Title: rust & stardust

Rating: M

Genre: AU/AH

Pairing(s): Bonnie/Alaric, Stefan/Elena, Matt/Caroline, Jeremy/Anna, Alaric/Jenna (One-sided), mentions of Alaric/Isobel, Bonnie/Tyler (One-Sided), etc..

Trope/Prompt: Age Difference

Summary: When Alaric Saltzman meets Bonnie Bennett he is intensely attracted to her but rejects his feelings when he discovers that not only is she seventeen but that she's his student. Though, they both try their best not to become overly attached, Alaric soon finds that his relationship with Bonnie becomes serious. However, his personal reservations and outside influences threaten to doom the affair.

Warnings: Sexual Content, Explicit Sexual Content, Secret Relationships, Student/Teacher Relationships, etc.

Author's Note: Finally, an update. To give you all an idea of how long its been since the last one, the niece I mentioned last chapter in the author's note is now a year old and has a baby brother. Lmao! Sorry it took so long folks. I've been going through some things. So this fic was a request which is a why another Bonnie pairing is sneaking in this chapter but not taking over. I am skipping the whole Bonnie and Ben thing entirely because a) his character served no real purpose and I still don't get why Stefan didn't kill him and b) if they were going to kidnap Elena anyway then why have Bonnie suffer unnecessarily and be embarrassed and called desperate. Like, they could have just used Elena as leverage to get both Bonnie and the Salvatore to cooperate but I digress. Elena will suffer though, but not until next chapter. Lol. In any case, I hope you all enjoy this chapter! No editing here! Happy reading!

part three || music

"To want someone so much could be a terrible thing, or it could be the best hope a man could have."

Alice Hoffman, The Rules of Magic

Bonnie Bennett had always loved music. It was in fact her first love and favorite form of expression. Whatever mood she was in, whatever situation, the right song could vindicate it or change it for the better.

After giving Alaric the ultimatum, Bonnie had taken a page out of Matt Donavon's breakup handbook and gone with Air Supply at first. Then she'd ended up listening to Brandy's "Sittin' Up in My Room" on repeat for three hours while binge watching Ru Paul's Drag Race on mute. By the time she had gotten Rihanna and Adele territory, her Grams had knocked on her door and poked her head in looking concerned.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Sheila asked.

Bonnie sighed. She was proud of herself for braving her fears and standing her ground but her insecurities were getting the better of her. She was uncertain as to whether Alaric would pick her. Especially given what was at stake.

It was even worse that she couldn't tell her Grams what was going on. Sheila was the only one she could talk to really, though now there was Alaric. Still there was now so much she had to hide from her Grams and Alaric might not be a sounding board for her any longer after what she'd said.

"I don't really want to talk about it," Bonnie said sitting up from her post on her bed.

Sheila raised an eyebrow and stepped into the room more fully. "The Supremes," Sheila said as she walked over and sat down on the edge of Bonnie's bed.

"What?" Bonnie asked.

"The Supremes, Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell," Sheila repeated, "That's who got me through my first broken heart."

Bonnie sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. "It's not exactly a broken heart," she said, "More like mourning what could have been."

Sheila laughed. "I forgot how dramatic young people can be when it comes to romance," she said, "Though, admittedly I'm relieved to hear you talk about things like romance and college lately. As much as I want you to embrace our heritage, I never wanted it to take over who you were and what you wanted once you discovered what we are. So,...who is he?"

Bonnie bit her lip. "I can't tell you."

Sheila's eyes narrowed. "Still keeping secrets."

Bonnie shrugged. "It doesn't matter anyway. Nothing can happen. Nothing really has. Like I said, mourning what could have been."

"When I first met your grandfather, I thought the same thing," Sheila said, "But he kept pursuing me and eventually something did happen. And it got me your mother, which... got me you. You I'm proud of, grateful for. And your grandfather, he was the love of my life. I'm saying that to say, whatever is meant to happen will, even if we can't see it just yet."

"Grandpa Gabe was a lot older than you right? How'd you handle that when you first got together?"

Sheila's eyes narrowed and Bonnie wondered for a moment if her Grams had figured her out. Then the look passed and Sheila shrugged. "It was a different time. People talked, had their own opinions, but not in the same way they do now. We did have to be careful in the very beginning but it got easier the older I got and the longer we stayed together. The age thing never bothered me in particular, it was more so the outside world boxing us in. I was already black and a woman, didn't need any other cause to ostracize myself. But I spent all this time fighting for my rights in so many other cases with the protests and politics in college, I said to myself, 'Why not just let go of the stigma and fight for the right to be with the man I love?' In any case, we wanted to make it work, and so we made it work. Eventually I was of the mind that people will talk one way or the other, so what does it matter?"

Bonnie thought about the words for a moment. Her concerns about the relationship with Alaric were mostly grounded in what risk it had in terms of his life and career if they were ever discovered. She hadn't really considered anyone's opinion other than that. Her grandmother was right, people would talk either way. She'd seen it all her life, they talked about her parents' divorce, her mother's abandonment, her father's frequent absences and her Grams' eccentricities. Bonnie had cared for so long about what other people thought and it had gotten her nothing and it was exhausting. She didn't want other people's issues to leak into her relationship with Alaric as well, if there ever was one.

The problem was, Bonnie wasn't sure if she was what Alaric really wanted. He said he wasn't what she needed but Bonnie couldn't help but wonder if he felt the other way around. If something was wrong with her, if he would have taken the chance to try if it was Elena or Caroline that he'd met the night he'd arrived. And maybe that was her own insecurities talking. Alright, it definitely was. Ever since her parents' divorce she had a tendency to blame herself and feel as if she weren't good enough when people left or relationships didn't work or became stagnant.

"When were you sure about grandpa? When did you know he was worth taking the leap for?" She asked.

"I knew right off," Sheila smiled wistfully, "I just didn't want to know. I was scared. I never wanted anyone like I wanted him and no one had ever wanted me the way he did. He was ready before I was. You're like me in a lot of ways but you're like him too. You're brave. You proved that and keep proving that. Whoever this is...if their hesitating it isn't because they can't see all that is great in you. They'd have to be dumb, deaf and blind, not to see it. I think it's because they can see it. Its intimidating being around someone so smart, beautiful and powerful. I mean, look at me, I should know."

Bonnie laughed. "Seriously, Grams?"

Sheila huffed. "Yes, I am serious." She laughed and then, "If this person is worth it...stick with them. They'll come around. Can't be around someone as brave as you and not become brave too eventually."

Bonnie beamed. "Thanks, Grams."

Sheila stood. "You're welcome. Now, if you want to keep playing songs on repeat, at least throw in some Stevie Wonder."

Bonnie laughed and picked up her phone. As Sheila left her room, Bonnie put on her Motown playlist. Played her grandparents' wedding song.

