I own nothing

The sun sat low in the sky after the race, its glow casting pink and orange hues across the sky. It was ashame to Percy that he couldn't really enjoy the sky like others did, just thinking about the sky made him slightly uncomfortable. Being the son of Poseidon has its flaws really just being one of the big threes child is a flaw, sure the power is nice but still it has its cons. Imagine Everytime you stepped in a puddle and suddenly something feels wrong like instead of a puddle you've stepped in acid or when start you start climbing the stairs of a tall building and when you reach the top suddenly you feel as if you might fall. These are feelings some of the children of the big threes feel when entering another domain of the big three. It's as if suddenly you know you shouldn't be there like sneaking in a section of a store that says employees only except if caught you might get blasted into Oblivion. That's what runs through my head while looking at the sky, not oh look that cloud looks like a dog or the stars sure are bright tonight but a feeling of unease. I was quickly brought back to reality by Connor as he yelled at me a semi static voice " earth to Percy over pshhh". I smiled it felt good to have a friend at camp who didn't know everything I had done who just saw me as some guy.

As we made our way back to the cabins for night I thought back to the reward ceremony. Mine and Connors got dibs to first shower rights for a week. This as you could believe was a bit of a joke to me as I can heat the water if I want but I don't think I've ever heard the Hermes cabin cheer so loud. Not because they never get first shower or anything like that, no because they can now sabotage the showers before and other cabin gets a chance. The next week was interesting to say the least. I recall Nice coming out with shadow flowing around him as his hair kept changing color from purple to hot pink courtesy of Circes unique hair dye. It was in this day dream that I walked straight into the back of Annabeth. She turned around and smiled, oh that smile I thought the gods couldn't have made anything more perfect if it weren't her smile that was perfect it would be her eyes. That grey that you see just before the storm hits so intense your preparing to head for the storm shelter.

I forced my self to talk even though my heart was in my throat " What's up wise girl?" She smiled " nothing just checking on Piper, ever since Jason became Pontifex Maximus he's had less and less time on his hands for Piper". I frowned a few last summer one of my best friends Jason had made a promise to kimopoliea the Greek goddess of violent storms. He would make sure all gods Greek and Roman would be honored, needless to say it's a full time gig. Percy really did feel bad for Piper but he also needed some of Annabeths time he knew it wasn't fair but he felt like this summer had been the least amount of time he talked to his girlfriend since his first summer. Percy final returned to the present and said "ok wise girl just make sure you make some time for me tomorrow ok?" She smiled tightly "sure thing seaweed brain, I gotta go now but I promise we'll hangout soon."

The next day Percy awoke to a knock on the door, he was prepared to open the door for Annabeth. He couldn't say he was disappointed when Connors blue eyes met his, after all Connor had seemed to start to fill the hole left by Jason's absence. "Percy they're is a council meeting today after lunch Chiron wanted me to let you know." Percy sighed "Thanks Connor, see ya around."Connor seemed to frown as if trying to gain the courage to ask something but wasn't quite ready. Percy didn't want to pry but pushed forward " Connor something on your mind?" Connor hesitated then came out with it "Percy... I need a quest."