An: Hi everyone, i hope you all staying safe through these tough times. i've been busier lately but i want to keep updating this story. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and tell me your thoughts. I love reading your reviews. And as always thank you for the continued support and Follows, Favorites and Reviews.

Warnings: Futa Natsuki, Explicit Smut, Age difference, Sort of underage youngest is 18.

"I'm pretty sure your mom is having an affair." It was announced so casually and nonchalantly like if she was talking about the weather. Nao pretended to disinterestedly file her nails but her sharp green eyes carefully studied Shizuru's reaction.

It had been almost a week since, what she mentally referred to as 'MILF Gate", occurred. That night, when she first ventured out to the kitchen, she heard suspicious sounds coming from Natsuki's room as she passed by said room in order to get to the stairs.

In hindsight, maybe she shouldn't have curiously pressed her ear against the door, investigating what those sounds may have been. But, she watched enough porn to recognize the moans and sounds before they were quickly stifled. And with her own experience with Nina…

Of course she didn't linger. She just mentally high-fived Natsuki and whatever woman she was obviously fucking and went back to her previous task of quenching her thirst.

Admittedly, she didn't plan to end up walking up the stairs when the door peeked open. She couldn't see who it was based on the angle and the darkness surrounding the stairway and the hallway. Obviously, she wasn't going to greet Natsuki's fuck buddy so she hid near the stairs and kept watching.

They were right when they said curiosity killed the cat… She was mind blown. It was just so outside the realm of possibility. At first she saw tawny hair and thought it was that model, Ahn Lu again. But, as the woman in question walked further into the hall, her identity became all too clear. Nao saw her face as clear as daylight and the beaming, uncharacteristic smile, on Shizuru's face.

She damn near dropped her glass as her eyes widened and her face light up in a fiery blush. It was Shizuru! Natsuki was fucking Shizuru! Shizuru who is Reito's best friend and 18 years old! Shizuru was sleeping with Nina's mom! And by the sounds of it, they both were super into it.

So many questions popped into her head. Was this the first time this happened? If not, how long was this going on for? Was it serious or was it just about the sex? She was 100% sure that Shizuru was a virgin this entire time. And holy shit, Nina and Reito obviously didn't know about it. Should she tell Nina? Suddenly, Nao found herself wrapped up in something she wished she hadn't.

Normally, she would be all for knowing someone's juicy secret but this time she wished she didn't know. Shizuru was her friend. Truthfully, she wouldn't have even cared if Shizuru was sleeping with anyone else's parents but Natsuki was a different story altogether.

Natsuki was like a parent to Nao ever since her own mother fell into a coma. Not to mention, Nina would freak out if she ever found out. Could Nao even keep a secret like this from her girlfriend without ruining their own relationship? If it ever got out… She shuddered thinking of the potential consequences.

All these questions were part of the reason why she didn't confront Shizuru immediately. She needed to scope out the situation more and decide what choice she should make.

Nao sat at the lunch table along with Shizuru, Reito, Sergey and Nina. Reito had just finished mentioning that his mother would be going on a business trip this weekend and Nao figured that was the perfect opportunity to innocently hint at certain activities.

The tawny haired teen briefly paused, almost unnoticeable, mid sip, holding the tea cup completely still on its journey to her lips before taking a measured sip. She radiated an aura of calm. If Nao wasn't paying attention then she surely would have missed that small reaction.

Of course Shizuru said nothing and calmly sipped at her tea. Nina on the other hand…

"What?! Why would you say something like that?" Nina sputtered indignantly with flared cheeks.

Nao managed to look sheepishly at her girlfriend and couldn't help but admire the cute blush on her cheeks. That didn't stop her task though.

"Come on Nina, she's been going on more 'business trips' in the past few months than she's ever gone in all the years I've known you guys. The only explanation is a steamy affair." Nao kept her nonchalant tone but this time looked her girlfriend in the eye as if trying to convey a message.

"Ah, so you noticed it too." Reito said casually then took a bite of his lunch. "I have to admit I've been using that to my advantage since it gives me more alone time with Sergey." The blonde haired man nodded in agreement while chewing his food.

"You knew? And you didn't tell me?" Nina exclaimed feeling annoyed at not noticing this situation with her mother.

Reito managed to look slightly guilty and put his hands up, "Hey it's not my fault you didn't notice. It's not like I knew at first either but I figured it out after the 4th 'business trip'."

"But why didn't she just tell us? It's not like we're little kids anymore." Nina asked with a sigh.

"Hey don't worry Nina. She's a grown woman and I'm sure she'll tell us when she's ready. Maybe she doesn't want to scare off her girlfriend by introducing her to us." Reito said calmly.

"What if this mystery woman is no good for mom? Or what if it's that lady Ahn Lu?" Nina grumbled. She wasn't a fan of the model and really hoped that her mother wasn't seeing her still.