She got out of bed and her smile widened as Sheila shut the door behind her and Bonnie could hear her singing from the hallway. "Cause I'll be loving you always..."


Alaric Saltzman followed the crowd of college students as they made their way into Sheila Bennett's classroom. The woman had called him to sit in on one of her lectures on witchcraft. He had jumped at the chance, and not just because he wanted to see the woman in action. It was also because, while Isobel had had plenty of research materials on vampires, in terms of witches he was a bit out to sea.

There were some findings that Isobel had documented. A few books that she had kept, two of which Alaric had in his messenger bag so that Sheila could pass them along to Bonnie. However, Isobel's obsession with vampires had trumped her interest in any other creatures of a paranormal nature.

Still, he had been doing some research of his own since finding out what Bonnie was and he'd found a few contacts of Isobel's that had specialized in witchcraft, magic, wicca and the occult that he wanted to contact on Bonnie's behalf. She'd told him not to do anything for her until he was sure where they stood with one another, but he wanted to make moves. Even if he wasn't ready for them to move forward and explore whatever it was between them in a romantic sense just yet, he was still her teacher, and still wanted to be there for her in any way he could. He knew that he couldn't help Bonnie without knowing more about her people and her culture. Even as distant as they were from one another at the moment, he still hoped that at some point that distance would close.

Besides that, research was his thing. History was his passion. He was curious.

Alaric had already intended to sit in the back of the classroom and out of the way even before Sheila motioned him to the far most seats. He gave her a quick greeting and then went in the direction that Sheila gestured. He walked up the steps separating the chairs from Sheila's podium up front and took a seat away from the college students in attendance.

He wanted to ask about Bonnie, but he didn't want to disrupt the woman from doing her job or hold up the class. He hadn't seen much of Bonnie outside of school since he'd encountered the vampire that had been the last one to see Isobel alive. Damon Salvatore. The same vampire that, as it turned out was the one that had attacked Bonnie and was also Stefan Salvatore's brother. The fact that he had the audacity to come after Bonnie pissed him off. It gave Alaric all the more reason to hate him, all the more reason to want him dead. But he was biding his time. He couldn't find out the truth behind Isobel's disappearance if the vampire was dead after all. He'd never get closure that way and he needed that, for Bonnie's sake, as well as for his own.

Sighing, he looked forward and tried his best to attend to the lecture.

The students seemed entranced by Sheila Bennett's words and her presentation. As she spoke, he found himself being sucked in as well. She had a way about her, a charisma. She also had a clear knowledge and a passion for the subject matter.

"Today we're going to talk about witches and familiar spirits. A concept that has been around almost as long as witches themselves. Most believe that the role of a witch's familiar spirit is regulated strictly to animals but that isn't the case," Sheila said, "There have been documented cases of humans, real people, acting as familiars to women suspected of witchcraft that date all the way back to the Middle Ages." Alaric watched as Sheila dimmed the lights with a remote and turned on a projector in the front of the room. The image projected was an illustration of an elderly witch surrounded by an array of animals. "From their conception these spirits were thought to be malevolent servants of witches acting out their ill will. Then again, witches are often thought to be malevolent. While some are, that can be said about humans in general. Some good and some bad. Because these familiar spirits were thought to be evil in nature and because many who persecuted witches did so with religious backing, naturally, these people depicted familiars as personification of demons or as individuals possessed by demons or shapeshifters taking on human form. Because why else would they agree to subject themselves to the presence of someone as unholy as a witch. Never mind, her magic, power, majesty, and indescribable beauty." The students laughed as Sheila fluffed her hair. "Though…my family being from Salem gives me a bit of a bias where witches are concerned. In truth most people who are chosen by a witch to act as their familiars, especially witches that are modern day practitioners, are simply, like witches, free thinkers and radical minds that are willing to contribute to the growth of a witch's craft and act as a protector."

Her eyes left the illustration on the projector and moved upward until they settled on Alaric and stopped. Alaric felt intimidated by Sheila's gaze even in the darkness. "At the end of the day a familiar is simply a witch's companion that comes to their aid in the practice of magic and is a essential support system throughout the development of the witch's powers. They support the witch and are in tune with the witch in ways that go beyond the understanding of most outside of the supernatural world. They are indispensable guides that, for a witch, are what helps them to bear the weight of the turmoil and danger they might face in a world that provides more persecution of them, than protection for them."

Alaric stared, mouth agape. She'd wanted him at this lecture for a reason. She'd felt something when she'd touched him. He'd felt a connection to Bonnie immediately. But he was hesitant to put what he was feeling in a box with a label.

"It isn't some instantaneous connection that forms upon meeting," Sheila explained, as if reading Alaric's mind, "There's no mysticism to it. It simply someone that the witch chooses herself and when that happens, after she makes the right choice when forming that bond, that person is instrumental in her fate, good or bad."

Alaric had questions but he figured he could save them for a one on one conversation with Sheila after the lecture as one of the students raised their hand to ask a question of their own.

She called on them and from her expression, it was a student that normally gave her trouble. He had worn the expression himself before and was starting to do so even in his current position whenever he had to call on Tyler Lockwood.

"What about the texts that claim that a witch's familiar must serve her in all ways...even, sexually?" The student asked, causing snickers to be heard from those around her.

Sheila rolled her eyes. "Most of those texts were written by witch-hunters and religious fanatics and were originated during the Witch Trials. The goal was to make witch's look like deviants and to breed fear of them throughout the community so that hunting down and brutalizing or killing those suspected of witchcraft would seem less like a massacre and more like some form of protecting the area these women inhabited from them. Back then and even now, just like they feared women that spoke their mind and lived outside of societal norms they feared women that embraced their sexuality and acknowledged themselves as sexual beings. There's a reason they were said to be Satanic in nature. An accusation that, like many made against both women and witches at the time, was untrue. But that's a lecture for another time. That being said, to answer your question. A sexual component is not a prescribed part of a witch's relationship with their familiar. However, as the familiar is a witch's most trusted companion, many choose their sexual partners to fulfill that role."

Sheila wrapped up the lecture and the class was dismissed. Alaric wasn't sure what to think.

He waited until the class trickled out and he and Sheila were left alone to leave his seat and walk down to stand in front of Sheila's desk. She looked up at him over the rim of her wire framed glasses, a wry smile on her face. "I know you must have questions," she said.

