*Wedding bells chiming and wedding music playing* Ah… Who doesn't love a wedding? Well, people with hateful hearts, that much I can say! Hey all you Miraculers! Cakedecorator here with what I hope will be an interesting story! For those of us who are familiar with "Sailor Moon," some of the creators on that project were also responsible for what SHOULD be considered a sister series, "Wedding Peach!"

So, my thought process is this: "Wouldn't it be interesting to see the worlds of "Miraculous Ladybug" and "Wedding Peach?" be combined?"

To summarize, Marinette Dupain-Cheng is your basic high-school girl in Paris, France, who lives in the bakery with her father. She spends her days designing clothes and hanging out with her two besties, Alya Césaire and Chloé Bourgeois (who is A LOT nicer here). Her life is then turned upside-down when she and the girls are attacked by an akuma (this story's equivalent to the devils in Wedding Peach), who is after the ring Marinette's mother left behind. She then discovers that she's the legendary Love Angel Ladybug and now she has to end the war between the akuma and angel worlds! But she won't be fighting alone when she discovers later on that Chloé and Alya are Love Angels, too!

Now, the Miraculous items and kwamis are only the transformation trinkets for the main three girls. Other kwamis DO exist, but the thing with the kwamis in this story is that they can be on the side of either akumas or the angels. Also, the whole "use your power, you change back after several minutes" thing doesn't exist here, but otherwise the powers will be similar to an extent. Since we don't know anything about Queen Bee's power, her debut chapter in this story will have to wait for a little bit (if I decide to keep this story going for that long).

It should also be noted that most of the akuma villains in this story are separate entities in themselves. For example, the Gamer isn't the same person as Max Kanté, so if they're in the same room together, they're two completely different people (there will be some outliers in the story, mind you).

Now, the anime's "Saint Something Four" (old, new, borrowed, and blue) are called "The Miraculous Something Four" here and they are not the Miraculous items in this story. Just work with me here. I'll try my best to modernize the setting since Wedding Peach is about 22 years old (LONG before iPhones).

And it's easy to say "akuma vs. angel" because akuma literally means "devil" or "demon" in Japanese, so it makes more sense than one would initially think.

There were church bells ringing above in the air, with flower petals floating around and onto the ground.

As Mendelssohn's "Wedding March" began playing, a spotlight hit a girl who was standing on a red carpet.

She was young, probably in her teens, and she had black hair with blue sheen in two pigtails behind her head. She had fair skin, blue eyes, and was wearing a wedding dress. The dress was white with lace appliques everywhere, and the torso up was in the style of a cheongsam, including the neck. The sleeves were short and lacy, too. The skirt of the dress was an A-line, too and it went down to the floor. The dress could arguably be a bit big on her.

"Wow! This is beautiful!" She said with a smile as she twirled around her full-length mirror and admired herself in the dress.

Her bedroom was clearly up in an attic, but it was certainly a well-decorated room. She had a loft bed and there was pink wallpaper and furniture everywhere. The floor of the room had a trap door to it. There was a chaise lounge on the floor of the room, and she had a desk with a sewing machine and it was fully stocked with sewing materials.

She looked at a book on her desk. It was a wedding album. The girl was paying attention to the bride. The woman in the photo resembled her and she was wearing the exact same dress. She had grey eyes, short black hair, and was a lot shorter than the groom. He was a tall man, a little lanky, and he had green eyes and short, brown hair.

"Maman, does it suit me?" She said as she talked to the photo. "Don't worry, mom. Someday I'll find my Mr. Right and get to have a fabulous wedding like you."

The girl paid attention to the ring on her mother's finger. The ring was a simple golden band with a rose quartz in it.

The girl then looked at her own hand. She was wearing the same ring, and she saw her reflection in the jewelry piece, before saying, "I know I will. In the meantime, watch over me up in heaven, okay? I'll keep all the mementos you left behind safe in the meantime."

