"Mai, Tea," Naru ordered.

He never said please. NEVER.

Am starts preparing the tea, then finishes. Still muttering to herself about how much of an asshole he is. What Mai didn't know was that Naru was walking out of the office, wondering why his assistant was taking so long. It shouldn't take that long to make tea, right?

"Narcissistic asshole..." she mumbles.

"I heard that," Naru smirks.

"EEEP," she squeals, surprised that Naru was in front of her, and Mai isn't Mai without being a klutz.

So she falls.

On top of Naru.

In a VERY compromising position.

They both groan as they both shift to sit up.

'What is that smell'

Sniff, Sniff.

'I-i-is he SNIFFING me?'

Sniff, Sniff.

'He-He is!' she freezes and starts blushing a brilliant shade of red.

Naru tries to move up again, but this time he can't see, for his vision is blocked by two squishy objects.

'What are those, they feel soft and squishy'

Squish, squish.

He hears Mai gasp.


Nauru already feels his left cheek bruising, he glares up at Mai. Only to find her looking at him with a horrified expression, covering her chest, trying to get away from him.

Obviously, with SPR being the 'public cafe', the whole gang decides to walk in at the exact moment Mai yells", DID YOU JUST SQUISH MY BOOBS."

John immediately goes beet red, while Masako's eyes go wide. Yasuhara, Ayako and Monk start snickering.

"My, my have we interrupted something?" Ayako 'asks'.

Meanwhile in Lin's Office

"Madoka, I think it's happening"


"Nauru just-," Lin stops to clear his throat, "'copped a feel' on Mai."

"Oh my, how frisky, I have to tell Luella, never knew our dear Nolly had it in him," she snickers.

Back with the others

"Oi Naru, I didn't know you were that desperate," Yasu says.

"Well," Monk says knowingly, while dragging out the 'l' , "He is a teenager after all."

They all look up to see Naru run to his office, a resounding click is heard when he locks the door. Mai on the other hand quickly runs out to go hide in the bathroom.

"They're both idiots, even after that they still deny their feelings," Masako mutters into her kimono sleeve, only loud enough for the others to hear.

"Hai, but they wouldn't be Mai and Naru if they weren't like...uhh-well like Mai and Naru," John says while smiling sheepishly.

"Hai", everyone agrees, somehow understanding his explanation.

Hey Fellow Readers,

Hope yall are having a lovely day. Although this is the second story I've published on Fanfic, it was the very first I posted on wattpad. So if this seems pretty childish please keep in mind I wrote it when I was 14. This story is going to be a series of one-shots and you'll have a special surprise for the last chapter (which has already been posted on Wattpad). So since I wrote the majority of all chapters when I was 14 some of these chapters may be OOC, or at least I believe some are OOC.

Lol, I just reread this to edit it, and I crack myself up. I was so cheesy and cliche *insert shrugging emoji*

But even so, don't hesitate to comment and favorite.

Thanks for reading guys.