Alaric gave a nod. "I…," he was momentarily at a lost, for words and then finally he settled on, "You felt something or saw something when you touched my hand when we first met. Is she…has she…"

Sheila held her hand up. "My granddaughter is a powerhouse but she's also a novice," she said, "When she comes into her power, into her own, she'll be a force to be reckoned with. The strongest of our line, the strongest of many, if not all lines. But right now, she's just a girl in need of support. Her powers are just developing. She won't even think about choosing a familiar until she's much further along. If at all. But…yes…I saw you in that role at some point in the future, which was why I invited you here today. However, the future isn't set in stone. In fact, I get glimpses of many possible futures and let's just say, my granddaughter's fate is much smoother with your presence in her life as a friend, a mentor, or whatever role she or you choose to have you fill. I'm not trying to push you in one direction or another, I just know that her chances worsen without you there. How you choose to be there for her, is up to you and her. I just thought you might want the information, just in case it comes up eventually."

Alaric frowned. It was clear from what Sheila wasn't saying, she knew exactly the ways in which wanted to be there. "Why are you telling me this? Why would you be okay with…" He couldn't bring himself to say the words out loud.

Sheila sighed and motioned for him to sit in the chair in front of her desk and so he did.

He listened closely as Sheila opened her mouth to speak. "When I was a freshman in college, just eighteen years old," she said, "I met the love of my life. His name was Gabriel and he was also my professor and fifteen years my senior. He taught Occult and Religious Studies of all things. I never even thought being what I am could be incorporated into a career outside of novelty shops until I met him." Sheila laughed to herself as she twisted a wedding ring Alaric hadn't noticed before around her finger.

Sheila seemed like one of those women who was no nonsense, that paved her own path where there was none and always ahead of her time. It didn't surprise him that she'd ended up falling for an older man at such a young age. "Did it scare you or make you wary? The age difference, I mean."

"Not so much the age difference but the idea of being him. It did. At first. So, did falling for someone at all really. I wanted to be independent. I hated the idea of being tied down. But we just clicked. Related on so many levels. He was beautiful, and kind and he had a mind like no one I had ever known or have met since." Sheila smiled wistfully. "He challenged the way I looked at the world, the way I looked at myself. I fought him at first. I was headstrong even back then. I used to organize anti-war rallies and I was a part of all of these Civil Rights groups. I got arrested a few times. The last time, Gabe was the one that bailed me out of jail, and I told him I would pay him back. Didn't want to owe him a debt. He said, 'You want to pay me back…Stop skipping my class and let me take you to dinner.' He courted me, like I was something special. Didn't bat an eyelash when I told him I was a witch. We married three years later. Stayed together until the day he died. Almost forty years. Took a piece of me when he went. Bonnie was what kept me going." She paused and reached to place her hand over Alaric's. "Not a lot of people understood what I saw in him or he and me but…I was never as happy as I was with him with anyone else. He was my partner, my protector, my friend, and eventually my familiar spirit. Didn't seem right to choose anyone else when the time came."

She let go of his hand. Alaric watched as she took a deep breath and picked up a photo on her desk. It was Bonnie. She was smiling in a white dress, the photo captured her mid motion as she seemed to be twirling, her feet elevated off of the ground slightly like she was flying. Alaric couldn't help but smile as Sheila ran her hand over the photograph.

"As much as I've embarrassed her over the years and she's distance herself from me over the years," Sheila sighed, "I love that girl more than my own life. More than reason. Bonnie and I have always been a lot alike. Two sides of the same coin. When she came home talking about you…I recognized the signs. You two have a more empathetic and understanding ally in me than most because of my own past. But…understand that if I had seen anything at all that was even the slightest bit predatory in you directed toward her when I touched you, even the smallest blip of ill will or intent, we would be having an entirely different conversation."

Alaric nodded. "Of course. And it's not like that, I would never-"

Sheila nodded, setting the photo down. "I know," she said, "But…Bonnie is still very young. And we live a different time than the one I was in when I married her grandfather. The world won't be as understanding as me and I don't want her…growing up faster than she has to. Though, I suppose it's a little late for that. Even still…I won't be here forever. And I need to make sure she'll have someone that will be there for her when I'm not able to any longer. If that's you, I know you'll do the job. I've seen it. But if it's not, if you decide on a different path then I need you to let her go and let it be a clean break. Don't string her along and give her hope where there is none. She's had enough loss and abandonment. Be clear about what you want. Muddy waters between the two of you will do nothing but make the road ahead of you even harder than it already will be. Do you understand?"

Again, Alaric nodded. "I understand." He moved to respond further but stopped as he heard footsteps coming toward the classroom. He cleared his throat. "I'll keep all this in mind moving forward."

He stood just as the person coming towards the classroom rounded the corner and walked inside. It was Bonnie. Alaric smiled as she saw her. "Grams, I left your keys in the office," she said, as she entered the room, "I just wanted to stop in a say 'hi' before I went…" She trailed as her eyes landed on Alaric, "Home."

Sheila looked in between the two of them. "Mr. Saltzman came to sit in on my latest lecture," Sheila said, "I forgot to tell you when I called to ask you to bring my keys. Silly me, forgetting them this morning."

Bonnie's eyes narrowed as Sheila grinned at her. "Right." She said.

Sheila cleared her throat. "In any case," Sheila said, "I have another class starting soon. So…if the two you don't mind clearing out in the meantime."

"Of course," Alaric smiled, "And thank you for…inviting me."

Sheila nodded. "Anytime." Sheila turned to attention to Bonnie. "Bye, I love you sweetheart."

"Mmmm hmmm," Bonnie shook her head, "Love you too. I'll see you at home."

Alaric met Bonnie at the door, and they walked out of the classroom and into the hallway. "Hi," he said, smiling.

Bonnie smiled in return, as they walked, but seemed a bit ill at ease. "Hi," she responded and then, "I wasn't expecting to see you here."

Alaric shrugged. "I could say the same thing about you," he said, "When Sheila called, I was just hoping to see her in action, but I can't say that I am disappointed to see you either."

He wasn't disappointed at all in fact. If anything, it was far to enticing to see her in a place where no one really knew them. Or at least him. In place where they wouldn't be under constant scrutiny. Where he could be more than, "Mr. Saltzman," and he didn't have to work overtime to school his expressions and watch his demeanor whenever she was near.

They walked through the doors leading outside and Bonnie gestured to a glass enclosure across the way. The large domed building was gorgeous, and Alaric could make out some of the greenery from the outside. "I haven't been to the greenhouse since they remodeled." Bonnie said, "You want to check it out?"

Alaric nodded. "Sure." Sheila had practically given her blessing after all and in that moment, he wasn't ashamed of following her anywhere.

They walked through the students and faculty milling around campus. When they finally came to the greenhouse, Alaric held the door open as Bonnie walked inside and then followed. It was huge and breathtaking on the inside. Some of the glass windows made with stained glass.

There weren't many inhabitants. Bonnie seemed at home amid the plants and flowers. The tension he had noticed left her body as they walked through the plants in silence until finally, they came to a bench. Bonnie sat down and Alaric sat next to her.