Elsewhere, inside some dark clouds, lightning strikes were going back and forth between the clouds, indicating something ominous was about to happen…

There was a knock on the trap door and it opened up. A head poked in to reveal the girl's father, just a lot burlier, with sideburns and a moustache.

"Marinette," He said, seeing his daughter's back was to him. Marinette turned around, and the man could have sworn he saw his wife on their wedding day all over again. "Sabine…?"

"Papa, what's going on?" Marinette asked. Her father shook his head and then he saw that in his wife's place was his daughter in the dress.

Marinette then noticed what she was wearing and said, "Oh, sorry! I was looking through your wedding album and, well… The urge wouldn't go away! I just had to try on Maman's dress! Was… Was that bad?"

"No, you just caught me unaware is all," Her father said. "I'm just going to be in the bakery if you need me."

"Okay, Papa." Marinette said as her father's head sank below the threshold of the door and shut it.

Marinette kept posing in front of the mirror, making many facial expressions, poses, and gestures. She was giggling in front of the mirror, too.

"Hey, Tom!" Another voice said from below.

"Ah! Alya, Chloé. Great timing. Marinette's in her room." Tom said.

Before Marinette knew it, the trap door to her room opened up again. The heads of two girls popped up. One girl had tan skin, hazel eyes, glasses, and dark red hair that went down to her shoulders. She had a beauty mark above her eyebrow. The other one had fair skin, icy blue eyes with blue eyeshadow, peach blush and nude lipstick. Her blonde hair was in a ponytail and she had sunglasses on her head.

They saw what their friend was wearing and gawked at her in surprise.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng! What are you doing, wearing a wedding dress?" The redhead asked, surprised.

"Yeah, what the hell is happening in here?" The blonde asked, snarkily.

"AH! Alya, Chloé, stop staring at me like that! What are you doing here, anyway?" Marinette asked, surprised. She was blushing in shock.

"Don't tell me you forgot about that Gabriel fashion show and photoshoot at the stadium today? We're supposed to be there to get details and photos for the fashion club blog!" The blonde, Chloé berated. "I didn't get daddy to pull strings for us just for you to forget about this chance!"

"Chloé's right," Alya said. "So, get your ass in gear and change out of that dress!"

"On it!" Marinette said as she started rummaging through her closet for casual clothes. But she got clumsy and fell on her back.

Chloé and Alya merely smacked themselves in their faces.

Within about five minutes, Marinette ran down the stairs that led to her room's trap door. She was now wearing a white shirt with flower print, a dark grey blazer with pink polka dots inside, pink pants, red flats, and had a pink clutch purse at her side.

"Sorry about that, girls." Marinette said as she and her friends left the building.

Chloé was wearing a necklace with a charm on it, a shirt with two black horizontal stripes near the bottom, a yellow jacket, white capris pants and white dress shoes, and had a belt that had jewels on it.

Alya had a white tank top under an orange flannel shirt with white, purple, and orange plaid stripes. She was also wearing blue jeans and sneakers.

"Geez, you're such a scatterbrain, Marinette." Alya said with a smile and a chuckle.

"If you don't get organized, there's going to be big trouble for all of us!" Chloé berated, hands on her hips.

"Got it." Marinette giggled. In the sun, the rose quartz ring sparkled a little bit.

The thunderclouds were seen again, but this time it looked like someone was coming out of the clouds and was flying through the sky.

"I feel the love wave. The Miraculous Something Four are nearby. No doubt about it." A male voice said.

A figure was in the sky. It looked like a winged humanoid of some sort, with something on his back.

The girls were running through the streets of Paris, rushing to get to the Parc de Princes.

"If we're late for that show, it's on you, Marinette!" Chloé complained.

"Yeah! But girl, what were you doing in that wedding dress anyway?" Alya asked.

"I, uh… But it was beautiful, wasn't it?" Marinette replied, a bit embarrassed to explain to her friends that she had gotten carried away with looking at her parents' wedding album.

"Please don't tell me you were doing a wedding rehearsal." Alya said.

