A/N: I'm eager to get this underway. But first, a note. This is a sequel to my chaptered Gohan/Videl story, Chances, and will cover the events of the Buu Saga. It is not required, but recommended, to have read that to read this. The important things to note are that Videl found out about Gohan and the other Z Fighters through circumstance, and in the process the two eventually started dating, with the relationship going on a few months now. Videl has been training under Krillin, and is now a student of the Turtle School of Martial Arts. You don't have to read it to fully understand this, but I will appreciate it ^^.

For everyone that has read Chances and has been waiting for this – and not knowing if I ever will do it – thank you so much, and I am sorry for the wait. I wanted to get it up this summer but then life happened and now school is in the way.

Also, for everyone who has read Chances in the recent past, thank you. I'm always shocked and humbled to check my story stats and see that a steady stream of people is still finding this story.

Thank you, all of you, for helping me get inspiration to get this up. Every one of you is amazing, and I hope you enjoy reading this.

This is a one-shot series of the Buu Sage, and is not structured in the normal sense. Last Chance follows the Buu Saga relatively well, and if a scene is not included then you can assume it went the same as the original. On the same token, some scenes are in here but mostly unchanged because I believe they are important to the characters, and I want to write them. The rest are tweaks and changes that follows Chances and my personal headcanons. This highlight reel method doesn't change the Buu Saga drastically, rather focuses on points in the story that I find important.

This gives Last Chance a weird flow as it starts to jump all over the place after the first couple chapters. I hope it isn't too disorienting, and I believe I have constructed this one-shot/highlight reel series sequel in a way that makes sense. The POV also switches around as Buu follows several story and character points and no one character witnesses everything.

Edited to make word vomit not so much and it still comes out that way. My apologies *bows*

Disclaimer: DBZ not mine! Warnings: After the ball gets rolling- character death. Lots and lots of character deaths.

Videl did not do nervous. No, the nerves that pinched at her sides with her tense muscles, was not from the cursed feeling. Excitement, she would say. Did, in fact, to Gohan, who just laughed good-naturedly- the asshole. She punched his arm in return. It was the day of the World Martial Arts Tournament, and she was free.

After the juniors' tournament ended, she followed Gohan and the others for food. She thought Trunks will come by to gloat. The young boy had, basking in his father's pride of him, before he disappeared again with Goten. She told herself that it was nothing; the feeling that they were planning something was paranoia mixed with her excitement. They likely were just finding their mothers and the rest of their group in the stands.

Videl had watched Saiyans eat in the past. She had prior to knowing their superhuman metabolisms. It was still unnerving seeing them eat. After they made their way to lunch, the three Saiyans in their group ate with reckless abandon. She was confident that Goku and Vegeta were making a competition out of it; one she assessed as true spotting Piccolo's unimpressed face.

Meanwhile, she poked at her food and ate at the rate of a normal person. Eighteen was beside her, as unimpressed as Piccolo. Krillin simply kept his head down and ate, with his face a cross of being intimidated and annoyed, debating if he should laugh or not.

This was her normal. If she had been asked a year ago what she would be doing before the main tournament, Videl would have replied that she'll be rolling her eyes and tolerating her father working up the paparazzi. She was happy to be here instead. Not that she did not want to see her father, it was that he was best as a solo crowd pleaser (he also was probably resting off the possible concussion Trunks gave him).

She started up a conversation with Piccolo as the Saiyans remained the only ones eating. Krillin and Eighteen were debating the outlook of the tournament, and her boyfriend was eying the jug of milk under his father's and Vegeta's eyes.

"So, you're not going to destroy the ring this time?" Her tone was teasing, but she threw a judgmental expression in there, like a parent was the one being the bad influence. Needless to say, she had decent skill in it. Piccolo scoffed in amusement.

"I see no reason to. If you're going to put the chances on anyone, it will be those two." He jerked his thumb in the direction of Goku and Vegeta.

Videl pressed her lips together. "What are the chances of them actually getting in a match together?" High, since the only one that could knock them out beforehand was Gohan.

"Hey, that's not fair." Goku was paying more attention than she gave him credit for as he turned toward them. "I haven't destroyed any rings before. It's usually people doing it against me." Tien, Piccolo, Cell… Videl had seen the majority of those matches, one of them live. She believed it.

Krillin coughed and muttered to his best friend. "You monkey-ed out and destroyed part of the ring in our first tournament, Goku." Goku thought back, conceding the point with his silence. Vegeta was half in mind to punch Krillin for referring to his race's transformation as 'monkey-ed out' but refrained and put his effort elsewhere.

"The ring is pathetically small. I don't see how any proper fights can take place there."

Her master facepalmed, running a hand through his short hair. The former monk sighed. "Vegeta, no."

