, it had just been incredibly boring. Usually he learned something interesting in at least one of his classes, but today had been a total bust. Then, when he got home, Alfred had scolded him for leaving footprints on the ceiling in the parlor. Excuse him for trying to stay as in shape as possible. Getting a mission had seemed to be what this day needed to get it back on track, but now they were getting their butts kicked. Over all, a terrible day.

All of this ran through Robin's head as he fought. He was playing it safe. He couldn't land any direct hits on his opponent because of how hot the man's skin was. He was reduced to using projectiles and his acrobatics to stay out of the man's way while still trying to take him down. Needless to say, it wasn't going too well.

Unfortunately, he was doing the best when it came to the rest of the team. Kaldur and Megan were out of the fight for all intents and purposes, and the others were pinned down. Robin was on his own.

He breathed deeply, trying to focus. The heat was overwhelming, draining his energy and causing sweat to drip down his face. Sweat ran into his eyes, blurring his vision for a moment before he was able to blink it away. His concentration was broken long enough for his opponent to get in a hit.

Robin yelled as pain flared in his arm. He could tell that it was burned, but he wasn't sure how badly. The pain distracted him even more, and he was suddenly hard pressed to keep ahead of the attacks thrown his way. Robin twisted out of the way of one fireball only to see another headed right at him. He knew he couldn't move out of the way quickly enough.

This is it he thought, a strange calm falling over him. This is how I die.

Just before the fire hit, Robin was shoved violently backwards. He hit the ground hard, but he was still alive so he wasn't about to complain. He looked up, ready to thank whatever teammate had saved him, only to freeze.

Standing in front of him was a teenager he had never seen before. One hand was behind him, presumably from when he had shoved Robin out of the way, while the other was splayed out in front him. Robin realised the reason for this when he saw the green shield shimmering around them, protecting them from the flames. The only explanation was that this kid had made it.

A pained grunt drew his attention back to his savior. The teen now had both hands in front of him, focussed on holding back the near continuous assault. His arms were trembling, and Robin was shocked back into action by the realization that the kid wouldn't be able to hold the shield up for much longer.

Robin scrambled to his feet, thinking frantically. There. That outcropping would provide some cover if they could get to it. All they needed was a distraction and they could get there and regroup.

Robin was about to explain his plan when it was suddenly fast tracked. The teen screamed, falling to his knees as one particularly powerful blast hit the shield. His whole body was shaking now, and Robin knew the shield wouldn't survive another hit.

He reached into his utility belt, pulling out one of his ice themed weapons. He didn't have very many, so he had been saving them for emergencies. This seemed like a good time to pull one out.

Robin's prediction turned out to be correct. The next blast of fire shattered the shield, causing its creator to make a strangled sound and crumple to the ground. Robin didn't hesitate. As soon as the shield was down, he threw his weapon, grabbing the unresponsive teen with his other hand. He was running before he saw his projectile hit, dragging the other boy with him. He reached the outcropping he had spotted just as a new attack came hurtling his way. He barely managed to get himself and his… passenger to safety before it hit the wall of rock.

Safe for the moment, Robin took the time to check on his teammates.

"Megan, you still awake?"

There was a terrifyingly long pause, before her weak voice responded.

"Robin? Are you ok? Who's that with you?"

"I don't know," Robin admitted. The kid was recovering, pushing himself off the ground and looking around with wide eyes. "I'd be dead without him though."

"Wait, I saw that kid." Superboy's mental voice was strained, but not overly so. "When freakshow over here tossed me. I told him to get out of here."

"Well, I for one am glad he ignored you." Kid Flash said cheerfully. "I like my birds rare, not extra crispy."

"Bigger problems!" Artemis yelled as a wall of fire came dangerously close to consuming them.

"We need to retreat." Aqualad's voice cut off any potential argument. "We will not succeed in these conditions."

Robin was about to argue against retreating when he was distracted by a small voice.

"Excuse me? Could you um, tell me what's going on?" the teen asked quietly. He looked like he was very much in over his head.

Robin glanced around their protection, only to retreat as the barrage increased in intensity.

"Well," he muttered, trying desperately to think a way out of their situation. "Those three out there seem to think that heat is better than the cold. They have decided that they need to increase the overall temperature of the Earth because of that. To do that, they are trying to overheat that machine out there. Once it gets hot enough, the thing will go critical, causing a massive explosion. Everyone within fifty square miles will basically no longer exist. Thousands more will die in massive heat waves, flooding, storms, you name it. We have to stop them."

"Oh." The teen looked over the top of the outcropping, eyeing the machine. "They are trying to heat it up?"

"Yep." Robin said, not really paying attention to the conversation. The teen nodded a few times, looking lost. He glanced around his surroundings again, before determination spread over his features.

"I can buy you some time, but you had better move fast. I'm not at my best, so I won't last long."

Robin looked at the kid for the first time since the conversation had started. Before he could ask for clarification, something amazing happened.

