Dear Sophie,

I'm trying to be happy for you. Honest, I am. You are with the boy you've liked for so long, and it's so great for you, and I need to forget about my own emotions for once. But I can't. I can't because I see emotions, and Fitz's quilt is this ugly pale pink colour and I just can't get over that that's his colour for you. Of all the colors, it's some stupid pastel and I don't think it means full commitment.

You probably don't know what I'm talking about. I see emotions in colours. I don't know why, I just do. I don't think it's a normal Empath thing. And so each person has this quilt, a patchwork of all the different colours for all the different people and situations in their life. And sometimes people give each colours, or glow. Like if someone's angry, it's this cloud around them, and the colour tells me how angry they are. Or, like, Biana when she's whispering with Linh, and they're sending all sorts of sparks at whoever they're talking about.

I don't like Fitz's colours. A lot are pastel, and a lot are much too bright. Tam's are all dark, but I think that's just cause of his talent. Fitz is like… he either has little emotion or too much. And, this nasty pastel pink is just bugging me so much and you should know. Grady and Edaline, they have this kind of pinkish-reddish colour that has so many more layers, and maybe it's good for there to be only one when you first start dating, but I just wish it was brighter. I get the feeling that first layer is the brightest, like hot pink or something. It's this burst of love and then you build up trust and loyalty and the other parts of a relationship on top of that.

I'm not just telling you this because I like you. I would never try to break you up with someone you're right with… I'm just not sure about Fitz. To prove it, I know you're jealous. You're jealous of all of, especially Biana, for being raised by elves and knowing what's going on, and how everything works and having blue eyes. But you feel guilty - just a little bit. Because you had - have - this amazing, wonderful, human family and they did a fantastic job raising you and it's not their fault they're not elves. You don't need either of those feelings. You've learned what took the rest of us years in months. You know all the important things. Brown eyes are beautiful and deep and yours are perfect. And of course you're jealous. You have the right to be. You're not betraying your parents or Amy.

I'm probably not even going to send this. Why would I? I'd be like a total idiot, just when you actually seem happy - and you are, really. Anyway, if you do get this, just don't take it the wrong way.



A/N: This is a fourteen chapter story, and I hope to update it Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Since the first two chapters are being posted on the same day, this story should last about a month.

I hope you enjoyed the story, and please review! (the second chapter adds more interest. Go read it!)