Ted ran ahead before turning around and waving everyone to follow him, "Come on! Not that much farther! This is the last block"

Everyone ran swiftly, but never forgetting to look back and look at their surroundings. Emma, of course, glanced back to her younger sister, Hannah, who jogged past her, eyes straight. She didn't know which she was more anxious to see; this facility that Ted swore would protect them or Axel. His bright blue eyes and cocky smile filled her mind as her heart skipped a beat as she swallowed down the soreness in her throat. She couldn't afford to get emotional now.

"Are we even sure this place exists?" Nicole asked, "I mean, Ted says he hasn't been here in six months. It could've all gone to shit now"

"You're also forgetting that Emma's fiancee is supposedly in there" Hannah mumbled, "Holed up for the past three years instead of looking for us"

"Shut up, Hannah!" Emma turned to her sister, "Ted said that they had orders to keep in position, Axel is loyal to the marines and you know that"

"Keep telling yourself that" Hannah muttered.

Emma turned and glared to her sister before Mohamad was heard from the back, "We got company!"


"Let's go! Let's go!" John yelled as he started running.

Emma turned around as she heard screeches echoing down the street, "Where are they?"

"They're calling to each other" Ted shook his head, "These guys are getting smarter every week!"

"Come on! Let's go!" Cynthia yelled to the group.

"It won't matter to us if you keep screaming out so they can hear you" Hannah told the teenager.

"She's right" Ted nodded.

Emma rose up her gun and shot at the first feral she saw running out from behind the corner. It got hit in the arm and fell down, making Emma run back and create as much distance as she could between the vampires and her. If there was one thing she was thankful for, she was appreciative that Axel had shown her how to fire different types of guns during his breaks from touring. So far, it hasn't let her down in this goddamn apocalypse.

Ted had taken to the front as he led the group, making Sam and Mohamad with her in the back. Once Sam turned around and saw Emma was behind him, he offered up his arm and gently pushed her along with the group. Always never wanting a woman at the tail of the group.

"Thanks, Sam" Emma muttered, as if he could hear her.

She jumped over a crate and quickly glanced around, hearing the vampires gaining on them but not knowing where they were. This always frightened her whenever she was on the run with the group.

"I see the hospital!" Nicole shouted, "Come on! Run!"

Emma didn't have enough of a chance to get excited on who will be guarding the building as she ran to the door.

"Let us in! Please let us in! Open this door!" Cynthia yelled out.

"I am a United States marine and I have been ordered to guard this facility!" a familiar voice said, "I can't compromise my mission with this, I'm sorry"

"Open the door, marine, goddammit!" Hannah shouted before Emma could say anything.

Axel hesitated before he questioned, "Hannah?"

"Yes, it's me, asshole!" Hannah let out, "Open the door! We're gonna die out here!"

Emma glanced over to Hannah who gave a panicked look, a very few face exchanges she makes to Emma before the door swung wide open. Emma turned as everyone filed in within a matter of seconds. She swallowed nervously as Hannah ran past and slapped Axel on the shoulder, surprising him but not as much as he was when he noticed Emma. They just stood there, staring at each other as if it was a hallucination or something. Emma didn't know whether or not to hug him or run by him to get into shelter.

Axel looked past her and yelled, "Get down!"

Emma dropped to the floor as rounds of bullets were fired. She peeked out from behind a concrete and saw ferals were now running towards them. Emma forgot about her little reunion with her fiancee and ran inside as Axel yelled orders for John to come inside as well. She looked outside as she saw Axel was pinned down by a feral before Sam ran over and beat the beast down with a bat.

Once everyone was inside, Emma turned and went to the group and saw Hannah was sitting on the escalator. She briefly glanced up before she looked back down to her knife as John came in calling out to Wendy.

"There's nothing I can do about that, I'm sorry" Axel apologized.

"A woman is stuck out there" John yelled out, "She's gonna get torn apart by those things"

"Opening those doors will compromise our mission" Axel said but John was having none of it as he ran past and started to yank at the doors, Axel then butted him with the end of his gun, making Karen scream and Emma jump, "Everyone upstairs now… end of discussion"

Emma followed Axel upstairs, just like he said but the way he acted with knocking John unconscious rubbed her the wrong way. The man only wanted to look for his wife, the woman he loved, and Axel decided to hurt him instead of help him. She couldn't help but glance at Hannah to see what her younger sister was thinking about but when she did, she wished she didn't. Hannah was looking at her like as if she was the one who had hit John. Emma looked at Axel's back as he continued to talk to Ted, no doubt catching up, but he didn't even glance or spoke to Emma since he saw her outside.

He led them to a wing where it looked like a makeshift military base. All different types of gadgets, canned foods, and ammo were lying around. Emma was barely taking it all in when she heard a big bang and snarling. She turned and noticed a vampire stuck in a cage and Axel running to stand in front of the locked room.

"Jesus! He's got a pet one!" Nicole shouted out.

"Is that the doc?" Ted asked.

"Yeah, she got bit" Axel sighed.

"Oh this ought to be good-" Mohamad mumbled.

"Hey! She was a part of this mission too, smart ass!" Axel let out before he scanned the crowd, "Anybody touches her I'll throw them off of the roof"

"She's been bit!"

"She's a vampire!"

"And what about this chick?" Nicole asked from off to the side.