"Why would you do that?" Chloé asked. "Marinette, you're not even in a relationship, never mind engaged!"

"She's right. There's an order to this, girl. You can't get the wedding dress before you get a man." Alya said as the girls kept running.

"But this is you we're talking about, Marinette," Chloé said with a smile on her face. "Finding a boyfriend won't be that hard! In fact, it might be the most difficult thing in the world!"

Marinette knew Chloé was joking, but she still said, "Ugh! Alya, Chloé, the two of you can be so mean sometimes!"

They made it to the stadium. The girls were watching the fashion show/photoshoot from the stands, and they had the best seats in the house, thanks to Chloé.

"Wow, these models really know what they're doing," Marinette said, her eyes glued to the runway. "And they're all our age! This is amazing!"

"Yeah, and we can thank daddy for these seats," Chloé said. "The advantages of being the daughter of the mayor."

"Yeah, but you can still be quite cruel at times," Alya said, filming the show on her phone while Marinette took pictures with hers. "I know you always have our backs, but it won't kill you to try being kinder to others, too."

"Working on it, working on it," Chloé admitted, a little embarrassed. "But let's worry about that later. We have to work on the blog for the club!"

The girls kept an eye on the models down on the runway. They were all boys who were wearing tasteful men's clothing, and they were all snappy dressers. The suits were all sleek and simple, in neutral colors like silver and black, and the accessories that came with them were integrated perfectly with the design. For example, one brunette model was wearing a brown pantsuit with a beige necktie and beret. There was a redhead wearing a similar outfit in tan, but he was not wearing a tie, and he had a fedora in a matching color scheme.

"This show is unreal!" Marinette said, her eyes sparkling with delight and continuing to take pictures. "This is going to be great for the blog!"

"Honestly, the clothes the models are wearing are practically garbage bags," Chloé said, clearly unimpressed. "For a Gabriel brand show, this is the worst I've seen it."

"Chloé, careful what you say!" Alya hissed at the blonde.

"Oh come on, Alya," Chloé retorted. "We all know that Marinette's got the talent to put Gabriel's entire empire to shame."

"Aw, thanks, Chloé!" Marinette said, blushing in flattery. "Hey, maybe we should have a fashion show for the club using some of my work?"

"Great idea!" Alya said, still recording the show.

Further up in the stand, hiding in the shadow was someone else. He was wearing a black and red suit. He had large black wings attached to his back, but they were folded up at the moment. The feather-like ends on his wings had two red tips each, and he had black lightning bolts on the sides of his neck. He had a black head cover, and the areas covering his hair and around his eyes were red, too. The suit was red from the waist-up, the exceptions being the elbows down to the hands were black, and there was a large, white broken heart on his chest, while the rest of his suit from the waistline down was black, but the knees down to his feet were red. He had a quiver with red arrows in it. The quiver itself was black, red, and white-striped, and it had a black strap. On the strap was a black and red brooch. He also had a bow in his hand. The handle was white, and the ends had two heart halves, and there were two large spikes that were grey and white as well.

He was eying the rose quartz ring that Marinette was wearing. He asked aloud, "Could that be... The Miraculous Something Four...?"

Once the fashion show was over, the girls had left the stands and started running through the stadium to get to the field. They wanted to try and talk to some of the models. They wanted some info for the blog and maybe take a few selfies with some of the people in the show, too. They wanted to have fun with their work at least.

"I can't wait to talk to some of the models!" Marinette squealed. "It's going to be so much fun! Getting their side of the story in the fashion world will be great information!"

"Yeah! And getting selfies with the mayor's daughter will be their honor." Chloé narcissistically sneered.

"Oh come on, Chloé," Alya said. "We're here for the fashion club blog, not to be kiss-ups!"

As they ran out onto the field, Marinette forgot to watch where she was going, so she bumped into someone. There was a shout from both sides, and Marinette stumbled back a little bit.

