
It was now thirty minutes past three and Hades had yet to show up.

"Where is he!"Percy mumbled as he took another look at his watch,"maybe I should just sit down."

Laying his backpack against the maple tree, Percy was just about to sit down when a familiar voice appeared.

"Sorry I'm late. Meeting went on longer then expected." a masculine voice said from Percy's right.

Looking over to see a dark haired man in black robes, Percy sighed out of relief.

"No worries Uncle. Thought you might have forgotten the location," Percy said with a smirk.

Letting out a small chuckle, Hades embraced his nephew in a quick hug before stepping back.

Surprised at the sudden embrace, Percy let out a small chuckle,"One of Lord Hades rare hugs. You must really need something important done."

Rolling his eyes, Hades let out a quick chuckled as well.

"You know me well,"Hades smirked.

"Didn't spend nine years in the underworld with my eyes closed uncle,"Percy stated with a laugh.

"No you did not,"Hades said with a nod of his head.

Dropping the smile and sighing, Hades wandered over to an area besides the tree where the sun was not blocked.

Looking down onto the forest of trees bellow Hades said,"Would you be willing to retrieve something for me. Something I thought I could hide, but seemed to have failed."

Interested and definitely curious, Percy walked over to Hades.

"You know I'd never say no,"Percy reminded Hades,"What is it?"

Turning to face Percy, Hades said,"open your hand."

Confused,Percy opened his right hand.

Hades grabbed a hand full of the shadows leaking off his robes before squeezing his hand shut. Upon opening it a small glass ball with the essence of shadows appeared. Handing it to his nephew, Hades turned back around to face the trees.

"This is transportation for when you get the package,"Hades explained,"just throw it on the ground and walk into the shadow."

Placing the glass ball in his pant pocket, Percy said,"Still haven't said what I am getting."

Sighing, Hades said,"I need you to retrieve my son and daughter from westover hall."

"You never told me you had children!"Percy exclaimed. Take aback by this information.

Hades turned back around to face Percy,"I was going to, but I was trying to find the right moment. Only your dad knows about them,"Hades explained,"Well he is the only one who knows they are still alive."

Now back to being confused,Percy asked,"What do you mean?"

Seeming to get a bit agitated after the question, Hades said,"Zeus, my idiotic, arrogant brother Found out about my children years ago. In an attempt to kill them he shot a lightening bolt at their hotel. I was only able to save my children with a shield, but I wasn't fast enough and my maria died."

"But why did he try to kill them?"Percy asked, genuinely confused.

"He thinks I broke the oath we made after world war two by having my kids,"Hades growled, calming himself down a bit, Hades continued,"so I wiped their memories and put them in another hotel so they could attend a boarding school. For certain reasons, I placed my son and daughter in the locus casino."

"The place where you stay the same age for as long as you're there?" questioned Percy.

"The one and only,"Hades nodded,"Anyways, about two years ago I got Alecto to move them to the Westover hall school."

"But why would you bring them out of safety now? and why not just bring them straight to the underworld?"Percy asked, looking completely puzzled.

"I think it's about time I get to enjoy the life of fatherhood up close,"Hades said with a smile,"and I sent them to that school due to the fact me and your father were still training you. Not saying we are finished with our sessions, but they are not as frequent now as before.

"I guess that makes sense, and I am sure you will be a great dad"Percy assured him.

Chuckling, Hades said,"oh we will see."

Feeling a bit thirsty, Percy walked over to his backpack and retrieved the bottle. Unscrewing the cap, Percy took a quick sip before placing in back into his backpack.

"So why not just send Alecto to retrieve them? Percy asked as he walked back over to Hades,"and what danger are they in?"

"I thought it would be best for an actual demigod to pick them up instead of a monster,"Hades shrugged,"as for the danger, I picked up word of a Manticore pretending to be a teacher. I don't know his intentions, but I don't really care as long as they are safe."

Nodding his head, Percy said"I'll send it back to the depths of Tartarus before it can even cry for it's mommy."

Chuckling, Hades Patted his determined nephew's shoulder. Taking out a small piece of paper with a couple photos, he handed it to Percy.

"Names of my children and what they look like,"Hades explained.

Quickly looking over the list, but not the photos, Percy tucked them both into the same Pocket as the glass ball.

"Nico and Bianca di Angelo?"Percy said, trying his best to pronounce their last name,"at Westover hall , located at Bar Harbor, Maine."