Shizuru's eyes widened slightly at the conversation. Jealously shot through her at the mention of Ahn and Natsuki even though she knew that Natsuki definitely wasn't seeing the model anymore. Fear gripped her as well, she didn't like the flow of this conversation at all.

Maybe they had been too careless that Reito and now Nao noticed something was amiss. Her grip on the teacup tightened and she took a calming breath. It wasn't like anyone knew… right?

Of course, Shizuru didn't realize that Nao was watching her the entire time and that she knew her dirty little secret.

The redhead's lime green eyes held a searching glint as she playfully said, "Hey who knows, maybe it's some raunchy sexual affair and your mom just doesn't want to introduce you to her fuck buddy."

"Nao!" Reito and Nina exclaimed, both blushing furiously at the thought of their mother having sex and the crude way it was said.

Meanwhile, Shizuru almost spit out her tea and a small almost unnoticeable blush graced her cheeks. Nao could really be so crude… and now she was thinking of Natsuki and the last time they had sex.

"Well, I'm sure you and Nao have been using all the free time to your advantage too, right?" Sergey chimed in coolly with a small grin.

Nao admittedly didn't expect the conversation to turn to her and Nina. In fact she was hoping to get something out of Shizuru. Not exactly a confession but some kind of hint… Like the way her cheeks blushed slightly at the implication.

Nao couldn't stop her cheeks from flaring red, matching the color of her hair. Nina's face turned bright red too, suddenly looking mortified.

Reito's eyes widened comically and he lost his cool for a second. "Nao! Tell me you didn't sleep with my baby sister!" He hissed angrily and stood up slightly already towering over Nao, though his voice traveled further than he wanted and half of the cafeteria turned to look at them.

"Reito shut up! It's not that big of a deal and the whole school doesn't need to know about it." Nina angrily hissed back, half embarrassed, half annoyed. It's not like she freaked out about Reito's sex life.

"You're only 15!" Reito exclaimed then felt Sergey tug on his sleeve, making him calm down a bit.

"Relax, it's not like Nao is a stranger. Plus, Nina's only 2 years younger than you were when you had sex for the first time." Sergey said diplomatically.

"Thank you Sergey." Nina muttered as her brother finally started to cool off.

"Don't worry Reito. What me and Nina have is the real deal. And I'm a very giving lover." Nao said with a hint of playfulness as she got over the initial embarrassment. She slung her arm over Nina's shoulder and kissed Nina's cheek as her dark haired girlfriend tried to settle the heat on her face.

The tall man sat down dumbfounded at the news, and muttered "Oh my god, someone shoot me." Sergey patted his arm comfortingly, knowing that his boyfriend could be dramatic at times.

"I guess that means that you're the only virgin at this table, huh Shizuru." Nao remarked sarcastically in an 'I know something you don't way' and smirked triumphantly at the way the older teen reacted.

This time Shizuru couldn't fight off the blush as all eyes turned on her. Some tea spilled out of her cup as her hands stuttered at the newfound attention. Her ruby eyes widened noticeably. Reito's eyes studied her suspiciously while Nina let out a relieved sigh at the attention being turned away from her and Nao.

"Ah, ara… well," Shizuru stuttered uncharacteristically. She suddenly felt very heated and very nervous.

"Oh my god, you aren't are you? You totally slept with someone." Reito said as he studied the slightly guilty expression on his best friend's face.

"Hmm, I noticed the hickey on your neck last week but I didn't want to say anything." Sergey said while nodding.

"And you've been going to 'Italy' almost every week now…" Nao said tauntingly, knowing that, that clearly wasn't where Shizuru went.

Shizuru's heart was pounding nervously. Her hands nervously tapped against her teacup. She couldn't very well say 'I had sex with your mom, multiple times and it was absolutely mind-blowing.'

Nao's remark gave her an idea and she thought quickly, "Ara, well I met a woman in Italy and you know, one thing led to another…" She really hoped that her friends would buy that lie.

"Shizuru! You didn't even tell me. You've been holding out on your best friend." Reito said whining playfully, seeming to believe the lie. "How does she look like? Do you have any pics?"

"She's blonde haired, blue eyed and a little shorter than me. I'm afraid that I don't have any photos since we don't exactly take pictures when we…" Shizuru said smoothly, regaining her composure and coming up with a convincing lie.

"Ah so it's not serious then?" Reito said curiously and wondered why Shizuru didn't have any pictures of her girlfriend.

Shizuru nodded and internally sighed in relief when Reito seemed to accept that answer. She thought she was in the clear before Nao said something that shook her to the core.

"Why keep it a secret though? Is your lover some kind of mafia princess? Or maybe she's older fox? Maybe a family friend?" Nao said jokingly causing everyone to laugh but she held a dangerous glint in her lime green eyes.

She watched carefully as ruby eyes widened staring right back at her. The redhead held the gaze, showing that she wouldn't back down and that she noticed the deer in headlights look when she mentioned an older woman.

