According to the traffic, over 300 people have at least looked at this fic. I feel so accomplished! Thanks to liquidefeather for reviewing chapter 5. Now the next episode of a Wreath of Roses!

When each Host made his way home after the physical exam, he informed his parents about the situation.

Tamaki's father, Yuzuru, took it remarkably well. He was overjoyed that his son had found his soulmates. In fact, he seemed to think he had credit for the whole thing. If he hadn't come up with the scholarship program, then Tamaki and Haruhi would never have met. Tamaki agreed with that logic and gave his father a tearful embrace for enabling him to find his soulmates. Yuzuru had no problem with the fact that his son also had five other men sharing his soulmark. Yuzuru was a romantic, firmly believing that the heart wants what it wants. He'd had no qualms divorcing his wife when he learned she was having an affair with her soulmate, not wanting to get in the way of their relationship. His ice queen of a mother still hadn't forgiven him for that, nor for Tamaki's very existence. The death of her soulmate when Yuzuru was in high school had left her harsh and bitter. She simply did not care that Anne-Sophie was Yuzuru's soulmate, a fact that made Tamaki legitimate in certain cultures, simply seeing the whole debacle as a stain on the Suou family honor. Yuzuru silently swore that his mother would not interfere with Tamaki's life the way she had with his. Tamaki would marry all six of them, one day, that he swore. He also, like Tamaki, had a secret wish that one day he, Tamaki, Anne-Sophie, and Shizue could share a meal under a kotatsu, but he left that dream for another day.

Kyouya managed to secure a 15-minute window of his father's time in the evening. In that time, he made a case complete with graphs and charts of financial data about the benefits of allowing the match and that what Haruhi lacked in pedigree she made up for in intelligence and good business sense. Kyouya also stressed the opportunities and favors that being linked with four other prestigious families through the bond of marriage. His father listened to it all with a frown on his stony face. At the end, he simply stated "I expect you to make the proper arrangements and maintain the honor of the Ootori family. Am I understood?" Translation: Haruhi would be married to Kyouya and pregnant with an Ootori no sooner than the wedding night and no later two years after the wedding, and there was to be no OBVIOUS homosexual activity in the group relationship. Kyouya nodded and bowed, exiting his father's office with a sense of victory. He could only thank his lucky stars that Ranka-chan had purchased that winning lottery ticket. He was certain that it was Haruhi's relatively smaller but still impressive holdings that had been the key to getting his father's approval. If he'd tried to argue for a simple commoner girl with nothing but good grades and a killer smile, he'd have been yelled out of the room. As far as Yoshio was concerned, all Haruhi's millions would become property of the Ootori family after the ink on the marriage certificate was dry, so she was an appropriate use of a third son.

Hikaru and Kaoru, holding hands in a sign of solidarity, made the announcement over dinner. Their grandmother was delighted, their father gave a silent nod of approval, and their mother went absolutely nuts. The first words out of her mouth were to demand measurements so she could start on the wedding dress. After that she gushed about her baby boys finding their special someone(s), delighted to be getting so many children-in-law. She teased them, not mean-spiritedly, about whether this Haruhi could tell the difference between them. That caused the twins to realize that Haruhi had never mistaken them for the other. She always referred to the twin she was speaking to by name. They immediately began devising a plan to ascertain whether it was blind luck or if she could actually do what no one, not even their own family (they believed) had done before.

Mitsukuni and Takashi told their fathers together after the usual after-school spar (in which Mitsukuni again defeated his own father). Morinozuka Akira had reservations, believing that the Host Club got Takashi involved in a lot of unnecessary trouble. Yorihisa was overjoyed, though. He'd feared that his dreadnought of a son would never meet his match, someone that would be okay with his childlike behavior or able to convince him to do something he didn't want to do, given his overwhelming power. To learn that his son had six soulmates to buffer and direct his son was a relief.

In summary, it all went rather well. There was one, unforeseen consequence. The various parents wanted to meet up and discuss with each other the remarkable circumstances regarding the number and variety of soulmates their respective children had. Calls were made, e-mails exchanged, money thrown, and all seven families were booked to have a private dinner at one of the most exclusive restaurants in Tokyo, the kind of place that didn't even offer a menu and everything was left up to the whims of the famous chef in charge and what was fresh from the market that day.