Hades nodded his head with another smile,"Bianca is twelve and Nico is ten,"Hades added.

"Alright. I will get them to you as soon as possible"Percy said confidently.

"I have no doubt in my mind,"Hades said with a quick smile.

Looking at the sun, Hades let out a sigh,"I must go. I have other things to attend to."

Nodding his head, Percy said,"No worries uncle. I should probably get a head start to Maine anyways."

"No need, I will just transport you to the town,"Hades said, not wanting to waste any time he thought it would be best just to flash him there.

Shrugging his shoulder, Percy said,"I have no objections."

Shaking his head with a chuckle, Hades said,"The normal answer is thank you."

"Thank you uncle,"Percy said in a sarcastic like tone.

Rolling his eyes at his nephew's sarcasm, Hades waited for Percy to grab his backpack ,"ready? Oh and leave the pack, I'll bring it to the underworld."

Nodding his head, Percy dropped his back pack, but not before taking out a winter coat.

"Ready,"Percy said as he began to prepared for the transition. He never really enjoyed being flashed around as it sometimes upset his stomach, but it was a better option then walking for hours.

Walking up to Percy, Hades placed his hand on Percy's forehead.

"See you in a bit,"Hades smiled before sending Percy off to Maine.

Coming out of the flash, Percy was surprised to find his stomach was in perfect condition.

"Thank the gods,"Percy thought to himself as he sighed with relief.

Shivering thanks to the cold December weather, Percy quickly put his jacket on,"Why couldn't they just be in Florida somewhere,"he complained.

Looking around at his surrounds, Percy found himself to be on a cliff, a body of water in front of him and a frozen forest behind him. Looking to his left, Percy was taken back by a large castle a couple hundred meters away.

The castle was made solely out of black stone, and looked like the castle from that one Frankenstein movie he watched ages ago. All it needed was lightening and thunder sound effects.

looking down at his watch, it read four-thirty.

"If I play this right I can be in and out in less then an hour,"He mumbled to himself.

Making sure he looked presentable, Percy began his journey to the castle.

Upon reaching the castle doors, Percy read the plaque that was hanging on the wall.

"Westover hall, Military academy,"He read out loud,"Hmm cool place for a school I must say."

Entering the building, Percy could was surprised to find the walls decorated with many types of weapons form tons of time periods. Not knowing where to go exactly as the office that was to the left of the doors seemed to be empty currently, Percy decided to follow the sound of music as he thought there would definitely be people there.

Turning left, Percy slowly walked down the hall as he admired the many weapons and suits of armour that decorated it.

After a solid minute, the music became even louder. Reaching another two way section, Percy decided to go right as that was where the music seemed to be coming from. Upon turning the corner however he was met with what seemed to two adults, one man, and one female, standing around by and entrance. Racing back behind the corner, Percy silently cursed. With his back against the wall, he quickly peaked back. This time the lady seemed to be leaving while the man stayed put.

"I could use the mist,"Percy thought to himself. He learned quite a bit of manipulating the supernatural force known as the mist during his many years of training. Percy had only used it successfully a couple of times on a couple of cops who were trying to take him back to the police station as they thought he was lost,"It's only one teacher, shouldn't be too bad."

Just as the female teacher entered another room, Percy made his move. He slowly made his way over the man who was currently pacing around. Just as Percy had reached him, the man had turned around to begin to pace the other way. It took all of Percy's strength not to laugh at the mans ridiculous thing mustache and his receding hairline.

Spotting Percy, the man stormed over to him,"Just who may you be young man. You are trespassing on private property."

Focusing on the man, Percy waved his hand in the air like a Jedi would when preforming a mind trick,"I am student here, I was just using the restroom. The name is Perseus Jackson." Percy knew he didn't have to make it so dramatic, but he liked to anyways.

The man took a few seconds before he said,"of course. No worries, enjoy the dance my boy."

Percy nodded his head with a smile before walking past the man and entering a large room. It was covered in decorations that seemed to resemble winter. Taking out the photos of Hades kids Percy took a quick look at them. The boy seemed to have shaggy black hair and dark brown eyes, he had an olive like skin tone. The girl on the other had black eyes and dark brown hair, she also had olive like skin. She has a sprinkle of freckles across her nose.

Putting the photos away, Percy began to scan the crowd. There were tons of male and female children dancing around and drinking what Percy suspected to be punch. Pushing through a group of people, Percy continued to look around.