The seeds were set and Nao didn't say anything more. She wasn't surprised when later in the day Shizuru asked to meet her in the private gardens of Fuuka Academy.

Shizuru was internally freaking out. A pit of dread formed in her stomach. She was sure that Nao knew, knew about her and Natsuki. That night after they made love, Nao came into Reito's room afterward. At first she didn't think anything of it but now she wasn't so sure.

The questioning look in Nao's eyes threw her off guard especially when she talked about Natsuki's affair. And when she followed up with a conversation about Shizuru's sex life.

Everything could fall apart… if Nao told Nina and Reito then it would be a disaster. Shizuru tried to steady her breath and appeared as calm as she could when Nao finally showed up.

The redhead leaned against a tree, casually folding her arms in front of her. She looked too nonchalant, too calm.

"Nao. Thank you for coming." Shizuru said in her Presidential voice.

"So what's this all about?" Nao said seeming disinterested.

"Ara, We're friends, are we not?" Shizuru said calmly. She didn't want to reveal anything if Nao didn't know.

"Yeah." Nao said simply not saying anything else until Shizuru spoke once again.

"Friends keep each other's secrets…" Shizuru said searchingly.

Nao laughed lightly, "What's your secret?"

"I'm sure you already know based on your remarks earlier today. I can't have you telling anyone what you know." Shizuru said seriously and walked closer to Nao.

"Say it…" Nao said squinting her eyes and taunting the student council president.

Shizuru looked at Nao with narrowed eyes, "I cannot. I just need to know that you won't tell anyone, especially not Nina and Reito."

"Are you really in any position to be making demands?" Nao sneered slightly annoyed but unfolded her arms. Shizuru was her friend after all.

"Please Nao, as my friend." Shizuru pleaded, tears gathered in her eyes thinking of the consequences of her relationship with Natsuki. She was more concerned about Natsuki than herself.

"Tell me one thing. Is it serious or it is just a good fuck?" Nao asked surprisingly serious as she looked Shizuru dead in the eye.

"I, I love her. I love her more than anything else." Shizuru whispered sincerely, tears spilled over and she quickly wiped them away and looked down.

Nao sighed and put a sympathetic hand on the older teen's shoulder, "I can't say I blame you, Natsuki's super-hot but… You do realize that this can't end well."

Tearful garnet eyes stared back at her and Nao couldn't help but feel bad for her friend. She idly wished that she didn't care but Nina had opened up her heart and made her a better friend, a better person. That's why she wished that she didn't know their secret.

"Nina idolizes her mother and Reito too. It would change the way they look at her. I can't imagine them accepting this." Nao said seriously then added as an afterthought, "Hell it changed the way I look at her and you! But then again I never expected Natsuki to go for someone so much younger." This situation was just so messy.

"Na, Natsuki didn't initiate this! I seduced her, I, I came on to her. She tried to stop me but I didn't listen. She's not a bad person, Nao. You have to believe me!" Shizuru said almost desperately, she didn't care about what anyone said about her but she wouldn't let Natsuki's good name be ruined.

"Oh I believe you. Kruger's a goody goody. I'm more surprised that she actually slept with you than the other way around. I'm guessing she feels the same about you or else she wouldn't risk doing something like this." Nao mused carefully. After the initial shock wore off, she was able to think about it more closely.

"She loves me… the way she looks at me, Nao… I don't think I could ever love someone more than I love her." Shizuru whispered with a tremor in her voice, her hands were shaking as she confessed. "Please, Nao, you can't tell anyone. It would kill Natsuki if her kids hated her."

Nao took a deep breath and prepared herself. She knew Shizuru wouldn't like what she had to say. "Listen, I'll keep your secret for now but… You have to end this. I don't care if you continue to fuck each other like bunny rabbits but you have to move on, go to college and find someone else. How far do you expect to take this relationship? You guys could never be open with your feelings, you can't be girlfriends, you can't get married and have kids. This relationship can't go anywhere because the moment Nina and Reito find out, they'll hate Natsuki and they'll hate you. You said so yourself and I'm sure Natsuki realizes this."

Nao couldn't stand the look of absolute heartbreak on Shizuru's pretty features. She even felt a little bad for being so blunt. "I'm just being realistic here. And… if you guys ever told Nina, she would never forgive me for keeping this secret from her. Then she'll hate you, her mother and me."

"I, I can't. I love her, I can't live without her, Nao. I rather be kept as a secret for the rest of my life than let her go." Shizuru said heartbreakingly, she couldn't lose Natsuki, she just couldn't. Her heart clenched painfully at the thought of leaving Natsuki forever.

"Shizuru listen to yourself! You're being so selfish. You pursued her knowing that she is your best friend's mom, knowing that her life and reputation would be shot to hell if this got out. You didn't even care about the consequences or how it'd affect Natsuki. All you cared about was how you felt." Nao said getting angry.

