Hello guys, here it is the beginning of The Exiled One Returns. I won't be doing another rewrite of it for anyone worried, this will be the final version and will be completed.

I need a little help guys, I haven't watched the show in ages and need to know a list of all the wild Pokémon Ash has assisted during his traveling days from Kanto to the end of Unova. While I remember some, I know that there are ones that I have missed so I'd appreciate your help.

In conversations, unless otherwise stated this is how you can tell what kind of speech is being used.

'- Poké Speech

"- Human speech

"- Aura/Telepathy

Without further ado let the chapter begin!

The Unova League had gone far better than Ash expected, admittedly he had trained harder than ever, but he had still expected to struggle against the other trainers. However, with no Tobias and his team of Legendary Pokémon in Ash's way no one was strong enough to compete with Ash and he was able to win his first regional League. He tried his best against the Unova Elite 4 but only managed to defeat the first member, still it was a massive improvement and both Ash and Pikachu were in high spirits. They'd never achieved this kind of success in an official league before and both were already thinking about their next adventure wherever that will be.

They were walking from Viridian City to Pallet Town reminiscing about everything that had happened during their adventure in Unova happily thinking about the great times they'd had in Unova. The success in Unova was making them anxious to head on their next adventure and go one step further, their dreams of being the best around no longer seeming so insurmountable. The victory in Unova had given everyone a big and much needed confidence boost.

"Well Pikachu, I think our journey through Unova was pretty successful."

'Yeah we finally got what we deserved and won a league.'

"Yep, now I say we rest up for a month or two and get some training in, then we head to Kalos, I think we've got a real chance at beating the Elite 4 and challenging the Champion of Kalos. Does that sound good to you?"

Pikachu nodded and nuzzled Ash's cheek which made Ash smile, he scratched behind Pikachu's ear making the mouse let out a soft sigh. As much as they both enjoyed travelling and battling other trainers they wanted to take a break after the intense battles they'd had in Unova especially against the Elite 4. Neither of them had experienced battling that intense before and while they craved for more of it they knew that a good rest and taking some time to train hard again would be ideal.

"Glad you agree. I think we should pick up the speed otherwise we'll be walking all day so Pikachu how about we fly the rest of the way home?"

'Sounds like a great idea!'

"Alright than, Charizard I choose you."

The dragon burst out of his Pokéball and shot a playful Flamethrower at Ash who by now was ready for it and leapt out of the way. Ash then walked back to Charizard and stroked the dragon' neck, he'd missed the faithful fire type and was overjoyed that he'd had a chance to reunite with him in Unova. He had to admit that he was surprised that the dragon had chosen to stay with him rather than return to the valley, he'd assumed that Charizard would stay there forever. Words couldn't describe how happy Ash had felt when he found out that Charizard wanted to stay with him.

"Hey Charizard, could you give us a ride back to Pallet?"

Charizard nodded and picked Ash up, he placed his trainer on his back and then flew into the air straight towards Pallet Town. The trio were excited to get home, so they could see their friends and family and have some well-deserved rest.

Meanwhile in Pallet Town all of Ash's travel companions from his previous journeys had gathered at Professor Oak's Lab. They had all worked together to prepare a massive surprise party for Ash to celebrate his incredible performance in the Unova League and were now waiting for him to arrive. They were all sat in the lounge, watching the highlights from the Unova League finals where Pikachu was standing proud over a Haxorus when the screen suddenly cut to a news reporter.

"We interrupt this broadcast of the highlights of the Unova League for this breaking news story. Viridian City in flames! Moments ago, Viridian City was attacked by a man riding a Charizard. Streams of flames from the Charizard and bolts of electricity from the Pikachu on the man's shoulder have destroyed most the city."

Everyone looked at one another briefly considering the idea that it had been Ash but then immediately dismissing the idea, there was no way the innocent boy they knew was capable of something like that. If anything, he'd be there helping people and trying to stop the attacker from harming the defenceless civilians.

"Many people have been injured by the attack, some in critical condition however so far there have been no casualties. We have video footage of the attack, warning this will contain graphic images."