After a good five minutes of failure, Percy stopped at the table that held the bowl of punch and chocolate chip cookies. Frustrated, and a bit parched, Percy grabbed a cup and filled it with red fruit punch. He knew better then to let his frustration take over, so he thought it was best to relax and refresh. Finishing off the drink, he threw the cup in the garbage before moving over for an approaching curly blonde haired girl.

"Hello,"she said with a smile before frowning,"are you cold or something?"

Forgetting he was wearing a jacket, Percy said,"not currently."

After a small laugh, the girl said,"Then why are you wearing a jacket?"

Looking down at his grey snowboarding jacket, Percy blushed a bit before saying,"oh yeah I was just outside. Guess I forgot to take it off before coming back here."

Shaking her head as she laughed, The blonde haired girl took a couple cups and filled them with punch.

"Well goodbye then,"She said before starting to make her way back form where she came.

"Maybe she will know,"Percy thought to himself as he took off his jacket. It was definitely worth a shot.

"Um hey, before you go could I ask you something,"Percy asked as he touched her shoulder, the girl tensing up upon him doing this.

The girl was quick to turn around at this, and at this moment Percy was able to get a better look at her. She had stormy grey eyes, which Percy thought was a bit peculiar. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and she had nicely tanned skin. By her looks she seemed to be very athletic. She was wearing blue jeans and a shirt with words Percy was having trouble reading.

"Uh, sure,"she replied, looking a bit puzzled.

"Do you know a Nico and Bianca di Angelo by any chance?"Percy asked, making sure to raise his voice enough so she could hear.

"I may,"she replied in a cautious tone,"who are they to you?"


"I need to give them a message in person that's all,"Percy explained.

Nodding her head, the girl motioned for Percy to follow her. Slinging his jacket over his left shoulder, Percy began to follow the girl.

After a few seconds Percy ended up at a group of four people. Two of which match the description of Nico and Bianca.

The other two seemed a bit peculiar, one was a disabled older looking teen. He had pale skin,who seemed to be a couple years older then Percy. He had curly brown hair, brown eyes, and a wispy beard. He was using crutches that were attached around his arms for support. He was wearing blue jeans and a shirt about nature. The other was a female who looked to be a bit older then Percy just like the male had. She too was pale, but instead of curly brown hair, she had short black spiky hair and electric blue eyes. She had freckles across her nose, but the weirdest part was how she dressed. She wore black punk style jacket and blue jeans.

Taking a second look at the male, Percy's eyebrows rose in surprise.

"Grover!?"Percy shouted.

Both the girl and the boy turned around upon hearing Percy's call.

"Percy!" the boy now known as Grover shouted back.

"Who?"questioned the black haired girl.

"You wouldn't know him,"Grover said, still smiling.

Walking over to Percy, Grover embraced him in a quick hug.

"How you been man? Percy asked.

"Real good Perce,"Grover replied,"Been awhile."

Letting out a quick chuckle, Percy said"Only about four months."

Letting out a small chuckle as well, Grover asked,"How about you? Same old?"

Percy rocked his head from left to right slowly,"Eh basically,"He shrugged.

"Just good to see you're still alive,"Grover commented before smiling

"Have yet to meet something that can even get close to killing me,"Percy boasted with a smirk.

Chuckling, Grover turned back to the others, who were currently extremely confused while listening to the conversation unfold

"Um Grover,"the blonde haired girl said,"how do you know this boy?"

Calming himself down as the excitement had overwhelmed him, Grover pointed to a door behind them,"Go in there, it'll be easier to talk."

Grover was the first to enter the room, while Percy was the last. Shutting the door as tight as he could, Percy walked over to the others who were sitting down on a couple of benches.

"Why are we in the boys change room?"Bianca asked as she covered her nose with her shirt,"It smells."

"Because it drowns the sound of the music a bit,"Grover explained,"anyways, to answer your question,Percy and I first met a couple years ago when I was on that case for the Aphrodite child. He helped me bring her safely to the borders of camp."

Chuckling, Percy said,"Oh I remember, that was when you tripped over that pebble and I had to carry you for most of the trip."

"It wasn't a pebble it was a large rock,"Grover replied , his cheeks turning red.

Shaking his head, "Oh no it wasn't,"Percy smirked,"I still have the thing in my backpack, and it's the size of my finger nail."