She couldn't help but defend Natsuki's honor. She knew her girlfriend's mom wasn't the kind of person who would pursue someone half her age, especially knowing that it would ruin her relationship with her kids if it got out. She admired Natsuki a lot since the older woman always treated her like a part of the family. She would hate to see everything the older woman worked so far for, fall apart.

The words stung her deeply and Shizuru felt like if she was slapped. Nao was right wasn't she? In her pursuit of Natsuki, she only thought about her feelings for the older woman and how Natsuki felt about her. Natsuki tried to warn her, to stop her, because she knew the consequences more than anyone else.

But Shizuru didn't care about the consequences, all she wanted was Natsuki and Natsuki was still everything she ever wanted. She knew that her love was real. She would protect Natsuki no matter what happened.

The tawny haired teen took a deep breath, her tears settled, and her resolve grew. "You may be right. I am selfish but I love Natsuki and Natsuki's kids love her. Do you want to be the one who divides a family? Do you want to break your Nina-Chan's heart? At the end of the day, Nina, Reito and Natsuki are bound by blood. They may forgive her in time… But do you think Nina will forgive you for shattering Natsuki's reputation?" Her voice was cold as steel and her garnet eyes narrowed as she stared Nao down.

Nao chuckled mirthlessly, "I always knew you were dangerous. You may have everyone fooled with your perfect princess act but you've got a dark side. Just remember that you might be the one who fucks over the person you love."

Shizuru chose to ignore the comment and continued, "That's even if Nina believes you. After all, she's more likely to believe in her own mother than you. And once Natsuki knows that you know our secret, she will probably stop Nina from seeing you at all."

Nao sighed and shrugged her shoulders tiredly, sounding annoyed now. "Whatever, I don't want to be on your hit list. I'm just giving you a friendly warning. One that you should listen to if you really care about Natsuki." The redhead turned around ready to leave the garden, she walked a few steps before turning her head to Shizuru.

Even though Shizuru was threatening her, she could see that the older teen was putting up a strong front and that she loved Natsuki. Nao still thought she was selfish but, admittedly, she didn't want to be the one who blew shit up, at least, not right now. "I'll keep your secret for now only if you don't tell Natsuki that I know about you and her… Nina is too important to me…"

Shizuru understood what Nao meant and nodded her head softly almost in disbelief. The younger teen didn't want to be apart from her love. Shizuru could relate.

"And just think about what I said. Surprisingly, I don't want anyone to get hurt but it's inevitable." Nao chuckled somewhat sarcastically and walked away leaving Shizuru alone in the gardens. She really had changed thanks to Nina… and Natsuki.

"Thank you Nao." Shizuru whispered with relief, into the air. She knew that she couldn't trust Nao one-hundred percent but she felt that her secret was safe for now…

Shizuru decided that today should be known as a day of unfortunate events. When she arrived home after her stressful conversation with Nao, she was shocked to find her parents back from Italy. Now don't get her wrong, she was happy to see her parents but…

Sebastian Viola-Fujino was first to greet his daughter. His hair was a wavy tawny blonde, lighter than his daughter's, while his eyes sparkled an ocean blue. Though he was in his early 50s, he held an energetic youthful look. He ecstatically wrapped up his daughter in a hug, leaning down to place a fatherly kiss on top of her head.

"Mi Tesoro. My how you've grown, you're almost up to my shoulders now. And even more beautiful than the last time I saw you, bella." Sebastian said lovingly to his only child.

"Papa, you always say that and you saw me yesterday on FaceTime." Shizuru giggled softly, smiling for the first time today.

"Ah but it is true, is it not?" Sebastian replied.

"You spoil her Sebastian." Kaiya Viola-Fujino said lightly and gently hugged her daughter. Kaiya was undoubtedly beautiful, her facial features were passed down to her daughter, including her garnet eyes. Her hair was straight, dark brown and reached down to her waist. Her air of elegance was only matched by Shizuru herself.

"Shizuru, it's good to see you darling. I know you have been so busy studying, you have not been able to visit us in Italy lately." Kaiya said simply, her voice was calm and elegant yet held an affectionate tone for her daughter.

"I'm sorry mama. A lot has been going on with my studies…" Shizuru said softly telling a half truth.

"We're so proud of you for getting into Tokyo University, my dear, I just hope that you've been making time to enjoy yourself too." Kaiya said smiling proudly. Shizuru had been allotted many freedoms in her life but rarely took advantage of it. Kaiya supposed it was just in her daughter's nature to be more responsible and controlled than Kaiya ever was when she was younger.

Sebastian said while wrapping an arm around his wife's waist, "We expect many great things from you once you go to Tokyo University. But, don't forget to Mangia bene, ridi spesso, ama molto and enjoy, drink and be merry, Tesoro. Youth only lasts for so long!"

Confused marred Shizuru's pretty features, as she mumbled out, "Ara, Tokyo?"

