Disclaimer: I do not own anything in the Persona series.

Surprise! Well, technically you could've used process of elimination to figure out that this would be the final pairing, but still.

It's been about a month since I started this challenge, and I appreciate anyone and everyone who went along on this crazy journey with me! Even if you only read one or two one-shots, I really appreciate you taking time out of your day to look at something that I created. So, thank you!

This story is a birthday present to myself… but the real gift is not having to write anymore one-shots for a while!

Please enjoy the final one-shot of the P5 Shipping Round Robin Challenge!

P5 Shipping Round Robin Challenge:

Texting and Confessions:

Ann x Makoto


Ann was currently texting her best friend, Shiho, who had recently transferred to her new school. It had been a few weeks, and though the pain of separation was still there, the two girls were making it work.

The topics of their conversations varied wildly. Sometimes, it was as mundane as complaining about schoolwork, but at other times, things took a more dramatic turn.

It made Ann smile to learn that her friend had met someone at her new school. According to Shiho, he was quiet, calm, and patient, things Ann knew Shiho desperately needed after her time with Kamoshida. Ann could tell even through text how much her friend cared about him. Funnily enough, he sounded a lot like Akira, and she had had to double check with both the leader of the Phantom Thieves and her best friend to ensure that wasn't the case.

The topic of conversation currently was about Shiho and her male friend, who, it turned out, had just recently become her boyfriend. Ann was ecstatic at the news, and it could show clearly even through text.

Ann: Congratulations! I knew he'd fall for you eventually!

Shiho: Thank you, Ann. I'm glad to know that he feels the same way.

Ann giggled to herself, imagining the blush on her friend's face as she told her this. She knew that she just had to meet the guy who had stolen Shiho's heart. Though, hopefully, not in the same way that her friends did.

She tapped out her message on her phone.

Ann: So when do I get to meet this mystery man?

She giggled again at the almost instant reply.

Shiho: Soon, Ann, I promise!

Ann was about to ask for more details when another text message popped up on her phone.

Shiho: I was thinking that maybe we could double-date with you and Makoto-senpai.


Ann's mind screeched to a halt. A double-date? With… Makoto? What was Shiho…? Well, it was clear that she was implying that Ann and Makoto were in a romantic relationship, but clearly she was under the wrong impression. Ann didn't like Makoto in that way. Did she?

Desperate to get to the bottom of this, Ann quickly typed back.

Ann: What do you mean about double-dating with Makoto? We aren't dating, Shiho!

She waited a few moments, anxious for the other girl's reply. Within a minute, she got what she wanted.

Shiho: Oh! My apologies. I thought she was your girlfriend. You don't use honorifics or anything, so I figured you two were close.

Now that Ann thought about it, it was a little bit strange that she didn't address the older girl as her senpai. But she also didn't address Haru in that way for that matter, and she didn't add any other honorifics for anyone in their group. Basically, they were all just really close.

Ann texted this explanation to her friend, who signaled her understanding. But Ann was still uncomfortable at the implication, so she pressed Shiho further. Why did her best friend think that Ann was dating the student council president?

Shiho: Well… you've mentioned her a lot in our conversations. She almost always comes up in some form or another.

Ann thought back to their previous conversations. Was that true?

Almost as if she sensed Ann's present state of mind, Shiho continued.

Shiho: Yesterday, for example, you talked about how she was cuddling with a Buchimaru-kun stuffed animal and how adorable it was. You even sent me a picture.

Ann remembered taking that picture. She had been hanging out with Makoto as they often did after school if she wasn't too busy modeling and Makoto wasn't too busy studying or running the student council.

The two had been in the arcade. Ever since Akira had shown Makoto around the little place, Makoto had become fascinated and decided to spend her free time there more often than not. It was pretty hilarious to see the prim and proper student council president cursing up a storm as she shot down enemies in one of the many shooting games.

Ann herself wasn't very good at those games (and quite frankly, neither was Makoto), but she always obliged the other girl just so that she could watch her reactions.

However, this trip brought them to one of the crane machines. They had just recently restocked the toys and stuffed animals that littered the case, and Makoto had immediately honed in on a small Buchimaru-kun. She had spent a fair amount of money attempting to capture it, but she had ultimately failed.

Ann couldn't stand to see the dejected look on her senpai's face, so she decided that she would take a crack at it. Surprisingly, she had plucked it out on only her third attempt. The bright, almost childlike expression that had surfaced on Makoto's face as she accepted the gift had made Ann's heart flutter.

Wait. Now that she thought about it, her heart had fluttered. Which was not something that normally happened between friends, right?

Her fingers seemed to move of their own accord as she texted back.

Ann: That's true. But I mean… wouldn't anyone think that was totally adorable?

Shiho soon responded.

Shiho: I… suppose so? But you were gushing about it quite a bit. And that was just yesterday. I have plenty of other examples.

Ann: Okay. I'll bite. What else have I done?

She was genuinely curious to see what her friend would come up with.

Shiho: Well let's see. One day you sent around ten separate texts asking what type of outfit you should wear for an outing with her. Another day you mentioned how she fell asleep on your shoulder and you felt bad about waking her up.

Ann responded.

