Hello! If you're reading this, THANK YOU SO MUCH! This is my first fic so please don't bite my head off in reviews, constructive criticism is completely welcome though! When Chris came to Mobius in Sonic-x I didn't really like how everyone was the same age, it means that Tails is still really cute though, so I can't really complain much. I thought one day what would happen if when Chris came to mobius, it had been 6 years since he had seen them like on earth? This is what it might have been like if this was true, well what I think would have been cool. I'd like to thank Tailsisreal, Oceanera12, Green Raccoon, Revelis Charm and Stephenm8070 for inspiring me to write, your fanfictions are amazing! Thank you Misue, it's really nice to be a newbie with you, thanks for the support!

Weeel, without further ado….

Italics mean thoughts, bold italics in normal speech means that word has emphasis.


Tails: 14

Amy:18 (if I put her in)

knuckles: 22 (wow, he's pretty old for an Echidna now)

Sonic: 21

Chris: 18

Chapter 1

I'm finally going to see them again... how long has it been? Chris Thorndike stood in front of his teleporter, he was having second thoughts about his plan. What if they've changed? What if I can't get back? My parents will be worried sick! And Helen… No. They will understand, they know how much I've wanted this and how long I've waited... But what if my friends don't? He took one last look around his lab and swallowed down the growing lump in his throat. It's just the nerves speaking, it's going to be fine. If I know them well, they will see why I've done this and they'll be fine. It's going to be fine. He was going to miss everyone, but deep down he knew he had to do this. Chuck would most likely find a way to trace him anyway, and when he did Chris was in for the worlds longest lecture, but it would be worth it just to see his friends again.

Making up his mind, Chris buried his hand in his trouser pocket, he fished out a letter, and placed it on the workbench. The last thing he wanted was his parents from sending a search party after him, that would be completely uneventful and most likely end up with him being presumed dead. Hopefully this letter would explain enough.

And say goodbye.

It pained him not to go do it in person, he had no idea how long he'd be there for or how he'd get back. But it was safer this way. Sadder, but safer.

When Sonic and the others left, it hit the entire family hard how they'd never see them again. It took a long time to readjust to the normal life they had led before the day he fished the blue blur out of the pool, they'd gotten used to the thrilling adventures that seemed to follow the Mobians wherever they went, to flying planes through the city, to chasing down robots, to hunting magical gemstones whilst competing with an evil villain. It was obvious that they'd go back to that life in a heartbeat. But if he told them where he was going they wouldn't let him do it alone. He didn't want them to get hurt because of him, the portal could potentially have some unknown side affects since he had never tested it on a human before.

He could never live with the guilt of mutilating or even killing his own family.

The portal started to spark, looking more like a whirl pool then the gently throbbing purple it was at first; now was his last chance to walk through before it closed in on itself.

He took it without hesitation.

Run. All that was going through his brain was that one word. Run for your life and don't slow down. A laser skimmed past one of his over-sized ear dishes. Scratch that; run for your life and don't get hit.

"Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho! I've almost got you, you annoying little pest!" Dr Eggman's voice blared out of the built-in speaker in one of his minion robots chasing Tails.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that!" Oh god I'm doomed.

"Oh yes I would."

"Nope! Wrong again Eggman!" I'm totally going to get fried.

"I'll think you'll find-"

"You know, for an evil genius, you would have thought that by now you would have noticed that you never catch us. I think you're lying about your IQ Dr!" Tails smirked. Yep good move Tails; make the evil maniac with the robot army angry.


"Na. I'm gonna try and annoy you some more first, and boy is it easy to bug you." Why in chaos's name won't I just stop talking?


"Nope. Not gonna happen." I wish it would. Tails, you're just getting deeper into this mess!




"Bla, bla, bla."


"Bla de bla de bla."


Responding to his command, the swarm of Eggman robots sent a barrage of lasers at the poor kitsune. He dodged, but they hit the trees behind him, setting them aflame and bringing them to the ground. Now he was cornered in a semicircle of robots with guns on one side and flaming logs on the other, the chance of him escaping unharmed fizzled down to a 'could be possible' instead of an 'extremely likely', with it melted his confidence.

Tails wished someone would miraculously appear and help him, hopefully in the form of a blue hedgehog that would save him from becoming grilled fox. At least, not by the hands of Eggman, he'd probably save the job for himself.

"Oh ho ho ho ho, I don't hear any snarky remarks now! This is perfect! You can't get out of this one now can you? Your precious Sonic isn't here to save you, now is he? I thought you were Brothers!" Eggman's obnoxious voice went high and sarcastic at the end, "I guess he doesn't care about you anymore, you're just a shadow following him around everywhere. You couldn't even save yourself! I bet you've done nothing in the time you've been gone! Ueless! And sloppy."

Tails looked at the ground, clutching his arm. Eggman grinned, he knew he had touched a sore subject.

So they haven't gotten over it yet, that must be why I haven't seen Tails recently. I can use this… "What's wrong? Oh, did I hurt your feelings? I could just possibly let you live if you forgive me." His voice devoid of concern. He contorted the robots face trying to make it look apologetic but failed miserably. "I guess not. Well then, I guess I'll just have to OBLITERATE YOU! Ho, ho, ho, ho!" A series of clicking sounds signalled them loading their missile cannons and guns, the odds were not exactly fair on the poor kitsune. Tails could dodge lasers relatively easily, well a certain amount, not all, but homing missiles even Sonic took a while to shake off. He didn't stand much of a chance since the smoke was getting thicker.