He shrugged and focused back on his food. Gohan devoured half of the jug's contents while the others were distracted and snatched away the roast, which Vegeta growled at him for. Goku laughed at his son's and rival's antics, all three Saiyans returning to their meal at a slower pace.


Videl chatted with Gohan happily, her hand in his and pretending not to notice how embarrassing it was for him. They've been together for a while; it wasn't that big of a deal. She would pull away if she believed it made him uncomfortable, but the dork had the largest smile on his face.

The group stopped short on their walk to the inner tournament grounds when another pair of fighters intercepted them. Neither appeared human, and Videl had a hard time reading what their energy was. She glanced at Gohan and saw that he was quizzical, with his brows scrunched together. As the shorter of the two approached Goku, Videl nudged Gohan in the ribs. "Was that guy floating?" She didn't expect anyone else besides them to be able to do so.

Gohan nodded in reply, examining the two closely. Videl was content that she was not the sole person who was confused. That she was the new one to this did not mean that the others still couldn't be caught off guard. Goku was staring at his hand strangely as the two departed, and Piccolo seemed paler than usual. Videl crossed her arms and faced her boyfriend. "Well, it should be interesting to see them fight." Gohan chuckled in agreement.


Videl studied the other competitors as they waited for the drawing to begin. She recognized most of them from past tournaments, although a couple were different. For one, she remembered Mighty Mask to be stockier, not the lanky klutz that muttered to himself. The hairs on the back of her neck tried to tell her something, yet she had no idea what it could be.

Krillin was unfazed by everyone except his friends. As they waited, she heard her master praying for anyone else to be his opponent. Piccolo corrected him that he should be asking Dende, not Kami, and Videl watched amused as Krillin continued his plea.

Far in the distance, on the Lookout, Dende sighed. He tapped his staff, planning to ignore the former monk, and instead focused on the rest of the of the tournament and the uneasy sensation going up his spine.

Videl waited next to Gohan as the drawing started. Facing her boyfriend, she cleared her throat, one hand on her hip. "I do want to fight you. I know I won't win but don't hold back too much!" She jabbed his chest lightly. "I do want to see how you fight, Mr. I-don't-do-so-much-anymore."

Goku, who watched with curiosity as Kibito went to draw his lot, spoke up. "Gohan, I still can't believe you stopped training?" He sounded disappointed, and Gohan straightened his back.

"Um, w-well…" He stuttered, and Videl almost felt bad for putting him on the spot. He continued, muttering under his breath. "It was weird doing it without you."

Goku nodded, pensive. "Well, I am looking forward to see you fight too. Don't think I'll hold back if we end up in a match together!"

"Of course," Gohan rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

Krillin came over to them, downtrodden. "I'm in the first match." He bemoaned. Videl guessed that he would want to at least watch some matches without worrying if he was already knocked out. She glanced at the board, where Krillin's name was in the number one spot. His partner had yet to be decided.

"You may get an easy opponent." She tried to reassure him. Like he just realized he was in front of his student, he drew himself up to his full – and short – height.

"You're right, Videl. This is a tournament to confidently show our prowess. You should prepare yourself to do your best as well." She giggled and nodded, tugging subconsciously on the turtle symbol on her gi.

Gohan slipped from her side as she was talking, and Videl almost forget he went under the Great Saiyaman, despite him wearing the outfit. She smiled; months had passed since she last drove herself crazy being unaware of his identity.

With that, the first matchup was decided as Gohan went next to Kibito's name. She studied the tall individual that the group ran into, wondering how he would hold up. She tried sensing his and his short companion's ki, yet came up with no answer. It was no surprise, as she could say she never felt Gohan's full power either.

"Watch yourself with him. I don't think he's a normal opponent." Goku commented once Gohan reached their group. It sounded like concern and genuine curiosity on how the fight will go. Gohan nodded in assent.

Eighteen was the next to get her number, and Videl was again curious to see how she would do. Much like Piccolo, she was someone Videl learned posed a major threat to the earth once. She watched Krillin and Eighteen spar and practice in the lead-up to the tournament, yet (while she was there at least) the two were mainly warming up to become accustomed to fighting again.

She studied everyone in the wait. Goku soon went up to get his number, matchup also undecided. Much like Krillin, she was mostly confident on her chances as she gauged everyone's ki and used her skills as a crime fighter to read other body tells. Spopovitch and his companion were extra tense, and Mighty Mask moved awkwardly as he mistakenly went up when Spopovitch was called. Yeah, they both appeared different. Focusing on the masked fighter, there was something familiar with his ki. It was low but had the same sense that Krillin, Gohan and the others had with the likelihood that he was hiding more. Ki control did not fit the description of the fighter. She tugged on Gohan's sleeve.