Ann: So you're saying that I should dress like a slob and wake people up while they're sleeping?

Shiho's response soon followed.

Shiho: Of course not. But for someone to worry about all of these things, plus other things, like how you mentioned how nice she smelled… those things start to add up, Ann.

Ann was still in denial. That wasn't weird for close friends to do, right?

At her silence, Shiho texted Ann again.

Shiho: Think about it this way, Ann. You and I are best friends, and you don't talk like this about me with your other friends, do you?

That was true. Other than occasionally sharing progress on her physical therapy, as well mentioning some funny anecdotes that the girl had shared with her, Ann definitely did not talk about these types of things with the Phantom Thieves.

Ann: I… think I see your point. So you're saying I have a crush on Makoto? And I didn't even know it?

Shiho: I can't say for sure, but I think so. I mean, I thought you two had been dating for a while, and the actual conversation of you telling me definitively that you two were dating was just… glossed over.

Ann thought deeply. If this was true, she had been texting Shiho things like this for weeks. Had she really had a crush on Makoto for this long without even having an inkling of knowledge?

But the more she thought about it, the more she realized that Shiho was right. Ann had definitely taken a liking to the student council president. So, there was only one thing that she could do.

Ann: Shiho. I think I'm gonna ask Makoto if she'd like to join us for that double-date. See how she takes it.

Ann grinned at her friend's response.

Shiho: I believe in you, Ann! You're one of the bravest people I know. She'd be lucky to have you.

With her friend's encouragement giving her a boost, Ann quickly exited their text conversation and brought up a previous one with Makoto. Giggling slightly at how the previous conversation had ended (with Makoto wishing her a good night and Ann sending back winking emojis and hearts), Ann texted the girl.

Ann: Hey, Makoto! Shiho's finally started dating that guy she was crushing on. Wanna double date with them?

She hit send, and then waited for a response. It was a Sunday afternoon, so she figured the older girl wouldn't be particularly busy at the moment.

A few minutes passed.

As Ann waited, she began to feel her nerves catch up with her. What if this was a one-sided thing? She didn't even know if Makoto liked girls in that way. The entirety of the Phantom Thieves was pretty accepting, so she wasn't worried about being shunned or banned from the group or anything. But it was still a pretty huge leap of faith to think that the other girl could feel the same.

Before Ann could completely freak out, she saw her phone had a new text message from Makoto.

Makoto: That's good to hear, Ann. But what do you mean by a double-date? Don't we have to be dating for that to work?

Ann gulped.

Ann: Ha ha. About that… would you like to go on a date with me, Makoto? Maybe even… be my girlfriend?

She almost screamed when she hit send, but at least now her true intentions were out in the open. Luckily, she didn't have to wait too long for a response.

Makoto: I'd really like that, Ann. Truly.

Ann almost passed out. She couldn't believe it. But there was Makoto's response, plain as day. The model had to slap her cheeks slightly to make sure that she wasn't dreaming.

Ann: Really? I didn't think you'd be so… open to the idea.

Makoto: I figured we might as well. Sis is already under the impression that we've been dating for weeks.

Ann blinked. So Makoto had been showing signs as well? Exactly how obvious had the two been?

Ann: That's funny, Makoto. I just had a similar conversation with Shiho.

Makoto: I know. Look at that text thread.

Ann wasn't quite sure what Makoto meant. How could she possibly know about that? But as she switched back over to her conversation with Shiho, she realized it hadn't just been with Shiho.

Looking at the people included in the conversation at the top of the screen, she saw two names.

Shiho and Makoto.

Ann practically choked as she blushed a furious shade of red. Makoto had seen that entire conversation! Replying on that thread instead, Ann furiously typed out a message.

Ann: Shiho! You knew this whole time didn't you? You knew Makoto was in this conversation!

A message from Shiho popped up.

Shiho: So you finally realized it, huh? I have to admit, it took some quick typing on my part to keep Makoto-senpai quiet. I'm surprised you didn't realize it sooner.

It was true. All three girls had grown somewhat close over time, so they had formed a text chain that included the three of them. How Ann how overlooked this was anyone's guess.

Makoto: If I may. Ann, I would like you to know that I feel the same. Once Sis opened up my eyes, I realized that they only ever looked at you.

Ann: Makoto… that was super cheesy.

Makoto: Well… there went that moment.

Shiho: You know, we still haven't picked a day and time for our double-date. I think it'll be quite interesting.

As the three girls joked, Ann smiled with the realization that she was now in a relationship with Makoto Niijima.

And she couldn't be happier.

And done! Hopefully you enjoyed. I wasn't originally planning to have Makoto even be a secret part of that conversation until the idea came to me as I wrote it.

Since this is the final one-shot, I'd like to add a more personal author's note to this post:

I debated for a while whether or not this one should be the one for me to post on my birthday, but I ultimately decided on it. It was one of the easier stories to write, and it had one of my favorite characters in it. I thought it was just long enough, with a good balance of "dialogue" and description. All in all, I felt that this was my strongest one-shot (plus it had a happy ending), so that's why I decided that this should be the final one!

Finally, I would like to give a shout-out to Skye Maxwell, who reviewed so many of these chapters. Thanks so much!