"Well isn't that your choice? After all, there's no reason to turn down the best University in the country." Kaiya said with certainty.

Sebastian's eyes light up as he excitedly smiled at his daughter, "Oh Tesoro, are you accepting the offer to study in Italy instead?"

"Ara? Papa, I love Italy and being closer to you and mama but Japan always felt like home to me." Shizuru said softly, disliking the disappointed look in her father's face.

"Don't be dramatic darling, Tokyo is the better institution so it's only natural that Shizuru chose there." Kaiya said patting her husband's stomach softly.

"I have been thinking… Fuuka University is a great school as well and we already have a home here…" Shizuru said.

Kaiya and Sebastian laughed lightly, "Shizuru we can buy you a mansion in Tokyo if you desire so." Sebastian said smiling at his daughter's silliness.

"Don't be silly, Fuuka Academy is the top high school but their University falls short compared to Tokyo. Don't let your hard work go to waste." Kaiya said in a no nonsense tone.

Shizuru smiled, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "You're right…I suppose I am being silly."

"That's mi cara." Sebastian said smiling not realizing the subdued expression on Shizuru's face.

Shizuru's parents stayed for three weeks in Japan, apparently they were exploring a promising business opportunity. She was glad to spend some time with her parents but unfortunately, she couldn't see Natsuki during that time without calling attention to her activities. Natsuki didn't want to risk it. It would be too suspicious to go away on the weekend even with her parents not paying attention to what she did.

Three weeks without seeing Natsuki alone was driving her crazy. Each day she waited for the other shoe to drop, for Nao to expose their secret. It chewed at her insides along with the longing for her love. Then there was her impending graduation, only two weeks away.

Natsuki knew of her 'choice' in school when Shizuru's informed her via text since their getaway was canceled. The older woman simply replied with a "Congratulations." When she saw Natsuki at the Kruger's house, the older woman just smiled softly and congratulated her again before claiming that she was in a rush and had to go. Shizuru noticed something hidden in the depths of those forest green eyes that she loved so much but Natsuki didn't let her gaze linger.

The news came after, Reito's own decision to go to Tokyo University. Shizuru knew that there was a sense of pride yet sadness within Natsuki. The older woman seemed to be avoiding her searching ruby eyes.

It didn't help that their communication was flimsy at best, during that time, only able to have a few stolen kisses here and there. They didn't talk about the heavy issues at all. Neither of them wanted to deal with their issues over text messages and they weren't able to be alone.

The same week her parents left for Italy, Shizuru made sure to escape away with Natsuki to their little slice of paradise. The ride was thick with tension. There was so much words they wanted to say, so many things they had to discuss yet neither one of them wanted to ruin the calm silence.

Natsuki's fingers tapped at the steering wheel, trying to release her pent up energy. Just being near Shizuru made her body tingle in excitement. It was like little pinpricks poking at her skin begging for relief that only Shizuru could bring. Though, her heart felt turbulent emotions, simultaneously beating hard with love and affection. Yet, painfully constricting at the thought of losing her lover.

Shizuru played with the edges of her skirt and snuck glances at the blue haired beauty. She wanted Natsuki so badly but she knew that they would have to talk seriously about things. Things that could possibly break their relationship… Like debating whether or not to tell her that Nao knew that they were together. And Shizuru going to Tokyo University… She stayed mostly silent the entire ride and Natsuki didn't push her to speak nor did she initiate the conversation.

Barely even a second after they entered the house, Shizuru couldn't take it anymore. She didn't want to talk or think. She just wanted to feel Natsuki and forget about the heavy issues. She desperately wanted to show Natsuki the depths of her love.

She desperately sought out Natsuki's lips in an urgent kiss. Her lips moved hungrily against the older woman's soft lips while her hands gripped her lover's waist tightly, pulling her body flush against her own.

The small bags Natsuki held were unceremoniously dropped the moment she felt those full lips that she craved so badly. Her lips moved heatedly against her younger lover's mouth, taking over control of the kiss, which Shizuru willingly submitted to. She hurriedly backed Shizuru against the door, her mouth never leaving her lover's lips, as her hands cupped the soft skin of Shizuru's thighs, lifting her up against the door.

The younger woman moaned into her mouth as her thighs were lifted and parted by her lover's gentle yet firm hands. Shizuru wrapped her legs around Natsuki's waist and tangled her fingers in dark tresses, lightly pulling, as their tongues meet desperately, wanting more and more of each other.

Natsuki's hands slid under the material of her top, firmly caressing the soft skin of her stomach then trailing down to her hips gripping her curves with passion, wanting to feel her tawny haired goddess as close as possible. Her hips bucked up against Shizuru's covered heat, desperately desiring to be buried inside her lover.

"I missed you so much." Natsuki groaned passionately into her lover's mouth at the sweet friction of their clothed intimate parts rubbing together.

