Once Again

By Annoriel

Chapter 10 (By the Sea)

Disclaimer: You're reading this? And you recognize a lot of things? Well, that's not mine. Ah, but there's these weird things you've never heard of? Those are indeed mine.

A/N: I know. There's no excuse for the delay of this chapter and I won't try to find one except my own incapacity of writing.

A/N: I had no time to have it beta-read, so bear with my grammar and spelling mistakes. But I'm improving, really!

A/N: Super-hyper-ultra-mega-huge thanks to moonlight1111. Her e-mail gave me the will and the strength to write this chapter... I'm sorry it's small, but it's I could come up with to stand for my promise. Also a big thanks to anyone who reviewed this fic!

Melissa slammed the door of her room and, with an exasperated sigh, threw herself on the bed. She tried hard to stop the tears from rolling down her face but to no avail. She breathed in and out deeply while trying to focus her mind elsewhere but on the fight she just had with her Father.

"Sincerely, Melissa… I really don't see how you expect to be a medi-witch with such low grades!" he had said. The three of them were sitting around the dinner table, eating what was supposed to be the feast of a nice and happy Christmas.

"But Father, I was top of class in most of the subjects…" she had replied, her eyes averted to her plate.

He had sighed and put down his fork, his cold black stare totally fixed on his daughter. "That's not enough. I want you to be the best. No child of mine…"

"Have you ever stopped to think that I might not want that?" she had looked up at him, ignoring her Mother's silent plea – she would not be quite this time. "I'll be of age within a week, it's about time that I do as I please, not as you want me to!"

Albert Walker had narrowed his eyes. "And may I know what – or better, who – brought up this sudden change of heart?"

"Albert, please." Elizabeth had begged. "Just drop it. It's Christmas for God's sake!"

"No Mom, leave it. If he wants to know, I'll tell him" Melissa had smirked then. "I've met these wonderful people at Hogwarts and they taught me that I don't have to be rich nor have a perfect carrier to be happy – it surely spoils all your plans, doesn't it? In fact, I even fell in love with one of them…"

"Melissa, please…" her mother had warned.

"… We are so in love that I even slept with him." She had finished, knowing she had gone too far but yet relieved she had let it all out.

Her father had stood up harshly, but he didn't yell as everyone expected. Instead of, he lowered his voice until it was almost a whisper. "All these years… I never thought I would raise a slut."

Melissa had felt like someone had beaten her. Her mother was surprised too, judging for the loud gasp she made. "No," she had said. "No, you didn't. But you didn't raise a slave robot either."

With that she had stomped off the room to lock herself up in her chambers. Exactly were she was now.

She lied awake for what could have been hours or just a minute. She heard her mother soothing down her husband; she heard the house-elf take away the untouched food; she heard her parents going to sleep. But she couldn't even close her eyes. Every time she did so she would remember the things she had heard and said.

Melissa now regretted her words. Actually, she regretted the way she said them. But what's done it's done… She would deal with the consequences tomorrow.

Standing up, she grabbed the Christmas cards her friends had sent her along with Sirius' gift to her. It was a beautiful silver portrait with a picture of them near the lake. It was taken during the autumn – the tree behind then and the fallen leaves could prove that – a moment before they left to Hogsmeade.

On the picture, he was standing behind her with both arms wrapped around her waist. Their smiles meaning more than a thousand words – their love and happiness were just so obvious that it was almost touchable.

Melissa sighed and put the portrait on her bedside table, pretending she was back at Hogwarts and in Sirius' arms. With these thoughts she lay down and drifted off.

Sirius sighed as he watched James playing with the broom he had won for Christmas. It was snowing outside, and the possibility of a snow tempest hadn't been enough to keep those two hyperactive boys indoors.

But, to tell you the truth, Sirius wasn't that excited about James' new broom (he had won a chess set. Mr. and Mrs. Potter had secretly hoped he would be interested enough in chess to stay put for a while). Actually, he was thinking of Melissa. He hadn't heard of her since Christmas and they would be going to Torbey in two days. He sighed again. Well, he'd probably have to wait until they were back to Hogwats to be with her again.

Dianna laughed and brushed an erratic hair strand off her eyes. Lily and she had been throwing snowballs at James trying to knock him down of his broomstick. So far, the only thing they managed was to get them both wet. She looked over her shoulder at her brother and her smile faded. Sirius had been awfully quiet the last couple days, since they got Melissa's letter saying she wouldn't be able to make it to Torbey.

She understood him perfectly. Because of the moon, Remus would only meet them on the 31st of December. And she was missing him so… But at least she would see him and the subject, right now, was Sirius. She had to cheer him up. A wicked grin graced her face while she made up a plan.

Sirius jumped when a snowball hit him square in the face. "What the hell?" He opened his eyes to find his sister with an adorably fake guilt expression.

"I'm sorry! I was aiming at James but he flew away!"

At that moment, another snowball hit him, this one coming from above. "Sorry, Padfoot!" James yelled. When yet another ball of snow hit him, he hadn't to look to know it was Lily's. Well, if you can't fight them…

Helen Potter laughed and took another sip of her champagne. She was sitting on the sand watching her husband try to take a picture of their son and his friends. It was proving to be an almost impossible mission. Twice had he threatened to say Petrificus Totalus or at least Impedimenta. Yes, life was pretty good, in spite in all.

Lily squeaked and tried to escape the spray of water James was throwing at her. She heard Remus laughing and encouraging his friend to go and get her. She glanced over her shoulder to see how close her boyfriend was… And bumped into him.

"James Potter, that's not fair! You apparated!"

James grinned slyly and bent down to kiss her. "All is fair in love and war."

"Come on, guys, just one more picture!" Robert Potter yelled and smiled when he felt his wife's arms encircle his waist.

"Let it go, love. It's almost midnight anyway."

"Hey!" Sirius waved at them from where he was standing, feet inside the water. "Com'on folks! Let's start the count down!"


The Potters and their guests ran to the beach.

Ni ne…

Hand in hand, they all stood in front of the dark and huge sea.


James pulled Lily closer to him and kissed the crown of her head. Great year indeed…


Dianna held Remus to her and, with her free hand, took her brother's hand in hers.


Sirius looked down at her and smiled, winking affectionately.


Helen felt all her worries vanish as a wave touched her feet. There was no Dark Lord here.


Robert exchanged a smile with Helen. He had charmed the camera to take pictures of them.


None of them saw the white vulture that was falling from the sky.


Sirius felt the impact of something heavy falling on him and then the sea waves on his face.


The fireworks exploded announcing the new year of hope and love that was beginning.

Review, people!