Ranka had a mild panic attack over whether to show up dressed as a man or a woman. He didn't want to embarrass himself in front of all the rich people, but then again these were his future in-laws. Should he really conceal such a huge part of his character just for their potentially delicate sensitivities? Haruhi talked him through it, assuring her father should arrive as 'himself', whatever that was, and enjoy himself otherwise. Emboldened by his daughter's wise words, Ranka dragged her with him to a luxury spa for the fated Saturday.

Haruhi, though she had an aversion to any 'frivolous' use of money, could not deny that first-class pampering was one of the greatest earthly pleasures to be found in the world. She had her hair professionally styled, got a facial and bath treatment that left her skin glowing, and even enjoyed a couple's massage with her father. If the staff found anything odd about the 'father' and daughter pair, they were professional and/or highly paid enough to not say anything about it.

Haruhi endured make-up, hating how it made her face feel heavy but knowing that she had to grit her teeth. She'd talked with the Host Club enough over the week to understand that she was the lynchpin of this whole arrangement. Most of the families didn't see this as seven people meeting and eventually falling in love with each other, but rather as a case of six men having to share the same bride. She would have to be 100% a girl for this little get-together, lest Kyouya's father or someone else call off the whole thing. She'd secure their tentative blessing by being the perfect blushing maiden, then go back to her usual 'either/or' style for school the next week.

Despite offers to carpool from 'her' boys, Haruhi and Ranka decided to rent a car for the occasion. Their driver was polite but terse, dressed up in his uniform as he rolled up to the out-of-the-way apartment complex to pick up two people in dresses. He confirmed they were the ones to call him, then ushered them into the back of the Lincoln Town Car. He drove them up to the restaurant, gave them his number to call when they got out, and got the door for them.

Ranka seemed to gain confidence when the doorman and then the maître d' mistook him for a woman. He held his head high, almost daring people to notice his Adam's apple, and followed the waiter along with Haruhi into the restaurant to the private room the Ootori family had arranged.

"Haru-chan!" Honey called as soon as she walked in. He ran up to her and gave her a hug; he apparently hadn't gotten the memo to be on 'best' behavior for their parents.

Haruhi grinned down at her adorable soulmate. "Mitsu-chan. You look quite handsome tonight." Mitsukuni was clad in a tailored three-piece suit, naturally not the same one he wore to the dance party a couple weeks ago. Even with his diminutive height, he seemed like a man of power and action… at least until you looked at his face and saw the innocence in those big eyes.

"Haru-chan, you look beautiful! Like a doll or a princess!"

Haruhi blushed, which hopefully would be mistaken for the blush that already adorned her cheeks. She had gone for a pink cheongsam made of silk, with gold highlights and black flourishes. It was conservative yet highlighted her feminine frame and combined with her face and hair served to make her a vision of young womanhood. Her father had burst into tears when he saw her, only to have to reapply his mascara.

"My, my, who is this sweet little prince?" Ranka asked.

Haruhi cleared her throat. "Dad, this is Haninozuka Mitsukuni. He's in the Host Club with me."

"Dear, I knew that. All of the kids here are in that Host Club, you included."

"Pleased to meet you!" Honey said, giving a bow before popping back up. "You're the prettiest dad I've ever seen!"

"Oh, you're too kind."

Yoshio walked over with Kyouya following at his shoulder. "Fujioka-san, I presume," he said, giving Ranka a look like he was observing a particularly colorful insect.

Ranka grinned, giving a bow that showed off his plunging neckline. He'd gone with the Hitachiin dress Haruhi had gotten him for Christmas. "Ootori-sama. Kyouya-kun looks so much like you. You must be as proud of him as I am of my Haruhi."

"Of course, of course. Did I hear right, Haruhi-san is involved in the Host Club?"

Haruhi and Kyouya exchanged a glance. They'd found their first landmine of the night. Hopefully it would be the last, but it was doubtful. "I consider myself a homework consultant. I help the ladies not being seen by the boys with their studies. I also remind the Hosts to not let their studies falter due to the club." It was even the truth, just not all of it.