Emma followed and noticed a woman lying on a table with what looked like heat bulbs aimed on her as Axel said, "This chick doesn't exist as far as you're concerned. You understand me?"

"Yeah, I understand" Hannah said, "I understand that you've been protecting two women for three years; one a vampire and one a potato instead of looking for your fiancee"

Hannah turned to her sister, "How does that make you feel, Emma?"

Heat rose to her cheeks as tears brimmed her eyes, she turned to her sister and with gritted teeth she said, "Fuck off"

Emma roughly pushed her sister away from her and stormed out of the room as Axel called out to her, "Emma! Emma!"

It's safe to say that Emma didn't sleep with the rest of the group; she was mad at her sister, embarrassed by Axel's actions, and even a little bit jealous of these two mystery women. Late at night, she heard someone walking around, her back was to the door but she heard the door open and stopped. Just in case, she kept her knife close but something told her that it was Axel and she was curious on what he was actually planning on doing. She waited until she heard him sigh and close the door. Tears filled her eyes as she sniffed and closed them to at least try and get some sleep.

The next day, Emma took this chance to walk around and get her bearings on the place when she heard dishes clattering on the floor. She was at first cautious before she head John scream out for someone to listen. She deeply inhaled and followed the commotion where it lead her to the pantry just as Axel blocked a pipe from coming down on his head and pinning John to the table.

"Enough!" Axel was saying, "Enough. Now, I get how you feel, I do, but there is nothing that we can do for her"

"Alright!" John screamed out.

"So we stay inside" Axel commanded.

"Alright" John said in a quieter voice.

"End of discussion" Axel said as he got up.

He walked out of the kitchen but stopped when he noticed Emma was standing outside of the hallway, "Hey"

"Hi" Emma cleared her throat, "He still wants to go out and find his wife?"

"Yeah, he's being a bit emotional" Axel waved in John's direction.

"I don't blame him" Emma said, "I mean that's what I would do… that's what I did"


"Do you want to know how I was found?" Emma asked, "Ted found me; he recognized my face from a picture I gave you and I had this hope that you were out there looking for me, but now I see you were only playing babysitter over two other women"

Before Axel could say anything, Emma shook her head and walked away. Even though she moved her stuff to where everyone else was sleeping, that didn't mean she was in the mood for talking, especially to Hannah of all people. Luckily, it seemed pretty sensed and the only person who actually came close to a conversation was Sam who gave a small wave. Emma hoped that by the next day, she'll start feeling better about this and maybe contribute to the group more than she has, she didn't even know how to help out in a hospital-made-fortress.

"Incoming!" was the next thing she heard.

Emma jumped at the sound of gunfire as she ripped out her gun from under her mattress. She quickly checked the safety off and started to fire at the vampires already closing distance with her. She let out a yelp as one reached out to her but she thrust her gun up to its nose and roughly tossed it to the ground. It looked up and snarled at her when a body crashed down on it and stabbed it with a knife multiple times. Hannah quickly got off of the vampire and moved behind Emma as she continued to fire at them.

The sisters ran over to the other section as everyone tried to close the door but the vampires swarmed in. A vampire locked eyes on Emma and charged at her but she kicked him down and fired a round into his head. She turned and followed everyone around the corner to where the woman was sleeping.

She gasped when she realized the woman who was supposed to be comatose was now awake and stabbing a vamp with just a pen.

"Dylan!" she turned and took a look at everyone, "Who the hell are you?"

Seeing the woman suddenly drop down to the floor caused everyone a wide range of confusion. Not only that, she fought off three vampires by herself and with just a pen. Emma was about to clean when Axel told her to come downstairs to help check the front door with Ted. She didn't really see why she had to go but she went along anyways. Axel went over and only spent a couple of seconds before he said, "Nothing broken or busted"

"Shit" Ted cursed.

"They didn't just push their way in" Emma said, "At least I don't think they did"

Ted looked over to Axel, "How many of the others did you give the codes to this door?"

"Well, probably more than I should have" Axel sighed and waved his hand, "Except Emma for obvious reasons so she's in the clear. The black kid and the deaf guy on the other hand…"

"Look, if my bringing them here had anything to do with this, I'm sorry" Ted apologized, "I hate to say this but maybe we should toss 'em out right now while we still have the chance and the fire power"

"Yeah" Emma seemed surprised as Axel agreed, "Yeah, I hear ya"

"Well, we gotta protect Sleeping Beauty" Ted said.

Axel chuckled and shook her head, "I'm not so sure about that. She seemed pretty damn good at that on her own"

"Yeah, how about that, huh?" Ted cracked a dry smile.

"So… none of you knew that she could defend herself?" Emma asked, "Against them of all people?"

Axel exchanged a look before he sighed, "We were sent here just minutes before the rising happened, had no other orders but to sweep her up and take her back to the-"

"Base" Ted cleared his voice, "You know, military stuff. Don't ask, just do"

Emma slowly nodded her head, "Right… well those vamps came in looking for her which is going to scare a lot of people here"

"If they don't like it then they'll just have to leave" Axel shrugged.

"Oh, they won't" Emma shook her head, "Nicole is just a big cloud of negativity, John is still emotional over his wife, and Hannah will get more suspicious than ever"

"What about you?" Axel asked.

Emma took a step back as she tried to process what she just saw before she answered honestly, "I don't know what to believe anymore"