His breath hitched as Bonnie reached out and placed her finger on the bud of a rose growing on a bush near the bench. Watched as the flower bloomed under her touch and she smiled. He thought about the night they met. About how he had likened her to a goddess. Goddess divine, indeed, he laughed to himself. "I've missed you," he said aloud, honestly.

Her smile grew but she continued looking at the rose bush. "I know," she whispered as she turned to him finally.

"You didn't miss me?" Alaric asked.

He watched as she shifted in her seat, smoothing her hand down the blue dress she was wearing, crossing her legs in a way that made him notice the floral pattern printed on her black tights. He wanted to trace the lines of the vines that connected the flowers embroidered there and the leaves that wound around her legs and up her thighs.

"I didn't say that," she said, causing him to look up to meet her eyes again, "But unless this conversation is leading somewhere different than where we've been the last few days then I don't see the point of having it."

He nodded. He remembered her words. "All or nothing." Sighing he looked forward and recalled Sheila's words about mudding things between them.

The few people milling around them, seemed to be entranced by the various flora and fauna. Even Bonnie was. Alaric, for his part, was more entranced by Bonnie's presence. Even over the scent of the flowers around them, he could smell her scent, honey and vanilla today. He could hear the low sound of her breathing. As he rested his hand next to hers on the bench, the small barrier between the lines of their bodies could've been a large chasm, he felt it so keenly.

He dug through his messenger bag with his other hand and pulled out the books he had brought with him. "I found these in Isobel's old research collection," he said, "Nothing much but…some witch lore. There's a section in one about creating mental barriers. Protecting the mind and body from outside forces. I thought it'd be useful after the whole Emily debacle."

Bonnie's hand brushed against his as she took the books. "I asked you not to do stuff like this unless…"

"I know," Alaric said, and then, "I can't help it. I worry about you. I care about you. I want…to help you in any way I can. Even while I'm figuring things out." She placed the books into her lap and then looked forward again. "Sheila…she told me about your grandfather."

He thought about telling her the rest. About the revelations about their potential future and her grandmother's blessing. But just like everything between them at the moment, that future was up in the air. A possibility, but as of yet, nothing concrete.

Bonnie laughed, shaking her head. "Of course, she did." She sighed and then, "When I was a kid…well younger…I didn't really understand the appeal of it. Of being with someone older. Of settling down as young as she did. I get it now. She had that stability and he was…he never did anything by halves. He was devoted. Constant. He died when I was twelve. But I remember he was even like that with me, you know, just so loving and consistent. Stable. I never had to worry about if he loved me and neither did my Grams. I never worried about if he would leave, which was huge for me. With my parents being absent in one way or another, I mean, it's hard to trust people to stay. I trusted him and Grams. But…he left anyway, through no fault of his own. In death. Death doesn't really give you a choice, you know."

Alaric frowned. Took her hand without thinking. "I'm sorry."

Bonnie smiled sadly. "You don't have to be. I'm not sorry he was here, just that he's gone. Yes, I wish he was still here but…witnessing that kind of love and seeing someone come through for my Grams time and time again and expecting nothing in return but a smile just made me believe in something more, you know. It was beautiful, what they had, age difference be damned, and….it's rare you know. Someone loving someone so unconditionally. My Grams loves me that way but it's different when it's romantic. They were crazy about each other until the end. They even had a song…she plays it every year on their anniversary and on his birthday and on the anniversary of his death. As. The Stevie Wonder song. You know how it goes." Alaric grinned as Bonnie started to sing, even as the corners of her eyes welled with tears, "As now can't reveal the mystery of tomorrow. But in passing we'll grow older every day. Just as all that's born is new. Do know what I say is true. That I'll be loving you always."

"Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky. Until the ocean covers every mountain high." Alaric sung back and poorly. He did it more to lighten the mood than anything else and as Bonnie laughed, he knew it had worked. "Yeah, I know it. It's beautiful. So is your voice by the way." Of course, it was. Another virtue he could add to the list.
Bonnie blushed. "Thank you," she said. She paused, looking at the roses again. "The lyrics describe this love that's unreserved and unrestricted That kind unending love just seems impossible. But, like, that's what I wanted. That's what they had. I get now that it's something that just doesn't happen every day. I'm silly to even have wished for it as long as I did."

"You're talking to a hopeless romantic so I'm not going to give you shit for it," he said, "I mean I made a playlist for the first girl I liked so I'm a sucker for that kind of thing."

"You would be the guy that did the playlist thing," Bonnie laughed, wiping at the corners of her eyes. "What songs were on it?"

Alaric was glad that the mood had lightened some and laughed in turn. "I don't remember all of them."

"Liar," Bonnie said, pointing an accusing finger at his chest.

Alaric sighed. "Alright fine. I remember one. Because I was a huge nerd and an old man even at fourteen the first song on the playlist was 'Come and Get Your Love' by Redbone."

Bonnie laughed harder, doubling over. "Seriously? That's fantastic. That's hilarious."

Alaric huffed. "She thought it was funny too. Which coupled with my skin condition meant that we never dated."

Bonnie's laughter subsided as she looked at him. "Well, she missed out." Bonnie reached her hand out and hesitantly trailed her fingers along his jawline.

"I wouldn't say that." Alaric said.

"I'm definitely no stranger to insecurity but you shouldn't sell yourself short." She said.

"You're one to talk," he said, his voice low, "You have no idea how incredible you are."

"I wish you wouldn't say stuff like that." She sighed and then, "I'm not asking you to love me like a song or anything so ridiculous." Bonnie gestured between them. "Or love me at all really. We haven't known each other that long. I…just want you…to let me know if you're ever ready to figure out whatever this is between us. And if not then let me go."

"When I'm ready," Alaric said, reaching and brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear, "I'll make you a playlist."

Bonnie giggled and pushed playfully at his chest. "Yeah?"

He nodded. He looked around. There were even less people that before. No one who knew who they were or what they were to each other. It made him feel free. And out the boundaries went again. He leaned forward and brushed his lips over Bonnie's gently. Just a peck. Still he smiled as he pulled away. "Yeah."

"Okay," Bonnie said, before leaning forward and kissing him just as gently, her lips soft and plush. She lingered a moment before pulling away. "I wish you would kiss me like you're not afraid. Like the first time, before you knew."

He wanted to. He wanted to so badly that he almost did in that moment. Almost. But his eyes strayed to the other people lingering and he stopped himself. "Have you eaten. We could go out, get something. No one really knows us here. We could take advantage of the time."

Bonnie looked hopeful a moment and then disappointed. "I meant what I said about the boundaries being up unless you're in this. Consider this a momentary lapse. Besides, I have to meet Elena, but I'll see you later?"

"Yeah." Alaric nodded and then. "I…you keep putting yourself out there for me," he said, "Being open and genuine and I'm not used to that. With Isobel, I was more in it than she was, even until the end. And I want you to know that I don't take that lightly."

