Hey guys,

sorry if the ending is lacking in pretty much everything. Took me four years to think of something. But I hope it's enough for yall


Mai is looking at a man, who is frantically searching for someone amongst a crowd. She looks around and realizes she's dreaming because all she sees are the people, there are no surroundings, only darkness.

"My son! Where is my son?"

The scene warps to the same man, who is in a dark suit, standing in the center of funeral goers. He is openly weeping.

"We're sorry for your loss."

The scene disappears, all Mai sees is darkness, but she can still hear.

"I realize you lost your son, but you need to move on. You can't be going on like this."

'How dare you. How dare they.'

'How could I ever forget my own son.'

'I hate you. I hate them.'

'I'm so tired.'

Mai shoots up, gasping for air. An image of a noose flashes through her mind. She looks around and realizes she's in the girl's bedroom.

I need to go and tell Naru.

She quietly slips out of bed and heads towards base. Once there, she sees that Naru is the only one that's still up and about.

Naru assesses Mai and motions to the couch, "Tell me."

Mai sits down and takes a deep breath before recounting her whole dream. "Thank god I couldn't feel what he did, I know for sure he hung himself," she says as she lightly touches her throat.

"Mai, go back to your room and rest. Tomorrow this case will be over."

Mai shakes her head, "No. I'll stay here," she resolutely says.

Naru sighs, "As you wish, but if you are going to be here, you are going to write down the dreams you've had so far." He gives her a notebook and a pen.

Mai pouts in response, "Fine." Right now she'll do anything to rid her mind of her recent dream.

*****************************Time skip**************************

In the morning, Mai wakes up somehow in her room. How did I get here? She quickly gets up and gets ready.

"We were wondering when you would wake up, sleepyhead," Monk says as Mai enters base. It seems everybody was waiting for her to go and eat breakfast.

"Sorry guys," she mumbles.

Monk ruffles her hair, "Don't worry about it. We heard from Naru that you had quite the dream last night."

"Let's go," Naru orders. "I discovered some information based on Mai's dream."

They all quickly head to the dining room, once there they see Yoshiro waving happily.

"Over here!" He cheerily exclaims. Luckily, the ordeal from yesterday hasn't affected his cute, cheerful character.

When there is a lull in the conversation, Nare begins, "As of now, there are two spirits, both are male, but one is a child. The identities of the spirits are an Akihiko Sasaki and Tsutomo Sasaki."

He pauses and looks towards Yoshiro, now sitting on Mai's lap, "It's best if we take this conversation back to base."

The others nod in understanding, not wanting to expose the kid to anything terrifying.

********Time Skip( bitches finished eating)******************8

"Tsutomo Sasaki," Naru begins, "Was Akihiko's father. His wife died during childbirth, thus, Tsutomo raised Akihiko alone. After the death of Akihiko, he fell into a depression and soon committed suicide here in this Ryokan."

"Wait," Monk starts, "if that's the case, why didn't Yasu find out about that?"

"It was covered up, apparently the last owner didn't want the news of the death to affect his business," he replied.

"I contacted the daughter of this last owner to inquire whether anything mysterious happened after Tsutomo's suicide," he says, "apparently, after his death, there were small occurrences of things moving inexplicably and people falling into the lake. Specifically, she recalls her fathers falling into the lake. Soon after, he fell ill and passed away in his sleep."

"Dear god," Ayako mutters.

"All this begs the question to why both spirits haven't passed on," Naru says.

"And the answer is rather simple," he starts, "Emotions."

"What?" Yasu asks, confused at how that is preventing the spirits from passing on.

"As we all know after one dies, they are usually able to pass over by going into the light," he begins, " signifying that one has come to peace with their death. Yet, when spirits stay they usually have an attachment to the living world or wish to stay because of a goal of theirs, they aren't at peace. They themselves are preventing themselves from passing over."

"In some ways," he continues, "this case is similar to the Dollhouse case. But, the child hasn't passed on. We would believe that once Tsutomo died, his spirit would be able to sense his child and they would be able to happily pass over."

Monk hums, "So what you're saying that Tsutomo's emotions are clouding his senses."

Naru nods in agreement, "Yes, the hatred and sadness prevent him from sensing his son. Akihiko must've realized that his father couldn't communicate with him and was beginning to hurt others, so he took it upon himself to become a guardian of sorts."

"So what do you propose Naru?" John asks.

"A seance," he replies quickly, "Miss Hara, would you be opposed to a seance?"

"I will be fine," she says, with her sleeve close to her mouth.

"Good. Tonight we end this."

It was rather difficult, but Koizumi did it. She had to send all her guests away. The team asked her to send them away in case if activity arises and harms the guests.

"We'll be taking our leave now," Koizumi says, holding Yoshiro and a bag. "If anything happens do not hesitate to call me."

"See you soon!" Mai says.

After everyone was done with their preparations, they all gathered in the empty dining room because of its large space.

They all gathered around a table with a couple of lit candles. Lin was standing to the side with a night vision camera to capture the activity.

Naru nods towards Masako, "Let's begin."

"Everybody please hold hands, under no circumstances do you break the circle during the seance," Masako begins.

She takes a deep breath, "We call upon the spirit of Tsutomo Sasaki. Please answer my call, we mean you no harm. You have permission to enter my body to communicate."

Everybody waits with bated breath, all are holding each other's hands tightly. Suddenly, the candlelight flickers and Masako hunches forward and begins to breathe erratically.

She takes multiple deep breaths then glares up, "Who the hell are you?" She coldly asks.

"Tsutomo Sasaki," Naru begins, "You are dead and have been for a while. Why are you harming innocent people?"

"Innocent? Innocent?" He harshly asks.

"They were never innocent. They deserve to suffer as I have. After the death of my son, they treated me like glass. Never once did they ask if I was okay. Soon enough, they began to tell me to get over it."

"They had the fucking nerve to tell me to get over it," he says angrily.

Throughout his monologue, the temperature was steadily rising and the table and chairs began to shake.

He looked around at each member and spit out, "Fuck you."

All at once the ground began to rumble and the tables around them began to rattle violently.

"Sir! Please stop!" Mai pleads. "You deserve to pass on. All this conflict and hurt won't put your soul to rest. You need to move on."

"Don't tell me what to do!" He roars and shoots up from his seat.

Monk and John hold onto her tightly to keep the circle closed. She continues to thrash between their hands, snarling at their attempts to call her down.

"What about your son!?" Mai roars.

The activity and Masako all go still. Masako is breathing heavily and glares up at Mai.

"My son is gone," he whispers brokenly.

Mai tears up at his response, he sounded so broken and resigned. "No-no he isn't. He's been here all along Tsutomo. He's here and he misses his papa."

Mai doesn't realize but she's slowly beginning to lose energy as Aki manifests next to her.

"Papa!" he desperately yells.

"I'm right here, please look at me," he pleads.

Masako turns sharply and begins to cry, "My son. My dear son," he weeps.

Aki runs towards Masako and envelopes her in a bright light. Tsutomo breaks away from Masako's body and hugs his son. The light gets brighter and brighter then dissipates.

Both Mai and Masako slump forward and collapse. Everybody rushes towards the both of them and realize they are unconscious and unharmed.

Mai was in her empty dream world with Masako, they were both sitting down.

"W-where are we?" Mai stutters out.

"I believe we are projecting," Masako replies.

"Huh," Mai mutters, contemplating how it was possible for Masako to be with her if that were true.

Suddenly, they hear a male voice whisper, "Thank you."

Masako and Mai turn to each other and smile faintly. Gradually, they both begin to fade.

With that, the case was over with a happy ending.