We've arrived. We're here. End of the line and end of the drabbles. I hope that ya'll enjoyed and will stay tuned for a longer story about these two.


Fandom: Riverdale
Pairing: Sweet Pea/OC
Rating: T
Word count: 1664 + 496 bonus
Chapter count: 15/15

Unintentional intentions

Ruby's pen wouldn't stop tapping on the notebook in front of her, in a beat almost akin to a drum rhythm. Her eyes were focused on the front of the class, but her attention had dwindled over the past twenty minutes. Jughead had come to her house the previous night, again, tossing ideas regarding Jason Blossom's murder out like an ATM on the fritz. As much as she wanted her mind to be blank and able to soak up the biology lesson on flatworms, the possible scenarios of the not-so-incidental drowning kept going through her head. Apparently, the boy's body had washed up on the banks of Sweetwater River a few nights ago, a bullet hole smack in the middle of his forehead. She didn't know how Jughead had gotten all the details of the autopsy and she didn't care much to find out. But, the pile of morbid information she'd gotten from him was now churning in her head.

Jughead was a real conspiracy nut, Ruby had decided. He suspected pretty much everyone, from the boy's parents to a completely unrelated janitor at their school. Something about keeping an open mind and seeing the bigger picture. Ruby hadn't had the heart to tell him that the possibility of a stranger killing someone was very low, in her professional experience. She'd worked with Jo on his cases of bounty hunting a number of times. People killed other people for three main reasons – money, love, and self-defense. So, a stranger murder was not only rare but nearly impossible.

"Hey," Ruby dropped her pen, startled at the low rumble from her left. She looked up to see Sweet Pea giving her a curious look, for once sitting properly in his chair. "What's got you in la la land?"

"Nothing, I'm taking notes." The girl defended, taking a glance at the board only to realize that she had no idea what their teacher had been talking about. The biker next to her huffed.

"Could've fooled me, shortcake," Sweet Pea grumbled in a teasing tone. "Your notebook is blank and you've been tapping that pen for the last forty minutes like your life depended on getting into band as a drummer." Ruby gave him a nasty look, even though he was completely right.

"What's wrong with band?" she shot back. "I think I'd make a mighty fine drummer. Maybe timpani?" Sweet Pea's incredulous expression told her everything she needed to know. He thought that she positively sucked at any kind of instrument playing. Which, of course, he was right about. Ruby had never taken a single class related to music, and for good reason.

"Gimmie," the biker reached out for her notebook. "I'll take notes so we both don't fail." Ruby smacked his hand away, pulling her notebook further to the right and out of his immediate reach.

"Like hell am I giving you my notebook. You'd probably spend the rest of Bio practicing your Serpents logo all over it." She pushed his hand away when it reached for her notebook again and gave him a hard glare.

"Don't get your panties in a twist, munchkin," Sweet Pea whispered in a low rumble. "I can draw something other than a two-headed serpent, I promise. Think of the mystery of discovering what I've doodled on the random pages of your bio notebook as an adventure." Ruby's unamused eyes met his smug look before she returned her gaze to the board, starting to copy from the top. "I promise that I can take decent notes, short stuff. Just gimmie." She was too slow that time, Sweet Pea's fingers grabbing the edge of her notebook and pulling it out from below her pen, creating a long line on the page.

"Oh for the love of-" Ruby didn't realize how loud her voice had been until the teacher glared at her.

"Miss Wolfe, are we interrupting you?" Asked the bio professor. The whole class was looking at her then, sitting and gaping like a goldfish, her pen raised over the empty space on her desk.

"I'm sorry, sir," the girl was all too aware of her quickly reddening cheeks. "It won't happen again."

"If it does, I will remind you of my detention hours and look forward to spending some quality time with you and your frivolous note-taking capabilities." The bio teacher turned around when the chuckles spread across the class, continuing his lesson. It took Ruby another five minutes to gather herself before she looked over at Sweet Pea. He was actually taking notes in her notebook, which made her abandon her plans of taking it from him and reprimanding him. Instead, she packed her pen away and leaned back in her chair, letting her mind wander back to the case of Jason Blossom's drowning.

