So, I've been watching a lot of Riverdale, which has resulted in some fanfiction, as usual. Hence, I'm giving you guys a short drabble series based on the wonderful study date prompts tumblr user wordsnstuff made. I will be continuing these as a fifteen-day challenge, going through all the prompts. Visit the tumblr version for the mood board at styomi


Fandom: Riverdale
Sweet Pea/OC
Word count:
1438 (all chapters will be a little over 1k)
Chapter count:


A way to memorize

Ruby had her legs draped over Sweet Pea's lap comfortably, both of them splayed on the living room couch. She had a thick book in her hands, held up so that he couldn't peek over the top, like he'd tried earlier. Ruby had found that Sweet Pea hated many things. Northsiders, turncoats, drug runners, Ghoulies, and the extensive list went on. But, the most ridiculous thing on it was definitely revising for a test. This was why Ruby had decided to take charge of making him pass his sophomore year by literally holding him down with her legs and forcing him to 'help her revise'.

"Removing too many of a single species from the environment is problematic because?" She listed off the tenth question, watching the way Sweet Pea's brow furrowed.

"They can become extinct?" He answered in a questioning tone, making Ruby sigh.

"Focus, sasquatch," the girl groaned. "Stop answering me in questions. There are three reasons: it threatens the biodiversity of the ecosystem, impacts all the other species and it can cause the species to become endangered."

"There, I was right." The biker shot back with a grin, shrugging. His head lolled back against the couch. He was obviously beyond bored.

"Seriously, Sweet Pea, you need to pass this test," Ruby grumbled. "More importantly, I need to pass this test, too," he didn't reply, and just stared up at the ceiling with pure boredom on his face instead. Like he was hoping that if he waited her out, she would quit bugging him. "Alright, what if you did me first?" Sweet Pea's head instantly rose, a wide smirk on his lips.

"Gladly." His tone of voice made Ruby re-visit her sentence.

"Oh, God, would you take your mind out of the gutter for once?" She tossed the book at him, but he caught it.

"Tough luck, little red, my mind never leaves the gutter." Sweet Pea remarked, opening the page which she'd been reading from and thumbing through the next few lessons.

"Hah," Ruby huffed. "I'll be sure to tell Toni and Fangs." Sweet Pea gave her a certain look of annoyance over the book. But, the damage had been done. Ruby was annoyed by his clear lack of interest in studying and he was pissed at her insisting to actually memorize something. The atmosphere was filled with a certain energy, like they were both awaiting the inevitable argument.

"Alright, aright," Sweet Pea succumbed, trying to diffuse the tension. "For real, though, my concentration is crap. Can't you come over here and we'll read through it together to memorize?" His arm extended over the back of the couch invitingly. Ruby sighed, but decided to honor his attempt at a compromise. She pulled her legs down from his lap and crawled over to his side, pressing herself to his warm body. While the Wolfe house was very toasty during winter, there was just something about having an extra source of heat during the cold months. And, Sweet Pea was warm.

"You go first." Ruby told him, leaning on his chest to see the book better. Soon enough, her makeshift pillow started to rumble as Sweet Pea read from the top of the lesson about enzymes, his voice a deep gravel which she'd come to love. His arm slipped from the back of the couch, pulling her even closer to his body without stopping his reading. Ruby interlocked their fingers together, her eyes straying from the book to look at the size difference. Sweet Pea's numerous rings glinted in the light as he shifted his fingers around, caressing her hand more than holding it. He'd always had issues with keeping still. Ruby smiled, enjoying the warmth of his large palm on her small one.

"Your turn." The biker told her when he flipped the page. Ruby focused on the book again, realizing that she'd only heard about half of what he'd been reading. Regardless, she already knew most of the material. Smiling briefly up at him, Ruby started reading from the top. Sweet Pea's fingers never stopped moving, going down hers, rubbing circles into the back of her hand which he could reach from the position and occasionally squeezing her fingers gently. He finally settled for twirling the only ring she wore in lazy circles around her pinky. Ruby let out a small sigh in between paragraphs, looking up.

"You're distracting me." She told him in a whisper.

"You're distracting me." He shot back in a low tone, as well. Sweet Pea leaned down, going for a kiss. Ruby smiled. She'd known that they would end up there as soon as that arm had wrapped itself around her. But, she couldn't complain. They'd at least gotten through one and a half lesson with some efficiency. His lips were warm on hers, gentle as they danced to a familiar rhythm only known to the two of them. Ruby pulled back first, knowing that she had to, since Sweet Pea had zero self-control once he got started. And, she still wanted to pass the exam.

"It's a good distraction, I hope?" She whispered against his lips and he grinned into the touch.

"The best." They shared another slow kiss before Ruby pulled away, giving Sweet Pea one last loud peck with a smack of her lips, which made both of them laugh. Then, she returned to the material in the book, reading.

A few hours passed, the two taking their turns in reading lessons and occasionally exchanging kisses in a comfortable atmosphere. Sweet Pea got up for a bathroom break twice, which Ruby didn't doubt was actually an escape from the information she'd been piling on him. She, too, broke their comfortable cuddling a few times to grab her phone and answer a text or go to the kitchen for some snacks and drinks. Finally, just as Sweet Pea was reading the last of the revise notes from Ruby's notebook, the front door opened.

"Hun, I'm home," Jo, Ruby's father, called out as he entered the house. There was a sound of a bag falling to the floor, jacket being shrugged off and hung. Then, shoes clattered haphazardly in the hallway, making the teen grumble under her breath. She had a pet peeve about a messy hallway which her father didn't share.

"In here, dad," Sweet Pea pulled himself up, sitting straighter and tried to take his arm away from Ruby's shoulders, but she held onto his hand, giving him a sharp look. He returned his own, panicked one. But she just leaned in and pecked his cheek, which he tried to escape. Jo Wolfe had already put the fear of God into Sweet Pea. And, considering that the man was a former Navy SEAL, it had been a fairly easy thing to do.

"Do you have any plans for- Oh, Sweet Pea, hello." Jo came into the living room, sharp dark eyes surveying the scene before him. His only daughter in a secure embrace of the biker.

"Good evening, sir." Sweet Pea sounded as formal as he could, making Ruby try to pass her giggle for a cough, which ended up as a snort. He poked her ribs when Jo looked to the kitchen.

"You guys studying?" Jo asked, walking over and throwing himself in an armchair on the other side of the room.

"Yeah, I'm giving Sweet Pea a small refresher before bio on Monday." Ruby nodded, looking comfortable in the arms of the biker next to her. And, she was the only person who looked comfortable at that moment. Sweet Pea seemed ready to hightail out of there and Jo looked like he was preparing for a chase.

"Consider me refreshed." Sweet Pea pulled his arm away from the girl, getting up. Ruby's eyes locked on her father's, giving him an icy glare. Jo's brows furrowed. Sweet Pea headed for his bag, tossing the half-filled notebook into it and slinging the backpack over his shoulder. Ruby's glare didn't let up.

"Nonsense, Sweet Pea. You're welcome to stay," Jo stopped him, sighing. "I've been oppressed by the power of the female population," at that, the biker chuckled.

"I'm familiar with that superpower."

"Hey!" Ruby's protest was ignored by both men, who had apparently decided to gang up on her. While she was glad that they were getting along, she wasn't happy with the situation developing like that.

"Have you kids had dinner yet? I'm starving." Jo asked, getting up. And, that evening, which had started so well for Ruby, ended up at a booth at Pop's, filled with merciless teasing from the two favorite men in her life.

That's all for now folks!

Let me know how you liked it!