"Ah, I see. How studious. But then, as a scholarship student, I imagine that grades are of great importance to you."

Haruhi ignored the reminder of her status. "I do my best, Ootori-sama."

The rest of the Hosts had made their way over. "Haruhi! You look glorious, resplendent, awe-worthy!" Tamaki gushed.

Ranka's eyes narrowed. "Well, well, if it isn't the 'King'. Aren't you being familiar tonight."

Tamaki jerked back in fear as much as he could while maintaining propriety. As he tried to explain himself, Haruhi felt someone whisper in her ear. "You clean up nice, Haruhi."

"Thank you, Kaoru," she replied, turning to smile at the twin that had snuck behind her. "Where's Hikaru?"

"He had to ask Mom something," Kaoru said faintly. He had an odd look on his face.

Haruhi tilted her head. "Is something the matter?"

"No, no," he denied. "Here, let me show you to your seat."

The food was immaculate, the conversation centered on the children. The parents did most of the talking, only asking the kids to confirm or deny certain details as they came up. Ranka seemed to know Kyouya, something Haruhi would have to investigate, and bonded instantly with Hitachiin Yuzuha over a mutual love of fashion. All told, the night was exhausting from tensing whenever a prickly subject came up and navigating it, but everyone walked away on cordial terms.

Haruhi sighed as she slipped off the high-heeled shoes she'd forced herself into. "Well, none of them called me a gold digger or accused me of social climbing. I call that a success."

"Haruhi, you worry too much. You're the best thing that happened to those boys, I barely know them, and I can see the good effect you've had on them all. Their parents can see that too. Relax, you get to keep your boys." His eyes flashed. "Though you aren't to do more than hold hands until you're all at the altar."

"Yes, yes," Haruhi said, for once not meaning it. Like hell she was going to resist them that long. She had six gorgeous men as future fiancés, she was in high school. She was going to have fun, dang it. She worked herself to the bone for school, she deserved a little something. Not that she was planning to have a gangbang in the Music Room or anything, but she was certain they'd all do a LOT more than hand-holding before the ceremony.

"Haruhi? What's that gleam in your eye? Ah, they've corrupted you already, haven't they? Kotoko, forgive me, our precious daughter is being stolen away!"

Haruhi sighed. Same old dad.


The Host Club opened for business as usual on Monday. The twins were entertaining their designated guests with the "Which one is Hikaru-kun" game.

"Oh, it's so hard!"

"Once they cover up which way they part their hair, it's impossible to tell them apart," one of the girls commented.

The twins smirked, holding up a finger. "There's never been a girl who can tell us apart!"

Haruhi walked by on the way to her own table. "What a stupid game. It's obvious if you know what to look for."

The twins bristled. "Oh really? You got a problem with our hosting technique?"

Haruhi shrugged. "Not really. I just don't get why you guys are so popular."

The twins chuckled. "Clearly Haruhi hasn't considered the benefits of having a set of twins in the Host Club," Hikaru chuckled. "First off, having two good-looking homosexuals is already a high draw. And teetering the line between romance and friendship makes things more interesting."

"In our case, the fact we're twins means we get to use the most forbidden of taboos as a weapon," Kaoru added on.

"And then of course, there's the girl's fantasy of having two lovers with close ties to each other all to herself," Hikaru added, stroking the cheek of one of his guests in a way that made Haruhi's inner hackles raise.

"It's the ultimate girl's romance, isn't it?" Kaoru questioned the poor victim.

"I… I… I can't take it!" she screamed, flying up to the heavens with halo and wings.

Haruhi blinked. The amount of times physics acted downright cartoon-like around the super-rich was really starting to bother her.

At that moment, there was a roar of rage from Tamaki. "Hikaru, Kaoru! I left you both in charge of the club's website on the condition that you would take it seriously!"

Hikaru huffed, offended. "Huh? We are taking it seriously."

"In fact, we worked on it last night until dawn," Kaoru boasted, flapping his hands for some reason.

