(A/N): So this is Evan's POV . I just want to say in advance, suicide is never the answer. I don't own DEH or any of its characters. Please favorite and follow because there's a chapter two and maybe three coming up. Also comment your opinion on this. Even if it's small, it keeps me going.

I'm standing on a branch, not able to see the next foothold I can use. The sun is still far away above the thickness of the leaves. I'm failing to climb this dumb tree just like I'm failing at life. It's odd the simplistic and lame thoughts that come to you when you're alone and depressed. And that's what I am, I've accepted it. I'm broken and shattered. I'm pretty good at hiding it. I can lie about how I am easily but unfortunately, you can't lie to yourself. I wish I could.

The ground is really far away. A small part of my stomach lurches. I reach for another branch thinking maybe I'll find one to step on if I'm up higher. I reach out and grab hold. The branch bends a bit under my weight. The branch was a little to the left of where I had been and hanging here I can see a place to stand.

My hands are getting tired as I hang there. I glance down again and this time my entire stomach heaves. A fall from here might kill you if your head hit the ground.

Might kill you...the words echo in my head.

I don't want to die. I don't want to stop, I want it to stop. I can't go on but I can't stay here. It's an unbreakable cycle. A pit I can't get out of. A chasm to deep to clamber out of.

My hands start to slip. I'm going to fall if I don't put my foot down on that branch.

I can't do it. I can't do life it's too hard.

My left hand slides off.

As much as I don't want to die I don't want to live more.

I'm letting go.

I hear somebody shout "No!"

The ground is there before I can think twice. I instinctively put my left hand out to stop the fall.

Suddenly I slam into the ground. For a moment I feel nothing, everything is numb. Then a blinding pain cascades through my arm. I'm screaming out . It hurts. It hurts so bad. I hear footfalls from my left, someone is running towards me. I vaguely remember somebody yelling no as I fell. Maybe it was the same person. I don't know. I can barely think because of the pain.

Then a face appears over mine. Pained blue eyes meet mine. "Oh my...are you okay?!"

I can't answer through the searing pain.

"Hey! Hey, um, Evan, is it? You, uh, you're...you're okay now. It-it looks like, um like your arm might be broken so I'm...do you need me to...of course you do what am I saying? I'm gonna take you to a hospital."

My pained wheezing is rendering me unable to speak but I nod gratefully.

"Okay." The boy says, looking more confident now. "Is there anyone I can call? Let them know you fell..." he swallows as though he knows the truth. "accidentally."

I shake my head. Mom can't know about this. She needs to believe everything is okay . I shouldn't bother her with my problems anyway.

"Does it hurt anywhere else or is it just your arm?" He says.

"It's just—" I gasp in agony as I try to speak.

"It's just your arm?" He asks.

I nod.

"Okay. I'm Connor, by the way." The boy say as he extends a hand to my good one to help me up.

"Thank you." I manage to say in a strained voice.