Once the glare from the sunlight faded away, Marinette was face-to-face with a boy. He had peach skin with a slight tan to it, which perfectly accentuated his moss green eyes, which glowed like peridots. And his head was topped with a neatly-combed crop of sunny blonde hair, the same shade as Chloé's. Marinette recognized him as one of the models from the show. He was still wearing the last outfit that he had to change into.

Marinette blushed, seeing how cute he was, but she failed to say anything.

"Are you girls nuts?" He asked, quirking brow and giving the girls an unimpressed, if not angry scowl. "Who are you three anyway?"

"Oh, um..." Marinette began, not sure what to say. "Oh, we're no one really important."

"Excuse me?!" Chloé hollered. "Listen up, you! I'm Chloé Bourgeois, the mayor's daughter, and these two girls happen to be my BFF's! We're the François Dupont Lycée Fashion Club, and we want to mingle with the models and get selfies with them so we can write a page for the club blog for our school, got it?"

The boy sighed and said, "Look, I don't care who you are. You can't just go and barge in on set unannounced like that. Even after the fashion show is over, we still have a lot of work to do. You never know when equipment could fall and hit you on the head. Not only that, but we're running around like nuts trying to clean up, so having fans on set isn't a welcome pleasure."

The girls were not amused by this boy's adamant refusal of their request. Chloé especially was not having any of it.

"I'm sorry for us coming onto the field like this, but since it looks like you're not doing anything, what about you? Would you help us out with our blog, please?" Marinette politely asked.

"I'm afraid no means no. We're too busy, so forget about selfies and writing for your blog. I'm sorry." He said, his arms crossed.

His rotten attitude made the girls pretty upset. After that, they angrily left the stadium in an upset huff and were storming down the streets. Chloé was particularly upset, and Marinette was ashamed that she thought that boy was cute.

"What a jerk." Marinette ranted to her friends.

"Who does he think he is?!" Alya asked, upset that she could only work with her footage and Marinette's photos for the new page for the blog.

"That was Adrien Agreste," Chloé scoffed. "One of the models from Gabriel. Apparently he goes to our school, too, as a member of the fencing team."

"Are all models that conceited, Chloé?" Marinette inquired.

"Hah! Hope not." Chloé sneered.

Just then, there was a loud growling noise. Alya and Chloé looked to the source of the noise... Marinette's stomach. Realizing that she was hungry, Marinette blushed, embarrassed.

"Sorry. I forgot to eat before we left. But that's my fault for getting caught up in looking at my parents' wedding album." Marinette said, rubbing the back of her head.

"Look, crepe stand dead ahead!" Alya said as she saw a crepe stall without a line nearby.

"Come on!" Marinette said as she started running for the stand.

"I'm hungry, too," Chloé said. "And crepes are classic. Shall we, Alya?"

"Let's." Alya agreed. The girls then followed after Marinette to go and get a snack.

Marinette was standing in front of the stand, looking over the menu. Alya and Chloé soon caught up, and the former asked Marinette, "Made any decisions?"

"I can't decide. They all look so good!" Marinette said.

"Yeah, looking at all these options, I'm indecisive, too," Alya admitted. "What about you, Chloé?"

"Well, chocolate's always a no-brainer." Chloé commented.

"May I recommend something for you ladies?" The vendor asked.

"Yes, please." Marinette said.

A few minutes later, the girls were now sitting in the park with a picnic blanket beneath them (Chloé insisted on keeping her clothes clean), each holding a crepe of a different type.

Marinette got cinnamon and apples, Alya got chocolate and strawberry, and Chloé peaches and vanilla sugar.

"Alright, so we tear our crepes into three pieces," Marinette explained. "And we also get one piece of each other's crepe, so we can all try all three types and not get jealous of each other."

"Certainly better than biting it and passing it on. Talk about unsanitary!" Chloé said, before giving a giggle.

"Talk about being prissy, Chloé," Alya said, rolling her eyes in amusement. "Anyway, let's eat."