"And THIS is the screen that you made?" Tamaki demanded, opening a laptop. It was a shirtless picture of a boy that had Haruhi's face, seen from the back, with a frame of roses around the screen. Haruhi felt her eyes twitch, even as the guests came to flock around the screen. It was obviously a composite photo, but Tamaki probably thought it was legitimate and the twins had somehow bribed her to be topless. When the twins explained it was just a creative use of Photoshop, Tamaki came forward with an idol photobook for them to use instead.

"If you want Haruhi to dress like that, why not just ask?" Kaoru suggested the begging King.

Pulling a fluffy pink dress from his personal stash, Tamaki came up to Haruhi. "What do you think of this?" he asked, even though Haruhi was still recovering from the fact a half-naked male version of herself was on the Host Club's homepage.

"Why do you have something like that?" Honey asked Tamaki innocently.

"Haruhi-kun looks fantastic," said one of the clients gazing at the fake photo.

"Still, like Tamaki-sama says, I'd sure like to see Haruhi-kun in women's clothes again," one of the girls said.

"He just looks so cute in them! Did he inherit the gift from his father, do you think?"

Haruhi recovered herself. She made Tamaki back off with a glare, before turning her eyes on the twins. "Don't alter photos of me without my permission! Just what do you take me for?"

The twins smirked evilly. "Isn't it obvious? You're our toy."

The urge to strangle them had never been higher.

"If you like toys, come visit my club," came a haunting voice from the side. Haruhi turned, only to feel a sense of confusion as she saw a man in a black robe and cowl with a cat doll on his hand leaning out a crack in a door she was certain hadn't been there before.

"Who the hell is that guy?" Haruhi muttered.

"Nekozawa Umehito, Class 3-A, president of the Ouran Black Magic Club," Kyouya recited from next to her.

"Why is he staying in the shadows?" she asked, trusting in her industrious mate's information gathering.

"Because Nekozawa-senpai doesn't like the light. He believes it shortens his lifespan," Kyouya explained.

"Currently, we're organizing an exhibition of magical artifacts from all over the world. And we're also holding Black Mass around the clock." The shadowy teen held up his cat doll. "Join now and I'll throw in a complementary curse doll. Simply write your enemy's name on the back and they will be sure to meet with… misfortune," he said creepily.

"You must not get involved with that man," Tamaki said hollowly, sneaking up on Haruhi, practically breathing on her neck. "If you do you're sure to be cursed."

At that moment, the twins shined a flashlight in Nekozawa's face. With a girlish scream of "Murderers!", he vanished back behind the door, closing it and stopping the dark aura from leaking into the room anymore.

Tamaki flipped out. "Hikaru! Kaoru! What's wrong with you two?" Tamaki gathered himself. "Obviously you haven't experienced real terror… like that time I accidentally stepped on Nekozawa-senpai's Beelzenef doll!"

The Hosts and some of the clients gathered around to listen.

"It was during the final exams last year. The doll had been dropped on the floor and when I took a step I crushed it with my shoe. The test I took immediately afterward had been enumerated with incomprehensible lettering, as though it had been cursed! Warily, I looked at those around me, but I knew none of them! I had shifted into an alternate dimension!" Tamaki shouted, overcome with terror just at the memory.

"How scary!" Honey cried.

Kyouya did not bother to look up from his folder. "That's because you were so scared you accidentally walked into the Greek exam by mistake."

Haruhi felt whatever superstitious belief had been building up disappear.

"No! It was a curse!" Tamaki refuted. "I know because when I woke up three days later my legs felt like lead? How do you explain that?"

"We had a marathon the day before," Kyouya said flatly.

The twins, meanwhile, had lost interest in the proceedings. They laid in chairs by the window. "Uh, I'm so bored," Hikaru whined.

"Isn't there anything fun to do around here?" Kaoru asked the heavens.

"Ne, Haruhi?" they asked.

"What is it?" she answered warily.

"The next day off we get…" Hikaru began.

"Can we come visit your place?" Kaoru finished.