"I know what you'd be risking in being with me," Bonnie said, "I don't take that lightly either. You just have to decide if I'm worth that risk."

"You are," Alaric said immediately, "That's not the issue. I just…I know I'm not worthy of you and I know that I could get so lost in you, Bonnie. You don't understand how much I already am. I want to close the chapter of my life that could interfere with that but at the same time I'm scared. If it's open, it's a barrier. If it's closed, then…we could be something and as much as I want that it terrifies me."

"Because of the age difference? Because of your job?"

"Because if I have you, I could lose you." Alaric snapped his fingers. "You could disappear just like that." There were so many ways he could lose her and not just in the way he lost Isobel.

Bonnie shrugged. "Yeah, I could," she said, "I've thought about you disappearing too." Her hands framed his face and as she looked into his eyes, he felt caught, snared. "After being abandoned, the line of thinking kind of comes with the territory. You're right, it could happen. Any number of bad things could. But even if they did…we could still be everything. What we've always needed, what we've wanted. This could be it. But…I guess that's scary too, huh?"

"I guess so," he murmured in agreement.

"I'm not afraid anymore. I hope that you can stop being scared before it's too late." She kissed his cheek, stood with the books he had given her in hand, and walked away from him without looking back. As he watched her walkway, Alaric realized that he had never wanted to follow anyone so badly in his entire life. Not even Isobel.

Bonnie might get her playlist much sooner than she thought.


Bonnie's emotions were on high when she walked into Mystic Grill after leaving Whitmore and the greenhouse and Alaric.

He'd admitted to wanting her. He finally felt within her reach and she was happy about that. But she was scared that his fear would keep them from giving them both what they really wanted.

She was there to meet Elena, who had just discovered that she was apparently adopted. She tried to be reassuring and encourage Elena to find out the truth from Jenna as they talked over dinner, but she was distracted as she kept replaying her conversation with Alaric in her mind. She kept thinking of the feel of his lips on hers. She didn't feel too bad as Elena had had her own share of zoning out moments since Stefan had come to town as well. Bonnie figured she was entitled to at least one slip in being the ever-dutiful best friend.

"Okay," Elena said after a while, "I'll talk to Jenna. Now you need to tell me what you've been smiling about for the last hour. You're glowing. Don't tell me it's nothing. I know you, so spill."

Bonnie sighed. She'd hoped Elena would be too wrapped up in her own self to notice. Of course, it wouldn't be the case the one-time Bonnie could use it to her advantage if she were. "Don't you have to go to the store. You said something about getting accessories for your outfit for the 50's dance, right?" Bonnie deflected.

Elena's eyes narrowed. "You're right." She said, "but that doesn't mean that I'm not going to interrogate you later."

Bonnie ignored the comment as she stood. "How about I pay the bill and make sure to not smile while I'm doing it as not to cause suspicion."

Elena rolled her eyes. "Whatever," she laughed, "Fine don't tell me. I'll just tell Caroline and she'll get it out of you."

Bonnie huffed and turned to walk towards the counter and pay the bill. She tried to think of any excuse she could give her friends for her change in mood that didn't include, "Hey guys, I might've finally convinced out History teacher to date me," when she ran into Damon Salvatore and the high, she was on was broken.

"What do you want from me?" Bonnie spat. She was tired of him popping up everywhere. She'd hoped after the Emily debacle he'd leave her alone.

Damon had looked almost sincere when he said. "I think we need a fresh start," but Bonnie knew better than to trust him.

"You tried to kill me," she reminded him. As if he needed to be reminded.

"But I didn't. And if I wanted to, I would've," he said, "Does than not count for anything?"

Bonnie wished for a moment that she had taken the gun loaded with wooden bullets she had found while snooping through the apartment, the one night she had stayed as Alaric's place, but she wasn't completely powerless either way. "You know I can start fires with my mind. Fires kill vampires, right?" Bonnie stepped into his space, refusing to be intimidated by him. "Just stay the hell away from me."

Before Damon could respond, Bonnie felt someone come to stand beside her. "Is everything alright over here?" Tyler Lockwood said, his gaze shifting between her and Damon.

"Yeah, we're fine." Damon said.

Tyler moved to stand even closer to Bonnie, his hand moving to grip her shoulder. "I wasn't talking to you, Salvatore," he said, glaring at Damon. "Back off."

There was a tense moment before Damon walked away. Bonnie sighed in relief and turned to Tyler. "You okay?" Tyler asked.

Bonnie nodded. "I'm fine. Thank you."

He was the last person that Bonnie expected to intervene with her run in with Damon. However, he'd stepped in almost the moment he noticed Bonnie's discomfort and Bonnie was shocked that Damon had willingly backed off.

Still she wasn't really that surprised that Tyler was protective or her as he had anger issues at the best of times, and they'd been in each other's orbit from the time they were in preschool. She was however surprised when after she'd thanked him, he'd said, "If I had known you were into the whole 'knight in shining armor thing' I'd have started roughing up guys for you a long time ago."

"You saying you were trying to impress me, Lockwood?"

He got into her personal space and leaned down to her eye level. "What if I were?"

She'd seen what had followed, as harmless flirting on his part. Vicki was gone. Dead, though Tyler didn't know it. So that meant he was likely bored or shopping for a replacement. Bonnie wasn't looking to fill that void and not just because her interest was elsewhere.

Still he was hot, so she didn't mind the attention. And he was a more socially accepted love interest than say, her History teacher, even if Tyler was kind of asshole. He was also one of the few guys that had noticed her before. To put it simple, if she were looking for one, he might've been a fun distraction.

Everything around her was changing. She was a witch. Elena was adopted. Vampires existed. Her History teacher was a vampire hunter and not to mention, the feelings she had for him or he had for her. The list went on and on. It had been nice in that moment to just be and flirt with a cute guy. Even if it was Tyler Lockwood.

Besides that, they kind of had history with each other that made Bonnie feel comfortable in doing so, in a way she wouldn't have if had been some random guy. She'd known Tyler her whole life and while they weren't besties, they still hung out in the same crowd from time to time. In fact, they'd even hooked up a few times. Though, that wasn't really the right word for it.

In sophomore year they'd gone through with the virginity pact they'd made in middle school and lost their virginity to one another. It was awkward and fumbling and ended rather quickly but it hadn't been bad. They had actually hooked up a few times since but, while Tyler had gotten more experience, he still was the instant gratification type, so everything felt rushed and the pleasure was always so fleeting and he'd been more focused on his own pleasure than hers the last few times. Then he'd gotten sucked into Vicki's orbit and that was that.

He'd always been gentle with Bonnie though; in a way he never was with Vicki. She'd never understood Tyler and Vicki's dynamic. It'd been toxic and if Bonnie were being honest, somewhat abusive on both sides as far as she could tell, but she was sure he'd cared about her. She felt a bit guilty for not being able to tell him about her death.

