
Molly Weasley was in the hospital, in labor. She was secretly hoping that it would be a girl, as the six boys she had were definitely a handful. Bill and Charlie were behaved, and Percy rather too much so, but the Twins were more than a handful, and Ron was still learning what was right and wrong.

Finally she had given birth, and was relieved that it was in fact a girl. She had heard something about the seventh daughter of the seventh daughter and the seventh son of the seventh son but had no idea if it was fact or myth. Now she knew that it was true.

Arthur stopped in and visited a couple times, leaving the boys to the house of the Potters or Lovegoods, both of whom they were good friends with. Then one day, the door opened at visiting hours, and in stepped James, Lily, and a small boy Molly recognized as little Harry Potter. "Hey, Molly!" Said Lily.

"Hi, guys!" Molly said. She had recovered from birth and was her normal exuberant self. But this would probably change when she left the hospital, it wasn't like it was safe out there, with You-Know-Who and all.

Molly cooed at Harry, and let him hold little Ginevra, as that was what her and Arthur had decided to call her. Harry was exceedingly gentle with little Ginevra, and Molly beamed at him. Harry looked up. "Name?" He asked.

"Ginevra Molly Weasley," Molly said softly.

"G–G–Ginny!" He said proudly.

Molly smiled at him. Not quite, but close.

When the Potters left, Arthur stepped in. "How's my little Ginevra?" He asked.

"Ginny," corrected Molly.

Arthur looked at her in surprise. That was actually a pretty good nickname.

Molly saw her looking at him and just said, "Little Harry gave it to her," and left it at that.