"Where are Goten and Trunks?" She had not seen either since after Trunks punched her father outside the ring.

"They should be with Mom, Bulma and everyone else by now," he replied. She hummed noncommittedly and crossed her arms. It must be nothing. Before she learned the truth on these fighters, she was nosy and acted a bit like a conspiracy theorist. She must be paranoid.

She was after Goku, and she bounced on the balls of her feet before she was called. Gohan stared at her, and she knew he thought she was adorable. Sticking her tongue out at him, she walked up to the board. The announcer noticed her gi and asked when she approached. "I remember that uniform. You've been studying with them for long?"

Videl grinned, "Almost a year." It hadn't been quite that long, but it felt like it. She reached her hand in and felt around for a ball. Once she had a firm grip on one, she drew it out, her breath hitched in momentarily in anticipation. Five. She glanced at the board. Spopovitch, then. She shrugged and returned to the group.

Gohan was deep in thought as he contemplated the matchup. "How do you think you'll do?"

"I'll win." She grinned. "Dad beat him easily in the last tournament." Gohan beamed. She rolled her eyes, a faint blush on her cheek for his confidence in her. "You win your match and we'll be against each other in the second round."

Krillin relaxed as his opponent was decided. He brushed off the intimidation tactics with no problem, with a slight mocking in his words. Videl snorted. He was almost a completely different person now. Her master addressed them and echoed the announcer's next words. "Vegeta's next."

They watched as the Saiyan approached the drawing table, a look of disinterest on his face. In addition to Goku and Eighteen, Videl was intrigued to see how he fought. The Saiyan Prince remained confident that she would not be able to properly keep up with his fights, and she wanted a chance to prove him wrong.

Vegeta's face morphed to intense satisfaction as he saw his number. Ignoring the officials, he showed the number to their group, specifically Goku. Number Twelve.

Son Goku and Vegeta would fight in the first round.

Goku was equally pleased, and Videl joined everyone else in gaping in shock. Gohan mumbled about the ring not surviving for everyone else to fight, and Krillin needed to blink several times to comprehend the absurd luck. "Goku and Vegeta? It would be like the final in the first rounds." Videl never saw either Saiyan fight (not counting watching Goku's old tournaments and the Cell Games), yet she knew enough to agree with that statement.

She snapped out of her shock first, to realize that Mighty Mask wasn't going up to being called. Ignoring her suspicions, she decided to go help him out. She walked over to him – mumbling to himself again – and tapped his shoulder. "Excuse me, you're up."

A squeak that did not sound like it came from a grown man escaped him, and there was a barely audible "Oh, no, it's Videl," that made her second guess if she was hearing things. Pursing her lips, she said nothing as he stumbled over to draw his number.

"How… odd." She decided and strolled back to the others.

Her father was one of the last ones to draw his lot. He was not here, preparing himself alone for the match, and Videl hoped that Trunks did not give him a concussion. He was paired with Eighteen, and she eyed the blonde, who had an air of indifference at the matchup.

"Go easy on him."

Eighteen nodded in response.

With Yamu drawing the last number (fifteen), all the matches were set. She stared at the board, studying the names. She should get at least two good matches- Spopovitch and Gohan. She didn't expect to win her second match, but she will observe and wait with bated breath to see the others. This was the time to show off her new skills and learn from the other fighters here.

She couldn't wait.

A/N: Oh, Videl, you innocent child. I had a lot of this chapter done when I first finished Chances, at least a full outline of it. I wasn't sure if I would end that story here instead of where I ended up doing it. As it is, it felt more appropriate for this to be a beginning rather than an end. This may end up being the shortest chapter as well.

I always thought it weird that no one noticed Trunks' and Goten's ki as Mighty Mask. Hence, now that Videl can sense ki she's more suspicious. Although with all her time where she was too nosy and looks too deep into things, she still wouldn't think too hard about it. And it isn't mentioned until BoG/Super that gods at that level can only be sensed by other god-level beings, yet in Z – if I'm remembering correctly – it still brings up the fact that no one can get a proper read on Shin and Kibito. Especially Piccolo, who freaks out as the old Kami side of him detects something isn't right.

I have fun plans for this. There are some changes that are dependent on the last story, with Videl and Gohan together and her training being advanced, but a few toward the end are more me shifting the dynamic around with the final fights with Buu. They will hopefully satisfy the people who enjoyed the end of the saga, as well as people who are looking forward to something different. We'll see.

I said I will post this once all the chapters are done, but that is now a lie. I haven't quite finished the last few chapters. There are going to be about eight or nine in total, and I will post the ones I have done every few days. After chapter 4 there may be a week or two break as I finish writing up the second half. I want to get this done by Halloween, so we'll see how that goes.