Shizuru placed open mouthed kisses along her lover's face, trailing down her jawline as she gently touched the now swollen lips of her blue haired beauty. She moaned softly against Natsuki's jawline as the older woman continued to rock their hips together. "Take me Natsuki. I need you so badly, ah, I need to feel you."

Natsuki lifted Shizuru off of the door, carrying her to the couch, laying her flat on her back as the younger woman legs were stilled wrapped around her waist. She quickly took off Shizuru's top and unclasped her bra, exposing her full breasts and slender stomach. Green eyes hungrily roamed the naked skin and her hands cupped the soft mounds, massaging them and immersing herself in the soft moans and pleasure-filled expressions Shizuru made. It didn't matter how many times she saw Shizuru like this, each time was awe filling like the first time.

"You're so beautiful…" Natsuki whispered softly in awe, and furiously kissed the tawny haired beauty's red lips, her tongue probing deeply, passionately, taking complete control of the kiss. Her lover's hands slipped under her jeans stroking her hardened length over the fabric of her silk boxers. She grounded down eagerly needing to feel Shizuru's touch.

Shizuru's body was on fire. Her heart pounded in her ears, as she felt Natsuki surround her in love. Her lingerie was soaked and she so desperately craved to be one with her love yet again. Three weeks may have been fine for others but it was much too long for Shizuru and she could tell that Natsuki felt the same.

She slipped her hands inside of Natsuki's boxers and firmly stroked the blue haired beauty's stiff erection causing her lover to moan loudly into her heated mouth, breaking the kiss. Shizuru bit her lip as she watched her love moan and thrust into her hands.

"Fuck… I love you Shizuru. You make me feel so good." Natsuki moaned then lifted up a little and ran her hands down Shizuru's soft skin, starting from her full breasts, caressing her slender stomach then teasing the waistband of her skirt, pulling at the material.

Her fingers slid under Shizuru's lingerie, pulling her panties to the side, and gently teased her wet folds. "You're so fucking wet, Shizuru. I love how turned on, you get for me." She groaned at the feeling of slick wet heat coating her fingers the instant she touched her lovers arousal.

"Ah, it's all for you, you're the only one who makes me feel like this, my Natsuki." Shizuru moaned out as Natsuki's fingers rubbed her slick pussy, her thumb circling her clit and her fingers gently probed her tight entrance. The older woman gently pumped her fingers through Shizuru's slick heat, as her pussy clenched tightly, sucking in her digits with each thrust.

The younger woman was already close to her peak after going a few weeks without her lover. But, she didn't want to cum yet. She gently placed her hand over Natsuki's stopping the older woman's ministrations on her sensitive sex. "I can't take it anymore, I need to feel you buried deep inside of me. I need you to make love to me." Shizuru whispered hotly with a desperate need in her voice.

"Me too, I need you so badly. I felt like I was going crazy without your touch, not being able to feel you wrapped around me for so long." Natsuki whispered passionately, as she pumped her fingers faster within Shizuru's tight walls for a few more seconds before slowly leaving her drenched heat. Natsuki was unable to resist the urge to taste her lover as she swallowed the sweet essence coating her fingers.

Shizuru blushed at the action. Even though they had been having sex for months now, sometimes her inexperience showed but even Natsuki blushed during their intimate moments. She figured it was a testament to their feelings for one another.

Her hands quickly unbuttoned and unzipped Natsuki's jeans, desperately needing to feel her lover in the most intimate of ways. Natsuki left the warmth of the body beneath her and quickly threw off her top along with her bra then pulled down her jeans and boxers in one go.

All the while, garnet eyes were clouded with insatiable desire, love and a hint of desperation as she watched her lover fully expose herself to her. Shizuru couldn't help but sneak a kiss against the tip of the exposed cock that dripped with precum, swirling her tongue around it before pulling back with a slight smirk at the intense look on Natsuki's face.

Natsuki quickly pulled Shizuru's skirt down her long legs along with her lingerie leaving the both of them completely naked. The older woman's movements were hurried as she rested her weight on top of Shizuru's slender yet curvy body, needing to feel the younger woman pressed against her.

Shizuru's lips were captured in a hot and heavy kiss, exploding with passion. Natsuki's tongue desperately exploring every inch of Shizuru's mouth, breathing her in completely. The blue haired beauty held her hands, bringing them up over their heads as Natsuki rubbed her throbbing cock against Shizuru's hot drenched pussy lips, causing Shizuru to whimper against her lips.

When the urge to breathe became too great, they pulled away slowly, their lips only a breath apart. The intense gaze in those gorgeous emerald eyes left the younger woman reeling. The pure love shone through her forest green eyes as did raw, carnal desire but Shizuru could see the desperation mixed in with sadness as Natsuki stared deeply into her own eyes.

The tawny haired woman wasted no time in voicing her desires, "Make love to me and make me yours, always…" she whispered in a sultry tone.