The girls tore into their crepes, and Marinette gave one piece of her cinnamon-apple crepe to her friends, in exchange for one of Alya's chocolate-strawberry pieces and one of Chloé's peach-sugar pieces.

The girls started digging into their food.

"Wow, Alya! You made a good call with chocolate and strawberry. The tartness of the strawberries slices through the dark and rich chocolate spread and really keeps it from sticking to the roof of my mouth." Marinette said after biting into the chocolate-strawberry crepe.

"Couldn't agree more, Marinette," Chloé said, giggling. "The warm cinnamon really compliments these acidic apples. It's like we're in the middle of autumn!"

"I can really get the vanilla in the vanilla sugar in this one, Chloé," Alya commented. "Especially since it doesn't seem like the peaches were perfectly ripe."

"Underripe peaches?! Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!" Chloé shouted, taking out her phone. "I'm going to call daddy and..."

"DON'T YOU DARE!" Alya and Marinette shouted, cuing Chloé to stop and drop her phone back in her bag.

"Chloé, you've got to stop relying on Mayor Bourgeois for everything in your life," Marinette said, trying to reason with her blonde bestie. "You can't blow things out of proportion all the time."

"Ugh, fine," Chloé said. "The crepe is good, since the vanilla sugar compensated for the peaches."

Alya and Marinette sighed in relief. Chloé started laughing happily, and the girls all followed suit. They were enjoying their time together, like the tight-knit trio of friends that they were. Life was good, and they were enjoying it to the fullest to the best of their ability.

Once they finished eating, the girls continued their walk through the park. They wanted to enjoy the fresh air and the sunshine before going back home for the day.

"Man, those were good crepes," Alya said, rubbing her stomach in satisfaction. "Peaches are definitely my fav."

"Apples and cinnamon are a classic combination," Chloé said. "What about you, Marinette?"

"Peaches are definitely great!" Marinette agreed.

As they were passing some street lamps, the figure who had spied on them in the stadium earlier was standing on one of the lamps.

He conjured up a blast of black magic energy and then he used his hand to point it at Marinette.

It rushed at the pigtailed girl and then wrapped itself around her waist, much to her shock and fear. It then picked her up, and Marinette was screaming.

"Marinette!" Chloé shouted.

"Hey, let me go!" Marinette demanded as she struggled to break free.

The black energy blast dropped her. She screamed in fear, scared she was going to hit the ground and get hurt, but then she landed in the arms of the same guy who was watching her earlier. He was standing on top of the gazebo in the park.

Marinette glared at him as he gently put her down on the roof.

"Marinette!" Alya shouted.

"Who is that freak?!" Chloé asked, concerned for her friend.

Marinette's right hand was grabbed by this stranger, who was aiming for the ring on her finger.

"Hand over that ring, little girl." He said, pulling on her arm to try and take the ring off.

"Not even in your dreams!" Marinette shouted, pulling her hand back and glaring at her attacker. "This ring was my maman's, and I am never going to give it to anyone!"

"You've got guts. Impressive," This man said, smirking. "You can refuse and keep that ring if you want, but I won't be able to guarantee that you'll get out of this unharmed if you don't give the ring to me."

Marinette held her ground and refused to back down from this fight. He began yanking on her wrist again to take the ring.

"Let me go! You're hurting me!" Marinette demanded, screaming in pain.

"I'll let go once I get the ring." He said.

"Someone help her!" Alya shouted, trying to get help and save Marinette.

"Can someone PLEASE get over here and help our friend?! We've got a kidnapping in progress! Officer Roger, where are you?!" Chloé shouted, angry that her friend was in trouble and no one was helping her out.

Annoyed by the girls' shouts, the man shot demonic energy at the girls, shouting, "Silence!"

The negative energy flowed over the girls, and then they fell onto the ground, unconscious.

"Alya! Chloé!" Marinette shouted. "Someone get me out of here! Please!"

"Give me the ring!" The man said as he continued to pull on Marinette's arm to get the rose quartz ring off.