A ring of light lit up at the boy's waist, before splitting. As it travelled in both directions, the teen changed. His clothes went from an oversized hoodie and jeans to a white shirt and shorts. His hair turned from black to white, and when he opened his eyes, they glowed bright green. Robin would have been awed if it hadn't been for a few worrisome things. The teens clothes were stained, a combination of some green liquid and what looked disturbingly like blood. His hair was stained with the same combination. If that wasn't enough, his exposed skin was covered in bruises and cuts. He was thin as a rail, and Robin hadn't forgotten his collapse mere minutes earlier. Overall, the kid looked like he should be in the hospital, not on the battlefield.

Almost as if the kid could sense Robin's objections, he winked.

"Don't worry. I've fought with worse."

And with those parting words, the kid disappeared into thin air.

Okay, you can do this. Focus Fenton.

Danny kept up his internal pep talk as he cautiously approached the machine that was the focus of the battle. The heat increased as he got closer, causing the air to waver as heat waves poured off the device. Danny wrinkled his nose distastefully. Ectoplasm and extreme heat did not mix. Already he could feel his form losing coherence.

Danny fought back the flashback that was threatening to overcome him. Thanks to his time in the lab, he knew exactly how hot he could get before he was in danger of melting, and he wasn't quite there yet. Still, the temperature was steadily climbing, and Danny knew he had to act fast or he would be in real danger.

Hovering over the device, Danny took a deep breath, preparing himself. Then he forced his ghostly core as close to the surface of his skin as he could.

Cold radiated out of him, but it wasn't enough. He had barely put a dent in the overall temperature, and he was already flagging. Fear pierced him as he realized that his best may not be enough.

let me

They weren't words, not really, more of a feeling. Danny's breath hitched as the impression washed over him. He laid a shaky hand over the cold spot in his chest, the one that wasn't his ghost core.

"Are you sure?" he whispered. A feeling of assurance washed over him. Swallowing nervously, Danny nodded.

"Okay." Carefully, he pulled at the spot, drawing his hand away. Out of his chest came a small white ball that glowed softly. Danny smiled sadly at it.

"Thank you." he said softly, before throwing the ball up into the air. The ball hovered ten feet above him. It condensed itself into a speck about the size of a penny, before expanding rapidly in an explosion of ice and cold.

This time the cold was impossible to ignore. Every person on the battlefield turned to stare at the ball, which had stabilized around the size of a basketball. It pulsed steadily, sending out waves of cold and snow.

Danny laughed as snow fell on his face. It melted quickly, but that was okay. The water was helping to keep the fires under control, and he was sure that Aqualad would appreciate it. Now that the heat was lessened, Danny suddenly felt invigorated. Filled with new determination, Danny glared at the fires that were perilously close to device.

"Let's see what we can do about those." he muttered. Concentrating, he formed a new shield, mixing his ice powers into it to make it radiate cold just like the little ball hovering above him. He held the shield close to his body til he was sure it was strong, then he shoved it outwards until it covered the entire machine.

The force of the shield put out all fires in the immediate area, and helped to cool down the dangerous device. Danny could already tell that this shield was much stronger than the previous one, but he also knew that it was wishful thinking to believe that he could keep it up for long. It would be draining to create this kind of shield on his best day, let alone right now. Already the strain was starting to get to him. He was forced to drop his invisibility to focus on keeping up the shield, making him a target for the enraged fire people.

Danny grit his teeth as fire began to attack his shield.

You can do it Fenton. Just hold on...

Robin was trying to find the mystery meta when a flash of light distracted him. He watched as a small glowing ball began to give of cold and… snow?

Yes, it was indeed snowing. Robin could almost feel his energy trickle back in with each degree the temperature dropped. His optimism increased even more when he saw a familiar shield appear around the machine the team had been desperately trying to reach.

Looking carefully, he could see the teen hovering above the machine, his eyes glowing bright blue. Robin grinned. Now they had a chance to win this thing!

"What the… What is he doing?"

Artemis's voice cut through Robin's thoughts.

He's buying us time." Robin said before anyone else could respond. "Come on, this is our chance!"

The team attacked as one, taking advantage of their enemies distraction.

Robin joined Superboy, attacking the villian from behind. With the fire meta having to defend from two sides, she was vulnerable to Superboy's strength. One good hit was all it took to subdue her.

Having Megan back in the fight was an incredible help. She hovered close to white ball, relishing in the cold it provided. From her safe spot, she hurled chunks of rock at the enemy, intercepting fireballs mid air, allowing Kid Flash room to maneuver.

Having free reign to move, KF ran circles around the supervillains. He took the time to starve several of the larger fires of their oxygen, effectively putting them out. Artemis was finally able to hit her target with fewer fire hazards, and managed to tangle one of the enemy up in a metal net. The villain immediately withdrew his flames, not wanting the metal to burn him.