The video began as the first attacks were launched at the buildings, screams of terror almost drowning out the explosions being created by the attacks. The camera zoomed in on the person riding the Charizard and everyone's eyes widened in shock. The face was shrouded but the hat, clothes, backpack even the way the Pikachu stood on the man's shoulder pointed to only person… Ash.

"It can't be." Dawn and Misty gasped.

"It is." Gary stated.

"Early reports suggest that the prime suspect is Ash Ketchum, he was last seen flying towards Pallet Town so if you see him inform the authorities immediately. Police have been dispatched from all surrounding areas and are currently on their way to Pallet Town."

While everyone was still trying to process the information, the booming sounds of a series of explosions made everyone rush out of the Lab and look for where the noises came from. Horrified expression appeared on their faces as they realised that the explosion had come from the Ketchum home. They immediately started running towards the Ketchum home to check on Delia, hoping that she was safe.

Far above them in the skies Ash had heard and seen the explosion as it happened, and he was panicking about his mother. Charizard spotted that it was the Ketchum residence that had exploded and without wasting a second shot off at full speed to Ash's house. Within seconds he landed outside the burning building and Ash on instinct jumped off the dragon's back and ran towards the house intent on saving his mother. However, he was suddenly stopped by a three-clawed hand grabbing his arm. Ash wrenched his arm trying to get free, so he could rescue his mother but Charizard grip was too strong for him.

"Charizard let me go, my mother's in there, Charizard I can't leave her to burn to death."

The dragon replied by pointing to himself and then the house and saw that Ash understood what he was saying. With that Charizard released his hold on Ash's arm and then charging into the burning house, he desperately looked around the ground floor for any sign of Ash's mother but found nothing amongst the raging inferno. He then heard harsh coughing coming from upstairs and burst through the ceiling, the house was destroyed anyway so him flying through the ceiling mattered not.

After breaking through Charizard immediately spotted Delia on the floor and picked her up, he was so concerned about getting her to safety that he had not noticed all her injuries. He then shot a Dragon Pulse at the wall blowing a hole through it and letting him fly out of the house and land in front of Ash. Charizard placed Delia gently on the ground and watched as his trainer fell to his knees, tears filling the boy's eyes as he looked at his badly wounded mother. He wrapped his arms around her and felt her blood dripping onto his arms, Charizard and Pikachu exchanged a glance, they both knew that she didn't have much time.

"No, Arceus no. Mum, mum can you hear me?"

Delia's eyes opened and despite the pain she was in she smiled at her son, she'd been hoping she'd get to see him one last time before the end. Although at the same time she was saddened that Ash had to see her like this and would be forced to watch her pass away in his arms. With what little strength she had left Delia placed her hand on Ash's face and wiped away his tears.

"Ash, honey I'm dying."

"No, no you're not mum. You'll be fine, I'll get you to a hospital and…"

"We both know that I'd never survive moving. Ash it's over for me, please just promise me that you'll stay safe."

"Who did this to you? Who's responsible?"

"It was Team Rocket, they said something about getting rid of you for good. I tried to stop them, but they attacked me."

"They'll pay for this; I swear they'll pay."

"Don't let darkness consume you honey, the desire for vengeance can change a person. Remember who you are, remember that I love you and that I'm so proud of you."

"I love you too mum."

Delia gave Ash a final small smile before letting out her last ragged breath, her hand slipping away from Ash's face and laying limp on the bloody ground. Ash watched his mother's eyes close for one last time and tears flowed down his cheeks as he clutched onto her dead body. Pikachu and Charizard watched their trainer mourning and let out a few tears of their own, Delia had treated every one of Ash's Pokémon as if they were family and she would be dearly missed by them all/.

"I promise that Team Rocket will pay for this."

Ash was so focussed on his now deceased mother that he didn't hear the footsteps of his friends behind him, the group looked at Ash in horror as they saw the lifeless form of Delia in his arms. With no one else in sight, the blood covering Ash's clothes and the images they had just seen on the television it led them all to one conclusion, one that none of them ever thought they would come to.

"Ash how could you do this?" Professor Oak asked.

"Was destroying Viridian City not enough for you?" Gary added.

"What the hell has gotten into you? Have you gone insane?" Tracey yelled.