"No! Never!" Marinette shouted, but then her attacker took hold of the ring and started to slip it off her finger.

Just then, a green object flew out of nowhere and hit the arm of Marinette's attacker. It apparently hurt, and Marinette took the opportunity to back off.

Up in the air was a boy about her age. He was wearing a dark green bodysuit with a hoodie on it. The front of the hood had a silver semicircle. There were red eye designs with black and gold details on the sides of the hood, and below the hood's opening were two locals that were in a lighter shade of green. The goggles he was wearing were black with gold lenses. There were six hexagons in front of the suit, which were light-green. His suit had darker green hexagons that acted as pads for his elbows, shoulders, knees, and hips. He was wearing a bracelet on his right wrist that looked like a turtle. His boots were dark green and they each had an indentation between his big toe.

He caught the object, which looked like the shell of a turtle, and held it. It turned out to be a shield of some sort. It was dark green on one side, but lighter green on the other.

"Tch. So, it's you, Carapace." Marinette's attacker said scornfully.

"Dark Cupid, you and the akumas will never get your hands on the Miraculous Something Four! Not on my watch, dude!" Carapace said as he had his shield ready to fight again.

"Hah. We'll see about that." Dark Cupid said as he took out his bow and arrows.

'Akumas? Miraculous Something Four? What are these two talking about?' Marinette thought, wondering what was going on.

"Stay out of my way, Carapace!" Dark Cupid said as he shot a few arrows.

Carapace took his hand shield and blocked the oncoming arrows. He then threw his shield like a discus again.

As Dark Cupid dodged it, Marinette was pushed off the gazebo, but luckily she landed in a nearby flower bush, breaking her fall. Marinette sat up, rubbing her behind, but rather than complain, she stood up and ran to go check on her friends.

Carapace and Dark Cupid kept fighting each other. Every time Dark Cupid shot an arrow, Carapace would block it with his shield, then throw the shield at him and catch it again like a boomerang. Flying around in mid-air, ducking and dodging, it was quite a sight to behind.

Dark Cupid caught sight of Marinette running over to Chloé and Alya.

"Alya! Chloé!" Marinette shouted as she made it to the girls.

Dark Cupid smirked. His eyes turned red and he chanted, "Toroldum... Ruinism... Curse all those who love! I summon you, Nooroo!"

He raised his hand and a black energy ball was formed. Dark Cupid then said, "Sneak into their hearts and fool them with hatred!"

He threw the blast at them, and it split in two. The two black energy blasts hit Chloé and Alya.

Marinette looked her friends over as they rose up onto their knees, their heads still down.

"Give us the rose quartz ring, Marinette." Alya said ominously.

"Marinette, give it." Chloé said in a similar tone.

"G-Girls?!" Marinette asked, standing up. "Are you two okay?"

"Hand it over!" Alya said, standing up. Her eyes were now pure white and there were black butterfly markings on her cheeks.

"Give it to us!" Chloé also said as she stood up, with matching eyes and marks.

"Hey, what's going on here?!" Marinette asked. "Girls, don't you remember? We're friends!"

Rather than answer, Alya and Chloé lunged at Marinette with the goal of snagging her ring.

Marinette did not hesitate and ran like the wind to try and escape.

'I don't know what's going on, but I know that they're not themselves!' Marinette thought, her mind focused on finding a way out of the situation.

Every time one of the girls tried to grab at her, Marinette dodged with ease, but not without flailing and trying to duck her head. She soon ran behind a tree, hoping to find shelter for a little while. Hell, she was even considering climbing the tree just to get away from her possessed friends.

"Watch out! Akumas have possessed the two of them!" Carapace shouted as he fired a white energy blast at the pair.

They stopped in their tracks and were groaning in pain in response to the positive energy. Two orbs of light appeared in their chests, revealing a small purple creature with butterfly wings and a swirl on their heads.

"What the hell are those things inside my friends?!" Marinette asked, her eyes widened in surprise.