"I didn't peg you for a heart person, Wolfe." Fangs told her the following day before the first period when he handed her her bio notebook. It had become common practice for Ruby to lend him her notes, even if they weren't in the same class since the material was identical.

"I'm not?" The girl asked reluctantly, not really sure what the teen was getting at.

"Well, it's most certainly an interesting notebook, then," Fangs nodded at the object in her arms before giving her a small grin. One of those, charming little ones which lit up his eyes and made him look even more handsome than he already was. "Thanks, as always." And the teen was gone. Ruby stood still for a second in the hallway, her head tilted to the side in confusion. Then, she opened her bio notebook and looked at the last lesson, where Sweet Pea had been taking notes. Sure enough, there was plenty of information jotted down, and he'd followed her pattern on note-taking, highlighting the important and separating the points which would be on the test. There was also a long line drawn in a blue pen, that Ruby had made when the biker had stolen her notebook from her desk. That wasn't all, though. There were hearts. Little, big, wonky, lopsided, colorful and shaded hearts. All over the damn page.

"Son of a bitch!" Ruby exclaimed loudly and started flipping back through her notebook. More hearts. She went forward, towards the blank section. The hearts popped up on random pages in various spots, meticulously drawn. When in the world had he had the time, Ruby wondered with an irritated sigh. And, most importantly, what the hell was he playing at?

Sure, she and Sweet Pea had progressed from casually speaking to ignoring each other and then back to being on talking terms within the past two months. Yet, they weren't nearly close enough for him to defile her notebook with something as intimate as that. Nowhere near friends, much less anything romantic. Ruby hadn't even considered him as a possibility. He was too tall, for one. Too angry, too moody, too unpredictable. She didn't like Sweet Pea. She didn't like Sweet Pea like that at all. He was hot, though. In his own, biker gang, kind of way. Yes, Sweet Pea was definitely hot. And, apparently, interested, if she was interpreting the situation correctly. Or, he was just messing with her, as she'd learned that he liked to do.

With a face of a woman on a mission, Ruby tore down the hallway, heading straight for Sweet Pea's locker. Sure enough, he was there, taking out the books for class and stuffing some random items from his pockets inside it.

"What the hell is this?" Ruby didn't even wait to reach him before calling him out, getting quite a few heads to turn. Sweet Pea looked at her over his shoulder, brows furrowed and glanced at the notebook she was waving around.

"Your… bio notebook?" He slowly told her, like she needed a refresher course in conversational English.

"These," the girl opened the notebook and showed him the hearts. "What are these?" She asked in an irritated tone. Sweet Pea closed his locker and leaned on it, turning to face her then.

"My drawing prowess," he cheekily told her. "I promised that there would be no Serpents logos."

"Hearts?" Ruby was fuming. "Hearts?" she needed to call him out somehow. Embarrass him. "Is this your lame way of asking me out or something?" At that, she saw the boy's neck redden and his ears blush, eyes looking anywhere except at her.

"No," he grumbled. "It's just a joke," he looked at her with a smug expression then. "Do you want me to ask you out?"

"Do you want me to say no?"

"If that's your answer, that's alright." Sweet Pea shrugged, but Ruby could see the way his arms went back to their usual crossed position, telling her that he was bothered by her reply.

"Wait, do you want me to say yes?" She asked, eyes wide. Again, Sweet Pea shrugged.

"Doesn't any guy when he asks a girl out?" He was trying hard to play it off as a topic that didn't bother him, which made Ruby all the more interested. She lowered her voice and stepped closer to the tall biker, making him back up as much as he could into the locker.

"Let me get this straight, you're asking me out now?" she saw the panic in his eyes by the way they kept avoiding her. "For real?"

