Author's note: This is a bunch of drabbles about Hiccup having nightmares. Hopefully his dad will be able to comfort him after each one. I don't own How to train your dragon at all.

No longer having a father:

It's been a few weeks since Hiccup woke up from being in a coma after fighting the Red Death. Ever since then he has been having nightmares, Toothless is always there for him once he wakes up crying out.

Like right now he is in the middle of having a nightmare,


Hiccup was running after his angered father trying to talk some sense into him. "Dad, please just listen to me for once.

Right as he reaches his father, he slaps across the face very hard causing him to fall on the ground.

Hiccup stares at his father in shock, "Dad?"

Stoick glares at him, "You are no son of mine!" he kicked Hiccup in the stomach, "You sided with the dragons and betrayed us…so after we find the nest both you and your pet dragon shall be killed!" Stoick glares hatefully at the boy in front of him.

Hiccup shook his head in fear of what was going on.

(Time skip in the dream)

They had just returned from the nest and Hiccup was thrown on the ground next to Toothless. Everyone around were shouting of how they wanted him to be punished slowly before he died.

Two Vikings grabbed his arms and forced him to watch as another Viking brought out a sword heading straight for his best friend.

His eyes widened, "No don't hurt him! Please don't!"

The sword swung down…..

End Nightmare:

"NO!" Hiccup shouted shooting up in his bead waking up from a horrifying nightmare.

He startles Toothless who was laying on the floor, near the bed.

Toothless coos worried for his rider and rushed over to his side. Hiccup grasped Toothless around the neck hugging him while crying his eyes out.

He was probably crying for a good 5 minutes when his dad rushed into the room. "Hiccup what's the matter son?"


Author's note: Hey so originally, I was just going to do one nightmare and have it be like a one-shot or two-shot but then I decided to just make it into a bunch of nightmare drabbles to torture poor Hiccup. Hiccup is one of my favorite characters from the movie, Toothless is another one and I don't know why but I like torturing my favorite characters in a certain way. It may be a nasty habit or something. Please R&R, also you all are welcome to make requests.