Garnet eyes clenched shut and her mouth opened in a chorus of soft moans as she felt Natsuki's thick cock rub and then penetrate her tight wet opening.

Natsuki gently eased herself inside the clenching heat, watching Shizuru's face intently as she took her in. The green eyed beauty never got tired of seeing Shizuru's face as she brought her pleasure. The woman beneath was truly a goddess, so beautiful and alluring. Shizuru had easily captured her heart.

"Open your eyes, baby... I want you to look at me while I fill you up, while I make love to you." Natsuki whispered sensuously as she pushed deeper inside her lover, completely filling her up with her hardened erection. Her hands entwined with Shizuru's as she fully encompassed her slender body, pressing her deeply against the couch.

Their bodies moved rhythmically together as Natsuki softly yet deeply pumped inside Shizuru's soft velvety heat. Shizuru matched every thrust with fervor. The younger woman obeyed her lover's request and opened her ruby eyes with difficulty as pleasure ran through her body. Natsuki was gazing down at her so intimately, so intensely, that Shizuru felt like she would gladly let Natsuki do whatever she so desired, with her body, with her heart and soul.

Heady moans escaped her lips at the intense sensations and she wrapped her legs around Natsuki's waist, pulling her even closer. Natsuki thrusts became harder and deeper hitting inside of her tight pussy, expertly hitting her sensitive spots. Shizuru felt drunk with ecstasy. She felt Natsuki everywhere, stretching her out in the most pleasurable ways. She was addicted to this, addicted to Natsuki.

"Ah, Natsuki! Harder! I need you, I need you to make me yours over and over again." Shizuru whimpered in pleasure. Her body was ablaze, the flame only increasing at the faster pace.

It felt like Natsuki was trying to mold their bodies together as one as she pounded deeply inside Shizuru's hungry pussy. Her soft lips covered Shizuru's own, inhaling her deeply and taking as much as she could. Her hands released the younger woman's and instead cradled the back of her tawny haired head lovingly. Natsuki kissed her lover deeply and thrusted deeper inside of her slick heat. She desperately wanted to go deeper and deeper, to completely fill Shizuru until she couldn't take anymore.

Lewd wet slapping sounds mixed with loud moans filled the air. Shizuru clutched desperately at Natsuki's back, leaving scratch marks as she pulled her lover impossibly closer, begging her not to stop her worship of her body.

"Fuck…" Natsuki nearly growled as her emerald eyes clouded with emotion, intensely pierced Shizuru's ruby eyes. "I want, I want, to keep you here forever… I, I don't want to ever stop loving you like this." She moaned heatedly, desperately thrusting harder than she ever went with Shizuru, losing some of her control at the encouraging moans from her lover.

"Ah do it… Make me, make me stay with you… No matter what, don't stop, don't stop loving me, my Natsuki!" Shizuru moaned gutturally, her passionate ruby gaze fixated on Natsuki's loving eyes, struggling to stay open as she reaching her peak with a trembling force. Her body arched up, trembling with the intensity of the ecstasy she was experiencing, forcing her eyes shut as pleasure wracked her being. Tears spilled from the corner of her eyes at the pure intensity of the love combined with ecstasy that she felt.

"Fuck! I love you, I love you so much… Shi, Shizuru!" Natsuki's hips kept pumping deeply inside her lover's hot clenching pussy, reaching her peak soon after the younger woman with wanton moans. Her seed shot deeply inside Shizuru's womb, filling her deeply and painting her insides white. Her hips kept pumping softly and fully inside her ruby eyed goddess' tight sensitive pussy, making sure to keep their bodies tightly molded together as her hot cum kept spilling inside her lover.

She pressed her cheek against her younger woman's, pressing soft, loving kisses on her face, as their heated bodies shuddered together in ecstasy. Natsuki kissed away the small tears that fell from her lover's eyes. Not noticing that small tears fell from her own eyes at the love she felt for the woman she was so deeply connected to.

Shizuru gasped at the feeling of Natsuki's hot essence stuffing her so full that she felt it drip down her thighs even though her lover's cock was still deeply buried inside her sensitive pussy. Her lips found purchase on Natsuki's soft lips, kissing the older woman slowly yet heavily, conveying all their love for one another as their bodies slowly came down from nirvana.

Natsuki let Shizuru lead, feeling the younger woman's tongue deeply prodding inside her mouth, absorbing her breath and stroking her lovingly. They laid entangled for a while, just basking in each other's love with soft kisses, gentle caresses and loving words.

Natsuki awoke to a cold feeling. The familiar warmth that she was used to waking up to wasn't there. Her hand sleepily searched out for her companion but couldn't find her, causing the older woman to open her eyes blearily. "Shizuru?..."

It was already early morning. They had moved up to the bedroom, making love for hours, conveying their feelings in a way words couldn't, until they laid together completely spent. Though now, the bed was missing one companion.

