The land of Miitopia is a peaceful land inhabited by peaceful people. The lands such as Greenhorne and Neksdor are lands in which people live in harmony. Until, one day, an evil dark lord named Mr. Krabs came around and started stealing the people's faces! And he's been putting the people's faces onto his monstrous minions. Someone had to stop this evil dark lord.

"Ar ar ar ar! First I'll steal ye'r faces, then I'll steal ye'r money! Ar ar ar ar!" Laughed the dark lord Mr. Krabs.

Meanwhile, a man with tall legs, a long musta he and goggles was walking through the land near Greenhorne. He was Dr. Eggman, who was a scientist and the enemy of a very fast blue hedgehog named Sonic the hedgehog.

"What is this place?" Asked Dr. Eggman. "It's quite peaceful here."

Then suddenly, a monster with a mysterious voice came out of nowhere and went to attack Eggman.

"Wah!" He exclaimed. "What is that thing?!"

Dr. Eggman thought he was doomed until suddenly, everything went dark, but a light was shining above Dr. Eggman.

"Hello there, Dr. Eggman." Said a mysterious voice.

"W-who's there?" Asked a surprised Dr. Eggman.

"I am the god of Miitopia." Answered the strange voice.

"The god of what now?" Eggman asked.

"The god of Miitopia." The voice repeated. "I understand that you are in danger."

"Yeah." Answered Eggman. "What is that thing anyway?"

"Doctor, Miitopia is in danger." Said The Miitopia god. "A dark lord has been stealing faces of people and putting them onto horrible monsters."

"Is that one of them?" Asked Eggman.

"Yes. And in order to defeat these monsters, you must have somethings called a job where you select which class to fight against the forces of evil." Explained the god. "But, you can only choose between six for now."

"And those six classes are?" Dr. Eggman asked.

"Warrior, mage, cleric, theif, pop star and chef." Explained Miitopia's god.

"Since there is no Scientist class yet, I guess I'll go with warrior." Dr. Eggman said.

"Very well." Said the god of Miitopia.

So, Miitopia's god bestowed the warrior powers upon Dr. Eggman. When the darkness faded, Dr. Eggman was wearing red armour and was wielding a sword.

"Huh?" He asked. "How did this happen? Oh well."

So, Dr. Eggman fought against and defeated the monster. When the monster was defeated, the face came off and flew away.

"Well done, Dr. Eggman." Congratulated the god of Miitopia. "Now, you must make haste to the land of Greenhorne."

"Alright." Said Eggman. "Greenhorne, here I come."

So, Dr. Eggman made his way to Greenhorne. When he arrived, he was greeted with many friendly, non-stolen faces. One of which was the mayor of Greenhorne, Jorji Costava.

"Hello." Greeted mayor Jorji. "Welcome to Greenhorne."

Suddenly, the sky went dark and the people of Greenhorne were all afraid. Suddenly, the dark lord Mr. Krabs appeared. He laughed evily.

"I be the dark lord Mr. Krabs. I come to wreak darkness all over these Miitopia lands!" Said Mr. Krabs. "Firstly, I shall be starting with all ye! Say goodbye to yer faces! And your money too!"

Suddenly, Mr. Krabs started stealing faces of the innocent villagers including the face of a child! The dark lord, Mr. Krabs started laughing evily again.

"Are some of ye brave enough to save these people? As for the rest of you faceless freaks, enjoy not having faces for the rest of her lives!"

And so, Mr. Krabs, the dark lord teleported away, taking the people's faces with him.

To be continued...