"Anyways,"Grover said, trying to change the subject,"after that we started to work together for a bit. Before you ask yes he is a demigod."

"A rogue demigod? And you didn't bother even mentioning him to Chiron at all?"the blonde haired girl said in a scolding manner as she crossed her arms.

Shaking her head slightly, the black haired girl said,"Not everyone has to come to camp Annabeth, besides he already seems well trained if what Grover said is true."

"Yeah Yeah,"the blonde haired girl said as she rolled her eyes.

Shaking her head, the black haired girl walked up to Percy. Extending out her hand, she said,"Names Thalia, nice to meet you Percy."

"Nice to meet you too Thalia,"Percy said with a smile.

"And that over there is Annabeth,"Thalia pointed back to the blonde haired girl.

"Pleasure,"Percy said with a nod and a smile.

To this Annabeth just nodded her head in response.

"So what brings you here?"Thalia asked,"I assume you didn't just end up here accidentally."

"That's right,"Annabeth added,"you said you wanted to talk to Nico and Bianca."

"Ah right,"Percy hesitated, he did not know if he should tell them half the truth or make up some dumb lie.

"Us?"Bianca asked, her left eyebrow raised,"whats so special about us?

"Are you with the lawyer firm?"questioned Nico.

"No I am not with the firm and well um you see.."Percy hesitated again. He was becoming slightly nervous as everyone was staring in his direction as they waited for an answer.

"Well speak up,"Annabeth pressed.

Sighing, Percy licked his lip and said,"All I can say is I have orders to bring them to their father."

The room stayed silent for a good minutes before Nico got up from his seat and said,"our father is dead."

Shaking his head with a small smile,Percy said,"he really isn't and I can prove it to you."

"Now hold up,"Annabeth said as she too stood up from her seat,"we have specific orders too you know, get these kids to camp half-blood and away from the Manticore."

"I think taking them straight to their godly parent is a bit more important then to a camp full of half bloods that may or may not like them,"Percy argued.

"I am not letting some random guy we hardly know take away two demigods and do god knows what with them. For all we know you could be liar," Annabeth seethed.

"But I know him,"Grover added,"and I am sure he is telling the truth."

Before Annabeth could say something to Grover, a loud banging noise followed by screaming, coming from outside the change room.

"What was that?"squeaked Bianca.

"Bianca hold your brothers hand,"Percy said before taking out a capped pen.

Puzzled, Thalia asked,"What is a pen going to do?"

Smirking, Percy uncapped the pen and a three foot long doubled edged celestial bronze sword appeared.

"Wicked,"Nico commented,

"You're well equipped for a demigod who hasn't been to camp,"Annabeth commented as well.

Chuckling at the comment, Percy slowly opened the door.

"What do you see?"Thalia asked.

Looking around Percy only saw an empty room full of colorful paper and plastic cups. The leftovers of a typical dance.

"Nothing out of the ordinary, everyone is just gone it seems,"Percy said.

"Let's go check it out then,"Annabeth said as she pushed past Percy and began to walk towards the gym exit.

"Well excuse you too,"People mumbled to himself.

"Ignore her, she can be a bit of a bitch sometimes,"Thalia said as she too walked past Percy.

Opening the door so Grover and the children of Hades could exit the room, Percy waited until Grover was past the gym door before he pulled the two children to the side.

"I know you do not know me as well as say, Grover, but you need to trust me,"Percy said,"I really was sent by your father, and he really wants to meet you two."

Nico seemed overjoyed, while Bianca seemed a bit skeptical.

Nico was about to ask something, but Percy cut him off,"I know you have tons of quesitons, but save those for your dad."

Reaching into his pocket, Percy pulled out the glass ball Hades had given to him before he left.

"Whats that?"questioned Bianca.

"Your ticket out of here,"Percy smiled.

Stepping away from the children, Percy threw the glass ball on the ground as instructed by Hades. Upon breaking, the shadows within scattered until a shadowy like door appeared.

"Your dad is just on the other side,"Percy said with a smile.

"Wicked,"Nico said before running into the shadow.

"Nico wait!"Bianca shouted, but she was a little too late as he was already gone.

"What is the matter Bianca?"Percy asked, noticing the young demigods uncertainty.

Looking up at Percy, she said,"what about our stuff, and what about the others? Why pretend to be dead and send us to this school?"

Giving her a reassuring smile, Percy said,"don't worry B I will deal with the others, and your dad will gladly answer the other questions."