While Bonnie didn't plan on hooking up with Tyler again any time soon or at all really, flirting was something she didn't mind doing as it took her mind off things. Besides, Tyler could be surprisingly sweet when he wanted to be.

He wasn't Alaric, though. Bonnie wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing. She had wanted to move on, and before the whole encounter at Whitmore, Alaric had taken her words at face value. He hadn't called or texted. She hadn't been over to see him, and he treated her like any other student at Mystic Falls High School. A part of her had been relieved but a bigger part was disappointed and then the greenhouse happened, and she had hope all over again. She felt like she was on a rollercoaster.

But she would rather Alaric figure out what he wanted, what he was willing to risk, and if he could let go of his past before anything happened between them. She supposed it was for the best.

Even she had her own stuff to figure out. It occurred to her that maybe she just wanted to recreate her grandparent's dynamic after her conversation with Ric. Model, the only consistent and loving relationship she'd ever born witness too. Maybe that was all the attraction was. She didn't want to put either of them at risk if that was the case. So, when Tyler flirted with her, she flirted back. Tested the waters.

She liked the attention more than she was interested in Tyler himself however, and Alaric never left her mind. Tyler offered to take her to upcoming dance, but Bonnie made an excuse of not leaving Caroline to go stag. "She's depending on me to be her plus one."

"Come on, Bennett," Tyler smirked, "You'd have more fun with me, and you know it."

Bonnie had rolled her eyes. "Get into more trouble, maybe."

"True." Tyler laughed. "But that's not always a bad thing."

"How about I just see you there?" Bonnie offered.

"Fine," Tyler agreed, "But you owe me a dance."

It was a bit strange considering how little they talked regularly, but they had known each other their whole lives and Bonnie couldn't say that she hadn't thought about the idea of them getting together before. But Tyler wasn't the boyfriend type and even if he suddenly decided he was, Bonnie's heart was being pulled elsewhere.

She'd thought nothing else of it when she left and went home to get ready for the 50's Decade Dance. While she was flattered, she wasn't particularly interested, and she brushed it off.

Bonnie borrowed one of her Grams' old dresses for the dance. Sheila Bennett never threw anything away and so on the occasions of the decade themed dances Bonnie often got out of shopping by raiding her attic.

Her Grams had helped with her hair as well and by the time that she was done getting ready, Bonnie was determined to forget everything else and focus on having fun. She needed a break from the supernatural. She needed a break from overthinking her non-relationship with her History teacher. She wanted to be around her friends and have fun.

When Bonnie arrived at the school, she shot a quick text off to Caroline to alert her friend to her arrival and made her way to the gymnasium. When she got there, she wasn't at all surprised to find that Alaric was on the list of chaperones, but she was a little surprised that he invited Jenna, which seemed to tell Bonnie all that she needed to know about where they stood. After the conversation they had had, after the kisses they had shared, she'd expected a different outcome. Maybe she was jumping to conclusions but the gesture of him inviting Jenna made her uneasy all the same. And a bit jealous. Jenna wasn't making her interest in Alaric a secret after all.

Caroline met her at the door and looped her arm through Bonnie's. "I'm trying not to feel pathetic about not having a date but I'm failing," she said.

"It's not like you got ditched. Matt just had to work. I don't have a date either. It's not that big of a deal." Bonnie shrugged.

"You could've had a date but, I digress." Caroline said, and Bonnie wished she hadn't told her about Tyler's offer.

Bonnie laughed. "Who cares if we have dates," she said, "We look hot."

Caroline clearly looked pleased by her answer. "This is true," she said, gesturing towards herself, "This took two hours so I'm staying at least half of that, making sure I'm in at least five of the yearbook photos that Josie Hemmingway is taking and then we bail."

Bonnie shook her head. "Must you always plan out and dictate every social event we ever go to?" She asked.

"Of course," Caroline shrugged, "It's a part of my charm."

Bonnie took one last glance at Alaric before allowing Caroline to pull her in the direction of the punch.


Alaric could count the number of school dances he had gone to on one hand. Without the popularity it seemed pointless. Chaperoning was a different kind of animal. He wasn't the nerd in the corner that no girl wanted to dance with anymore, but he had no real interest in attending either.

Still Alaric put on his letterman jacket and flannel button down and made his way over to the school. If the jacket were some way for him to live out some weird fantasy, he didn't think about it too much. Didn't dwell on that wayward image his mind pulsed up of Bonnie as the cheerleader and himself as the captain of the football team. He'd spent too much time living in his own head already and that was a part of the problem.

He spotted Bonnie as soon as she arrived in her black, white and blue floral printed dress and her bumper bangs. Alaric couldn't stop the smile from spreading across his face. She looked incredible but he had expected nothing less. He wished that he could tell her. Wished that things were less complicated. But wishful thinking would get them nowhere. He had to live in reality.

The reality was, he had finally found the monster responsible for Isobel's disappearance and thanks to Jeremy, he now had a journal, Johnathan Gilbert's journal, that held more of the vampire's secrets. That door would need to close first before anything could happen with Bonnie. With any luck it would be shut soon.

He wasn't the only one who noticed Bonnie's entrance, however, as Tyler Lockwood made a beeline for her as soon as she came in sight. Tyler whispered something in Bonnie's ear that made her roll her eyes, but she smiled a sort of exasperated fond smile and from the blush she was wearing Alaric could only guess what he'd said. He tried not to dwell on how unsettled he was at the image she made next to Tyler Lockwood, in a letterman jacket of his own. Tyler was a real football player. He had real popularity. The kind of guy that would have stuffed Alaric in a locker in high school. The kind of guy that got girls like Bonnie without trying. The kind of guy that could hold Bonnie's hand and kiss her in public and no one would care. No one would bat an eyelash.

Alaric sighed. He was jealous of a seventeen-year-old boy. It was pathetic but he couldn't help it.

He was still watching Bonnie when Jenna found him. His eyes glued to her form across the room. He watched her dancing with Caroline, laughing and shimmying in each other's direction. He wanted to see her smile that way all the time. He wanted her to always look that carefree. He knew that it wasn't really possible, but he was glad that she got to enjoy the moments when they came.

Alaric half listened as Jenna told him about how the school did dances for other decades. They walked and talked, the next topic being predictably Jeremy. They didn't talk about much else really. No hopes or dreams. No thoughts of the future. No memories or deep conversations. Nothing like the way he talked to Bonnie. Jenna never really asked him much about himself, she seemed to be treading water whenever they spoke, and he wasn't sure if she realized just how surface their conversations were in spite of him having mentioned Isobel in veiled terms.

"I'm really starting to see a change in Jeremy. Finally," Jenna was saying.

Alaric nodded indulgently. "It made since that it took some time. He lost his parents. It's understandable. Losing someone you love so suddenly….that kind of trauma and the grief are some of the tougher things he'll face in life."