The early rays of sunlight encompassed the room, through the sprawling glass windows. Natsuki blinked blearily, her forest green eyes making out the alluring figure which stood in front of the windows, her back to the older woman. The sunlight cascaded down Shizuru's bare body, highlighting her curves and enveloping her in an ethereal glow, making her look every bit like the goddess of the sun.

Natsuki couldn't help the soft blush that covered her cheeks as she stared in awe of the beauty before her. She couldn't help the twinge of pain in her chest either. It was the first time after their love making that she woke up without Shizuru entangled or on top of her body.

The blue haired beauty swallowed lightly, her eyes never leaving her love, as a sense of dread washed over her and she felt a pit form in her stomach. She quietly sat up, pulling on a pair of discarded boxers, feeling a little self-consensus. She stood up, pulling the sheet with her, wrapping her body with the soft blanket to fight off the slight chill of the morning.

Quiet footsteps sounded as the older woman softly padded towards the tawny haired goddess. Though Shizuru didn't turn around. Her emotional garnet eyes stared searchingly out at the ocean. Instantly, she felt the warmth of Natsuki's body softly pressed against her back, her gentle yet strong arms wrapping around her waist and encasing her in the white sheet, her head resting softly on her shoulder.

"Shizuru… What's wrong?" Natsuki whispered softly in her ear, her voice unsure and quiet.

"I, I… I don't want to leave you. Tell me to stay, Natsuki. Make me stay." Shizuru whispered with a tremor in her voice.

"I don't want you to go. I want you to stay with me. But even if you go to Fuuka, we can't be together the way I want... And haven't you already made your decision?" Natsuki replied softly, a slight hurt in her voice. Her heart clenched painfully. She didn't want to lose Shizuru.

"My parents want me to go to Tokyo but I'll stay if you tell me to. I love you and l want to be with you no matter what." Shizuru said truthfully.

"I love you too…That's why I can't make this decision for you. If we weren't together where would you have chosen?" Natsuki said calmly but sadness clouded her voice.

"Tokyo…" Shizuru said with a sigh. Her hands covered Natsuki's own which rested on her waist. "But, we are together and it kills me, the thought of being apart from you. In these last three weeks we were only a few miles apart yet we couldn't talk, see, or touch each other. I know you felt hurt when I told you of my decision but you hurt me too when you rushed out if the room avoiding me. I could feel you pulling away. Will you go back to ignoring me, like before, if I go?" Shizuru whispered painfully expressing hurt. Tears gathered in her ruby eyes before she clenched them shut.

Natsuki swallowed the lump in her throat, tears falling down her cheeks. She felt like scum. She hated that she was the cause of Shizuru's pain. She hated that they couldn't be together in the way she wanted. "I couldn't stay there pretending to smile when I knew that you were leaving me… that this might end."

She gently turned Shizuru around in her arms, the sheet falling to the ground as her gentle hands cupped the younger woman's face, her thumbs wiping away the hot tears that fell from those glistening garnet eyes. "I promised you that I would never ignore you again and I plan to keep that promise till the day I die… But, I can't make you stay… What if I tell you stay and then you end up resenting me? Hating me? I couldn't bare to ever tell you to leave… And it would kill me if you hated me." Natsuki said emotionally, expressing her insecurities.

"I could never hate you." Shizuru said sincerely and gently cupped one of Natsuki's hand on her cheek, guiding it to her rapidly beating heart. "I've told you before… my heart only beats for you."

"I feel the same, Shizuru. I love you so much, maybe even more than I should. That's why, I can't let you make your decision based on me." Natsuki leaned forward gently caressing Shizuru's lips with her own, "Never lower yourself for anyone… not even me, especially not me." Natsuki whispered lovingly and sincerely.

Shizuru wrapped here arms tightly around her lover's slender waist, her voice cracking. "I can't lose you Natsuki, I can't. Promise me that you won't give up on us, that you won't ignore me when I go, that we can make this work."

Natsuki gently lifted Shizuru's chin, conveying her love in her forest green eyes as she met Shizuru's gaze. "Do you trust me?" She whispered softly.

"I do. With my life." Shizuru whispered back sincerely, her tears easing and her heart becoming hopeful.

"I won't give up on us. I want to be with you forever… for as long as you'll have me…" Natsuki whispered passionately and heartfelt emotion in her voice. She softly met Shizuru's lips in a slow, heavy kiss. Each motion exploding with the love they felt for each other.

The future was uncertain but Shizuru felt hopeful yet again. She decided against telling Natsuki about Nao's knowledge of their relationship. Everything felt so fragile and nagging part of her mind, told her that she was being selfish by making Natsuki yearn for her. That she wanted too much, that she couldn't get everything she wanted. But Natsuki loved her and she loved Natsuki with all her heart… that's all Shizuru needed.

An2: Shizuru's parents finally showed up and she's going to Toyko! I like making Nao a wild card. Who knows what she'll do.
Any guesses on who finds out their secret next?