Aqualad engaged the leader of the trio, the one who had nearly killed Robin. Of all the teen heros, he had the hardest time. The snow revived him to a point, but it wasn't enough to get him up to full strength. Still, the Atlantian was able to keep up with the enraged man, using his water bearers to deflect and block attacks, while occasionally taking the chance to strike back.

The leader finally realized that he was the only one left fighting when the rest of the team surrounded him, aiming their various weapons at him.

The man backed up, eyes darting frantically as he tried to find a way out of his predicament. Aqualad stepped forward.

"Surrender." he demanded. "You cannot win."

Seeing no other option, the man held up his hands, putting out the flames that danced along his skin. Aqualad approached cautiously, ready to subdue the man.

Robin turned away from the defeated villains and instead approached the shield. He placed a cautious hand on the glowing sphere, startled by the texture. It was unlike anything he had ever seen.

Peering through the shield, he saw the mystery teen. Even through the blue green barrier, Robin could see the tension on the kid's face.

"It's okay," Robin called. "We won. You can let go."

The shield stayed up for a few more seconds, before fading away. The teen descended until he was resting on his knees breathing heavily. The white ball also descended, falling until it rested on the boy's hand.

Robin saw the boy smile, before saying something Robin couldn't hear. The white ball merged into the boy's chest, disappearing from sight.

The teen stood up and turned toward Robin, smiling. He opened his mouth to say something, when his expression suddenly twisted, and he hunched in on himself. Robin watched in horror as a green stain began to spread across the front of his shirt. Robin began to run, desperate to help the boy who had saved his life.

The boy staggered a step forward, the white rings reappearing. By the time Robin reached him, the teen looked as he had originally. Robin caught him as he fell, lowering him gently to the ground.

The front of the teen's shirt was wet, and when Robin looked at his hand, he saw blood.

"Miss Martian! Get the bioship, he's injured!"

Megan jerked around at Robin's yell, worry written all over her face as she saw the limp form in his lap. She nodded, calling the bioship with her mind.

Robin's attention turned back to the kid in his lap as he made choking sounds. Robin watched helplessly as the boy began to cough up blood. The blood stood out a vibrant red against his pale face.

"Shh…" he whispered, clearing the blood off. "Breath slowly. We are going to help you. Just hold on."

The kid seemed unsure, but he relaxed marginally and the coughing stopped. Soon his eyes slipped shut and he simply passed out.

What seemed an eternity later, the bioship arrived. Aqualad and Kid Flash secured their prisoners for the local police to pick up while Superboy carried the injured teen to the onboard infirmary.

Robin got to work immediately, stripping the teen of his sweatshirt to see the injury that was causing him so much pain. He froze when he actually saw it.

Robin had seen some pretty horrific things in his life. Living in Gotham it was inevitable. But this sight immediately found a place amongst the top five worst things he had ever seen. There was a wide variety of injuries decorating the teen's torso in various stages of healing, but the most obvious one was also the worst. It was a textbook perfect y-cut, the type used to dissect things.

Superboy clearly recognized it, because his face contorted in sudden anger. He stormed out of the infirmary, and Robin heard the sound of something breaking. Kid Flash raced into the infirmary before Robin could warn him.

"What's got Supy so upset? You'd think he'd be happier considering…"

KF trailed off as he caught sight of the teen's torso. All the color drained from his face and he was gone as quickly as he had arrived. A moment later, the sound of retching could be heard.

Aqualad was the next to enter the infirmary, a little more cautiously than KF had.

"Robin?" he enquired cautiously.

Robin had taken the opportunity to catalogue some of the kid's less obvious injuries. The more he saw, the less he liked it. Burns on the neck from a shock color, bruises on arms from hands that held too tightly, countless pricks from needles, skin samples taken from different areas… They all added up to one picture, and it wasn't a pretty one.

"Someone experimented one him." Robin spat, his own anger growing. He looked up from his efforts and looked Aqualad in the eye. "He needs help, more than I can give him."

Aqualad nodded gravely. "We will take him to the Cave. Do your best for him until we get there."

Robin acknowledged Aqualad's words with a jerk of his head and got to work, bandaging what he could. He felt the bioship take off, but he didn't let it distract him. As he worked, one thought went through his head.

I will find the people who did this. And they. Will. Pay.

AN: Tada! Wow, that was really long, like twice as long as I usually write. Fun.

So there's the first chapter. Heads up, no romance, except maybe hints of cannon pairings, will be in this. I just don't care about romance so much when I write. *shrugs* What can you do?

Also, yeah, Danny's been experimented on in another one of my stories. So what? It's just evidence of how much I love him. The more I like a character, the more I want to hurt him.

Also, quick question. Would you rather that Danny's parents died trying to defend him, or that they were the ones to turn him in. I can't decide, so I thought I'd ask you guys. Warning: I reserve the right to completely ignore a majority vote if I get a sudden strong feeling/ idea, but as of right now I'm still trying to figure this story out, so let me know what you think. I'll come back to this when I have a clearer vision of what I want.

Now I'm going to actually do homework. Lame. Bye guys!