Nodding her head, Bianca slowly entered the shadow, just as she disappeared, the door vanished into thin air.

Satisfied with his work, Percy said to himself,"now onto that manticore.

Exiting the gym, Percy met up with the others just around the corner.

"Where is Nico and Bianca?"Grover asked, looking puzzled.

"They are with their father,"Percy explained.

Sighing, Annabeth said,"fantastic."

"Well it is certainty better then standing around being in danger,"besides, they would've ended up there anyways. A god gets what he wants."

"He is right,"Thalia sighed,"instead of arguing about this we should worry about the manticore and whatever else is waiting for us outside."

Agreeing not to argue about the di Angelos, Percy and the others quickly made their way outside.

Once reaching the outisde of the school, the group was met with an older man with gray hair facing the doors they had just come out of.

"Where are they?"he barked.

"Not here Dr. Thorn,"Grover gulped.

Frowning, Dr Thorn ran a hand through his thin gray hair, "Well then I guess I will just kill you three and report back to my master,"he smirked with an evil glint in his eye , just before changing into a strange looking monster.

"He is a lion with a man's face and a scorpion tail? What the fuck?"

Readying his sword, Percy watched as Annabeth took out a bronze dagger, while Thalia took out a mace canister that transformed into a spear, before pressing something on her wrist which instantly transformed into a shield with the head of medusa on it.

"Nice weapons,"Percy quickly commented as he was quite impressed with what she had."

"Thanks,"She smirked.

Grover on the other hand took a step back.

Noticing this, Percy said,"don't worry bro, we got this."

Percy turned around in time just for a volley of spikes to barely missed his head.

"That was a close one,"He thought to himself.

Annabeth and Thalia began to circle the beast as Percy continued to dodge lethal spikes.

"Watch out Perce. Those spikes are poisonous,"cautioned Grover.

"You don't say?"Percy said , dodging another spike.

"Maybe I should take out the bow?"Percy thought as he couldn't dodge spike forever.

Watching as Thalia and Annabeth tried and failed to cut the monsters, Percy quickly capped his swords before taking out his black coin. Muttering something under his breath, the coin transformed back into a dark hunters bow.

Leaving Grover behind, Percy slowly advanced on the manticore, Pulling back on his bow, a dark shadowy arrow appeared. Pointing it at the manticore, Percy waited for a perfect moment to shoot the monster as it kept moving due to Thalia's jabs with her spear.

"Come on, just stand still for one second,"He mumbled to himself, keeping his eye on the target, and his stance near perfect.

"Take the shot!"Annabeth shouted.

This sudden shout made the manticore stop and look directly at Percy.

"There you are you ugly bastard,"Percy smirked before letting go of his arrow. The arrow soared through the air towards the Manticore. Due to how far Percy was from the actual fight, the monster was able to quickly dodge the arrow before swatting Annabeth and Thalia away.

"Fuck,"Percy cursed as quickly advanced on the manticore, shooting arrow after arrow. Each and everyone missing it's target.

The manticore shot another volley of spikes at Percy who quickly dodged them with ease. Putting away his bow, he uncapped riptide and advanced on the monster. Slashing and rolling around to dodge the monster's attacks, Percy was able to get him close to the edge of a cliff near the beginning of the a forest. Slashing at the manticore to keep it at bay, Percy waited for the others to join him.

Thalia and Annabeth stood by each of Percy's sides as they raised their weapons at the manticore.

"Any last words before I turn you into golden dust?"Percy growled.

Beginning to laugh, the manticore said,"I will not die today Perseus Jackson son of.."

Before the manticore could finish, a silver arrow pierced it's body. The monster stumbled and fell over the cliff, screaming as he did so.

Stunned by this, Percy, Thalia, and Annabeth hurried over to the edge of the cliff. Looking down, they seemed to find nothing, not a single sign showing the monster had died.

"Who shot that?"Percy said stunned.

Sighing, Thalia said,"I might have an idea who."

Stepping back and tuning around as Percy heard the sound of feet crunching in the snow, he watched as a bunch of adolescent girls in silver clothes stepped out of the trees to his left.

"Who are they?"Percy asked, puzzled as he had no clue what was going on

Looking a bit agitated, Thalia said,"These are the hunters of Artemis."

And there is chapter two! A bit longer then the first, but not by much. Anyways hopefully you enjoyed it!