"No, of course not." Sweet Pea huffed and tried to wriggle away from his position in between Ruby and the lockers. To onlookers, it was probably a funny picture. A gigantor trying to get away from a pipsqueak. But, Ruby knew how to play that game.

"Pity," she shrugged with a coy smile, immediately getting the boy's eyes on her again. "I might've said yes if you had." Without waiting for Sweet Pea to reply, Ruby bounded off. It didn't take him more than ten seconds to process what she'd said and hurry after her.

"Wait, really?"

I hope that you guys have enjoyed reading as much as I've enjoyed writing these :D There will be a longer story about these two posted soon, so keep an eye out :)

Finally, I want to thank the three people who've been with me this whole time: Vulvarity, Valerie and When I Make It Shine. You guys rock!

Vulvarity: The feeling is mutual… I had a ton of fun writing these and I'm sad to see them finished xD But, at the same time, I'm glad that I've finished them! I'm happy that you enjoyed my version of Sweet Pea :D He's a teen in the end, and there's bound to be a reason he's so utterly single in the show hahahaha Cheers!

Valerie: I'm glad that I had you along for the ride :D Sweet Pea being an awkward teenager is something I live for xD There's bound to be a few insecurities under all that anger and bravado xD Cheers!

When I Make It Shine: Last one! Hope you liked it :D Oohohohooooo SP and Ruby meeting… You'll have to read the main story to find that one out :D I can only promise that I tried to make it funny :P Cheers!


Sweet Pea spent the majority of his first and second period trying to wrap his mind around the fact that Ruby might've said yes to going out with him if he'd asked. He kept tossing glances at the petite girl in class, in the hallways and at lunch. Sweet Pea didn't know what had made him say those words. Or, draw those hearts. In most cases, Ruby made his brain disconnect from his mouth, letting it run wild like a dog off its leash. But, he was glad, for once, that she'd done that mysterious thing to him. His brain would've never allowed his mouth to say anything like that. Not in a million years. Now that he knew, though, Sweet Pea was even more bothered.

How could he ask Ruby out without being a douchebag about it or looking soft to the Serpents? He didn't know. He really didn't. That was one of the reasons why he hadn't gone to Toni or Fangs for advice. He needed to figure this one out himself. So, Sweet Pea gave himself an ultimatum. Before the idea of going out wore off for both him and Ruby, he would do it. Let his mouth run itself and come up with something, hopefully, intelligent and funny. Because, girls liked intelligent and funny, right? He sure hoped that they did. He'd heard from Fangs that he was a hopeless case when it came to romance. Sweet Pea became mean, annoyed, angry and fumbled. It looked ridiculous, his friend had told him in an attempt to get him to man up and gather himself. Would Ruby mind that? Sweet Pea knew that she liked men who took charge. She'd said so on numerous occasions. How does one take charge confidently in a situation they've never been comfortable in before, though? Sweet Pea didn't know. But, he was going to find out.

After their fifth period, he leaned on the locker next to Ruby's, ignoring her questioning look, mildly amused, and let his mouth run.

"Wanna go for tea after school?" Sweet Pea wanted to smack himself as soon as the words left his mouth. Apparently, letting his brain take the back seat wasn't a good idea. Tea? Why did he have to ask her out for tea, of all things? Ruby's hands stilled on her books where she was trying to fit them into her locker and she gave him an amused look, almost encouraging him to continue stuffing the foot into his mouth. "Or you can just have me?" Sweet Pea wanted the ground to open and swallow him. He was definitely not being suave, funny or intelligent. He wanted to wake up from that nightmare then, if possible.

"Tea, yes," Ruby recovered from her wide-eyed look and gave him a knowing smirk. "You, maybe." And she took out the books for her next class, closing her locker and leaving him gaping in the hallway. Perhaps, he had done something right.

And, I leave you guys with this as the last part of the drabbles. It ties back to Four innocent sentences, if you've been following the Wolfe series.

I hope you enjoyed!