(A/N: In Sonic X, Sonic doesn't have trouble with missiles really, but I thought that over 6 years Eggman might have stepped up his game enough to challenge them all a bit.)

Not good. I need to get out of here. "I'm sorry, but I've already been out to long. I really must be going before Sonic kills both of us!" He said with a small sheepish smile plastered on his face. He wasn't joking. Sonic hadn't let him out for more than an hour since 'the incident', and even then he wouldn't let him go alone. If he knew that he had been fighting with Eggman he would flip.

Tails was sick of it, he was old enough to take care of himself and skilled enough to take on enemies singlehandedly, even if it may take a bit longer than the speedster. And so, he snuck out and ended up here; cornered by an evil tyrant.

Sonic would not be pleased.

He knew that he wasn't, the nagging feeling at the beck of his head proved it. He wished his brother would put a little more trust in him, he wasn't a kid anymore and didn't need Sonic checking up on him all the time like he was trying to do. Didn't all of the years he had spent fighting with him mean anything? He'd been doing this for over half his life, shouldn't that show he could take care of himself? Another wave of lasers broke him out of his chain of thought and snapped back into reality. Reality sucked.

"You know, it's rude to zone out whilst I'm trying to destroy you! You might as well not even be here!" The evil genius was evidently ticked off. I guess when you only have your own mechanical creations to talk to, you take it rather personally when actual organic people don't listen. It was a wonder how he had managed to hold onto a scrap of his sanity over these past few years, it wouldn't be much longer until he lost it completely.

Recently he had become more erratic in his attacks, his danger levels rising in each time, it was only a matter of time before he became such a threat that G.U.N would break out the nukes (or any type of bomb really). He was already the biggest threat to Mobius alive, being overly power hungry and intelligent enough to outwit some of the smartest scientists there were to offer, usually Tails would be itching for a chance to stop him, but right now wasn't the best time.

He tried running past the wall of foes only to be blocked by the one shaped as the doctor, its wide stature filling the remaining escape route available. (Yes, he was as big headed enough to make a copy of himself to talk for him in battle, you didn't think he'd still come in person?)

"Oh, ho, oh! Going so soon? We're only getting started!"

"Yes actually. I can't stay and battle today, it's seriously not a good time." Tails started to back away, this couldn't end well. "Sonic wants me back right now. I'm already in big trouble as it is, I really can't do this." He tried flying over them but the tallest one grabbed him by the foot and roughly threw him back into the centre.

"Oh no my little friend, I don't think you'll get away that easy, oh, ho, ho, ho!" The speakers boomed, Eggman was enjoying this way too much to be healthy, "Resistance is futile, my droids have processed all your moves, they know what you'll do next, you can't escape. I will destroy you and all your worthless friends, you're too weak to save them. You're only a pathetic freak, a mistake, a mutant." Eggman's voice sneered, laced with venom. Those words were a complete mistake on the human's part.

A piece of advice: never mention those words in front of Tails. A year ago you'd most likely have gotten away with it with nothing more than a few harsh words, but now... him+ trigger words= you going kablooey. Well, too late now.

Tails scrunched his eyes closed and his breathing became deep and laboured, his anger was starting to boil over. Flashes of memories ran past his mind, adding to the pot of negativity. No words could describe how badly he wanted to just rip the moustache off the obese human at that moment.

Unfortunately, the real doctor was lounging around in his chair miles away, so he couldn't, that was the cherry on top of the cake for the human. The madman loved the feeling of invincibility. He felt so untouchable in his lair, like he was inside an unbreakable bubble protected by his unbeatable minions, nothing could penetrate it.

He shouldn't have gotten so comfortable.

Tails opened his eyes, his pupils shrinking to pinpricks and his irises darkening to almost navy. He glared at the robot blocking his path, seeing nothing but red, letting out a feral growl as he clenched his fists so tight the fabric almost tore. His tails crackled with energy, forming deadly spikes that could slice through solid metal with one swipe. Eggman and his 'army' had no time to process what hit them. Tails slid underneath the biggest and pushed up off the ground, cutting cleanly through the middle. The two halves split and crushed the surrounding robots on either side, now it was the Eggman look-a-like's turn to back way. The remaining bots formed a protective barrier in front of it, not that it made any difference. Tails turned to face them and started to walk slowly towards them, eyes and tails flashing dangerously. In a blink of an eye all that was left was scraps of metal, except 1.

Tails stood there clutching the throat of the Eggman robot in the middle of the pile, its arms flailing in an attempt of freeing itself. It looked pitiful to say the least.

"Don't you dare call me that again, you overweight ball of lard, or next time this will be the real you." he crushed the robot's head and dropped it to the ground in a crumpled heap, the speakers making an ear-splitting screech, causing him to clap his hands over his ears. The energy emitting from his tails disappeared and his eyes became normal again as his anger melted into confusion, he felt strangely dizzy. it's nothing, just the noise. Flattening his ears helped block it out, that made him feel a bit better. See, just the noise. Now get moving Tails. Just as he was about to leave a laser hit near his foot and he looked up to see black silhouettes of flying robots.

"Oh man. That can only mean… reinforcements. I don't have time for this..." Immediately he started to run, causing him to miss one detail in his haste.

The noise was only just fading, yet the speakers had already been crushed.

It wasn't them…

This was edited on the 2nd January 2019, please tell me of any plot holes or mistakes. I will edit other chapters on other days though so you can also tell me for any remaining chapters if you want.