"Those are kwamis! They can be pets to either akumas... Or angels," Carapace explained as Marinette looked up to the turtle. "And you're the only one who can get the evil kwami Nooroo and his duplicate out of your friends!"

"What? Me?" Marinette asked.

"Yes, you! Now, Ladybug! You gotta transform into the Love Angel, dude!" Carapace said.

"Wait... Did you just call me "Ladybug?" That's not my..." Marinette began.

Carapace took something out of his pocket and threw it at Marinette, shouting, "Catch!"

Marinette caught a dark red, octagonal box. Looking at it, she asked, "What is...?"

"That's the Ladybug Miraculous!" Carapace shouted as he and Dark Cupid kept fighting.

"What's a Miraculous?" Marinette asked, looking at the box. "And... More importantly, who's Ladybug?"

Marinette opened the box to reveal a pair of stud earrings. They were red with black spots. As soon as the jewelry was revealed, a small creature similar to Nooroo appeared in a flash of red light. She was red with black spots and dark blue eyes.

"Ah! Mouse?! No, a bug?! Bug-mouse?! The hell?!" Marinette screamed.

"Don't worry, Marinette!" She said. "My name is Tikki! I mean you no harm."

Marinette looked at the kwami and back to her friends.

Just then, the inside of the top lid of the box started glowing and an image of an old Asian man with a small mustache and beard wearing regal clothing appeared.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng. It's time for you to don the earrings of the Ladybug and cast the love spell, "Lucky Wedding Flower," love angel." He said to her.

"Wait, how do you know my name? How did Tikki know my name?" Marinette asked. "And who are you, anyway?"

"I am Master Wang Fu, god of love and the ruler of the angel world," He explained, introducing himself. "Only when the love wave increases can you transform. But you must hurry and put the earrings on in order to save your friends."

Marinette saw Alya and Chloé were gaining on her, and Marinette hurriedly placed the earrings in her ears. She was about to take action when the girls leaped on her and bound her down. Alya had grabbed her ring.

"Hey, let go of me!" Marinette shouted. "I can't let you do this!"

Seeing the state her friends were in, Marinette refused to back down. She thought, 'No! I won't be possessed by akumas! And I won't let these monsters mess with my friends!'

As memories of all the times she, Alya, and Chloé shared raced through her mind, Marinette grew determined to save her friends and fight back.

"No~!" Marinette screamed.

Her earrings started glowing brightly and the red flash blinded Alya and Chloé, who backed off since the light was so blinding.

"LUCKY WEDDING FLOWER!" Marinette shouted.

Tikki flew into one of the earrings, and Marinette underwent a change in her clothes. A red domino mask with black spots appeared on her face, and her clothes changed into a red, floor-length ballgown-style wedding dress that had a black sash around the waistline and black spots on the skirt. The sleeves were puffed and it was a sweetheart neckline. In Marinette's hands was a bridal bouquet consisting of red roses and red geraniums. There was also a black crown on her head and the veil attached was transparent red.

"Wow... This is so beautiful." Marinette said, in awe of her costume change.

As Carapace and Dark Cupid continuing duking it out, the latter noticed Marinette in her new clothes out of his peripheral vision.

"What?! An angel? Here on Earth?! Oh crap... Don't tell me that's the legendary Love Angel Ladybug?!" Dark Cupid complained.

"I knew it!" Carapace said, satisfied that he found Ladybug. "Leave Ladybug alone! I'm your opponent, dude!"

Carapace and Dark Cupid kept fighting with each other.

Marinette, now Ladybug, tried to think about what to do. She was not afraid to attack her friends because she had a hunch it was necessary.

"Now, how to get the Nooroos out of Chloé and Alya..." Ladybug said, trying to think.

She laid eyes on her bouquet and saw a string in the binding. She pulled it, and then the bouquet changed into a yo-yo.

"A yo-yo?" Ladybug asked. She then looked around and tried to find a way out of this situation.