Jenna looked at him with empathy and frowned. "Spoken like someone who knows. You're talking about your wife. You have no idea what happened to her right?"

Alaric shook his head. "That's the hard part," he said, "Not knowing,"

Jenna ventured to ask if his wife was alright to talk about as if they weren't already talking about her. When he shrugged, she continued. "That must be impossible to deal with, not having the answers."

Alaric cleared his throat. "I'd be lying to you if I told you it didn't keep me up at night. Wondering why, by who," he said, "But now I want the truth more for my own peace of mind. I just need the closure, you know. I want to be able to move forward without looking back and having to wonder. I want to be able to live my life and not bring the past into the next phase. The next relationship."

Alaric saw the hopeful expression on Jenna's face and had to look away. He knew that he was leading her on, but he couldn't have what he truly wanted anyway. Not right now, if ever. In spite of Sheila's visions, he knew that he and Bonnie had a long road ahead. So, what did it really matter if he indulged Jenna's flirting and wistful looks? It was a shitty thing to do. But maybe he could choose the role of friend and mentor where Bonnie was concerned. Sheila had said as long as he was in her life, she'd be fine. Maybe it was for the best.

Bonnie deserved better than him. Better than someone with his baggage. She deserved to be loved and cared for and worshipped. She deserved to not have to see someone in secret and have to carry the weight of what exposure would mean for him, for them both. She had to deal with enough. No matter how much he wanted her, and fuck he wanted her so badly, he couldn't see pursuing her as anything but selfish. Maybe with Jenna he could get over Bonnie in time. But even he didn't believe that.

"Maybe one day you'll have your answers and you can finally move ahead," Jenna said, "Maybe even with someone new."

"I hope so," Alaric said looking across the gymnasium his gaze lingering on Bonnie. He grinned only a moment, before he was seeing red as he saw Damon Salvatore now approaching Bonnie. The vampire had attacked Bonnie only nights ago and now he was harassing her in public. "If you would excuse me for a moment," he said in Jenna's direction.

Before she could respond, he left Jenna and weaved through the crowd of students. He managed to get to Bonnie and the vampire quickly in the midst of dancing teens.

Alaric gave a winning smile as he stopped in front of them and held his hand out to Damon. It would be best to play dumb and not make a scene. He was where he worked after all. No use in provoking Damon or giving anyone reason to be suspicious of his intentions where Bonnie was concerned. "I don't believe we've met. Most of the chaperones are parents and guardians. How'd you get roped into chaperoning? I'm Alaric Saltzman, the new History teacher. And you are?"

When Damon became evasive Bonnie rolled her eyes. "He's Stefan's much less intelligent older brother."

Damon gave him a bored look as he leaned into Bonnie's space and Alaric tensed. "Damon Salvatore." He said, reaching over Bonnie to shake Alaric's hand.

Alaric placed a hand on Bonnie's waist to pull her out of Damon's reach. The vampire raised an eyebrow at him, but Alaric didn't give a damn. This was the same vampire that had attacked Bonnie before and if he wasn't already on Alaric's hit list, he would have been for that fact alone.

"Ah," he said, "Stefan's older brother. I've heard a bit about you. What were you and Bonnie talking about? Stefan hasn't been at school lately. Were you asking her to bring him some make up homework home or something?"

Alaric pulled Bonnie into his side as Damon leaned against the table, they were standing next to. "Actually, Bonbon and I were just about the cut a rug on the dance floor," he grinned, "So Mr. Saltzman, was it? Your services might be better needed by the punch bowl."

"Really?" Alaric said, "Because Bonnie promised me the next dance. Must have gotten your wires crossed."

Again, Damon raised an eyebrow. "Do you always dance with students when you chaperone?" Damon asked.

"Do you?" Alaric shot back raising his own eyebrow in turn. Damon glared and Alaric wished that he had at least one stake on him that night. "Enjoy the rest of the dance. Hope you can find yourself a new partner."

Alaric led Bonnie out into the crowd of dancing students, and he was surprised when she didn't protest. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he wrapped his around her waist as they swayed to Earth Angel by the Penguins and Alaric tried to forget his sudden urge to commit vampire homicide.

"What did he want?" he leaned down to whisper, knowing they could be heard otherwise.

"A truce supposedly," Bonnie murmured back and then, "I did tell you I could fight my own battles you know. Besides, this probably looks weird. You just got here and that was a little much even from where I was standing. So, if anyone was paying attention imagine what it'd look like from the outside."

Alaric sighed. "Yeah, I know," he replied, "But I can't seem to stay away from you, and I've thought a lot about what you said and what I didn't say. You were right about a lot of things. I know you want all or nothing and you shouldn't have to wait for me to figure things out. I'm sorry. I'm a mess but, I just miss you all the time," Bonnie didn't answer, her eyes focused on the ground. "I want to keep you safe. From the second I saw him go near you I wanted to kill him, and it had nothing to do with his possibly being involved with Isobel's disappearance. I'm not supposed to tell you that, though. Not until I tell you I'm ready. I can't say that you look beautiful or that I can't stop staring at your lips either, right?"

"Ric," Bonnie said, looking up and biting back a smile.

"I can think it though," he grinned back and though Bonnie looked annoyed he knew her well enough to know different.

"If you must." She said.

"Then I'm thinking it," Alaric said, "I've been thinking a lot actually. About you. About everything." He wanted to tell her that he wanted to try, that he was working on clearing things out of the way so that he could.

"Jenna looks beautiful tonight too," Bonnie said, changing the subject.

Alaric frowned. "I hadn't really noticed." He believed the only thing he could manage when he saw Jenna was a smile and a "Look at you," which wasn't really a complement though the woman took it as such.

"She wanted you to though," Bonnie said.

Alaric opened his mouth to answer that he wasn't concerned with what Jenna wanted when suddenly she appeared tapping him on the shoulder.

"Can I cut in?" Jenna asked Bonnie smiling and Bonnie looked resigned as she stepped aside.

"I have to go anyway," Bonnie said, "Caroline said she was leaving after an hour and I promised to go with her. We're supposed to be hanging out at the Grille. Not that you asked...anyway, I'm going to go so you two enjoy the rest of the dance. Thanks for the save, Mr. Saltzman."

"No problem," he nodded.

Alaric wanted to say something more, but what could he say really? They were at a school dance. It wasn't as if he could refuse and continue dancing with Bonnie instead. Not without looking suspicious and being called into question. He was lucky he had gotten away with dancing with her at all.

Bonnie moved to leave and suddenly Tyler was there. "You think you can get away with leaving, before I get my dance, Bennett," he said, and Alaric thought he might have to intervene again. He felt the urge too, and not just because of how volatile Tyler always seemed to be. "I was your 'knight and shining armor' earlier today so it's only fair. Besides, my offer to kick Damon's ass still stands."