Haruhi hesitated. Normally, she'd deny them flat out. Heaven knows the amount of teasing she'd get for her humble abode compared to the mansions her soulmates had grown up in. Still, they were her soulmates. "We should wait until everyone can come over. I wouldn't want any of you to think I'm showing preference over the others," was her eventual reply.

"But we want to see it first!" they protested.

Haruhi's eyes hardened. "Well, you'll just have to deal with it."

"Ah, Haruhi! Standing up to the twins! Daddy's very proud of you," Tamaki swooned.

"Cut it out with the 'Daddy' thing. It's creepy on all kinds of levels. Keep it up, and I'll stop talking to you," Haruhi threatened.

Tamaki literally zippered his mouth shut. Honestly, that guy.

The twins put on their hats. "Let's do it this way. If you win at the 'Which one is Hikaru-kun' game three times in a row, we'll wait until the whole Club can visit. If you lose just once, though, we get to come this weekend."

Before Haruhi could agree or disagree, the twins had already begun to switch places, back and forth, back and forth, before finally coming to a stop. "So, which one is Hikaru-kun?"

Haruhi resisted the urge to roll her eyes, pointing to the twin on the left and then the right. "You're Kaoru, and you're Hikaru."

"Bzzt! Wrong!" they called out.

Haruhi gave an exasperated grin. "No, I know I'm right. You two look alike, but you're very different."

The twins frowned. "Round 2!" They then began running all over the room. Spinning behind furniture, dodging around guests, moving everywhere like squirrels who'd just drunk one of those energy drinks. They came to rest at opposite sides of the room. "Which one is Hikaru-kun?"

"The one by the door," Haruhi said confidently.

They bristled. "Close your eyes!"

"That's not part of the rules."

"We invented the game! Close your eyes!"

Haruhi sighed, but played along. She reached up to cover them with her hands. Finally, she felt two presences at her back. "Which one is Hikaru-kun?" they asked, breathing into her ears with the barest of whispers.

"The one on my left. Now please don't get so close to me." Haruhi put down her hands and turned around. The twins were looking at her with bafflement.

The guests, whom had been watching with avid interest, gave a round of applause.


"Haruhi-kun looks with the eyes of his heart!"

"Say, Haruhi-kun," one of the girls asked, stepping up, "Once they cover which way they part their hair it's impossible to tell which one is Hikaru and which one is Kaoru. How do you tell them apart?"

Haruhi shrugged. "Lots of different ways. Their auras are different. Their voices are different. They use different shampoo and body wash so they smell different. Kaoru's teeth are a little off because he grinds them so much. Hikaru always puts his weight on his right leg. There're a hundred little differences between them. Anyone could notice them if they paid attention."

The twins were struck dumb. All their lives, they'd been indistinguishable to anyone but each other. That evil nanny from their childhood had assured them that there wasn't anyone in the world that could tell them apart from each other. They were interchangeable, the 'Hitachiin twins' instead of Hikaru and Kaoru. They were two sides of the same coin, yes, but each was his own man. They'd longed for someone to recognize that, anyone at all. Even their other soulmates, the Hosts, struggled to tell them apart. But now, at long last, there had come someone. Someone who knew each of them down to their little, unique quirks. Someone who had taken time to learn them, to see what made one distinct from the other. Someone who knew.

"You win," they said, drawing Hikaru's attention.

"We'll wait to visit," Hikaru admitted.

"But we will be first in one respect," Kaoru insisted.

Haruhi tilted her head. "What do you mean?"

Quick as vipers, the twins surged forward. Despite their speed, they were gentle as the brush of rose petals as each placed a peck on one of Haruhi's cheeks.

Haruhi blushed.

The women screamed loud enough to crack the glass of the windows.

Tamaki went thermonuclear in rage.

Honey hid behind Mori.

Kyouya silently calculated the cost of the repairs.

And so, the twins were the first out of all the Hosts to lay their lips on Haruhi's skin.

And that's all I got. I could have had them do the fake fight, but it just didn't seem to fit. So hope these slim pickings are enough for you all. One week anniversary of this fic's publishing! I'm on a roll! Please, please, please review, even if to flame! Happy Autumn to the Northern Hemisphere and Spring to the Southern!