"Hah? How is a yo-yo going to get you out of this mess?" Chloé asked.

"Just hand over the ring and we'll be gone." Alya began.

Ladybug refused to listen to them. Instead, she took her yo-yo and started spinning it around as if trying to form a shield, and then a rainbow-colored light started flowing out from it. Ladybug saw her friends were stuck in their tracks and groaning in pain.

'Chloé, Alya! Please, remember all our good times! Our memories of our friendship!' Marinette thought. 'Don't let these akumas lead you in the wrong direction!'

As the circular rainbow light waves bathed the girls, memories ranging from getting ice cream together to shopping, modeling Marinette's designs, working on the blog, studying together in the library, gossiping about boys, having sleepovers, etc.

The memories soothed the looks on Alya and Chloé's faces. The Nooroos, suffering from the pain, shouted, "Hey! What's this awful sensation I'm feeling? Agh, sensory overload!"

The Nooroos flew out of the girls' bodies, formed into one entity, and then flew away in pain, screaming, "Forgive me, Master Dark Cupid!"

He disappeared into a few ripples in the sky.

Dark Cupid put his bow away and said, "Carapace, we'll just have to put this on hold until next time."

"Thought you'd say so, dude." Carapace replied.

Dark Cupid then flew off into the sky and disappeared, too.

"Chloé, Alya..." Ladybug said as she looked over her friends, who were unconscious and lying on the ground.

"Ladybug," Carapace said, getting her attention. "Nice fighting, dudette."

"Thanks, Carapace." Ladybug said, but then she grew tired and collapsed onto the ground, falling asleep.

After what seemed to be a few hours, Marinette heard Chloé and Alya talking to her.

"Marinette? How long are you going to sleep under the tree?" Chloé asked.

Marinette's eyes slowly opened as she saw her friends standing above her.

"Thank goodness! You've come to!" Alya said.

"What the...? Hey, where'd the akumas go?! And where's Carapace?" Marinette asked, sitting up and looking around.

Alya and Chloé looked at Marinette and were confused about what she was saying.

"Alya?! Chloé?! Are you two okay?" Marinette frantically asked.

"Yeah, we're fine," Alya asked. "Did you have some crazy dream?"

"You mean...?" Marinette began, but then she realized that maybe she did dream the whole thing. The Miraculous, the akumas, the dress, everything was probably just a dream. And even if it was not a dream, it seemed that her friends had no recollection of what happened.

"...Yeah, that's all it was. A stupid dream. Basically, in this dream, we were attacked by a bunch of akumas, and they would have won if I hadn't transformed into Ladybug the Love Angel, defeated the akumas, and saved the two of you from possession. Kind of a ridiculous dream, huh?"

Marinette then nervously laughed it off.

Alya and Chloé looked at each other and shrugged. The latter said, "Yeah, ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. Come on, let's go."

Alya followed after the blonde as the two of them began to leave. Marinette stood there and looked up at the sky, thinking, 'Yeah... just a dream.'

"Good, they don't remember what happened," A voice said and Marinette looked down in her bag to see Tikki was sitting in it, hiding from fight. "If they remembered, then they would be so scared, confused, everything."

Marinette gawked at the sight of the kwami and then she said, "You're still here, Tikki?!"

"Sure am," Tikki giggled. "You can't become Ladybug without me."

Marinette touched her earlobes to feel earrings, and then her eyes widened.

'So... That was NO dream,' Marinette thought. 'I don't know what's happening, but... I'm sure I'll learn in time.'

"Marinette! Are you coming?" Alya shouted back to her friend.

"Oh, coming!" Marinette said as she closed her bag, hiding her kwami away, and then started running after her friends.

And that's the beginning of this 51-chapter story (though I doubt I'll finish it under my circumstances)! The transformation calls are going to be different from Miraculous Ladybug AND I'm going to do the best I can to try and combine the girls' powers in Miraculous Ladybug with Wedding Peach. It won't be an easy feat, and depending on how this story is received, I may or may not continue.