Alaric was surprised when Bonnie laughed instead of chastising him, although he shouldn't have been. This was the kind of guy, girls like Bonnie usually ended up with. Who she might've ended up going for if he wasn't in the picture. "As sweet as that is, we both know the last thing you need is another fight." She eyed Tyler and then, "One dance, Lockwood. That's it."

Tyler shrugged. "Alright, Bennett. I'll take it."

Alaric watched her leave and felt a tension coiling in his gut. He felt the urge to call out to her but wasn't dumb enough to do it.

"They're cute." Jenna said, "I guess I was wrong about her crush on you. They had the right idea about dancing too." Alaric knew a hint when he heard it and began to dance with Jenna as he watched her Tyler sweep Bonnie into his arms. Even if he had been able to find the words, they wouldn't have been the right ones. He knew that he had to figure out what he wanted to do and find the right words soon or he would be watching Bonnie walk away for good.

Sheila had told him to be all in or let Bonnie go. Don't give her hope if there was none. If he kept waiting until after he solved the mystery of Isobel's disappearance, who knew how long that would take. He looked at Jenna, looked at Tyler and Bonnie. He realized that he couldn't not give Bonnie hope, because all of his hope as of late had been born in her.


Bonnie sat across from Caroline at the same booth she had shared with Alaric at Mystic Grille the night that they met. They had come right after the dance and Bonnie kept eyeing the front door. She'd told Alaric where she would be on purpose. She wanted him to come, she wanted to stop second guessing and stop waiting.

"Tonight, was so much better on paper," Caroline said, drawing Bonnie's attention.

Bonnie sighed. "I know what you mean," she said, "but you should stop sulking and just talk to Matt. Yes, you were insensitive about the whole job thing, but he'll forgive. Instead of staring him down while he buses tables and feeling sorry for yourself just go up to him and apologize. Go and talk to him. Be bold and fearless."

Caroline rolled her eyes. "You say that now but Tyler has clearly been flirting with you all night and you just let him go home," she said, "Didn't make one move."

Bonnie crossed her arms. "Maybe I'm not interested in Tyler."

Caroline's eyes narrowed. "Right. That's why you've been watching the door for him since we got here. You can just admit it. He's kind of an asshole sure, but he's hot."

Bonnie opened her mouth to protest but stopped as Alaric walked in and took a seat at the bar. He was still wearing his lettermen jacket and Bonnie half expected to see Jenna with him but she was nowhere in sight.

Bonnie watched as he took out a pen from his jacket pocket and began to scribble on a bar napkin. He didn't look in her direction. She sighed.

"You thought it was Tyler and it's just Mr. Saltzman," Caroline grinned, "That's why the dramatic sigh. Be more obvious Bonnie."

Bonnie didn't bother protesting as she looked around the room. Her eyes landed on the old jukebox in the corner that had been there since her Grams was younger. Maybe even before. It was rarely used anymore as the place had speakers, they played music on regularly. But, when someone did play it, the music took over the speakers instead.

Bonnie turned to Caroline. "Do you have a quarter?" She asked.

Caroline shook her head but dug one out of her purse anyway. "You're the only one I know that still plays that jukebox almost every time you come in. I don't get your fascination with that relic."

Bonnie shrugged as Caroline handed her the quarter. "I'm an old soul."

Caroline handed her a twenty-dollar bill as well. "Pay the tab while you're up," she said, "I think I'm going to take your advice."

Bonnie smiled. "Good. You don't have to sit around and wait for a guy to come up to you."

Bonnie walked over to the jukebox and she saw that as she moved, Alaric's eyes followed her. So, he had seen her then.

She kept her focus as she inserted the quarter in the jukebox and pressed the buttons to sift through the songs. Smiling when she found the one, she wanted, she selected the song and hit play.

Bonnie then walked up to the counter, deliberately standing next to where Alaric sat as she paid the bill. Bonnie turned to say something Alaric was already standing. When the bartender walked over to the register, Alaric slid a napkin across the counter to her and then left out through the front doors the way he came.

Frowning Bonnie looked down at the napkin. She was surprised the find a list of songs. She smiled as she read down the list.

2. Big Jet Plane- Angus and Julia Stone

3. Get Ready- The Temptations

4. A Kiss to Build a Dream On-Louis Armstrong

5. Something- The Beatles

6. Magic -Coldplay

7. Witchy Woman-Eagles

Bonnie laughed. Seven songs. Her Grams had always told her that seven was a lucky number. The first song, was the song that Bonnie had played on the jukebox, Redbone, "Come and Get Your Love".

Bonnie ran back to the table and grabbed her purse, stuffing the napkin inside. "I have to go," she told Caroline.

"Is something wrong?" Caroline frowned.

Bonnie shook her head. "No. Just have to go. Good luck with Matt."

She was running out the door a moment later. She ran towards the parking lot hoping Alaric had waited for her. He had to have waited. He'd left the list. He was ready.

Bonnie made it half way around the back of the building when she was grabbed by the arm and pulled into a dark alcove. Her first instinct was to strike out but then she heard Alaric's voice. "I hope you didn't laugh at my playlist."

Bonnie turned to face him and allowed herself to be backed into the wall behind them and out of sight of prying eyes. "I did," Bonnie grinned, "Witchy Woman? Really?"

"I had to, it practically added itself to the list." Alaric shrugged. He cupped the side of her face and looked into her eyes. "I still need to figure out what happened to Isobel. To honor her and for the sake of closure. But I... if you disappeared tomorrow, I'd regret not being with you. I'd regret not spending every minute of the time I could've spent with you, right here with you. No matter the cost. You give me hope. You make me brave. I don't want to just try...I want to be with you, Bonnie Bennett. In every way and however long you want me to."

He kissed her then, his lips gentle at first, and then more insistent. His tongue swept over her bottom lip and Bonnie opened her mouth to him. She grabbed the lapel of his lettermen jacket and pulled him closer and kissed her slow, warm, and wet.

Bonnie heard the back door of the Grill open as someone came out of the employee exit. Even though they were hidden, she expected Alaric to pull away. He pressed Bonnie against the wall, his tongue invading her mouth deeper. She could hear the melody of the jukebox song through the open door as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Bonnie smiled into the kiss, because Alaric kissed her like he wasn't afraid.

End Notes: I find it endlessly funny that I am using direct dialogue and scenes from Alaric and Jenna's interaction circa season one. Like she was so thirsty and it was so one sided and cringe worthy, especially at the start and I just...I re-watched to write this and the secondhand embarrassment for her was real. That being said, neither Jenna or Tyler are completely out of the picture yet. Next chapter, smut ensues, tragedy strikes, and Bonnie is pulled into the Salvatore mess after Anna makes a move on Elena.