Hearing the yelling behind him brought Ash back to reality, he finally tore his gaze away from his mother and noticed that his friends were stood behind him. He felt his spirit lift for a moment until he processed what they said, he then looked at his friends in complete bemusement, he had no clue what they were talking about and wondered why they were saying these things.

"I don't know what you're all talking about." Ash whimpered.

"Stop playing innocent Ash, there's video's all over the news showing you destroying Viridian City. There's images of children and Pokémon laying injured in the streets all thanks to you and now we find you with your mother dead in your arms with only your Charizard and Pikachu nearby."

"You can't be serious, you don't honestly think I'd destroy Viridian City and murder my mother, do you?"

Ash looked at all his so-called friends in shock, he gazed at each of them individually and saw that most of them were glaring at him while some were either crying or avoiding his gaze. At that moment, he knew that they did indeed believe that he's guilty of the horrific crimes they described. His heart started to shatter as the people who knew better than anyone else believed that he would commit murder.

"You all do, don't you? You actually think I'm capable of committing crimes like that. I-I can't believe it." Ash said in disbelief.

"Ash if you give yourself up maybe things won't be so bad." Brock suggested.

The young man shook his head at Brock and then hugged his mother tightly, he looked down at her peaceful face and kissed her forehead knowing that he had to leave now. He had to escape this place before he was imprisoned for crimes he did not commit.

"I'm sorry mum, I have to go." Ash whispered as he gently placed his mother on the ground.

"You're not going anywhere Ketchum; you're going to pay for what you've done." Gary said.

Most of Ash's now former friends took a step closer to him all intent on making sure he was going nowhere, the only exception being Dawn who still couldn't meet Ash's gaze. As the traitors stepped closer Pikachu and Charizard immediately placed themselves between Ash and his former friends. Electricity was sparking off Pikachu while the flame on Charizard's tail grew more intense, the actions of both Pokémon scared the traitors and made them take a step back fearful of what they may do.

'You're not going to do anything to Ash. If you come any closer, you're all taking a Thunderbolt from me!' Pikachu yelled.

'And a Flamethrower from me.' Charizard added.

"Thank you, Pikachu and you too Charizard. Let's head back to the corral and see if any of the others believe me."

Before Ash's now former friends could do anything to stop him, Ash picked up Pikachu and jumped onto Charizard's back. The dragon launched himself into the air and they flew to Professor Oak's Lab hopeful that they would have allies there. They landed in the corral and all of Ash's Pokémon quickly surrounded them although many of them did not appear pleased to see their trainer. Ash was distraught to see how many of his Pokémon were glaring at him, he knew he didn't have long so he squashed down those feelings, so he could say what he needed to.

"Okay everyone I'm assuming you all saw the news report so if you think I'm innocent get your Pokéball and bring it to me, so we can leave, the rest of you can go to hell!"

Ash was heartbroken when only ten Pokémon retrieved their Pokéballs and gave them to him, those ten were Bulbasaur, Bayleef, Donphan, Scraggy, Totodile, Infernape, Sceptile, Gible, Snorlax and Swellow. The loyal Pokémon stood alongside Pikachu and Charizard protectively in front of Ash, glaring at the Pokémon who didn't believe in their trainer who had done so much for all of them.

"Thank you, for believing in me." Ash said as he briefly hugged his loyal Pokémon.

Ash was startled by the sound of sirens in the distance and growing ever closer, he quickly returned his loyal Pokémon apart from Charizard and Pikachu and then climbed on to the dragon's back. Charizard knew there was no time to wait for Ash's command, so he flew away in the opposite direction of where the sirens were wailing, focussed on getting Ash as far away from Pallet as possible.

Ash stayed silent with tears trailing down his face while Charizard flew them to safety, he had no idea where the dragon was taking him, and he couldn't bring himself to care. All he could think about was his mother's last words and the looks on the faces of his so-called friends. Team Rocket had taken everything from him and despite what his mother had said Ash's eyes suddenly grew dark and cold as he muttered a sentence.

"Ash Ketchum is dead."


Thank you all for reading this chapter, please leave a review below telling me what you liked and what I could improve on.

As I said at the start I'd really appreciate you guys giving me a list of Pokemon Ash has helped throughout his travels.